Engagement Plans

I Pray For Us


YoungBae started the car to drive to his mother’s birthday. Wondering what had caused the sudden change in both of them. SeungHyun was constantly there, and the reaction DaeSung had had when SeungHyun had left. What was going on with them? YoungBae drove towards the country to attend the birthday, thinking about DaeSung and SeungHyun a great deal of the time, but he was also worried for JiYong and SeungRi. Their small war had maybe gotten worse, and he hadn’t heard from any of them, since he had met up with JiYong the other day. Maybe JiYong had slaughtered him by now, and wasn’t calling for that reason. YoungBae turned left and pulling into the parking space. A lot of cars were there already, getting him a bit nervous. How many guests had she invited this time? He sighed and stepped out of his way too fancy car, compared to the others that were on the parking place. Before closing the door, he picked up his present to her from the passenger seat. Slowly he made his way to the front door, trying to look normal, even though he was afraid to be attacked by people, both family members, and family friends. He took in a deep breath and rung the doorbell. His mother showed up a few seconds later, giving him the biggest hug he had received in a very long time.


“Hi baby!” His mother exclaimed when she pulled him out from her grip and held onto his shoulder, taking a very good look at him.


“Mom…!” YoungBae whispered in a shocked voice. She hadn’t called him that in a long time, and he had been satisfied with not hearing it in a long time. His mother overdid a smile and brushed a hand on his cheek. *This is going to be the most embarrassing day in a long time* He thought to himself. It already started out bad. She softly dragged him inside.


“Happy birthday. I should greet you from the others too.” YoungBae said with a smile, looking at his bright smiling mother. He gave her the present and she hugged him again. Something was wrong. She wasn’t all over him like that usually… And she had called him baby… Something was more than wrong. When she let go of him again, she was still smiling.


“Thank you, and also to the others.” She said, placing his present on a table with other presents. YoungBae seemed uncomfortable with the whole situation. He took a better look at his mother, trying to see if something really was wrong.


“Is everything okay here? How’s dad?” YoungBae asked, fishing for something that could tell him if there was something wrong. Her smile didn’t disappear, but grew brighter. It confused him more than if he had seen sadness or tears in her eyes.


“Oh, you know us. Everything is fine and your dad is in the back yard. All the others are too. It was perfect weather to be out in the garden and celebrate.” His mother answered him. YoungBae nodded, understanding now why the house had been completely silent. Now when he listened carefully, he could hear a sound of voices outside.


“I’m glad to hear that. Work is well too?” YoungBae asked. Maybe there was something there?


“Yes honey. Everything is very well here.” She answered him and pulled him into another hug. Confusing him even more, and not really sure of what he was supposed to do. He patted her back a few times, expecting her to let go when he stopped. She didn’t.


“Mom, are you really sure that there’s nothing? You seem so… Not you?” YoungBae asked her, making her pull out of the hug.


“Baby, there’s really nothing wrong. I haven’t seen my son in about a year, would you expect me to hug you once and let you go?” His mother asked him sincerely. YoungBae understood now. She was just happy to see him, now he just felt like a complete fool.


“I’m sorry. I have been busy.” YoungBae excused himself, like all the other times. His mother nodded understanding.

“I know baby. And your new solo album is really good.” She commented, causing him to smile a little. He hadn’t actually expected her to listen to it, but somehow he knew she would. Why wouldn’t she?


“Thanks mom.” YoungBae softly answered her. She looked at him, from head to toe, eyeing if he had either lost weight, gained weight, or looked different.


“You know… You should keep your clothes on more. I don’t like you to catch a cold. That video where you were outside, didn’t you get sick? It looked cold?” She said very motherly. He looked at her with a tiny smile. She was still his mother after all.


“No, I was inside. It was just a scene mom.” He explained, she still looked a bit unsure if she was convinced.


“Wait… How did you see that?” YoungBae suddenly asked, pretty sure about that he hadn’t shown it to her.


“Baby, we have television too. You have been on a lot of different channels lately, it’s almost difficult to avoid. Not that I want to.” She answered him with a motherly and caring smile. He hadn’t thought about that.


“Ah, yes… Of course.” He muttered to himself. She had a hand on his shoulder, and gave it a squeeze.


“But you have become a really great dancer. Just keep the shirt on. I don’t want you to get sick.” The first was really sweet, the next was more like an order than a suggestion. YoungBae just nodded, not even considering listen to her. He had never done anyway.


“Thanks.” He just answered. She patted his shoulder and pulled him into a new hug. They were both standing with their side to the door, and didn’t notice the person entering.


“Mrs. Dong?” A female voice asked, breaking the mother and son. YoungBae looked at the girl, who was around his age and with long black hair. She had beautiful features and a slim body. Her pretty dress was about knee length, and with no sleeves. It was black and with some colored patterns on.


“Oh…” She said in disbelief as she saw him. As quickly she could, she bowed for him. He slowly bowed back, still taking in her beauty.


“You are TaeYang right?” She asked, just to be sure. Not that there was anything to doubt about it by his appearance.


“Yeah, I can’t lie about that.” YoungBae slowly answered her. He got an urging feeling to run away, just to avoid further contact with her, so he wasn’t going to make a fool out of himself, as he did with all other girls.


“Wow. I saw some pictures of you, but I wasn’t sure that it was actually really you.” She said with a pretty smile. YoungBae smiled slightly back. He looked at his mother, sending her a look to save him.


“Oh, yes dear. What was it that you wanted?” His mother softly asked her. The girl was ripped out of her fascination of standing in the same room as TaeYang from Big Bang.


“Mr. Dong asked if you could get some more kimchi?” The girl asked, still with her eyes on YoungBae, who started to feel uneasy with the situation.


“Oh yes of course. I will get it right away.” YoungBae’s mother answered. He was just about to grab her arm to hold her back so she wouldn’t leave him alone in the room with the girl, but she was already on her way into the kitchen. The two left in the room looked at each other, causing YoungBae to feel a bit scared.


“I should go out and help her.” He then suddenly excused himself, finding the best thing he could to get away. The girl looked after him, thinking about what his problem was. She smiled a bit and left the room to go outside again.




When JiYong finally returned to the living room about half an hour later, he didn’t see SeungRi. He shrugged and went to the kitchen. SeungRi stood by the stove and stirred in a pot, the air was filled with a delicious smell of food.


“What are you doing?” JiYong asked a little suspicious, still not sure if they had truce. SeungRi looked up at him with a smirk.


“I’m showering! What does it look like I’m doing?” He asked with a laugh. JiYong smiled a little. True, that was a rather stupid question.


“No, I meant what you are cooking.” JiYong asked with the small smile. SeungRi seemed somehow friendlier now. Maybe had was actually going to end the war? Whatever he was doing, JiYong still felt suspicious.


“Food.” SeungRi just answered. JiYong got closer, figuring that it was the only way to find out what he was cooking. With getting closer the smell got better.


“You are actually cooking stew?” JiYong asked in disbelief. SeungRi looked at him with a smirk.


“Yeah? Surprised?” He asked teasingly. JiYong nodded fast, not even hiding his surprise.


“You shouldn’t be that surprised. I have made it before.” SeungRi added a little laughing. JiYong inhaled the smell before removing himself from SeungRi’s side, still not comfortable with standing too close to him.


“Set the table.” SeungRi demanded, but with a sweet voice. JiYong looked at him again with that suspicious look.


“You are really not going to do anything to me?” He asked with a voice matching his look. After asking he took out a bowl for both of them. SeungRi chuckled.


“No, silly. We have cleared the war and ended it. And no, I haven’t destroyed the food. I will prove it to you when it’s done.” SeungRi answered him with a cute smile. JiYong put the stuff they needed on the table and sat down on his seat. A few minutes after SeungRi took the stew and placed on the table, rice next to it, and a portion of kimchi. JiYong’s eyes lit up. He wasn’t sure if this was some kind of trick, or he actually made it because he wanted to.


“Let’s try.” SeungRi said and poured himself some. He needed to prove to JiYong that it wasn’t poisoned and that’s why he needed to take some of it first. Normally the eldest was supposed to be the first, but JiYong refused before he had tried it out. SeungRi blew on the stew and tasted it. He nodded to JiYong that it was okay. JiYong send him a suspicious gaze and poured something in his bowl too. When he put it in his mouth, the taste was really good. Better than expected.


“Now you haven’t put some sleeping medication in it or something like that?” JiYong asked, still not trusting him one bit. SeungRi chuckled.


“No, I haven’t. Else I wouldn’t eat it too right?” He answered him. JiYong shrugged, swallowing a spoonful hot stew more.


“It’s good.” JiYong shyly admitted. SeungRi smirked to himself. He hummed in agreement.


“Your Maknae can actually do something beside singing and dancing.” He . JiYong smiled a little.


“Obviously.” He just answered and took a large spoonful of rice. Slowly chewing it while looking judging at SeungRi.


“Why did you do it?” JiYong suddenly asked, causing SeungRi to look at him a little confused.


“The coffee.” JiYong just mentioned so he would understand. SeungRi understood and swallowed his last bite.


“Because you were annoying and I like to tease you.” He answered him truthfully. JiYong didn’t seem the least surprised. He hummed with a tone that meant that he got it. Not that he was satisfied with it, but he had his answer.


“Why did you attack me?” SeungRi asked, just to tease and be annoying. JiYong looked at him with a saying look.


“Because you pissed me off and ruined my coffee. But I don’t get how you managed to get all those papers up on my walls in my room. It took me hours to get down! And it felt like torture.” JiYong asked him with a wondering look. SeungRi laughed and let go of his spoon before he moved his fingers weirdly.


“Magic.” He just answered, receiving an annoyed sigh from JiYong. He had actually really wanted to know, and of course he hadn’t really expected him to answer him truthfully. But maybe a hint had been nice.


“Yeah well… Keep your “magic” to yourself then.” JiYong said, still a little annoyed before he just continued eating.


“Hmm… I’ll try.” SeungRi . Well knowing that he was going to let his “magic” enchant the person across him. JiYong just shot him a glare, but continued eating the food in front of him.




SeungHyun and DaeSung was back in their sweet position with DaeSung resting on SeungHyun’s chest, hand on his shoulder and with SeungHyun’s arm around him.


“You know what?” SeungHyun softly asked him. DaeSung lifted himself a little to look at him.


“Do you really start all the things you want to say with that?” He asked with a smile, SeungHyun smiled back at him.


“I will try to reduce it.” SeungHyun promised, looking caring into DaeSung’s eyes.


“Okay, what is it that I maybe know, that actually I don’t know, but that you want to tell me?” DaeSung asked a little teasingly and smiled to him. SeungHyun caressed his cheek with the hand that had been behind his head about two seconds ago.


“I love you.” SeungHyun softly said, his tone was warm and very calm. DaeSung’s eyes lit up and actually looked a bit confused.


“What?” He asked in a whisper. SeungHyun smiled a little because of him.


“But… I… Wait… What?” DaeSung said confused, causing SeungHyun to laugh sweetly.


“I’m not going to leave this time because you can’t find your words.” He and pulled him into a soft and gentle kiss. It was cute that he couldn’t find words when it got to emotions and feelings. SeungHyun kind of liked him because of that. Well that was one of the things he liked about him.


“I don’t want you to leave because I’m bad at answering you.” DaeSung muttered into the kiss, deepening a little. SeungHyun smiled and they broke the kiss slowly.


“And I love you too.” DaeSung softly answered him, giving him another kiss. Sensation filled SeungHyun, while DaeSung’s heart was beating uncontrollably. They kissed deeper and it only got hotter.




TaeYang had now greeted all of the guests, and been introduced to the few he didn’t know. He found out that the girl he met earlier was from a married couple that his parents had been acquainted with for quite a while now. She had kept eyeing him out almost all the time he had been there. He had been trying to fish for her name, but the only thing he had found out was her family name: Choi. What a surprise… Everyone had been happy to see him again – from the family and elder friend’s sides. The new people he had now met kept looking at him and a few whispered. Gossip, he knew that already. Now he just needed to wait a day or two, then the news would be spread to the whole world on the internet. He hadn’t seen a camera point his way yet, but on the other hand, he couldn’t look 360 degrees all the time. And there were plenty of cameras there. He got into a few talks with some from his family about how he was doing, and how they were doing.


“YoungBae, honey. Will you join me in the kitchen for a second?” His mother called out and he excused himself from a conversation with his father’s eldest friend. He walked towards the door into the house and followed his mother into the kitchen.


“Please sit down baby.” She softly said and sat down on her knees herself. YoungBae sat down on the floor too. It had been a long time since he had been in a traditional Korean house, even though he had grown up here, it was weird now that he had gotten used to the more western kind of way with chairs and tables.


“What’s up?” He asked carefully. His mother looked at him with a bright smile.


“You met Choi SooRi before.” She started out, and YoungBae choose just to nod.


“Her parents and yours have agreed to engage you two in marriage.” His mother said like it was the best thing in the whole world, and her smile would never be compared to anything he had seen before from her. But he couldn’t share her happiness and joy. Instead his mouth dropped open and he looked at her in disbelief. She noticed that and the smile faded.


“You can’t do that!” YoungBae exclaimed. His mother giggled a little.


“Baby, I know you. I want you to marry a good wife and have kids. After everything I hear, you haven’t even dated yet, am I right? And if you aren’t getting married soon, the chance for a good marriage and healthy children will slowly disappear, and I don’t want that for you.” His mother answered him very calm and with that motherly care in her eyes.


“I’m not that old!” YoungBae quickly said like she was accusing him of being so.


“And whatever that I haven’t dated. Mom, I don’t want to get married. Not now I mean. Someday yes, but right now, no!” His voice indicated his desperate try to make her understand him. She did, but refused to give up without a fight.


“But baby, I just want to secure your future. And I’m afraid you can’t do that yourself.” She calmly said and took his hand in hers, but he pulled his back again.


“You don’t think I can secure my future? I’m wealthy and at some point I will find a woman that I will love. But I refuse to be forced to love a person, whom I have spoken two words with and now this gets thrown in my head!” YoungBae answered her, his voice rather loud by now. He felt furious, but he knew that he couldn’t take that out on his mother.


“Baby, I know you have a lot of money. But money doesn’t make you happy. And money isn’t giving you children of your own.” His mother softly said, trying to convince him with that sweet voice of hers, but he wasn’t going to accept this, no matter what.


“I don’t need the money to be happy! My work makes me happy, my fellow band members make me happy and everything I stand for makes me happy! I AM happy mom. I don’t need a pushy wife and kids all over me to be so. If you want me to truly be happy, then just let me live my own life!” He said, or almost yelled actually. She softly shushed him and he looked at her with burning eyes.


“You don’t need to get upset about it. It’s just an offer, and I think you should accept it.” Her voice was still motherly and caring. He had absolutely no idea of how she could remain this calm. Maybe it was a trick to get him forced into it.


“Not get upset? Mom, are you aware of what you are saying to me? How come that I would not get upset? Did you really picture me just accepting this with a smile and let you control my life as you have always tried to do, but have you ever succeeded just ones?” He asked her, still in a loud voice. There was no way that he could calm down right now, even if he was put in a freezer or poured with ice water. His mother sighed deeply by the thought of her impossible son.


“No, exactly. I have never been able to say anything to what you have done in life. And you have turned everything I have tried to make you do, down. I know you have never wanted to listen to me, and even when you were a kid you refused to do what I told you. But I just want to give you a good life. Is that too much to ask for?” She asked him very sincere, almost giving him goose bumps of pure annoyance.


“Mom, why do you think I have never listened to you? Look at what you are asking me to do now! Why in the world do you think I have never taken any tiny advice from you? If you had been the judge of my life, then I would have been a farmer or something like that. I would live with some annoying wife and probably a kid too. Don’t you see that it was not what I turned out to be? I don’t think I could have gone anymore in the other direction than what you wanted! Look at me! I don’t have dirt to my knees, or having weird clothes on! This is how you turned me in to be! If you have praised me to become a singer, then I would never have done so. A lot of parents try to push their kids to become stars and if you had been one of them, I wouldn’t have done so. I’m grown up, and I don’t need you to decide who I shall marry! Maybe because of all of this I will just refuse to marry and never have kids! I could just turn out gay and you would hate me forever right?” YoungBae talked very fast and still with the raised voice. He just wanted to spit it all out in her face, and yes it would make her sad, but he couldn’t have her to control his life. His mother looked shocked at him, this was more than she had expected.


“I never asked you to become a farmer, and I have never wanted to be the judge of your life. If you had been a mothers boy, then you would do something different than what you do, yes, but that doesn’t change what you have become. I would never hate you, but if you never marry and gets children, then you can’t get your own family and that would be a disgrace for our family and you know that. But if you really are gay, then I will accept that too.” She said, still rather calm, but a little shocked. YoungBae’s eyes lit up, realizing what he had just said and mentally slapped himself.


“Mom! I’m not gay! But I would rather be a disgrace than letting you decide who I am going to marry!”  He quickly answered her. Now she would just think he was gay. Great! That was not embarrassing at all… Stupid!


“Baby, I know you don’t want me to decide things in your life, and yes you are an adult now, but I would just like to help you.” She softly said looking at him with those caring eyes. He sighed deeply, more than annoyed.


“What about HyunBae?  He’s not married either and he’s older than me. Why isn’t he being pushed to marry some girl?” YoungBae asked suddenly, trying to turn the card.


“Because he actually knows how to speak to girls, and he has had girlfriends. You haven’t. That’s why I try to help you with it. I have never said that you and SooRi were going to get married tomorrow. Baby, just get to know her. Please?” She begged her furious son, whom was still looking at her with those burning eyes. YoungBae rolled his eyes in disbelief. She had just turned him into the family’s black sheep…


“Fine… I will talk to her. But I won’t marry her!” He quickly assured her. Why he suddenly surrendered, was out of his world of knowledge. She clapped in her skinny hands and smiled brightly again. How he hated people who begged and said please. Why did he have a soft side?

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)