Over Protected

My Dancing Partner

ZE:A-Watch Out!


A few days later Leo had been relesed from the hospital. He has been doing goon, everyday _________ would talk to Leo to make sure things where ok.

_________ was happy to see Leo again back at school and not stuck in the hospital bed all alone. _________ always felt bad about what happen to Leo. After the day _________ saw Krystal feeding Leo at the hospital she felt uncomfortable to go inside his room. Krystal seem to alway be there when _________ wanted to go and visit Leo.

It was another school day and _________ woke up in Jongup's arms again. She smiled and shook Jongup to get up and get ready for school. It's always the same rutine every morning  for school. It was tiring but everyone was use to it. They all ate before they felt for school each morning Sammi, Nina, Hana, Kimmi, and Emily would always come and walk with them to school.

When they all got to school all the girls still came and surrounded the guys but they weren't as rough like how it started. They all became use to having _________ around and even the new girls there. The fans were really jealous and wanted to be in their palces as their "girl".

Soon lunch came and the guys all came up to _________ and asked her a question.

"_________ how do we ask them out?" B-Bomb asked.
"ㅋㅋ Oppa why do you ask me and not Jongup Oppa?"
"Well because your a girl", Ravi pouted.
"Aish araso Oppa I'll help"
"So Aron Oppa you have Hana Unnie right?"
"Ne I do"
"Ok well the both of you are playful make her go on a hunt to find you at the end and just ask her"
"Oh that's a good idea getting that down", Aron pulled out a notepad and wrote it down.
"Ravi Oppa and Emily Unnie ok so she likes it when you rap Oppa so rap her a song that askes her to be your girlfriend"
"Araso got it", Ravi wrote it in his phone.
"Peniel Oppa and Nina Unnie ㅋㅋ you guys both like skinship so I don't know maybe tell her straight forward or sing her the song we wrote together about falling in love"
"Oh I like the song one better got it", Peniel smiled.

"L.Joe Oppa you and Kimmi she seems to like you a lot so just ask her L.Joe I know you can do it^^"

"Aish araso araso and that's true I can", L.Joe smiled.

"Ah finally B-Bomb Oppa and Sammi Unnie you should cook her food and make one of the food spell out 'Will you be my girlfriend' ne?"
"Ah that's nice", B-Bomb looked through his phone for some food ideas.
"Ok well that's enough help for you guys", ________ smiled walked away to Jongup.

"What was that all about?" Jongup hugged _________.
"Oh Oppa they want them to ask the girls out"
"Oh and they ask you and not me"
"Yeah they did and I bet I came up with better ideas than you"
"Yeah I think so your always so cute and romantic in someway to me"
"ㅋㅋ I know Oppa"
"Let's go eat"
"Araso Oppa", _________ followed Jongup.

Jongup and _________ got their tray for their food and was getting in line. They were looking at the food to eat then suddenly people moved out of the way to let them go through to the front. Both _________ and Jongup were shock but they just went on ahead of everyone. After the couple were done eating Jongup had walked _________ to her class and Jongup walked back to his own class.

Soon school came to an end and _________ came out alone like always, but she felt like to many people where watching her. _________ turned and looked to see who it was but when she turned around and no one was there it was weird that no one was there anymore. _________ became scared but she didn't worry about it. When _________ got out of the school gates Jongup came up behind her and hugged her. _________ screamed and Jongup giggled.

"Yah Oppa are you crazy scaring me like that?"
"Oh mianhae baby"
"Aish it's ok"
"Ok let's go home now"
"Araso Oppa"

Jongup's POV:
I always want my baby girl to be ok. So today before I went to her during lunch I asked 3 guys to always watch over my baby girl. Everyone was always afriad to bump into them because they seem scary because they were good fighters. I will also protect her from any harm form now on I will always be with her no matter what and one of the guys have all his classes with my baby so I trust him to always watch her. Today after school I notice that they were all behind her even Leo Hyung but they all hide as soon as she turned around. I'm glad they hid really fast before she found out about it.

My baby will have 6 guys always watching over her. She has me, Joon Hyung, Leo Hyung, JB Hyung, Baro-sshi, and Minhyun-sshi to watch over her. Minhyun is in all of my baby's class so I really have to trust him the most in protecting my girl. I may be crazy but what happen to Leo Hyung really scared me if that was _________ I would have never been really pissed at myself. I know that _________ was mad at herself for letting that happen to Leo Hyung and she will always be made about that.

On our way home I could see Leo Hyung and JB Hyung hidding some where _________ will never look at. He also saw that Baro-sshi and Minhyun-sshi just casually walking around after school. Joon is barely here so I don't mind that he is not her but I think 5 is a little to much I'm over protecting my girl but I just want her to be safe ok don't jugde me gosh. 

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coolestgirl #1
Chapter 1: So many romanized Korean words......
I'm Korean and I know what you're trying to say but-yeah just ignore me I'm being a hater
ohhh taemin! ^^
wintersbreath #3
can't wait to read this!
Chapter 8: Update soon! This story is really interesting *-*
sauvignon #5
Chapter 2: PLease update soon !