Busy Week

My Dancing Partner

BtoB-Monday to Sunday


BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The noise of the alarm woke _________ up. She woke up and went to wash up before she woke up the others. After she got ready for school she went to go wake up Ravi and L.Joe because they were the easiest to wake up first. When _________ walked in Ravi was shirtless and L.Joe was smiling the whole time, _________ covered her eyes and couldn't keep herslef from smiling each time she looked at L.Joe. She woke them up like a sweet little sister of theirs and she ran to the next room because Ravi didn't cover up his body yet. The next easist people to wake up was Peniel and Aron when she walked in they were already awake but both of them had no shirt on. _________ was about to cry because she was not use to seeing so many shirtless guys. She was not use to a lot of stuff but oh well.

The last people she woke up was the hardest to wake up Jongup and B-Bomb. When she walked in B-Bomb was already sitting up but Jongup was still sleeping she walked up to B-Bomb and asked if he was ok. She giggled and walked to Jongup she shook him a little and he got up real fast.

'Aigoo Jongup scared the crap out of me aish wah now I'm fully awake',_________ thought to herself.

Waking the guys up was shorter than she thought. She walked in to each room and saw that there was an alarm in each room. She was suprised that they were ready to be here in Korea and ready to go to school and to interview for the job. It's going to be a busy week trying to go to school, then work, then homework life is not that easy but they still manage a good place.

"Aish Oppa hurry we need to go"
"Ne ne ne ne we are coming", B-Bomb grabbed his back pack and walked out the door.
"Oh coming", Ravi ran out the door.
"Ah ne", Peniel smiled and walked out the door.
"Aish I wanna eat",Jongup whinned.
"I have food in my back pack let's go", L.Joe giggled and pushed Jongup out the door.
"Aish do we have to always leave this early?" Aron whinned.
"Ne we do gosh because it takes me half an hour to walk from my parents house to school", _________ grabbed Aron's hand and locked the door.
"Aish what time it is the sun is not even out yet",B-Bomb complained.
"It's 1pm what?"
"Anyo you still have the wrong time switch it right now it's 5:30am",_________ looked at her phone.
"Oh ha..ha yeah forgot that",L.Joe switched the time on his phone.
"Oh i have to do that too",Aron looked at his time.
"Aish look at your time now because if it's wrong you guys would be really mixed up",_________ looked at everyone.
"Oh got it",Aron smiled.
"Ne me too",Peniel looked up.
"That was easy",B-Bomb rubbed his eyes.
"Ne it was"Jongup giggled.
"Aish I'm so lost with this new phone",L.Joe whinned.
"Yah that phone is so easy to change time I already did mine",Ravi smacked L.Joe's head.
"Yah I have the same phone as you L.Joe it's really easy it say clock just click clock then change the time"
"AH~ ne got it",L.Joe smiled.

'Aish these air head kid ?? I miss them so much',_________ smiled and continued to walk.  

________ and the guys all walked to school together when they got there everybody was looking at ________ like she was crazy walking with a bunch of cute guys. Everyone thought that she forced them to walk with her but she seems to be having a really good time with them. Everybody thought different of her know because she acually had friends that she would hang out with even though Sulli is her friend she doesn't talk to Sulli that much.

During school _________ would always check up on the guys because she knew that they use to ditch class but scene they started to go to school with ________ they changed that habit. She always knew where they were because they told her what their classes were and where they were.

Everyone thought that it was weird that all of _________'s friends were guys and not girls. They were suprise to know that Sulli was also her friend.

"Sulli Unnie?"
"Ne Maknae?"
"Unnie meet my friends from the US"
"Oh that's who they are"
"Annyeong I'm Wonsik but call Ravi"
"I'm Minhyuk but call me B-Bomb"
"I'm Aron"
"I'm Byunghyun but call me L.Joe"
"Annyeong I'm Jongup"
"Annyeong I'm Donggeun but call me Peniel"
"ㅋㅋ it's nice to meet you guys it seems that I'm _________'s first friend that's a girl my name is Sulli"

"Yah Sulli shh",_________ motion Sulli to shut up.
"ㅋㅋ that's cute so ever scene you moved here you never made a friend?" Aron smiled.
"Anyo I made 2 friends in Jr. High but they audition for a company and yeah"
"Oh I'm sorry", Aron felt really bad.
"Anyo it's ok", ______ tried to smile.
"Oh that's the bell come on _________ we have to go to homeroom",Sulli pulled on _________'s arm.
"Oh Sulli they are also in our homeroom so let's walk with them"
"Oh araso"
"Ok thanks Unnie"
"Yeah no problem hey when school is over text me araso?"
"Araso Unnie I will I promise"
"Ok let's go you guys"
"Ne coming",Peniel a sweet and rule follower pulled all the guys arms and pulled them to homeroom.

They all walked to homeroom together with Youngmin of course because he got switch to be in the same homeroom because our teacher didn't have enough students in her class.
We all sat down in our spot while B-Bomb, Aron, Ravi, L.Joe, Jongup, and Peniel stood up and waited for the teacher to come in.

Mrs.Kim walked into the class room and saw her 6 new students,"Oh ok you guys are already here that's good please introduce your slef"
"Ne Annyeong my name is B-Bomb I'm the oldest"
"Annyeong I'm Peniel please take good care of me"
"Annyeong I'm Aron"
"Annyeong I'm Ravi"
"Annyeong I'm L.Joe"
"Annyeong I'm Jongup the youngest"
"Ok you guys go sit down so we can start class"
"Ne", all the guys answered and sat down around _________.

They all had homeroom for about an hour. Soon class was done and everyone got up and left the room. The ones left was _________ and Sulli they were stuck in there talking about the guys.

"Yah how come you never told me about you friends from over seas?"
"Because if I did you would want to know so much about them"
"And I do why have you never told me about them"
"It's been so long scene I have seen them and you expect me to know a lot about them?"
"Well yeah"
"What do you mean I have not been in contact with them ever scene 7th grade do you expect me to know everything about them?"
"But your supose to always keep in contact with all your friends"
"Really Sulli look at you after you got a boyfriend it seems like you forgot me"
"No I haven't"
"Yeah you can't lie I know when you forgot me that day you were suppose to walk with me to school and not Youngmin"
"Well do you expect me to always remember you"
"Oh I see how it is so I can just for get you too and you wont even care that's good because I bet you don't even remember my 2 friends that I made in 8th grade"
"What do you mean?"
"See you don't even remember who they are. You know what Sulli forget you wont get anything all you remember is you best friend Youngmin I guess I'm nothing to you"

_________ turned around with tears in her eyes for the first time in a long time. She walked out of the class room and everyone saw the tears going down her face. They thought it was impossible for _________ to cry but something had broke it maybe she let go of all her scares.

One person wanted to know more about _________ he wanted to change things for her he wanted her to be happy. His name is Jae Beom or JB he is very known around school but he notice that _________ didn't know him at all. He wanted to change that but the day _________ came out of the class room with tears he had to know her story.

_________ was walking by herself back home. All the guys were behind her they all wanted to talk to her but they didn't know how.

_________ looked up,"Bowh? Oh umm Annyeong"
"Do you know who I am?"
"Anyo mianhaeyo I have to go"
"Anyo let's be friends",JB grabbed her arm.
"Oh mianhae I really have to go",_________ tried to get her arm free.
"No I mean it let's be friends let's talk"
"Ok then"
"Well for starters my name is JB"
"Well I'm _________"
"I know that"
"Well because everyone is talking about you"
"About what?"
"Umm well about how you never talked to people after Taemin and Kai left for the company"
"Oh well I guess"

"_________ hurry we need to get home",B-Bomb grabbed _________'s arm.
"Oh B-Bomb Oppa wait"
"JB-sshi so rumors have been spreading about me?"
"Ne lots of people have been talking about you and your new guy friends"
"Oh what do they say?"
"Well they all say that you paid them to be your friends or that you forced them to walk with you"
_________ sighed,"Oh chinja?"
"Umm ne I'm sorry you have to hear this from me"
"Anyo thanks for telling me well I really do need to go so umm see you tomorrow?"
"Ne see you tomorrow"
"Ok annyeong thanks again JB-sshi"
"Mmmhum annyeong _________-sshi"

_________ and the guys all walked home together. _________ was feeling really sad she soon looked away when she was talking to Jongup and tears ran down her face again. School she hated it only because people there hated her for no reason no one would try to talk to her she didn't even have the strength to talk to people herself. It was hard for her just to talk to people it was always very awkward for her to talk to someone that she never really wanted to talk to. She hated what she was going through she always wanted to transfer school but her parents wouldn't let her do that.

"_________-ah what's wrong?" Jongup stopped and looked at _________.
"Yah Maknae why are you crying?" Peniel cupped her face.
"Aish what's going on now Maknae?" B-Bomb looked at her.
"Maknae please don't cry I might cry myself", Aron stopped and wiped her tears away.
"Yah don't make Oppa sad",Ravi stopped and patted her head.
"Maknae gwenchana? What's on your mind?" L.Joe stopped and looked at her.
"Anyo Oppa it's nothing I'm fine it's nothing really"
"Then why are you crying?" said Jongup.
"Oppa it's nothing really"
"Tell me one thing _________ what's on your mind?" said L.Joe.
"It's just school related it's ok"
"Anyo it's not", B-Bomb took _________'s arm.
"Hyung calm down",Peniel hit B-Bomb's arm.
"Aish ne"
"Oppa can we just go home we still have long to go"
"Ne hurry let's go",Ravi looked at the time.
"Anyo we have to go to work today remember" Aron bugged in.
"Aish we do hurry before we don't get the job", B-Bomb took Peniel's arm.
"Yah just call a cab so it'll be faster", L.Joe whinned.
"Anyo that would be slow everyone is getting off at this hour", Jongup yelled while he was running.
"My job is close to home so see you guys back at home ne?" _________ looked at the direction.
"Aish ne annyeong Maknae", all the guys said at the same time and left.

They all walked or ran in their own direction. They all had to appear at their job to see if they really got the job. They were not perpared and they were not ready the forgot all about it. When each and everyone of them got to their job the CEO of the place was there waiting for them to get there and have an interview. _________ had puffy eyes from crying but she still went in so that she couldd get the job. They all really need the job so that they could pay for the house. Their interview all ended around 7:30pm it was late but they had to stay to know if they made it or not. All of them were good for the job so they all got the job they were all happy this had brought up ________'s mood she was smiling.

When _________ got out of the bulding someone grabbed her hand. She was going to scream until someone covered . She was trying to get free and see who it was but their grip on her was tight. She was trying hard to get free she was trying until she felt that the hand was not over anymore, she looked up and saw someone fighting to get that person away from her.

"Umm gomawo"
"Ah ne it was nothing"
"Uhh may I ask who you are?"
"Ah ne I'm Jr. a friend of JB you met him right?"
"Oh ne I met him already but how did you know I was here?"
"Well JB told me too..."
"He told you what? Are you some kind of stalker?"
"You are a stalker, what do you want with me?"
"Anyo it's nothing I..was..Aish...JB Hyung really likes you because your different and he wants you to be safe"
"BOWH!?!? Aish I don't even know him ugh gosh where is he now?"
Jr. grabbed her hand,"follow me then"
"HUH? Ne?"

Jr. took _________ somewhere were no one has ever been too. It looked really old and scary on the outside.
"Where am I?"
"You'll see"
"Is their where you hang out?"
"Ne it is wae?"
"Well it looks old and scary"
"You'll take that back when you go inside"
"Chinja I will ok we'll see about that"

Jr. took _________ into their hang out and when they got in there was couches, video games, a mini court, and instraments there. _________ was amazed at what was in an old scary looking house could be so beautiful and fun. She really liked  it and Jr. was right about being wrong on how it looked on the outside.

  (You were wearing this uniform araso?)

"So _________ do you take back on what you said?" Jr. smiled and walked ahead.
"Wah ne I really do take it back"
"ㅋㅋ I knew it" Jr. smiled and walked to JB.
"Oh Annyeong Jr. and how is the pretty girl?"
"Oh Jinyoung Hyung this is _________ the girl JB Hyung keeps talking about"
"Ah that's how she looks like she's pretty", Jinyoung walked around her.
"Oh Jr. Hyung who is this?"
"Oh Gongchan this is the girl JB Hyung talks about"
"Ah got it"
"W'O'W!! yeppeun Jr. who is this"
"Aish I said it enough already Baro"
"Oh mianhae"
"Yah CNU Hyung, Sundeul Hyung, Jinyoung Hyung, Gongchan, and Baro come here hurry"
"Ah ne coming",CNU and Sundeul said at the same time.
"Ne here",Baro, Gongchan, and Jinyoung stood there.
"Ne so this is Lee _________ and she is the girl JB Hyung only talks about"
"Ahhh ne got it",Baro smiled.

"Annyeonghasayo my name is Lee _________"
"Ahh nw Annyeong my name is Shinwoo but call me CNU"
"Annyeong my name is Baro"
"Annyeong I'm Gongchan"
"Annyeonghasayo I'm Sandeul"
"Anneyong I'm Jinyoung"
"Ahh nice to meet you guys", _________ smiled.
"Ne it is", CNU smiled back.

CNU and Jr. showed _________ around their hide out. It was small but they showed her how to play video games, basketball, piano, guitar, and how to relax like them. She really enjoyed her hours there but it was soon for her to leave. When _________ got home it was 10pm Jr. and Jinyoung offered to walk her home for her to be safe. When _________ got home she smelt food she knew that B-Bomb had brought home some of his food form his first day at the job she was happy and she went to go eat.

"Oppa I'm home", _________ yelled.
"Aish shut up", Someone yelled back at her.
"Oh mianhaeyo"
"Ahh _________-ah your here", _________ Peniel smiled.
"Oh ne"
"Oh it's _________-ah I toldly forgot about her", B-Bomb sat up.
"Aish Oppa forgot about me how nice =_=", _________ pouted.
"Yah at least you have us", L.Joe smiled.
"Did you eat the food?" Jongup looked at her.
"Ne Oppa I did it was really good"
"I know right I loved it too", Aron smiled.
"ㅋㅋ L.Joe Oppa where is Ravi Oppa?" _________ looked around for him.
"Oh he went to sleep early", L.Joe pointed to his room.
"Oh ne well I think we should go to sleep too"
"Ne let's go you guys", Peniel motion them to go up stairs.

They all walked up there and went to their room. Every week was always busy sometimes they would work over time and they were always tired. _________ find her job really fun and easy she taught the kids real easy moves and they also learned from watching her while they wait for the others. She really loved her job more than the guys but they all knew that they really needed the job to stay in that house they have now.

Even though they were busy they had the weekend to hang out together sometimes _________ wouldn't hang out with them she would go to the hide out to hang out with they other guys. She started to like them more as a friend even JB the stranger who tried to make her happier. Everything was going well everyone one got along faster than they usually do, it's been a while scene _________ talked to one of her best friends Sulli. She misses her but lately Sulli has been with Youngmin all day and night.

Things are different but its always the fun part to have a little thing change for _________.


A/N sorry for not updating school has been in the way so I have not have time to post but here you go...

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !