The End Where It All Began

I Pray For Us


*** 3 Months Later ***


DaeSung looked at SeungHyun as he was circling around on his stomach with a finger. SeungHyun was laughing from his cute looks, like an innocent person who did nothing wrong. Softly SeungHyun pulled DaeSung closer in the bed and kissed him deeply, a kiss of love, not lust.


“Marry me.” SeungHyun whispered and DaeSung laughed, rolling his eyes from his sweet boyfriend 10th proposal. He shook his head as he refused yet again. SeungHyun frowned and sighed from the defeat he once again felt.


“You know I don’t want all that. I only want you, and marriage won’t change anything. It’s only a piece of paper and a ring.” DaeSung said as he kissed him again. SeungHyun attacked him with turning them over, so he could be on top of him.


“But I want to have a piece of paper to claim that I love you. And I will have a ring that binds us to each other.” SeungHyun said against DaeSung’s lips in a whisper, before he placed a new kiss on him. DaeSung smiled and kissed him back.


“Maybe…” He answered and SeungHyun pulled back a little, looking into his eyes as he smiled to him.


“You love me right?” He suddenly asked him, causing DaeSung to laugh slightly because of his cuteness. DaeSung nodded and pulled him down for a new kiss.


“Of course I do. I love you more than this world could imagine.” DaeSung answered, kissing him again. A loud knock was heard on the door and SeungHyun pulled up the duvet to cover himself. YoungBae stuck in his head and smiled slightly.


“Breakfast’s ready.” He announced and they both nodded before he left. Closing the door after him and went back to the kitchen. DaeSung smiled as he gave SeungHyun a kiss before getting up.


“You know…” SeungHyun muttered while putting on his pants and walked to DaeSung, still being shirtless. He put his arms around him and kissed his neck.


“I’m not going to give up on that question. Maybe when you have said yes, then I will stop.” SeungHyun said in a tease, kissing DaeSung on the neck again, earning only a sigh.


“So you are never going to give up?” DaeSung asked him, smiling slightly. He didn’t get why SeungHyun wanted to get married. It was just a stupid paper, and if someone found out, then they would be in deep to their throats.


“I’m never, ever going to give up. And especially not on you.” He answered and DaeSung sighed again while laughing a little. SeungHyun looked at him with a smile before sharing a kiss. DaeSung smiled as he let go of him, moving towards the door to go to their kitchen. SeungHyun just followed him, well-knowing that at some point he was going to give up and say yes. He was just playing hard to get.




JiYong and SeungRi were already in the kitchen when YoungBae had woken up. He wasn’t really sure what they had been doing while being awake and in the kitchen, because they sure didn’t make either breakfast or coffee.


“Morning, crazy persons.” YoungBae said in a tease as he started brewing coffee in the pot. SeungRi giggled like a girl before JiYong burst out laughing of the cute and half-silly laugh SeungRi tried to manage.


“It’s JiYong who is the crazy one.” SeungRi said laughing. JiYong opened his mouth in offend and softly pushed SeungRi’s shoulder. YoungBae rolled his eyes as he was with his back against them.


“He wanted at 5 am this morning, so we got up too early. 5 AM! Are you aware how early that is?” SeungRi exclaimed and both YoungBae and JiYong burst out laughing. By now it was just normal for YoungBae to live single among the two couples, and yes of course he felt lonely at times, but it was okay. He knew he would find love at some point in his life, when he was ready.


“And you of course let him?” YoungBae teased, making SeungRi shut up completely. JiYong just laughed from the quick way of making SeungRi shut up. While the three of them teased each other, laughed and joked, YoungBae made breakfast and went to call on SeungHyun and DaeSung. JiYong had just nodded when he had said he would do so, and SeungRi was still trying to make up for some stupid mistake he had done a few minutes ago. He kept talking, and talking, and talking, not making any of it better, but JiYong found it very funny to listen to. A little later YoungBae came back and shook his head.


“No, they weren’t having .” He said as to answer a guess JiYong had mentioned. All three laughed and soon DaeSung and SeungHyun turned up in the door.


“And good morning to you.” DaeSung said with the cutest smile. SeungHyun didn’t say anything even though the three of them bid their good mornings to them. He sat down with a frown in front of JiYong, making room for DaeSung by his side.


“What’s with the long face?” YoungBae asked and SeungHyun sighed, pointing at a smiling DaeSung, who very well knew what was coming now.


“He turned me down again.” SeungHyun answered and pouted, looking adorably cute. DaeSung kissed his cheek. The others had already getting used to that. After the first two times they didn’t expect anything else anymore.


“And this time was number what?” JiYong asked, smiling by himself. He hadn’t asked SeungRi, and would probably not anyway. SeungHyun thought about it for a while and shrugged.


“The 100th or something.” He answered and DaeSung laughed, slightly clapping SeungHyun on the thigh.


“I think it’s sweet of you to ask, but count next time. And it was the 10th, not 100th.” DaeSung said, kissing his cheek with a cute smile. YoungBae rolled his eyes at them, just starting on the food, though a small smile was playing over his lips, it was cute somehow.


“You are such a hard nut to break you know? When are you going to give in?” SeungHyun asked with a deep sigh of half-defeat, but he would never give up. Ever!


“Never, Love. Never.” DaeSung answered with a calm voice, kissing him kindly on the lips with a smile. SeungRi stuck his tongue out and put a finger halfway into his mouth, signing he was going to puke from the sweetness they showed.


“Oh stop it! You two were just like that two minutes ago.” YoungBae teased, causing four of them to laugh, just not SeungRi. He turned red instead and started eating his food.


“Great food! Wow it’s delicious!” SeungRi exclaimed when he ate some of it. YoungBae laughed, causing the others to join in.


“And that was like all other mornings. I can’t believe you are still surprised every day at every meal?” YoungBae asked and smiled, glad his food was appreciated. He knew it was, but SeungRi’s small outbursts were worth it all. So SeungRi munched himself through it, leaving the others to eat peacefully. Or almost - When SeungRi was done he was annoying the others with questions about today and what to do at work.




Their life was going great, they were going on with a new album and JiYong had grown his hair, DaeSung bleached his, and to everyone’s great laugh, then SeungHyun had colored his blue. YoungBae refused to do anything else than keep his Mohawk, and SeungRi turned half bald. JiYong had written the songs, and their album was soon to be ready. “ALIVE” was the title, and all of them thought well about it, since they were alive, after a close time of death for all of them.


Except DaeSung who had managed through most of it, with only scars on his soul. But he was happy and smiling all the time, so people didn’t notice those scars, even though he felt them much of the time. He kept being afraid of who was waiting around the corner, and he had angst and paranoia. All of them knew, but DaeSung kept denying it, even if they could all see him half-scream every time an unnoticed thing came and made him surprised. Though, he managed through and these 3 months had calmed him down a bit. He sometimes wandered where Jin Gang had gone, and someday SeungHyun had with that he was dead, then they had ended up in a fight from DaeSung’s insecurity that he thought SeungHyun had killed him, and SeungHyun couldn’t calm him down again. But Jin Gang didn’t come across the boys again, and no one knew of him anymore.


SeungHyun wasn’t afraid anymore, neither of them, nor death itself. He didn’t fear much of anything anymore, maybe that was for the better. But he loved DaeSung, and he had tried to make him his the last 2 months, with asking him to get married, and he got the same rejection every time. Now it had just grown into something funny and something like a game instead. But it had started at something very serious, but DaeSung hadn’t fallen for his many different tricks.


JiYong had been busy writing his heart down and SeungRi had stayed by his side all the time. They were like teenagers at times, and played around like children at other times. Like always, they were cute to the core. Though, they could be a little annoying for the others when they had small fights at the dinner table, and somehow SeungRi always managed to flip something, or get something on the floor. He only laughed while the others frowned or rolled their eyes. Living together wasn’t as horrible as the idea had seemed at first. Now they had bonded even better, all of them.


YoungBae did have troubles in his mind and heart. It hurt him with everything that had happened, and he had apologized to SeungHyun for being such an idiot towards him, when everything had never happened about the girl. But he still felt something inside of him, which hurt. Maybe it was because he never took off his clothes anymore, not in front of others, and that was to the great misery for all his fans. That scar across his chest was now a hidden secret that only few knew about, and he was now sure that he would never find a girlfriend – or boyfriend, any time soon.


They did live happily together, with normal small fights that would always come and go. But they were never so bad that one of the parts had to go away. Never in their lives would they want to separate again, even though that was a great thing to say, they knew they would have to, at some point in their lives. YoungBae was also in doubt that he would be the one who was left alone at the end. He hoped not, but he knew that he would if he didn’t find a girlfriend, or boyfriend. Looking at the two couples all the time, made him want to find a guy instead of a girl sometimes, but he actually didn’t know for sure what he wanted. One thing he did know for sure about that matter, was that he wanted love. Someone, who would love him nonetheless, also with his scar.


Days came and went, spring had turned to summer, that turned to fall, and things just came and was gone in the next second. The boys did enjoy themselves whenever they had time, but they would also want more time with each other, because there was not much time for that.




SeungHyun ran after DaeSung across the park with JiYong and SeungRi laughing behind them. YoungBae was smiling, like he usually did now. DaeSung fell on the ground and in no time, SeungHyun got to him. DaeSung held up an arm, making SeungHyun want to help him up, but instead DaeSung pulled him down to be half on top of him.


“Yes.” He just said, and SeungHyun looked at him with a weird look. DaeSung rolled his eyes and kissed him with a smile, slightly laughing from his boyfriend’s stupid expression and none-existing brain.


“Yes! I will marry you.” DaeSung said to wrap it up and SeungHyun screamed of joy, holding him close and kissed him 10 times right after each other. The others reached them and looked almost scared at the scenery that they knew nothing of.


“What’s going on?” YoungBae asked as he looked at them kissing like crazy. DaeSung laughed at their expressions that SeungHyun couldn’t see.


“He said YES!” SeungHyun yelled and kissed him again. Then he jumped up from the ground and jumped around like a kid. They all laughed at him for being cute, but DaeSung actually understood him. After months of trying to convince him, he just said yes. JiYong and YoungBae high-fived, and SeungRi put an arm around JiYong. They had already – both of them by talking – made up their mind about marriage. They wouldn’t go through it, so they had just bought rings for each other, and that was it. That was their kind of “Marriage”. It was sweet and faster than going to Las Vegas or something stupid like that. Actually they didn’t really know how to do it, so they just decided not to.


“Help me up before someone sets you on fire and you go to the moon.” DaeSung teased and SeungHyun stopped jumping around, though laughing from the fine allusion. He picked him up from the ground and kissed him deeply.


“I love you.” He whispered to DaeSung and it caused both of them to smile cutely to each other. DaeSung took SeungHyun’s hand and kissed him back, smiling at him with some mysterious smile that SeungHyun couldn’t read.


“I love you too.” DaeSung answered him, kissing him again. SeungHyun pulled him closer, if that was even possible and deepened the kiss. DaeSung couldn’t show that happiness that SeungHyun felt. He was more than happy too, but he was just not able to jump around of joy, not now at least. This decision was kind of hard on him because he couldn’t figure out if it was worth all that fight they would have to go through. And he was afraid that something would go completely wrong with it. Everything could happen now, good and bad.




A great deal of time later, weeks even. JiYong noticed a soft knock on his door, yelling that the person could come in, and SeungHyun stepped inside, closing the door quietly after him. For a brief moment JiYong looked at him, writing the last letter on his paper.


“What’s up Hyung?” He asked and SeungHyun sat down in a chair, looking around in the small studio that JiYong had made in one of the rooms. SeungHyun didn’t answer at first, instead he kept silent for a while. Thinking about what he wanted to say, and talk about.


“I have been wondering about something, and maybe you have noticed too, but it’s about DaeSung.” SeungHyun answered after looking out in the empty for a long while. JiYong smiled slightly, recalling this kind of conversation, just so long ago that it would almost be unbelievable that he actually remembered it.


“Yes?” JiYong just said, causing him to tell more. SeungHyun swallowed hard and cleared his throat. He wasn’t really sure how to put it, but JiYong could see he was in troubled thoughts.


“He doesn’t seem happy. Actually, he seems so sad all the time. And I’m afraid he doesn’t love me anymore.” SeungHyun suddenly dropped the subject and JiYong’s eyes widened. He had never in this world thought that SeungHyun would doubt DaeSung’s deep feelings for him.


“I’m sure he loves you. Every time he looks at you, it’s clear that he loves you very much. Yes he seems a bit distant, but I’m sure it’s just thoughts. I don’t believe that he would stop loving you. Instead, I know he loves you very much.” JiYong answered and SeungHyun nodded thoughtfully. It seemed like a good answer, but he was still afraid that DaeSung wasn’t in love with him anymore. Something inside of him told him differently, but he was still a little scared that it might wasn’t true anymore.


“Don’t doubt him, but give him time. He will smile, like the angel you know, sooner than you think.” JiYong added and SeungHyun nodded, smiling more now by the mention of his angel. He loved him, and hopefully it was returned, and returned forever.


“Thanks Ji. Maybe I should talk with him instead.” SeungHyun muttered and JiYong nodded, that was perhaps for the best. He couldn’t really tell him what DaeSung felt, but he knew he hadn’t stopped loving him.


“You’re welcome. And tell me what he said.” JiYong answered as he sent him a cute wink. SeungHyun got up from the chair and put a hand on the handle, opening the door. He also remembered the conversation an eternity back from now. If Christians could be gay, and he had figured by now, that they didn’t give a damn about it. With those thoughts he smiled to himself and bid his goodbye to JiYong, who just gave him a slight bow with the head and returned to his work. When SeungHyun had closed the door, he could hear fast steps and suddenly DaeSung was clinging to him with a bright and angelic smile.


“I found you!” He said like a kid who had looked for his parents that had been lost for a long time in the mall. SeungHyun smiled and recalled the same thing, almost the same, with the time where they had met and went on their first date.


“Yeah, I wasn’t far away. I just talked with JiYong.” SeungHyun answered him, and was suddenly met with DaeSung’s lips against his own. He had to admit that the doubt he had felt for a little while now, just disappeared. Maybe it would come back, but right now he didn’t think it was true, but that DaeSung truly loved him. He could feel the kiss was filled with feelings.





SeungRi sneaked around the kissing couple and hurried inside to JiYong and threw himself down on his lap. Kissing him deeply with his arms around his neck, letting them rest there.


“Wow that was a nice surprise.” JiYong said with a cute laugh when they had ended the kiss. SeungRi laughed and played with his legs in the air.


“I am a nice surprise! You know what? I love you, and you know what?” SeungRi said energetic, causing JiYong to be almost afraid that he had been drinking too many energizers or too much coffee.


“Of course and I love you too, and no I don’t know.” JiYong answered with a slight laugh, earning a new, but quick, kiss from SeungRi.


“I love you most.” He said and JiYong laughed. They would never agree about that, but it was cute that he believed it anyway.


“Oh yes, and I have booked a trip for the two of us.” SeungRi said like it was nothing, causing JiYong to lose his face and just looked surprised with his mouth slightly open. SeungRi laughed and closed his mouth with a finger under his chin, making him wake up again.


“Wow that sure was surprising. Where are we going?” JiYong asked and was still looking rather taken aback by it all. SeungRi smiled slyly and kissed his cheek.


“Didn’t I just say that I am a nice surprise?” SeungRi asked and JiYong nodded as he agreed with him, earning a kiss on the lips, making it a bit deeper than it was meant for. They stopped again so SeungRi could tell JiYong where they should go.


“We are going to Bora Bora. I hope you don’t mind.” SeungRi said with a tease, and again had to close JiYong’s mouth as it again hang open. He laughed slightly because of him, kissing his cheek again.


“You are the best boyfriend in the world!” JiYong exclaimed, kissing him all over the face. SeungRi laughed with all the kisses that were placed in his face.


“I know. See it like our honeymoon. We never had one.” SeungRi said and they kissed again. JiYong was filled with the best feeling in the world, and SeungRi was in heaven with him. They kissed and hugged for at least an hour more, though they talked a bit in between.




YoungBae called the others and they all sat down for lunch. SeungRi told about them and JiYong’s plans about going on a “Honeymoon”, so they would leave the others at home, and have a great time on Bora Bora.


“You are just going to have all the time.” YoungBae teased and caused them all to laugh. DaeSung was holding SeungHyun’s hand, making it difficult for both of them to eat, mostly DaeSung because it was his right hand which was occupied. But none of them seemed to mind.


“Of course! Isn’t that what a honeymoon is all about?” JiYong said, making them laugh again. YoungBae shook his head at them. He had to admit they were pretty sweet together, both the couples. JiYong kissed SeungRi and hugged him tight. He was unbelievably glad that SeungRi had thought about something like that. He was the best in the world, and SeungRi kind of felt the same way. Like he had done something good, and it obviously was a great thing.


Things turned out well, and this must be the end of a very weird and crazy story, which had one of those happy endings at the end. With them all being happy and SeungHyun and DaeSung got married with a small, but lovely wedding. None of them in dress though. JiYong and SeungRi had the best vacation ever, and lots of those after this. YoungBae eventually found himself – a boyfriend, and they spend life together as well. They were happy till the end.





A/N: So this, my amazing readers, is the end. I'm sorry for the lack of warning about the story coming to an end, but I hope you don't mind. I could feel it was just this time to end it all. Thanks to my 90 followers and I want to say that every chapter, has been an adventure for me. :D I hope you share the same oppinion. :) Thanks for reading, subscribing and least of all, commenting on my story! :D Thanks you Everyone! Bye Bye!


P.S. My new fic (which isn't that new...) is called The Fashion Show. I have mentioned it before, but now when this one is done, maybe people will read it :D So the link:

”The Fashion Show”

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)