Winter Break 2/5

My Dancing Partner

SHINee- Last Christmas


'Aish it's only 7am and I'm up aigoo school made it impossible for me to sleep in', _________ sighed and walked out._________ went to the washroom and got ready for the day. She was going to hang out with Taemin and Kai around 5pm, because they had to finish their schedule first. When _________ got out of the washroom someone covered her eyes. _________ got scared and didn't do anything she didn't know what to do she was to sccared to do anything.

"YAY who is this tell me know"
"ㅋㅋ it's just me"
"Who is me?"
"ㅋㅋ guess"
"Wae I thought you would know my voice by now"
"Aigoo just let go of me"
"ㅋㅋ now you know who I am"
"Aish Ravi Oppa why are you up so early?"
"Molla kinda just woke up"
"Ah ne well I'll go down first and cook breakfast"

_________ walked down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen. _________ didn't know what to cook she was looking for some stuff and didn't know what to make. Soon _________ found Kimchi noodles and some kimchi and dukbukki. _________ thought it would be a good idea to cook a little noodles and some dukbukki and have kimchi as a side dish. Since there was not a lot of food _________ cooked 3 bags of Kimchi Noodles and half the bag of the dukbukki.

It took about 30 mintues for _________ to cook everything for the breakfast and a lunch for the guys that have work. _________ packed some extra kimchi in a bag for the guys and wrote a note saying to eat some of the restraunts food for lunch because there was not enough food. _________ was soon done and called down everyone to come and eat breakfast.

Everyone ate for about 30 mintues and when they finished they all helped clean up. _________ thought that living with guys would be hard because they never really helped clean and they were lazy. _________ and Peniel were washing the dishes, B-Bomb and L.Joe were putting the food in a container, Ravi and Aron were whipping down the table to be clean, and Jongup whipped all the dishes dry and put them away. Everyone helped each other and everything was very easy everything was done fast.

"Aish you guys it's time to get ready for work", B-Bomb looked at his handphone.
"Aish araso Hyung", Aron pouted.
"Hurry we need to be early", L.Joe pulled Peniel's hand.
"Aish L.Joe let go we'll be ok", Peniel took his hand away.
"Oppa me, Jongup and Ravi are going to go somewhere today"
"Where are we going", Ravi asked.
"Ravi Oppa it's a secret"
"Aigoo our little maknae wont tell us", Jongup pinched _________'s check and went to the door.
"Oh YAH we need to get ready and leave hurry", Peniel looked  at the time.
"Aigoo Oppa annyeong and we are leaving first araso", _________ bowed.
"Araso annyeong"

_________ ran up stairs and grabbed her shoes and ran outside and dragged Ravi and Jongup outside as well.

"YAY we don't have , Ravi pouted.
"Aigoo araso", _________ sighed and ran back inside.

________ can back outside and got the 2 nice shoes because she knew that it was Ravi's and Jongup's shoes. They are like the only 2 with the coolest shoes there. _________, Jongup, and Ravi went to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come so they could go on it. It took about 10 minutes for the bus to come and _________ paid for all 3 of them since she had a bus pass and they didn't. _________ knew where she wanted to go but she didn't know if they would want to go with her.

"Oppa can we go to the amusment park?"
"Ne we can", Jongup smiled.
"Aish wae I'm still tired", Ravi whinned.
"Yay Ravi Hyung stop being lazy and let's go", Jonup scolded Ravi.
"Ravi Oppa please", _________ begged.
"Aish araso araso we can go"
"Ne you better say that", Jongup smiled.

_________, Jongup, and Ravi got to the amusment park and they paid to enter in until 4pm then they had to go back home. _________ first went to go eat because she was hungry again so did Ravi and Jongup. After that they walked around before they rode anything because they didn't want to be sick as well. When they were there at the amusment park they ran into one of the gang at their school. They were called VIXX no one knows why they picked that name but they all know that they all have different character traits.

N was the playful leader who was nice to girls but when it comes to someone pissing him off he turns cold. Leo is quite but he is also very violent he did Taekwondo for about 10 years then stop after he got in trouble for using taekwondo out of the dojo. Ken is the sweetest out of all VIXX when Ken gets pissed he gives that person at least 5 seconds to disappear or say sorry to him, Ken takes being in a gang not so serious but he cares about it. Dongho is the sweet and cute one but when he gets pissed off he will hold himself from swinging at your face. Hongbin was the nice looking one but very mean and rude when he is pissed. Hyuk is the youngest and he loves girls, he flirts with every girl he can find and hit on.

_________ has N, Hyuk, and Ken in all her classes. Leo, Hongbin, and Dongho are in her History and P.E class. _________ thinks its scary but they are very nice to her Leo talks to only _________ and only her they are like the closest friend that Leo has a girl. All of VIXX are really sweet to _________ they always hit on her but she is so use to it they never give up though they always want to go out with her.

Jongup was not paying attention and ran into Dongho,"Oh mianhaeyo", Jongup bowed a thousand times.
_________ raised her voice a little,"Annyeong Dongho Oppa"
"Ah Annyeong dongsaeng", Ken pinched _________'s cheek.
"Dongho Oppa~ Please don't do that", _________ pouted.
"Aish araso...Do you know this punk?" Dongho pointed.
"Ne Oppa he is my friend from overseas"
"Chinja Mianhaeyo", Jongup bowed again
"Since your friends with _________ we are cool araso", Dongho demanded.
"Oppa don't be to mean"
"Aish araso honey", Dongho pincked ________'s cheeks.
"Oppa where is the rest", _________ looked around the area, "Oh wait I know you guys come here to hit on girls huh?"
"Aigoo how do you know?" Ken smiled.
"Aish because I just do Oppa"

Ken, Dongho, _________, Ravi, and Jongup all walked to the store where they saw the rest of VIXX there.

Hyuk turned around, "WAH DONGSAENGS HERE!!"
"WAH ANNYEONG DONGSAENG", Hongbin ran to hug her.
"Annyeong", N smiled.
"ㅋㅋ Annyeong Oppa", _________ giggled.

Leo didn't really say anything aloud he walked up to _________ and hugged her and whispered in her ear. _________ giggled because  Leo told her that they all have been trying to hit on girls but no one has got any yet but Leo got tons for not even talking. _________ thought it was funny because Leo never really talked to anyone but VIXX and her.

"Aish Oppa if you guys want girls just be like Leo Oppa ??", _________ giggled and walked to Ravi.
"YAY we are trying", Dongho scolded her.
"Mianhaeyo Oppa but I have to go now today I have to spend it with these 2 then later with Taemin Oppa and Kai Oppa", _________ bowed.
"YAY wait who are these 2 and what about us?" N question.
"Ah these 2 are my friends from over seas and umm I have to think about hanging with you guys we'll see", _________ smled and walked away.

_________, Ravi, and Jongup walked around for a while then they decided to ride some of the rides. The first ride was a roller coaster, then they went on a kiddy ride because they felt dizzy after the roller coaster. After that they all felt hungry so they went to eat some food, while they were getting food they ran into an idol group called Infinite. Ravi had notice them when he went to go throw his trash away and he wanted them to notice them as well so Ravi had a plan.

"_________-ah Jongup-ah hey I have a plan", Ravi smirked.
"Bowh? What is it Oppa?"
"Well when I went to go throw away my trash I saw Infinite"
"WAH daebaek", Jongup smiled.
"Well I want them to notice us so let's do our dance rutine ne?"
"AH Ravi Oppa which one?"
"Infinite Can You Smile and Cover Girl", Ravi looked through his phone.
"Ah ne that's good", Jongup smirked.
"Ne let's go", _________ pointed outside.

_________ looked in her back pack to find a mini sterio for Ravi's phone. As Ravi was looking for the 2 songs and putting them in a repeat for both song Infinite cam out with a camera following them.

"Ravi Oppa hurry their out already", _________ panicked.
"Aish got it hurry", Ravi got up and ran to Jongup and _________.

Ravi and Jongup started to dance as _________ ran up to Infinite and bowed to greet them. She then ran back and started to dance with Ravi and Jongup to Can You Smile. Even though it was slow their dance was still very cool Infinite had followed _________ with their eyes then they started to follower her to where she stopped. _________, Ravi, and Jongup had a unique still for this dance because it was slow and calm compare to their other songs. _________ had a lot of fun because she has always wanted to do this so that any idol could see what she can do. When Ravi looked up to look at Infinite's face he saw that they were all smiling and enjoyed the dance. The song soon came to an end and Infinite was about to leave until they heard their other song Cover Girl.

Infinite decided to stay and watch. Since this song was a little fast and much more happier they interacted with the crowd that stopped by and watched them. They had a big crowed infront of them and they really enjoyed it because they always end up having a really cool flash mob it's just they need the other guys with them to have a much cooler flash mob. Even though the other guys weren't there they still had a lot of people around them the crowd was singing along and also video taping their dance. _________, Ravi, and Jongup finished with a cool flip; Jongup did a back flip, while Ravi did a front flip, and _________ did what she learned in gym. Everyone loved it even Infinite after the crowd left Infinite stayed and talked to Ravi, Jongup, and _________.

"1 2 3", Sunggyu counted.
"Annyeonhasayo Infinite-amida", they all said together.
"Annyeong I'm Infinite's leader Sunggyu"
"Annyeong I'm the main rapper Dongwoo"
"Annyeong I'm main vocalist Woohyun"
"Annyeong I'm dancing machine Hoya"
"Annyeong I'm Sungyeol"
"Annyeong I'm the face of Infinite L"
"Annyeong I'm the maeknae Sungjong"

"Annyeonghasayo I'm Lee _________"
"Annyeong I'm Ravi"
"Annyeong I'm Jongup"
"Ah I think I have heard of you Lee _________", Sungyeol smiled.
"Wah chinja?" _________was suprised.
"Ah ne Hyung I remember isn't she the one who teachs a bunch of kids a dance within one month then they have a free concert", Sungjong smiled.
"Ne that's right I watched the one that just happened this month and it started to snow", Hoya smiled.
"ㅋㅋ ne that's correct I teach a bunch of kids their the best things ever they learn very fast too", _________ giggled.
"Ah that's good while just to let you guys know you guys are really good at dancing and we really like the cover to our song", Woohyun smiled.
"Ah kasahamida", _________, Ravi, and Jongup bowed together.

"Wait don't you guys have a Youtube account too?" L asked.
"Oh anniyo wae?" Jongup was lost.
"Well because I have watched some of your guys' video and the name is the Dancing Robot", L told Jongup.
"L Sunbae that's not our accout we have some fans that follow us around when we do flash mob", Ravi told L.
"Ah araso well you guys are really good kepp up the good work araso", L told them.
"Ne araso Sunbae", Ravi Jongup and _________ said together.
"Aish well we have to go we have other things we have to do here for the tv show", Sunggyu bowed and left.
"Araso mianhae for taking that time away", _________ bowed.

Ravi, Jongup, and _________ bowed and walked the other way. They were all so happy to know that they watch their flash mob that their fan leader post up and _________'s monthly free concert. They were so happy just to talk to Infinite they thought it was the coolest thing every they just wish that it could happen for a long time.

When Ravi, Jongup, and _________ left the amusment park it was already past 5pm. _________ felt bad that she was late she wanted to call Taemin and Kai but she didn't beccause they sent her a text saying that they were still at their schedule. They were really really busy.


A/N sorry for such a late post I will work hard this week to update a lot. Mianhaeyo I don't know who to do a lot of things on here so there is 2 lines up there =_=

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !