Finally Our First Date

My Dancing Partner

G.Na ft. Hyuna-Say You Love Me


The school week went by fast. The guys were always with their girl. There was always a sweet and nice vibe between everyone. They all had a sweet smile on their faces and they would always laugh together. _________ still messed with her Oppas but she was careful to not mess with them too much or their girlfriend would get mad at her. _________ would always tease them about how funny they look when they are laughing at their phone. She just loved to tease them.

Everyday Jongup has been walking with _________. He could see that the guys that he has sent to protecte his girl is always around. He smiled and quitely thanked them for doing this for him and keeping his girl safe. It was weird to have them follow __________ where ever she went but she was always safe and that is all Jongup and Leo wanted. Leo was not there all the time because he was called when ever VIXX had a problem and need his help. Leo was the one who really really trusted Jongup to watch over _________.

Soon it was Saturday and through the whole week _________ and Jongup would always talk about it. Everyone was exctied for it even though it was could they would always be ready for anything. Everyone woke up early and they all got ready for the day. Everyone was dressed up nice but not fancy just nice. All the girls had matching scafs because they went shopping together and wanted something matching for the date. All the guys thought it was cute they didn't have anything matching well because their guys it's differednt. _________ smiled because this was their first date and everyone could go so it was going to be an awesome day.

First they went to a resturant and they ate breakfast. The breakfast was really good and they were like little kids when they were eating. After that they all walked to the amusement park to hang out and ride all the rides. The first ride was a little kiddy ride everyone all giggled and they all took pictures of themeselves and each other. It was the best thing ever, after that ride they all went on a love ride it was 2 to a set of course or else it would be really weird. They all had a great time sitting for this one it was really romantic. After that ride they went on a roller coaster, it was scary but they all had a great time. After that they went to the bumper cars to ride.

It was really fun Jongup let the guys on a free day but VIXX was always at the amusement park to flirt with the girls they find cute. it was always funny because they never got any. It was so tiring they came to a stop and they all sat on the bench. VIXX was walking by and _________ got up and ran to them.

_________ hugged Leo, "Annyeong Leo Oppa"
"Oh Annyeong", Leo smiled.
"Annyeong pretty", N smiled.
"Annyeong N Oppa"
"Hey pretty wanna go with me now?" Hongbin smirked.
"Yah Hongbin Oppa wae? You still loney ㅋㅋ", _________ giggled and hugged Hongbin.
"Yah what about me?" Hyuk pouted.
"Mianhaeyo Hyuk Oppa annyeong". _________ hugged Hyuk.
"Annyeong", Ken smiled.
"Annyeong Ken Oppa", _________ giggled.
"Hey Dongsaeng how come you hook them up but not us", Dongho pouted.
"Because Oppa you guys can do it your self", _________ giggled and hugged Dongho.
"No we can't", N pouted.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa just keep trying maybe just be yourself like how you guys are with me"
"Oh yeah like that will work", Hongbin smirked.

"It will", Leo smiled.
"See...wait what?"
"Yeah I got her", Leo smiled.
"Ah", _________ lost her smile and faked on,"That's good"
"WAH Leo Hyung who is this lucky girl to enter your heart?" Dongho teased.
"Aish", Leo put his arm around Dongho's neck,"It's Krystal pabo"
"AH~ I knew it you always liked her", N teased.
"Aish sh~"
"Ah Oppa I have to go see you later", _________ turned around and her smiled turned into a frown.
"Oh _________-ah wait we need your help", Ken held _________'s arm.
"Ne Ken Oppa?"
"You are apart of Robotic Boys right?"
"Ah ne but they don't include me in the name I would like it to be called Robotic instead"
"Oh sorry. Well alot of girls know you right?" Ken asked.
"Ken they do wae?"  
"Well we do need help can you help us?"
"Oppa I'm on a date"
"Oh really well get Jongup too because we can use him as well"
"Oh araso"
"Ok thanks Dongsaeng", Ken smiled.

_________ went to get Jongup and told the others to go on ahead of them because they have to help VIXX out. _________ was upset for no reason. She really didn't know why she was upset for. She thought of something and it bothered her a lot.

'Aish why am I so upset for? What is going on I have to be happy I'm with Jongup Oppa', _________ rubbed her arm.
'What's wrong with her? Why doesn't she have a smile on her face?' Leo felt really bad.

Soon a bunch of girls notice Jongup and started to surround him VIXX was with him and they had blocked out _________. She was scarted to get mad she hated how that always happend she just wished that she was not there at the moment. Jongup didn't even grab her hand to keep her safe. He just let go and all the girls just pushed her to the back. _________ wanted to cry right there and then. She saw that Leo was also there standing with VIXX she saw that they were all hitting on the girls around them. The girls didn't mind they kind of liked it.

_________ shifted her gaze to Leo and saw him smiling with other girls. Leo never smiled in front of other girls. _________ was the only one he did that to but now he has changed so much. _________ was getting tired of just standing their watching them make a fool of themselves so she went and sat down at a bench. Then so called date was ruined. _________ hated it now she just wish she never saw VIXX. The first date ever and it was runied by others. Soon tears streamed down her face, she was still sitting there waiting. Suddenly a shadow fell over her. She looked up and saw Baro from B1A4. She quickly stood up and bowed.

"Oh annyeong Baro-sshi", _________ bowed.
"Aigoo just call me Oppa", Baro smiled.
"Oh araso Baro....Oppa", _________ titled her head.
"Ne, hey what's the matter?" Baro asked with concern in his eyes.
_________ pointed to Jongup and VIXX,"Our first was good until now"
"Oh I'm sorry kiddo", Baro put his arm around her neck.
"What do I do I can't even go to Jongup Oppa", _________ pouted.
"You wanna leave huh?"
"Ne", _________ looked down and tears fell to the floor.
Baro grabbed her chin and made it face him,"Hey this is the amusement park ment for fun not tears"
"Baro Oppa what do I do?"
"Come with me he won't notice"
_________ sighed,"That's true Oppa let's go ppalli"
"Araso ppalli before he sees us", Baro grabbed _________'s arm and they left.

_________ spent the rest of the day with Baro. Her phone rung and she got mad because now Jongup was getting worried. She was mad because he didn't care earlier but now her cares. Baro looked at her with concern, she looked at Baro and smiled and just turned her phone off. Soon Baro had brought _________ to their awesome hide out that she really liked. She saw JJ Project and the rest of B1A4.

_________ smiled and really enjoyed it there it felt like a better home than what she has now. _________ wanted to do something other than watch tv. So they all got up and went to the place where all the instraments were and they started to mess around and they all sung and played an instrament. _________ smiled and they were all having so much fun. _________ forgot about Jongup and she didn't care. Soon it was midnight and it was to late to walk home. _________ pouted and didn't know what to do.

"Aish what do I do now?" _________ kicked the floor.
"Just stay here", Jr. shrugged his shoulders.
"That's what we do all the time no one care", Gongchan smiled.
"Baro Oppa I'm scared to stay here", _________ pouted,
"Wae you have to gangs here with you?" Baro asked.
"Exactly", _________ nodded her head.
"We won't do anything bad to you we promise", CNU smiled.
"CNU Sunbae I only trust you what about the others I don't really trust them", _________ looked at the others.
"ㅋㅋ she trust me more than you guys", CNU smiled and poitned to the rest.
"We promise", Jinyoung raised his hands.
"Aish araso", _________ crinckled her noes.
"Ok well let's set up a place to sleep", Sundeul smiled.
"Araso let's go", _________ pointed somewhere.
"ㅋㅋ it's over here", JB pointed the other way.
"Oh let's go", _________ pointed that way and they all went there.

_________ helped B1A4 and JJ Project set up the place to sleep. It looked so cozy _________ laid there on a random matress and smiled. She had the sweetest smile ever when she was in bed. JB slowly falled for her but he knew it was wrong to fall for her. _________ sat up and smiled and looked around.

"Oppa good night", _________ smiled and laid down.
"Yah that's my spot", Jr. pouted.
He got no answer and grew worried, "Yah _________ what's wrong", Jr. looked at _________ and saw her beautiful sleeping face and smiled.

Jr. just let her sleep there. He didn't want to wake her up just to move somewhere else. Jr. slept on the couch while the other slept around _________. They all fell asleep right away and the room was silent. Sudden;y _________'s phone rang and Sundeul woke up to the niose and picked up the phone.

"Ah is _________ there?"
"Ah ne but she's sleeping. Who is this?"
"Oh I'm her Oppa who are you?"
"I'm Sundeul from B1A4"
"Is Jongup there?"
"Anniyo it was late and we didn't let _________ walk home by herself so she fell asleep here"
"Oh araso can you tell to be safe because Jongup called me and was worried about her"
"Oh Sunbae it's ok she has B1A4 and JJ Project to always protcet her"
"Oh araso gomawo"
"Ne Sunbae annyeong good night" Sundeul waited to hang up the phone.
"Annyeong hoobae and good night', Joon hung up the phone and fell back asleep.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !