Leo's Hurting

My Dancing Partner

ZE:A-Wait Yo!


Who is this person? What dose he want with _________? Is he a stalker? What is going to happen to _________?

Well this person is Leo. What wants for _________ is for her to be safe, safer than he is. No he's not a stalker he's what you call a really good friend that kept a promise to Joon. Lately Leo has been watching _________ and nothing has happen she seems to always be safe.

School has ended _________ was alone again. Leo was scared something bad might happen so he followed _________ to her work plcae. He made sure that she was safe and that nothing dangerous came her way. Leo smiled to see that _________ was having a great time teaching the kids new dance moves. He loved to see _________ having a great time with the kids and he loved her smiled.

Soon _________ was done with work she was going to get something to snack on before she went home. _________ grabbed something to eat and sat down and ate for a little then she came out and put her headphones and and was about to cross the street. Leo's eyes widen and ran after _________ and pulled her out of the way before the car could hit her, instead the car hit him. The drunk man that was driving and ran away, _________ was scared she ran to Leo and hugged him.

"Anniyo Leo Oppa get up please I need you here with me Oppa", _________ cried with tears in her eyes.
"_________-ah don't cry please", Leo weakly said.
"Anniyo Oppa please keep talking I'll call 911", _________ pulled out her phone and was crying.

"Annyeong what is the problem?"
"My Oppa he got hit"
"By what?"
"By a car please hurry I still want him here please"
"Araso please keep talking to him while you wait"
"Araso kasahamida", _________ hung up the phone.

"Leo Oppa please answer me", more tears ran down _________'s face.
"Oppa please don't stop talking", _________ pled.
"Araso that's a promise"
"Oppa please stay here with me", _________ started to cry even more.

Soon the ambulance came and took Leo to the nearest hospital. _________ got into the ambulance when Leo went in she was there to talk to Leo to make sure he was ok.

"Leo Oppa we are almost there please stay with me"
"Ne araso I told", Leo coughed.
"Oppa~", Tears ran down her face.
"It's ok I'll be ok"
"Oppa please be ok"
"I will be? _________ where are we", Leo coughed again.
"Oppa we are going to the hospital"
"Bowh", Leo weakly panic.
"Oppa it's ok"
"I can't pay for it"
"Anniyo Oppa I got"

Leo calmed down when they had arrived at the hospital. They rushed Leo to the emergancy room and left _________ behind. _________ was scared she had called VIXX and let them know what had happen to Leo and told them to hurry and come.

N and the rest came running in,"Where is leo is he ok?"
"Molla they took him to the emergancy room and they have not came out yet", _________ covered her face.
"I hope Leo Hyung is ok", Hyuk shed a tear.
"Oppa it's all my fault", _________ cried.
Hongbin hugged _________, "Anniyo it's not your fault the driver didn't pay attention"
"But Oppa neither did I if I payed attention I would have never crossed", _________ began to cry more.
N went over to _________ and comforted her, "It's ok we'll go through this together araso"
_________ hugged Leo, "Araso Oppa"

Soon the doctor came out, "Is Lee _________ here?"
"Ne I'm right here"
"Ok well TaekWoon told us to only tell you"
"Ok we can talk over there", _________ pointed and walked.
"So before Leo went into surgery"
"Ne he told us to tell you that he will always watch over you"
_________ started to cry, "Just tell me did he make it?"
"Ne he did make"

_________ fell on the ground crying happy to hear that Leo made it.
N had walked over to _________ and picked her up, "So?"
"N Oppa he made it"
N began to cry and smiled,"That's good"
"Doctor can we see him?" _________ asked and motion VIXX over.
"Ne go ahead", The doctor led them all to Leo.

VIXX and _________ walked into Leo's room to see that he had a bandage in his head. _________ started to tear up again, she was dissapointed that this had to happen _________ couldn't even look at Leo for the rest of the night.

The night was cold and sad. _________ was there by herself sitting next to Leo. She was trying to sleep but she couldn't it was to cold to sleep and she didn't want to ask them for a blanket she was to scared to do that. _________ felt horribly bad for doing this to Leo so she had to stay with him just incase he needed anything.

In the middle of the night Leo had woke up and saw _________ sitting next to him. He smiled and looked at her, he then got up and laid her on the bed and he laid right next to her. Leo had put to blanket over _________ and he soon fell fast asleep.

The next morning _________ and realized that she was on the bed. She quickly tried to get up but the grip around her waist was tight that she couldn't. She turned to wake Leo up but she saw a smile on his face.

_________ softly shook Leo, "Leo Oppa I'm hungry let go of me"
"Wae I want to stay like this", Leo held on _________ a little tighter.
"Oppa I already have a boyfriend"
"I know but he doesn't have to know right"
"Oppa~ let go"
"Aish araso araso"
"Gomawo Oppa so what do you want to eat?" _________ stood up.
"Well can I eat it?"
"Huh Molla"
"Go ask"
"Araso I'll be back with something for you to eat then"

_________ walked out and went to ask the nurse that helps with Leo to ask about the food he could eat. She smiled and said that he could eat anything it just needs to be better than just bread or something else.

_________ thanked her and walked to the caffiteria and got some good food for Leo and her to eat. _________ had got enough food to make sure that Leo was full, she had walked back and when she open the door she saw someone already feeding Leo.

_________ had dropped the food she suddenly reacted, "Oh mianhaeyo", she picked up the food.
"Gwenchana", the girl asked.
"Ah ne gwenchanayo", _________ was still picking up all the food she dropped.
Leo sat up better, "What's the matter"
"Oh anni Oppa I'm leaving now", _________ got her stuff and threw away all the food that she waisted.

_________ was walking outside and thought to herself, 'Who was that girl? I remember her from somewhere. Where did I see her at?'

_________ was walking and she was not paying attention and ran into someone.
She quickly bowed, "Mianhaeyo"
"Anniyo it's ok", he smiled and walked away.
'Am I seeing stuff now? Aish that looked like Joon Oppa', _________ ruffled her hair and walked away.

_________ was walking around Seoul not knowing what to do. She just kept walking and walking that girl just ran through her head she couldn't get her mind straight. _________ didn't see Jongup at all she was just so focus on how Leo was doing. _________ wanted to contact Leo but she was scared that the girl might pick up the phone or reply back to the text. _________ had no strength to even go and see Leo again.

Soon Leo had called _________.

"Hey were are you?"
"Oh Leo Oppa...Umm I'm just walking around wae?"
"Oh well Krystal wants to meet you"
"Krystal the girl you saw earlier"
"Oh umm sure...oh hey Jongup Oppa", __________ pretended that Jongup was there.
"Oh your with Jongup-ah?"
"Ah ne I am mianhae Oppa"
"Oh no it's ok have fun"
"Araso Oppa annyeong"
"Annyeong", Leo hung up the phone and felt really sad.
'Aish Oppa mianhaeyo for lying to you', _________ pouted and continued to walk.  
'Why won't she come no one is here with me? I just want her here with me', Leo sat up and watched tv.

________ was walking around the markets to see what she wanted to buy. _________ kept on thinking if she wanted to go and see Leo before she goes home but she refused to because she felt a burden if she was there the same time that Krystal girl is. _________ felt bad she didn't leave Leo a message saying that she wont visit tonight so to not stay up to late. She just walked home by herself.

On _________'s way home she felt like someone was following her. _________ walked faster and so did the person following her. _________ got scared she didn't know what to do. Suddenly the person grabbed her, _________ tried to scream but she couldn't the person covered .

Soon he let go of her, "Yah who are you?"
"What do you mean?"
"What I mean is who are you and why are you following me?"
"You really don't know who I am?"
"Well that's sad I guess I'll go now"
"Wait I remember that voice"
"So do you remember me?"
"Maybe? That's it I'm leaving"
"Oh know I remember your Lay right?"
"Huh? Oh yeah that's me"
"What are you doing out here so late? Shouldn't you be at your dorm?"
"Well yeah I am but I saw you roaming Seoul by yourself"
"Oh yeah had something on my mind today so I needed a walk"
"Oh araso ok well it's a good thing you remember me I have to go now"
"Araso annyeong Lay Oppa"
'Oh thank god that was Lay or else I would have cried really bad', _________ sighed in relif.

When _________ got home everyone was eating.

"Oh hey babe you back already?"
"Ne Jongup Oppa"
"Hey is Leo Hyung ok?" Peniel asked.
"Yeah he is he made through the surgery and is doing well today"
"Babe Leo called and asked if I was with you and I said no is everything ok"
"Shoot", _________ sighed, "I guess so Oppa"
"Hey no it's not what's wrong", B-Bomb stood up.
"B-Bomb Oppa everythings ok I promise"
"Ok", B-Bomb sat down and finished his dinner.

_________ ran up stairs and called Leo right away. Leo didn't answer so _________ felt a message for him.

"Leo Oppa is everything ok? Please call me back araso I'm worried about you. I'm home so don't worry about me araso? Annyeong Oppa"

The day was tiring _________ had an ok day but felt bad about what happen yesterday she just wanted to cry more. Leo never called back and _________ grew worried about Leo. Then suddenly she got a text that said: Leo is ok I'm with him so don't worry I'm sleeping over here tonight bye-bye -Krystal.

_________ was sad and mad at the same time.
'Is it that I feel bad for leaving Leo today? Do I still have feelings for Leo? I don't undertand my heart today', _________ thought before she fell asleep.

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !