Better Ideas

I Pray For Us


When DaeSung woke up again, he felt a slight headache. SeungHyun was asleep too, and with his one hand still placed on top of DaeSung’s head. Slowly DaeSung pulled away and blinked a few times to get rid of his sleepiness. He looked around and saw YoungBae who was asleep too, almost next to him. DaeSung made a small smile as he got up from his seat. He stretched and yawned. While stretching he could feel his back muscles being sore from the position he had slept in, which had been very comfortable, until now. Even though he had probably slept for a few hours, he still felt awfully tired, but considering the day, he thought it was okay to feel tired. After all, he had been very active and his brain had been overworking for a long time. The headache didn’t make the pain in his back any better, so he just sat down again and dropped the idea of getting something to eat. As he leaned back in the seat and looked up in the ceiling with a deep sigh, he noticed YoungBae move a little in the bed. DaeSung tilted his head a little to the side where YoungBae was, and kept an eye on him, in case he should wake up. It was weird that he slept so much, when SeungHyun woke up before. But of course he could have woken up when he was asleep on SeungHyun’s shoulder.


“Did you sleep well?” DaeSung softly asked when he saw that YoungBae opened his eyes. With those words he earned a slight smile from YoungBae and a nod.


“Yeah. It was okay.” YoungBae answered as he tried to sit up, but the pain on his chest made it a little difficult. DaeSung quickly got up when he saw YoungBae’s intentions.


“You shouldn’t move too much. The wound could get ripped open again.” DaeSung said with concern, and YoungBae just smiled from his friends worry.


“How come, that you are always able to think about everyone else, than yourself?” YoungBae asked as DaeSung helped him with sitting up a little. DaeSung just laughed at his words, even though YoungBae really meant it.


“He’s an Angel.” SeungHyun muttered from his bed next to them and DaeSung smiled as he turned around to face him. YoungBae nodded in agreement.


“He indeed is.” YoungBae answered and DaeSung smiled a little shy, as he also blushed slightly. SeungHyun smiled from the shyness that DaeSung suddenly showed, causing him to laugh a little as well.


“Now you are just praising.” DaeSung answered as he still blushed and sat down on the chair again next to SeungHyun. The latter took his hand and held it in his own, softly caressing it on the back with his thumb.


“No, we are telling the truth. And you know it’s right.” SeungHyun said with a smile as he pulled his hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. DaeSung smiled more and blushed like crazy.


“You are too sweet.” DaeSung mumbled and it caused SeungHyun to chuckle a little.


“I know. That’s why you like me.” SeungHyun teased. DaeSung laughed a little and leaned down to give him a kiss, which he of course returned.


“No…” DaeSung muttered to his lips as he gave him a new kiss. SeungHyun looked surprised from his “No”.


“That’s why I love you.” DaeSung said with a tease, as he knew SeungHyun would be surprised. When the words changed to Love, SeungHyun started smiling and wasn’t surprised anymore. He had just been tricked.


“I love you too, Angel.” SeungHyun answered as he gave him a new sweet kiss, causing DaeSung to smile by the confession. With a quick glance, SeungHyun looked at YoungBae to see if he kept an eye on them, but instead he was looking out of the window, with his head turned away from them. SeungHyun turned his attention to DaeSung again and smiled a little towards him. DaeSung turned his head, as he noticed SeungHyun’s look to YoungBae, and noticed that he had turned his head away from them. After a few more kisses, DaeSung straightened up in his seat, still holding SeungHyun’s hand.


“I want to go and see JiYong, is that okay?” DaeSung asked carefully, not sure if SeungHyun would like him to go. SeungHyun smiled and nodded.


“Of course, then you can tell how he is when you get back.” SeungHyun answered him with a cute smile, causing DaeSung to smile from the permission of leaving.


“Thanks love. I will be back soon again. SeungRi and he would probably like to be alone.” DaeSung said and winked. SeungHyun laughed a little and let go of his hand so he could leave him. DaeSung smiled and gave him a last kiss as he got up from his seat.


“See you soon.” SeungHyun said as DaeSung made his way towards the door. YoungBae turned his head to look after DaeSung as he went out of the door, just after he had bid his goodbye. SeungHyun turned his head towards YoungBae, and sent him a smile. YoungBae just smiled back for a short time and turned his head away as he looked outside the window. SeungHyun just let him be, and he could tell that he didn’t want to talk to him, so he just closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.


“Are you really not aware of what you have done to piss those guys off?” YoungBae suddenly asked after a long while of silence. SeungHyun opened his eyes again, just right before he was going to fall asleep. The question somewhat annoyed him a little. Did he really not believe him, when he said he didn’t know?


“No.” SeungHyun answered without any emotion or feeling in his tone. YoungBae was still looking out of the window and not even giving one glance towards SeungHyun.


“You know, we almost died all of us, and you don’t even know why?” YoungBae asked, finally looking at him, but not with friendly eyes though. SeungHyun almost got scared from his deathly glare.


“Why do you keep asking me that, when you know that I don’t know? If I knew then I would have done something, but since I don’t know, then I can’t do anything!” SeungHyun almost yelled in anger. YoungBae just turned his head away again and didn’t answer him. He was pissed, and the pain on his chest didn’t make anything any better. SeungHyun felt the rush of anger inside of him, but chose not to act on it. On the other hand, it would be quite difficult for him to do anything at all. Actually he was more or less bound to the bed, because he would be unable to go anywhere with his body like this. YoungBae just kept looking out, and the silence between them started to get somewhat painful. The tension was like needles and the atmosphere was so thick that it would be able to be sliced.




SeungRi was still talking with JiYong, all the time he had been awake. SeungRi hadn’t been able to sleep at all, because he was afraid that someone would come and kill them. It made him paranoid and that was also one of the reasons why he couldn’t leave him. Even though he really wanted something to eat, or at least drink, he wasn’t able to leave him with a good conscience. JiYong was awake again now, and they spoke about this and that. Just what came to their minds.


After a few hours, a soft knock was heard on the door and DaeSung entered the room. He had been looking for the room a short while to find it. Both SeungRi and JiYong smiled when they saw him.


“Hi guys. Am I disturbing? Can I come in?” DaeSung carefully asked as he stood in the door. JiYong nodded.


“We are just talking, please come in.” JiYong said with a bright smile. SeungRi let go of JiYong’s hand. DaeSung softly closed the door behind him, before he went to the bed on the other side of JiYong than SeungRi.


“How do you feel now?” DaeSung asked with a small smile and a concerned look in his face. JiYong smiled a little more by his worried friend.


“I’m alright, but only thanks to you. If you hadn’t found me, or woke me up, I would possibly still be there… So thank you DaeSung. Thank you.” JiYong said sincerely. DaeSung felt touched by his words and he couldn’t help but give him a big hug.


“I’m just happy that you are alright.” DaeSung answered into his shoulder. JiYong smiled as he hugged him back and patted his back.


“Thank you.” JiYong very softly whispered and they let go of each other. SeungRi smiled by himself at the sight of the two being happy like that. JiYong picked up SeungRi’s hand just after he let go of DaeSung, just to give it a small kiss, and it caused SeungRi to smile more and bigger. DaeSung smiled as well, giving him a small thought about how YoungBae must feel when he was with himself and SeungHyun. It must be weird for him. Maybe he actually went out so much, just to avoid them? Poor guy…


“I’m glad that you are alright. But I think I have to get back to SeungHyun and YoungBae.” DaeSung said with a light smile, causing JiYong to laugh a little.


“Okay, that’s fair enough. It must be weird to be to be here like this.” JiYong said as he laughed and showed SeungRi and his intertwined hands. DaeSung smiled shyly as he made a small shrug.


“No it’s okay. But I want to be with SeungHyun and YoungBae. If that’s okay?” DaeSung asked and both of them nodded, giving their permission to let him leave.


“Send our love to them, and we hope to see them soon. Or well, I hope to.” JiYong mentioned as he laughed slightly. DaeSung nodded as he understood.


“Of course I will. I’m sure I have to return it.” DaeSung answered before he gave both of them a hug.


“I’m pretty sure too. See you later.” JiYong said as SeungRi was hugging DaeSung.


“Yes, see you. And no monkey business in the hospital.” DaeSung said like he emphasized the last part. Both JiYong and SeungRi laughed at the thought of the last time when SeungRi had been the one in the bed. DaeSung looked shocked.


“I don’t want to know or hear anything!” he quickly exclaimed and turned around, though he was smiling and about to laugh by the fact that he was now sure they had done something, but he still didn’t want to know.


“See you Hyung!” SeungRi laughed after him with a tease. JiYong was still laughing, so he couldn’t say anything. DaeSung shook his head as he left the room, smiling slightly at the two persons in the room. He made his way back to the other two.


JiYong was still laughing when DaeSung left. SeungRi smiled like he was laughing and caressed the back of JiYong’s hand.


“He’s so cute and acts all innocent all the time.” JiYong said with a laugh. SeungRi laughed a little more because of the mention of being innocent and the fact of what happened today.


“What he is, is so far from innocent that it can possibly be!” SeungRi quickly said and JiYong nodded while laughing a little to agree with him.


“True.” JiYong just answered and slowly got the laugh calmed down. SeungRi surprise attacked him with a hug, and kissed him when he had stopped laughing. JiYong sure got surprised, but laughed a little again when he hugged SeungRi back. Giving him a sweet kiss before SeungRi pulled away again, to sit down on his chair.


“Thank you for keeping your promise.” SeungRi said with a shy smile after a few minutes in silence. JiYong answered his smile and held his hand, giving it a small squeeze.


“Have I ever broken a promise?” JiYong said, mostly as a small tease, even though he knew that SeungRi really meant it. It caused the tension to light up a little and SeungRi smiled back, without the shyness.


“I’m sure you have at some point.” SeungRi answered, sending him a wink. JiYong shrugged as he pretended not to have broken any. To be true, he couldn’t remember any promise that he might have broken, but there must have been a few. Everyone had to break a promise now and then right?


“I could never!” JiYong teased, earning a light kiss from SeungRi. After the end of the short kiss, SeungRi shook his head like he wasn’t convinced at all.


“No, of course not.” SeungRi answered while rolling his eyes, causing JiYong to laugh slightly.


“I’m always right, you know that!” JiYong quickly said, almost with a defending tone in his voice. SeungRi raised an eyebrow and started laughing.


“Then you must be the girl in our relationship.” SeungRi teased and got a weird look back from JiYong, before he understood what he was talking about. Then he rolled his eyes at him and softly hit him on the arm.


“I’m not a girl! Just because I’m always right.” JiYong quickly defended again and SeungRi laughed a little more.


“You are a girl, we all know.” SeungRi teased while smiling slyly, causing JiYong to pout. SeungRi kissed his cheek, and warmed him up to a smile.


“But you are a cute girl.” SeungRi added to his tease and JiYong pouted again, looking fake offended. Again SeungRi just kissed him and JiYong melted immediately.


“I’m still not a girl.” JiYong rejected and caused SeungRi to smile at him. Not really convinced in his rejection of being called a girl.


“Okay, then I’ll just stick to cute?” SeungRi asked and looked at him with a pair of adorable panda eyes. JiYong considered it for a moment and then nodded.


“I think it’s okay then. Now kiss me.” JiYong demanded and SeungRi obeyed him with sharing a kiss. JiYong smiled, looking almost proud, when they ended their kiss. They kept talking for a while, and at some point JiYong just fell asleep while holding SeungRi’s hand. When SeungRi noticed, he kissed JiYong’s cheek and let go of his hand. He felt that he had to see the others, to make sure they were okay as well.




DaeSung returned to the others and noticed that SeungHyun was sleeping and YoungBae was still looking outside of the window. Instead of sitting down beside SeungHyun, DaeSung sat down beside YoungBae on the bed at the end where his feet were.


“So, are you feeling any better?” DaeSung carefully asked, causing YoungBae to finally turn his head and looked at him. He let out a sigh and turned his attention to the window again.


“I guess. Physical, yes. But I must confess that I have a hard time understanding all of this. It just feels like a bad movie, and I must be blunt to admit that I actually hate this movie.” YoungBae answered, turning his head again and looked DaeSung in the eyes. It hurt DaeSung in the heart when he saw the sadness and fear that filled YoungBae and was shown in his eyes.


“I know what you mean… Wait! I actually have something that maybe would help you. A doctor gave me this, shortly after you and the other two were taken away.” DaeSung quickly said as he found the small card that the doctor had given him. He handed it to YoungBae and saw the frown that he made when he saw the card.


“So you think I should talk with a shrink?” YoungBae asked him while looking at the card with intense starring eyes. DaeSung wasn’t really sure what to answer, but he just said the first thing that came to his mind, that also was the truth.


“Yes, I think you should. Maybe we all should.” He answered and YoungBae looked at him with a distant gaze, like he was off in lost thoughts.


“Maybe… Yes.” YoungBae answered after a minute or two like this. DaeSung softly caressed his leg over the duvet and tried to comfort him.


“I know how hard this is… But let’s look forward and hope it will be the end now. We will get better and I’m sure that this will only tie our bonds inside our band even tighter. Don’t break with this. What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger – right?” DaeSung said and still caressed his leg, now letting his hand rest around his angle. YoungBae smiled a little, not really sure why, but his words somehow comforted him, without even being comforting words.


“Dae… You are incredible.” YoungBae answered him and it made DaeSung laugh a little, smiling his usual cute smile.


“I’m not sure why you say so, but you are fantastic yourself.” DaeSung answered, though with a slight teasing tone in his voice. YoungBae smiled a little more, causing DaeSung to softly caress his leg again.


“I would love to give you a hug, but I think it will have to wait a little longer.” YoungBae said, but instead he put his hand out, so DaeSung could take it, and so he did. Holding hands actually made both of them feel better, feel like they were still here. It was not love or anything. Just that feeling of being safe and still alive, together with each other, was the best thing right now.


“That’s okay, but I will hold on to that as a promise to get a hug.” DaeSung said with a cute smile, softly caressing the back of his hand with his thumb.


“Then that’s a promise.” YoungBae said as he gave DaeSung’s hand a tiny squeeze. DaeSung squeezed back, causing YoungBae to smile too.


“I’ve just thought about something.” DaeSung mentioned and YoungBae nodded, giving him a sign that he should just tell.


“Maybe we should all move together? Or would that be too much? Then we wouldn’t be alone any of us, and I must be honest to say that I would be more safe with everyone together, then we wouldn’t have to think about what happened to the others, because we would be able to see them all the time.” DaeSung suggested. YoungBae looked surprised and almost shocked.


“Do you think that’s a good idea? We haven’t lived together for real, almost since our debut? Don’t you think it would be weird to suddenly get together again?” YoungBae asked a little confused, but it didn’t take the breath away from DaeSung. He just shook his head and smiled.


“No, actually I think it’s a great idea! Let us talk with the others about it later, or when we see them again.” DaeSung answered, boosting with optimism. YoungBae laughed a little, considering if DaeSung had lost his mind, or if he was playing a bad joke.


“Dae, maybe we should just re-consider that once more.” YoungBae suggested and squeezed his hand again.


“Maybe my Angel is right.” A hoarse and tired voice said beside them. SeungHyun had clearly woken up, or he just wanted to join the conversation now, because he had been awake for some time. YoungBae rolled his eyes and turned his head to the window again. Actually he expected DaeSung to leave his side by the first two seconds that a show of life in SeungHyun, but he didn’t. YoungBae was surprised that he didn’t even let go of his hand.


“I think I am, yes.” DaeSung said and YoungBae looked back at DaeSung. SeungHyun turned his head a little, so it tilted to the side where they both were, so he could look at them.


“Then we should do it. After asking the other two of course, but we should do it. That would also make a better, maybe easier life for all of us.” SeungHyun commented and YoungBae sighed in defeat.


“Maybe, but let’s discuss it with the others. They should agree with it too. And all the things that we have to do would be impossible right now. None of us can start packing and moving like we are now. And none of our apartments have space enough for all of us. Maybe we should just forget about it or wait half a year.” YoungBae stated, still thinking it was a bad idea. DaeSung sighed from the defeat he felt from YoungBae, though he had a point that it wouldn’t be possible for them to move right now. Actually he was the only one who could make a true effort. Maybe JiYong could too, when he felt better. But the other three was rather handicapped right now from their wounds and hurts.


“Yeah, let’s talk with the others later then we can find out something to do.” SeungHyun agreed, just causing DaeSung to smile from their sudden agreement. He had already figured that there were some small tensions between YoungBae and SeungHyun, and somehow he had to solve them. YoungBae just nodded without commenting on it.




After some time of small talking, mostly DaeSung talking with one of them, a soft knock was heard on the door and SeungRi entered the room.


“Hey Hyungs. How are you?” He asked with a cute smile and they smiled back at him.


“Very well I guess.” DaeSung answered, not wanting SeungRi to be too concerned. He probably had enough on his mind already, so he didn’t have to think about them too, at least not too much. SeungRi’s smile grew wider and it was obvious to see that he was happy with these news.


“I’m glad!” He exclaimed and gave DaeSung a hug. With the other two who was hurt, he wasn’t sure if it would be okay, so he didn’t. They didn’t ask for it either, so he guessed it was okay without it.


“What about JiYong? Is he okay?” SeungHyun asked, causing SeungRi to smile and send them a little nod.


“Yep, he is fine. He’s sleeping now, so I wanted to see how you were doing.” SeungRi answered and all of them smiled a little more. It was sweet of him to actually leave JiYong’s side, to see how they were doing.


“I, or we, have something to talk to you and JiYong about, but later I guess.” DaeSung said and gained a weird look from YoungBae. He had actually hoped that he had forgotten about it, but that wasn’t the case. SeungRi looked interested at him, hoping to hear it already.


“Let’s talk about it later, when JiYong can hear it too.” YoungBae said as he tried to slip off the topic. DaeSung looked a little down, but shrugged to let SeungRi and the others know that he agreed. SeungRi pouted like a kid because he wasn’t informed in something the others knew.


“Okay, I hope JiYong will soon be able to come here too, so we can talk about it. Now you just made me dying of curiosity.” SeungRi said with a slight smile, causing DaeSung to laugh a little.


“Me too. Also so we can see him again.” He answered and they talked for a little while before SeungRi left again to go to JiYong. Hoping he was awake by now.



A/N: Hi my lovely readers! :D I'm sorry for not updating before now, but I have been so busy! I have been working on this chapter since the 24th of December, so it's a bit weird... And it's boring as hell!!! Sorry that I didn't make anything more interesting, but I hope to make it better with the next update, which hopefully would be made soon! I feel that I have disappointed you... Both with the bad update and the long wait... :/ Sorry for that, but thank you for reading it, and I hope you will like it anyway! So Happy New Year and I hope you are all good! :D

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)