Getting Hurt

I Pray For Us


JiYong woke up in a room he wasn’t sure he was familiar with. His head was placed on a pillow with sweet female perfume. With a start he sat up.


“Oh, you are awake.” YooJin’s voice said from the other side of the room. Now JiYong realized he was in her living room and had a duvet on him that was fallen down a bit when he sat up. He blinked a few times and tried to clear his head.


“You don’t remember anything?” She asked him with a cute small, and he shook his head as an answer.


“Did we…?” JiYong slowly asked and she shook her head with a laugh.


“Just because you are a rockstar, don’t mean I would jump you. I’m not having with whoever coming into my house. Hey, you are cute and all that, but you are my friend, and I’m not a little that would sleep with anyone. I got a pride you know.” She answered him with a sweet giggle. He sighed of relief.


“So… What happened then?” JiYong asked a little confused. Clearly he had been drunk, and was not ended up in her bed, which was lucky.


“You got drunk and I put you on the couch. You kept saying you needed to get home, but I would never let any person drive in that condition. So I convinced you to stay, and you fell asleep. Sweetie, don’t worry. Call SeungRi and tell him that you soon are coming home, but you are having breakfast first.” YooJin explained and smiled at him, like she had a secret. JiYong nodded and thought about it for a while. What had he done the night before? He remembered everything, until he had emptied the first bottle of wine, then his mind was blank.


“Okay, why do you want me to call SeungRi? I don’t think he’s worried… He shouldn’t be at least. I told him I would be home late.” JiYong said and she winked at him before she walked into the kitchen. Oh god!! He hadn’t said something really stupid while being drunk?? Please he hadn’t mentioned anything about him and SeungRi! Oh please no! He quickly picked up his phone and dialed SeungRi’s number.


“Hyung?” A tired voiced answered him. JiYong figured he was still sleeping.


“Hey, I just wanted to say that I’m coming home soon. Sorry for not coming home last night and telling you I stayed out.” He quickly apologized. SeungRi sighed and yawned.


“I’m not your mother, you can do whatever you want. If I had been worried for you, I would have called. So just stay wherever you are or do whatever suits you, and I will go back to sleep.” SeungRi mumbled and hung up. Annoyed he threw the phone on the bed next to him and took the pilled beside him, covering his face with it. Why had he been so worried for him? Of course he was alright, and probably together with someone. Probably a girl that he had been together with all night long. Out of anger he threw the pillow through the room and it hit a picture on his wall, causing it to fall down and the glass that covered it broke into a million pieces. With an angry noise he got up and got dressed.


“I hate you…” SeungRi mumbled to himself. Why should he also have those feelings for him? They clearly weren’t returned, and why should they even be that? As he kept saying they weren’t together and perhaps he should just back off while the game was good.


JiYong looked confused at the phone when SeungRi hung up on him. He put it back in his pocket with a sigh, getting up and went to the kitchen. YooJin sat by the table and smiled at him.


“So how’s the head?” She asked and sipped from her tea. JiYong shrugged a little and sat down in front of her.


“I guess it’s okay. It’s not hurting or anything, so I’m good.” He answered her and sent her a small smile. She smiled back and answered with a nod.


“Let’s get something to eat, and then you can go back to SeungRi.” YooJin mentioned and picked up a set of chopsticks, starting to eat the food she had prepared for them. JiYong did the same, and while they ate, they chatted a little.




DaeSung woke up and stretched with a yawn. SeungHyun had left him last night, so they maybe could be able to fix this, and maybe the ghost would appear for him again, so he could ask it what he wanted. He kicked the duvet away from him and put his feet down on the cold floor. As he got up, he went to his closet and found some clothes he quickly put on. It was just a normal tank-top and loose training pants. After getting dressed he walked out and headed for the kitchen where he found a decent dressed YoungBae, holding a mug in his hands while starring into the air, thinking about something. By the judge of what he was able to see, he was much better.


“Morning Hyung.” DaeSung said with a smile. YoungBae flinched from the sudden interruption of his thoughts, but he calmed down immediately.


“Morning DaeSung. Did you sleep well?” He asked polite and sat the mug down on the tabletop. DaeSung nodded and sat down in front of him, leaning back in the chair.


“Yep, how about you? You look much better today.” He mentioned and smiled to him.


“I slept well, and I feel much better too. Maybe the days in bed made me feel better. Did you solve things with SeungHyun?” YoungBae answered him, and his question was a little careful, if they hadn’t figured it all out and he would be sad or angry at him for mentioning him. Instead DaeSung smiled big.


“Yep! It’s good again. Almost… We need to talk to that ghost. But we figured out why it is here, and now we just need to get it away.” DaeSung said and was still smiling. YoungBae nodded and took a sip from his coffee.


“Then, why is he here?” He asked him and DaeSung told him everything that had happened. But only the most important things that he needed to know. YoungBae had nodded and said something when it fit in, and after the half long explanation DaeSung stopped talking.


“So now you are waiting for him to appear again?” YoungBae asked, just to be sure he got it right.


“Yeah, something like that.” DaeSung answered and got up from his chair as he got to get a mug of coffee. He sat down again and took a small sip as it was still hot.


“Have you had contact with JiYong or SeungRi?” YoungBae suddenly asked and DaeSung shook his head.


“No, not in a long time. You were the last one to see JiYong, and I haven’t heard from either of them.” He answered him and YoungBae nodded understanding. Why weren’t they calling or anything? He got a little worried but decided not to be because they had each other then nothing bad would happen right? They would watch out for each other, like he and DaeSung did, and now SeungHyun did too.


“Okay, I’m sure they are alright. If not we would have heard something.” YoungBae said, more or less to comfort himself. DaeSung nodded as he drank a little from his mug.


“What do you want to do today?” DaeSung asked and looked at him with a smile. YoungBae shrugged.


“Clean my room. It looks awful and smells of sickness. What about you?” He answered and scratched his hair a little with a finger. DaeSung looked a little thoughtful.


“I think I will stay in the living room and hope to see SeungHyun’s ghost. Maybe watch a movie while waiting.” He answered and YoungBae smiled a bit.


“You really think he will appear again?” He asked, not really getting all this, but the story seemed true, even though he wasn’t sure that he understood everything about it.


“Of course he will. He always does.” DaeSung answered him and swallowed the last of the content in the mug. After putting the mug by the sink, he walked towards the living room.


“After you have cleaned, you should consider taking a bath.” DaeSung said and got a frown back from him.


“I have already had a bath.” He answered him. DaeSung blushed like crazy and just went to the living room almost running while walking. Well that was embarrassing. After a while of being too embarrassed to do anything, he warmed up and put on a movie. Half through the movie he fell asleep and had a bad dream, being so real that he woke up. The movie was done and the screen played some sad violin music, on the page where play and setup were on. His head felt weird and he straightened up from the uncomfortable position he had slept in. There was nothing in the room. He had hoped that SeungHyun’s ghost would be there, but he wasn’t. With a sigh he turned off the TV and the radio. It was playing a song he didn’t know, and he lay down in the couch on his back, looking up into the ceiling. Can’t he just appear? Waiting like this wasn’t really his strongest side.




JiYong unlocked the front door to his and SeungRi’s apartment. The place seemed so quiet and he closed the door again behind him. Maybe SeungRi was still sleeping then he had to be silent not to wake him up. He tip-toed into the living room and sat down on the couch, putting up his legs on the seat too. A moment after he saw SeungRi in the door, with dark circles around his eyes, darker than normal.


“Hey, are you okay?” JiYong quickly asked and got up, so he could go to him. When he reached him, SeungRi was on his way to turn around again to leave, but JiYong grabbed his wrist.


“Answer me. You don’t seem okay.” He demanded and SeungRi looked at him with a tired look, still a little sad from knowing what JiYong had done tonight – or what he imagined he had done.


“I didn’t sleep well.” Was all he answered him and pulled his hand out of his grip. To be true, he didn’t want his touch right now, not after he had been together with someone he probably didn’t even know.


“Why didn’t you sleep well? Because of me?” JiYong asked when he was about to turn his back on him. SeungRi froze in his spot and turned around again.


“And why would I sleep badly because of you?” He asked with a frown, pretending not to give a damn about him, and just act like nothing. Who was he fooling? JiYong wouldn’t believe him anyway…


“Because you were worried, and thought I would someone, that’s why.” JiYong answered him a bit harsh. SeungRi opened his eyes a little more, but tried to act like he didn’t give a anyway.


“Yeah, I was a little worried that you might have gotten into trouble. But you can whoever you want. I don’t care.” SeungRi just said back and turned around again, to leave. Why did he even put up this game? He didn’t win anyway.


“Of course you don’t care.” JiYong said sarcastically and rolled his eyes.


“That’s why you stayed up half the night, and when I called this morning you sounded grumpy. For the record, I didn’t anyone. I slept on the couch and went to a performance for a good friend, because she wanted me to be there. But fine… Be angry by yourself and when you are good again, you can come and talk to me.” JiYong said as he walked away from him, closing the door behind him to his room. SeungRi stood still for a moment, just realizing what he said. He went to a performance and slept on her couch? But why didn’t he just go home instead? The first thought that hit him after the last thought, was that he had probably gotten drunk and wasn’t able to drive. That seemed as a good explanation… Slowly he went to his room, but wasn’t sure that he should talk to him already. After a few minutes of thinking it through, he knocked on his door.


“If you are going to yell at me, then stay out. If you want to talk to me, you can enter.” JiYong answered from the other side of the door, and looked at SeungRi when he opened the door.


“I’m sorry for overreacting. But I just…” SeungRi started saying, but got interrupted by JiYong.


“But you like me, and that’s why you can’t stand seeing or picturing me with anyone else. Am I right?” He asked him bluntly. SeungRi quickly fixed his eyes on him, but looked away just as quick. Was it really that obvious?


“Ji, I… You… Well, I don’t know what to say. It all just started out as a game, but then everything changed, and yes. Now I really like you.” SeungRi answered him and looked into his eyes, showing every bit of all his emotions. JiYong looked confused at him.


“Game? What game?” That was more or less what really got to him. He knew that he liked him, but he didn’t think he would say it out loud like that. But what game? That was what caught his attention. SeungRi sighed and knew he had just said more than he should.


“You remember our war? When I settled the peace, I really wasn’t going to make the peace. A plan got to me, and I would make you like me, but I guess I screwed up, because now it’s me who likes you, and not the other way around.” SeungRi explained and removed his hand from the door handle that he had been squeezing until now.


“What was your plan to do, when I fell for you?” JiYong asked him suspicious. Now SeungRi knew the trap was burst.


“I… Would pay you back as terrible as I could manage, so when you liked me, then I would dump you…” SeungRi answered and his voice was almost just a whisper. This sounded so terrible, and he knew that JiYong wouldn’t be happy with that. JiYong raised an eyebrow.


“So you would just play around with me? Well, that’s sweet of you.” He said and the last part was as sarcastic as possible. SeungRi looked to the floor, and sighed because of himself.


“I guess that it was something like that.” He answered him truthfully. JiYong got up from his bed and went to him. A fist hit SeungRi straight in the face, but luckily missed his nose, and hit his cheek beneath his eye but close to it instead. He stepped back and held his face while he made noises in pain.


“Thanks for being honest with me, but I’m not a person who likes to be played around with. I trusted you when you put that war down, and then you have those plans? Do I look stupid to you? I wouldn’t fall for you, even if you were the last person on earth and I was paid millions of dollars.” JiYong said with an angry voice and pushed him out of the room. SeungRi was still holding the spot where he had been hit.


“You’re an idiot.” JiYong added to what he said, and closed the door in front of him with a loud smash. SeungRi felt like hell. Not only because of the cheek and eye that was starting to swell but it felt like his heart was broken. Why did he even tell him that? Now he would never be close to him again, and he would probably never look at him again, without anger in his eyes.


JiYong held his hand that he had hit him with. It felt like he had broken his fingers when he had hit his cheekbone with that strength. Was SeungRi even alright? NO! He was not going to look! Right now, he was the last person on earth he wanted to see, but somehow he felt bad for the things he had said, and even worse for hitting him. But why had he even had those plans of tricking him like that? Would he even want to hurt him like that, and where did he get that insane idea from? Yes, SeungRi could be a little crazy at times, but fooling around with people’s emotions was not his ideal things to do. Someone had to be involved, but whom? YoungBae? DaeSung? No, DaeSung would never be so cruel, it would almost be against his rules of personality. YoungBae wouldn’t think like that either, because God wouldn’t be happy about that, or something… Whatever… SeungHyun? No, he wouldn’t be evil like that… But it was the best shot that he could come up with. SeungHyun wouldn’t think like that, would he? Maybe he didn’t do it to be cruel… Maybe he wanted them to be together, and tried it like that? Stupid idiot…


SeungRi went back to his room and checked his face in the mirror. His eye had gained a small green-ish color in the bottom and it felt like the bone under his skin was broken. Of course it wasn’t, but it felt like it. When did he get so good at hitting people? He sat down on his chair and looked into the screen of his turned-off computer. The picture that had been ruined was put away, and the glass had been removed by now. Why did he end up with this? Somehow he had hoped for a kiss when he opened the door, and he left with a black eye… This day couldn’t get any worse…




It was already getting dark and the rain started pouring outside the window. SeungHyun looked up from the book in his hands and starred out on the rain that hit the window with such force that he was worried it would break it. He turned his attention back to the book and red a few more pages before he put the small piece of paper on the page he was going to read later. After that he laid it back on the table and got up from the comfortable armchair. He took the empty wineglass with him and went to the large kitchen. The house seemed too quiet for his taste, and he just realized that there was no music, or a TV . Rain was the only thing that broke the silence. It got a little creepy, but it didn’t scare him. A loud crash was heard and the house was lightened up by the lightening outside. He sighed and the lamp in the kitchen, going to the fridge to get something to eat. A lightning more and a new crash was heard. All light went out and he looked around in the dark room. Even the light from the fridge disappeared.


“You are kidding me!” He said annoyed and closed the fridge again. If there was no light in his house he wouldn’t be able to find the contact that he had to switch back to turn it on. To be honest, he had no idea where that thing was. He had seen it when he moved in, and then he had actually not seen it anymore. The only thing he knew was that it was behind a tiny door that was hidden because it looked exactly like the rest of the wall. At that time when he moved in, he found it like a fantastic thing, but now it felt more stupid than fantastic. Did he even own a flashlight? No… With a quick look around he found a lighter from one of his kitchen drawers, and went out in the hall. There were still loud crashes from outside and sometimes he was lucky that the house was lit up from the lightning’s. When that happened, he could move faster through the house, than with only the lighter. Thunder was normally not something that scared him, but when it took his light from him, then it was less nice. With a deep sigh he started to feel the walls, trying to find the stupid thing. When he walked into the passage that led to a few rooms, he went into black darkness, if it hadn’t been for the lighter and the small fire, he would be blind. Even the lightning’s didn’t reach here, but the loud noises from outside did.


“Stupid weather… Come on, where is that !?” He said annoyed not really sure who he was talking to. Perhaps just himself. Where was it? After a few more steps he fell flat down on his back and hit the ground with a loud noise. His foot hurt instantly and he could feel that his head had hit the floor because of the sudden headache. He laid there for a few minutes, gaining strength to get up, but flinched because of his foot that hurt. This really was too much! If he had just sprained his foot because of something on the ground, he would kill the thing, whatever it was. He was still on the floor because of his foot, and started looking for the thing that had caused him to fall, but he couldn’t find anything, neither could he find the lighter.


“Seriously? This is too much…” He mumbled to himself beyond annoyed. If he could just get back to the living room, he would be able to get his phone and call someone. With a struggle he got up and tried to support on his foot, but it wouldn’t stop hurting and he flinched with the gentle touch with it on the ground. He supported his body to the wall, and looked down the passage. Something moved down there. His blood froze and his heart started beating faster. He was sure that something had just moved there. Maybe it was just a lightning that he had seen a glimpse of, and then a shadow from something from his hall. He started relaxing again and slowly managed to move down the passage on one foot and used the wall as support. A loud crash was heard, but this time from the inside of his house, like something dropping to the floor and broke into pieces. His eyes widened in fear. There were someone here, and he could feel it like if they were right next to him. But why? And who?



A/N: This will be the last update in a while... I'm not going to be by the computer that much the following 4-5 days, so there will be no update in that time :) I hope you will do without! Thanks for reading and commenting on this! - LOVE U!

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)