Come With Me...

I Pray For Us


YoungBae tried to sit up, when DaeSung entered his room with a knock on his door. DaeSung sighed by the poor sight of him. He hurried to him and put him back down in the bed, he hadn’t even gotten half up to sit.


“Can I get you something? You look awful.” DaeSung asked him softly. YoungBae looked at him with sleepy and watery eyes, not from tears, but from the fever that had taken over his body.


“I’m so sorry Dae. I don’t know what I thought when I acted like that.” YoungBae tried to answer him, but his voice was only a broken whisper. DaeSung put a hand on his forehead, just to check for fever, even though he could feel it from where he was beside him. The warmth from his upper body was enough for DaeSung to feel on his bare arms. He removed his hand again and let out a small sigh.


“You can’t go to work like that.” He muttered to himself, not talking to YoungBae.


“I know you didn’t think yesterday. Everything about you seemed out of hand, and I guess I somehow understand you. But going out in the rain like that… You should know better than that. At least you could have gone in somewhere when it started raining.” DaeSung told him, not making him feel better at all, even though he had tried. YoungBae nodded a little, feeling a huge headache.


“I’m sorry.” He just answered, closing his eyes as he tried to get the headache away. DaeSung took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. YoungBae looked at him again, still with eyes that showed he was not well.


“It’s okay. I hope you will be okay again soon. Was there anything you wanted me to get you?” DaeSung said, trying to be friendly instead of scolding him for doing such a stupid thing. YoungBae shook his head with almost no movement.


“No, I’m fine.” He answered, getting a soft brush on his cheek as DaeSung release his hand. At that point he wasn’t sure if he really meant it, but if he said he was fine he should respect that, right? Even though he would bring him everything he would want, he was still a too shy person to ask for it, DaeSung knew that very well. He got up from the bed with a small sigh.


“Please call or something if you need anything or just want company. Try to rest a little.” DaeSung said more like a demand than a suggestion, but his soft voice made it sound like none of the things.


“I will.” YoungBae answered, closing his eyes and drifted away as DaeSung went out. DaeSung closed the door behind him and got to the kitchen, his stomach growled as he hadn’t had any food yet. Right now he didn’t really want to make some, but his stomach had other plans. When he thought that he didn’t want to make it, and walked out of the kitchen, his stomach started hurting and making loud noises in protest.


“Fine!” DaeSung said annoyed to his stomach. He quickly looked around to see if there was anyone. That would be too embarrassing to be seen, talking to his stomach like it was a person. He started to boil some water with rice, and waited. While it took care of itself, he hang on the table with both of his elbows on the tabletop, holding his chin and watched the pot in deep thoughts. Something touched his shoulder, warm and gently as it wasn’t really there. He flinched with a silent scream, there was no voice coming out from pure surprise. SeungHyun was standing in front of him, but he wasn’t sure if he was really there.


“SeungHyun?” He stuttered as a question. The person in front of him, that he wasn’t really sure of was SeungHyun or not, nodded slowly. Now he knew, because SeungHyun wouldn’t nod like that, he would answer him.


“Why are you here?” DaeSung whispered in a scared voice, trying to take a step back, but hit the table not even 6 inches away. When he hit the table it hurt in his lower back that had crashed into it. He made a grimace in pain, but only for a second. The ghost stepped closer to him, causing DaeSung’s eyes to widen.


“Wake up…” The unreal SeungHyun told him. DaeSung looked confused at him not sure if he was sleeping or the unreal SeungHyun was telling him something he wasn’t really sure of what could be.


“What are you trying to tell me?” DaeSung asked scared of him, still not able to take a step back, but if he should, he would have to move the table. That just didn’t seem like the best idea either, especially not if the ghost wouldn’t let him get away and would stop him, touching him with those creepy hands he had.


“Come with me…” SeungHyun’s voice said, sounding far away but still so clear and directly. All of this confused DaeSung so much. Should he go with him? What if it was something important and he didn’t do it? Maybe if he did, he would get to know why the ghost of SeungHyun was following him. He took a step forward and SeungHyun offered him his hand. DaeSung looked doubting on the hand, not sure if it would be a good idea to take it. SeungHyun smiled softly to him, still not moving other than his hand a little out in the air to take DaeSung’s.


“What do you want with me?” DaeSung asked carefully. He wasn’t going to go with him, if he didn’t give him a decent answer. SeungHyun didn’t move at all, and the smile was still fastened to his lips. He almost seemed like a robot.


“Just wake up…” The ghost told him, causing DaeSung to be so much more confused. What the hell was he supposed to do? He couldn’t just go with him, right??


“I am awake.” DaeSung answered him with a soft voice, trying to calm himself down. The unreal SeungHyun started smiling a little more, still a little mechanical.


“No…” SeungHyun answered him, almost like a whisper that was said directly into his ear, giving DaeSung chills. He quickly looked around, and was pretty sure that he was awake. It didn’t feel like a dream, but he wasn’t sure what he was experiencing right now, so everything could be possible. The ghost neared him again and stood almost right in front of him. There were perhaps about 4 inches between them. If the ghost had had a breath he would feel it on his face, but it hadn’t.


“You are not real.” DaeSung said, trying to sound as calm and convincing as possible. It ended in a whisper and a raced heartbeat. The ghost of SeungHyun put out his hand just right in front of DaeSung’s that was hanging down by his side. DaeSung removed his hand and put it on the table behind him, holding himself away from the ghost.


“Come with me…” The ghost almost demanded. This time the voice was so far away, like deep inside his head, somehow convincing him to do so. SeungHyun’s lips didn’t move the least while he “spoke”.


“No…” DaeSung whispered in fright and tried to get further away, but it only gave the result of the table squeaking against the floor when he moved it an inch or two. SeungHyun softly brushed his hand over DaeSung’s cheek, again the light touch that felt like it almost wasn’t there but the warmth gave it away.


“Come with me.” The voice told him, more convincing, and even more demanding. SeungHyun still didn’t move his lips, and it sounded like it all was in his mind. DaeSung looked at him in fear, wanting desperately to get away. SeungHyun’s eyes looked like they slowly disappeared, making it look like they had turned black instead. DaeSung screamed a little, trying to get away with moving to the side. The ghost held him back by his wrist and got him back to where he stood before. DaeSung looked at him in disbelief. The only thing he had felt was the warmth around his wrist, not even feeling the touch he used to feel. The grip around his wrist started burning before he let go. DaeSung pulled his arm to his chest and held the spot that had been burned. There was absolutely nothing to see at all, but the pain was stilling pricking his skin.


“Please…” SeungHyun begged with that sweet voice of what sounded like love. His lips moved this time and his eyes were back. DaeSung looked so confused at him and was scared to the bones. Slowly he shook his head with his mouth slightly open in disbelief.


“No. Go away!” DaeSung suddenly yelled. SeungHyun disappeared immediately like a small flash from a lightening.


“What are you yelling for?” YoungBae asked from the door and looked at him with his sick expression, but worried for him. He hadn’t gotten a shirt on, because he had rushed to him when he heard the yell. DaeSung was still too shocked and afraid to answer him. His whole facial expression told for itself. YoungBae went to him, putting a hand on his shoulder, this time the touch from another person felt right. DaeSung just took him into a hug. This was so weird and he must be going crazy to imagine things like that. It was only imaginations right? YoungBae hugged him back gently, even though he felt like he was going to die, he was still more caring for DaeSung than himself.


“Come and sit down.” YoungBae softly muttered into his shoulder, dragging DaeSung out of the hug and sat him on the chair. By now YoungBae realized that he had moved the table. He looked at DaeSung carefully and sat down on the chair beside him.


“Please tell me what’s going on.” He asked with a gentle and begging voice. His voice was still a little bad from the cold he had probably caught. DaeSung sighed quietly, looking down in the table and with his hand in his lap.


“I’m seeing ghosts.” He slowly said with a shy and quiet voice, just like if he was about to get scolded. YoungBae looked at him in surprise.


“Ghosts? How?” He asked him, never seen a real ghost himself so he wasn’t really convinced that they existed. Perhaps DaeSung had heard something or just overreacted because of shadow.


“It was SeungHyun. He has been here before. The morning you left me in the kitchen after we had breakfast, he appeared for me, that’s why SeungHyun – the real SeungHyun – was here when you got back. I called him to be sure he was still alive.” DaeSung muttered and got a weird look from YoungBae. Either he had a weird fantasy, or he had really seen something. He wouldn’t yell for nothing right? This was just too weird to accept. Ghosts didn’t exist, so maybe DaeSung had been asleep or something by the table, woken up after the dream and screamed. That would explain that he had moved the table a little.


“Are you sure that he was a real ghost? Not your imagination or a dream?” YoungBae carefully asked, hoping not to be attacked with an angry voice for trying to convince him that he hadn’t seen a ghost.


“It was a ghost! HE was a ghost! He touched me, and held me back when I tried to get away, that’s why I pushed the table by accident and he burned me with his hand.” DaeSung quickly said to convince YoungBae that he wasn’t lying to him. YoungBae nodded a little, not convinced yet.


“But what did the ghost want with you? SeungHyun is a live, and there can’t really be a ghost from a person who is still alive right?” YoungBae asked, trying to get some sense into his head. DaeSung looked at him with a glare. Why didn’t he believe him? Couldn’t he see this was real and not just some play he had put up?


“I don’t know! He wouldn’t answer me that. He keeps telling me to wake up and come with him. This time he put out his hand to take me with him. I wasn’t sure of what to do, so I didn’t take his hand.” DaeSung answered him quickly, almost on the edge of tears. YoungBae soothed him with a hug.


“Okay, I believe you. But… Well, yes you don’t know…” YoungBae softly said. With his “but” he was about to ask, why he would ask him to come with him, but he didn’t know - if he had then he would have told him.


“What is wrong with me?” DaeSung asked into his shoulder that was so warm from his temperature. YoungBae could feel his breath on his bare skin and he softly brushed him over his hair. He felt something wet trailing down from his shoulder towards his chest.


“Nothing’s wrong with you Dae…” YoungBae softly whispered back to him, still caressing his hair. His head hurt even more now, but he put all pain and the bad feelings of sickness away from him. DaeSung sniffled, not wanting to cry but this really got to him. A dead person hunting him, while the real person was still alive and loved him. How would this end? And would he ever be able to know what the ghost wanted? Should he take his hand the next time he appeared? Questions like that filled his head while he was silently sobbing on YoungBae’s shoulder, getting brushed on his hair and felt a little safe and secure.




SeungRi left SeungHyun after a little while of talking like old friends that hadn’t talked in ages. SeungHyun closed the car door after SeungRi had gotten in, like a friendly gesture. SeungRi made a small wave as SeungHyun stepped back so he could drive away. He watched the car drive away and put his hands in his pockets, noticing he still had the key. His eyes lit up. Maybe he should go back to see DaeSung, and also to check on YoungBae. There was a little chance that he would be well at this moment. SeungHyun put the small key down in his pocket again, picking his keys up from the other pocket, first being sure the door was locked and then took off himself.


When he got there he just locked himself inside at the door by the street, tapping in the 6 numbers and unlocked the door. After that he went up to the apartment and softly knocked on the door. No answer. He gave it a knock again, this time harder, and there was still no answer. Making a little thought of why DaeSung wouldn’t come and let him in, he checked the door to be sure it wasn’t locked. It hadn’t been locked after he went home, so he could just enter. As he stepped inside he looked around. It seemed so silent. Maybe they were both asleep? When he got to the kitchen he saw the crying DaeSung in the arms of YoungBae. He didn’t care that he was hugging him or that he was shirtless for that matter, but he was worried what had happened to DaeSung since he was crying.


“Dae, are you okay?” SeungHyun softly asked, causing them both to flinch by the sudden surprise of seeing him.


“You see him too right?” DaeSung asked breathless and with cheeks sticky from tears. YoungBae nodded calmly.


“Yes, it’s him.” YoungBae answered him. He looked apologizing at SeungHyun who suddenly understood what had happened.


“Did you see hi… I mean, me?” SeungHyun carefully asked him, causing DaeSung to slowly nod. DaeSung got up from the chair beside YoungBae and started walking towards SeungHyun, hesitating a few times. He put out his hand to touch him, but was very unsure to do it. When he finally did, SeungHyun pulled him into a hug. He had decided not to move while DaeSung tried out to touch him, and get convinced that he was really there. DaeSung put his head against his chest and closed his eyes.


“He is making me so confused.” DaeSung mumbled into his chest and sighed by the touch from SeungHyun that was so much more caring and loving than everything else he had felt. SeungHyun kissed his hair, but didn’t pull away from his hair with the kiss before a little after. He gave DaeSung a squeeze and let a hand brush his hair softly while still holding him close with his other arm. YoungBae got up and pointed towards the hallway, indicating he would go so they could be alone. SeungHyun gave him a weak nod in response and he disappeared.


“Come with me.” SeungHyun said, more like a suggestion and wanted to take him into the living room so they could sit down in the couch and talk, but instead DaeSung screamed out loud and pulled out of his hug with such a power that SeungHyun was about to fall.


“What?!” SeungHyun asked totally confused and also surprised from the sudden action. DaeSung started shaking all over his body and a single tear trailed down from his eyes.


“You… You are him… I don’t want to come with you!” DaeSung said out loud, trying to get further away before he stumbled over something on the ground. SeungHyun quickly went to him, wanting to help him up, but DaeSung tried to move away from him with the help from his elbows on the floor, and pushing with his feet. He didn’t get far before SeungHyun took a grip on him and helped him up, holding his shoulders with a firm grip so he couldn’t escape, while looking him deep in the eyes.


“I am not him. I am not a ghost, and I was not intending to hurt you.” SeungHyun said almost slow and very directly while starring into his eyes. DaeSung was still shaking and his mind was a chaos.


“But you sound like him… He asked me to come with him too.” DaeSung answered with a fright in his voice. SeungHyun didn’t ask this time, he just pulled him with him to the couch. It felt like he interrogated him, while asking a hell lot of questions and got DaeSung to tell him what had happened. He could see that DaeSung was completely terrified by all this, and he tried to comfort him as best as possible.




When SeungRi came home to JiYong, he was met with an unreadable expression on JiYong’s face that sat in the kitchen with crossed arms.


“Hi!” SeungRi said jolly and was on his way to go to his room. JiYong cleared his throat to indicate that he wasn’t going to go anywhere.


“What did Hyung want?” He asked in a careless voice. SeungRi stopped and looked at him. Then he shrugged, sending him a cute smile.


“You went to him for about two hours or something like that, and you didn’t say a word either of you?” JiYong asked suspicious. SeungRi chuckled from his way of being suspicious.


“Well, he would just like to ask me about something private and then we sat and talked for a while.” He answered still with a cute smile. JiYong raised a brow and SeungRi came towards him.


“Something private? Why should he ask YOU something private? You two have never been close?” JiYong kept asking while SeungRi got closer. His arms were still crossed, and he was still leaned back in the chair. SeungRi shrugged.


“Well, are you jealous?” He asked with a tease, touching his chest seductively and about to kiss him on the neck when JiYong stopped him.


“Just because we have had , doesn’t mean we are a couple now.” JiYong calmly said, moving his head away from him. SeungRi smirked at him when he looked away. *No, but I will get you soon.* He thought to himself and moved away from him. Getting JiYong to look at him again.


“I never said that.” SeungRi answered him, pouting very cutely. JiYong rolled his eyes.


“You really are a kid aren’t you?” He asked him still with the careless calm voice. SeungRi shrugged and smirked once more.


“Would a kid do naughty things like I do, and do this…?” He asked as he pulled JiYong up from the chair and crashed his lips on his. JiYong was pushed towards the wall and kissed him back when he hit it. He put his arms around his neck, and SeungRi’s hands were around his waist. With a little jump he put his legs around him by the waist and SeungRi held onto his thighs while the kiss got hotter. JiYong let out a small moan as SeungRi with his fingers by the thighs.


“You are still just a kid.” JiYong said very quickly between two kisses, and moan again. SeungRi smirked by what he said and kissed him on the neck, earning loud moans from him. JiYong closed his eyes in joy and his head was slightly bent back so he could get the kisses.


“I’m a hot kid. Admit it.” SeungRi teased, him below his ear after whispering the words to him. JiYong shivered and moved his head a bit with his mouth slightly open. SeungRi pushed himself more onto JiYong, so he was pressed against the wall with force.


“Admit it.” SeungRi teased and started biting his neck, making him moan loudly. JiYong shook his head in denial, but his eyes were closed in pleasure. SeungRi kissed him up to his lips, but stopped before he was going to place them on his lips. JiYong was already on his way to kiss him, but SeungRi smirked.


“Admit it. I’m hot and you want me.” He said with a tease, kissing his neck with light touches to make it hotter and get him craving for more.


“Fine! You are hot!” JiYong exclaimed and moaned again when SeungRi bit the skin on his neck to give him chills.


“You didn’t mean that.” SeungRi said with a fake pout then he smiled and gave his neck a little bite and a . JiYong moaned and bend down his head to his, kissing him roughly on the lips.


“You are hot, and I want you.” JiYong whispered towards his lips with a seducing voice. SeungRi smirked and their lips crashed again.

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)