Winter Break 5/5

My Dancing Partner

Yiruma-River Flows in me


Joon soon left and so the did the guys but Jongup stayed, he called over Kai and Taemin while _________ was sleeping. They came to the hospital as fast as they could, when they saw _________ in the bed they had tears in their eyes.

Jongup had told them what happen and told them about _________'s arm. Imidetly Kai called all of EXO to tell them. Taemin helped Kai since _________ never meet SHINee. After they wre done calling EXO Taemin decided to call SHINee as well because he felt bad. Soon EXO and SHINee was here and _________ was still sleep, but _________ woke up and saw all of EXO and SHINee.

"Oh Kai Oppa Taemin Oppa why are you guys here?" _________ sat up.
"We heard the new", Taemin walked over to _________.
Jongup shook his head, "Ah we just did"
"Ah Taemin Oppa is that your group?"
"Ne this is SHINee we trained together and now were a group"
"WAH Daebaek Annyeonghasayo", _________ bowed her head.
"Annyeong", all of SHINee bowed.
"Annyeong EXO", _________ smiled.
"Annyeong", all of EXO bowed.
"Oh Oppa you guys all sit down", _________ pointed to the chairs.

"Ah Kai Hyung gomawo"
"Aish it's nothing I'm just helping a friend", Kai nodded.
"Ah EXO thanks too", Jongup smiled.
"For what?" Baekhyun question.
"Well for being awesome I guess", Jongup giggled.
"Who I need to thank the most is Kai Hyung and Taemin Hyung for watching over _________ while we were plaing our oversea trip here"
"Bowh? Kai Oppa Taemin Oppa you knew Jongup Oppa already?"
"ㅋㅋ anniyo we didn't", Taemin smiled.
"ah araso", _________ smiled.

_________ was stuck at the hospital for until school started again. She was excused from her job and for the first day of school she was excused for being late. Winter break was busy and may not be the best for _________ but she was still happy about it. _________ spent the day at the hospital with EXO, SHINee and Jongup. They all played random games and enjoyed themselves. Kai was happy to know that _________ was happy he knew he loved her but he's an Idol people will just hurt her and he doesn't want that to happen to her.

The week of being at the hospiatl was boring. _________ stayed by herslef and watched tv with no one around. It was Christmas day and no one was there to say Merry Christmas to her or for her to say too. _________ was sad she missed Christmas, but there was always next year. _________ started to fall asleep then she fell asleep listening to SHINee 'Only for me'. Soon Jongup and the guys came in the room and started to decorate the room with a Christmas feel to it they put confetie on the ground so it looked like snow, they had 3 fake snow man and they had a spray that spraied fake snow. Peniel went over to the window and opened it so the chilly breeze would come through.

They all hide so that _________ wouldn't see them when she woke up. Suddenly _________ woke up because she was cold, she got up and saw the snow on the ground she also saw the snow man.

"Aigoo was I alseep that long? That Vicky was able to make a snow man in here?" _________ looked around.
Suddenly the popped out, "SUPRISE", they all yelled together.
"ㅋㅋ wah daebaek Jongup Oppa I'm cold can you close the window"
"Ne on it", Jongup winked and went to close the window.
"Merry Christmas Honey", B-Bomb kissed _________'s head.
"YAH Hyung she's mine", Jongup smiled and walked over to _________.
"ㅋㅋ Merry Christmas B-Bomb Oppa, Ravi Oppa, L.Joe Oppa, Aron Oppa, Peniel Oppa ah who am I missing that was only 5 of you guys?"
"Bowh? It's been a week and you already forgot me", Jongup pouted.
"Ah~ ne Jongup Opp Merry  Christmas Oppa", _________ smiled.

Jongup leand in and kiss _________ on the lips.
"Baby look what we brought", Jongup pulled went to Peniel and grabbed presents for _________.
"Wah Oppa I couldn't buy you guys anything Mianhaeyo it's because of me I'm stuck here"
"Anniyo __________-ah don't feel bad it's our fault we didn't pay attention to you", Aron smiled.
"Oppa howw many presents are there?"
"There is 6", L.Joe smiled.
"Seonsaengnim there's a whole lot more", Ravi open the door wider.
_________ had tears in her eyes,"Wah my students"
"Seongsaeng why did you kiss him?"
"Aigoo you saw that?"
"Ne seongsaeng we all saw it"
"Ah it's revealed he's my"
"OH~ seongsaeng has a boyfriend", they said at once.
"Seongsaeng has a boyfriend Seongsaeng has a boyfriend Seongsaeng has a boyfriend Seongsaeng has a boyfriend Seongsaeng has a boyfriend Seongsaeng has a boyfriend", they said in a sing song way.
"Aigoo students sh~ araso", _________ raised her finger to her lips.
"Araso seongsaeng", the kids smiled.
"Ah seongsaeng these are for you", all the kids gave their presents to _________.

_________ had tears in her eyes. She was so happy to see all her kids they even had a dance for her. She was so happy to see how good they were she was prode to call them her students. _________ opened all her presents and loved all of them she got teddy bears, socks, a blanket that says 'I love to dance', she also got a shirt that say 'My dance class is awesome^^ I love to teach them', she got new earphones, and many more she just love it she love today. Today was a day that she will never forget in her life.

"Oh seongsaeng your boyfriend taught us that dance for you", the kids all pointed to Jongup.
"WAH daebaek I thought he would never be able to do it", _________ smiled.
"Seongsaeng one big question why did you stop eating?", the kids soon all had tears in their eyes.
"I...I stop eating because I knew wasn't good enough to dance I wanted to be better and look prettier so I", _________ breathed in, "I stop eatting"
"Seongsaeng we were sad to hear that you wouldn't teach us to dance for the New Year's Concert", tears ran down their face.
"Anniyo we still have time remember New Year is in 2 weeks and how long did it take you guys to learn the dance moves"
"It took us 5 days"
"See just enough time I'll be out tomorrow and we can start dancing tomorrow in the snow", _________ smiled.
"YAY", all the kids wipped their tears and ran to hug _________.

They all stayed until 3pm then everyone left they all helped clean up while _________ just sat on the bed pouted because Jongup wouldn't let her get up and help. After the clean up everyone left so did Jongup but he went to go talk to Vicky.

"Vicky Noona can we check her out today?"
"ㅋㅋ ne she's doing much better now you make sure to feed her ne?"
"Araso Noona I will don't worry"
"Ne well let's check her out do you have clothes for her?"
"Ne her presents"
"Ah ne araso"

Jongup had walked back to _________'s room and saw that there was tears in _________'s eyes. They streamed down her face slowly he didn't want to interupt her quite moment.

"Jongup Oppa", _________ smiled, "Gomowa you showed me alot this Christmas"
"Aish anniyo it's nothing"
"Oppa can I leave today?"
"Ne I just check you out", Jongup smiled.
"Wah daebaek Oppa can I start dancing tomorrow?"
"Well let's go ask Vicky but change first"
"Araso Oppa I'll be back", _________ walked to the bathroom in her room and changed.

Jongup got Vicky to come and un-plug _________ from all the machine. _________ smiled and hugged Vicky, Jongup had gathered all of the things _________ had got for Christmas into a bag and carried it.

"Ah Vicky Unnie I have a question"
"Yeah go ahead ask"
"Unnie will I be able to dance tomorrow?"
"ㅋㅋ you were able to show the kids here dance moves what do you think"
"Chinja Unnie wah daebaek today just keeps getting better and better kasahamida Unnie", _________ smiled and bowed and said good bye.

Before _________ left she went to the kids and told them Merry Christmas to have the best day and said good bye to them. Some of the older kids started to cry _________ felt bad and made a bet with them. She said that every month on the 25 she would come and dance with other kids to intertaine them for the whole day just to make them happy. They all agreed to it and _________ always kept the promise. So before she left she danced for the kids then she bowed and said her good byes again and left the hospital.

The next 2 weeks _________ taught her students a bunch of new dance moves and they all learned real fast so they moved on quikly they got every move down and this time for their concert they would dance as a whole group and not just sepreated groups. They were all happy to know that they got to do another concert. _________ had planed everything out and she even told Vicky about their performance day so that the kids there could watch her performe.

_________'s students had performed their New Year's Concert even better than their Christmas Concert and everyone love it. There was so many people everyone loved the dance routine and when _________ walked around Seoul she would see people dancing her dance moves and people also notice her on the streets. _________ was happy to know people loved her for dancing and showing the kids that they could do it. The next day after the concert _________ and her students went in the the hospital and went to the kids there. They all bowed and greeted everyone like they were new there, then they all stopped they looked around and then they all started to dance like a flash mob they did great. When _________ came out the kids at the hospital smiled and clapped when they finished.

_________ was happy to she their beaming faces when they dance and when they saw the other kids dance. _________ and her students where there for a while all the students were teaching the other kids how to do their tutting moves the kids learned fast and _________ got an idea for the Love Bird Concert.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !