Another Lonely Day

My Dancing Partner



'Aish walking alone again I thought I told Sulli to walk with me aish I hate that girl right now'
"OUCH WHAT THE-",_________ looked up.
"Oh I'm sorry I was dancing and I didn't see you", the boy bowed and walked away.
"Aish he looks so fimilar", _________ wishper and scrached her head.

_________ was on her way to school when she saw Sulli and her boyfriend Youngmin. She didn't want to join them so she kept quite for a while until Sulli notice her.

"YAH Lee _________ why are you so late?"
"Bowh late? I told you to come to my house and we could walk from there"
"Anyo you put right here...Oh you did ㅋㅋ mianhae"
"Mmmhum", _________ motion her off and put her headphones in.
"Annyeong _________", Youngmin waved over to _________.

_________ had her headphones in and didn't hear anything. She kept on walking not paying any attention to the 2 love birds. She hadted all these lovey dovey (T-ara) that has been going on around her school. She seems to be the only single girl left. Even all the really nerdy looking kids have boyfriends and girlfriends. _________ was left to be alone.

She told herself that having no boyfriend is better than having one that will soon break her heart. Anyways no one would really talk to her too because they all were afraid of her. Everyone thought that she would just explod because she has been sp quite after she has lost 2 of her best friends. Everyone that she would just go off and punch someone but when ever people watch her react when the teacher called on her. They thought she might have got mad or something but all she did was motion them away and the teacher would call on someone else.

They teacher never really called on her because she never participated in anything. _________ would always listen to the teacher but she always had a doodling book with her in all her classes she would just draw. When ever someone looked in her book when she went out for a break and she saw them she wouldn't say anything she just look at them unitl they left. They were always afraid of _________ they thought she was the scarest thing ever the only people that ever had the guts to talk to her was Kai and Taemin. They saw her soft side they knew how she was they knew that she was sweeter than how she was at school. Only because she never participated in class and she never talked people that she was the meanest thing alive.

They were always afriad of her she tried to talk to the teacher about something but the students all told the teacher to never talk to her. She got mad and never talk to the teachers again. It seems to be that she only talks to Sulli, her parents, and her Oppa. She never really talked to Sulli's boyfriend or even said hi she would just look at him and nod. Not even a proper greeting to him she didn't care anymore. She always tried to talk to others but they never talked to her so she just gave up and only talk to Sulli, her parents, and her Oppa she only trusted them.

'Aish I hate it here how many hours do I have left before I just die here',_________ thought and looked at her phone.
'Ugh I have 2 more hour in this lovey dovey disgusting school I hate it here',_________ thought and went back to drawing.

2 hours had past it was the slowest 2 hours _________ has ever sat through. She hated the school so much she didn't even want to be there. She seems to hate everyone at that school. Is she the Qeenka? Is she one of the top student there? Does she have rials? Do people really hate her?

A/N Keep reading to know why she hates everyone in her school.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !