Mind Your Own Business

I Pray For Us



SeungRi and JiYong went home after they had discussed a few things about work, and after making fun of this and that. When they left, DaeSung cleaned up quickly and went to SeungHyun and his room, just as promised. YoungBae went to the living room instead of his own room, and watched something on the TV, but he didn’t really pay attention to what happened on the screen at all.


The two others got home and hang up their jacket, as well as taking off their shoes. They went to the kitchen and JiYong put his arms around SeungRi from behind, making small kisses on his neck. SeungRi smiled and turned around, kissing him on the lips, biting his lower lip gently to make the kiss deeper. Of course he got what he wanted, and their tongues made a dance that turned both of them on. JiYong found his way to his room, leading both of them while walking backwards. He pushed SeungRi down on the bed, while taking off his own shirt before he got on top of him, kissing him forcefully.


They had and after SeungRi was lying on his back trying to control his breath as he panted hard. JiYong had just gone to the bathroom and SeungRi could hear the water turn on in the shower. He looked around and thought about the fact that he had never been alone in his room before. With a swift move he got up from the bed and dressed himself in his boxers and pants, not caring about his shirt right now. It was so wrong to look in others stuff, but he was curious, and being a curious kid didn’t make it any better. The door went open just as he was about to open a drawer, and he quickly acted like nothing. JiYong looked at him with a weird expression.


“What are you doing?” He asked him and SeungRi smiled a little, still acting like nothing.


“Nothing, why? I just got up and took my clothes on.” SeungRi answered and picked up his shirt, maybe that was his savior. JiYong didn’t really buy it, but he couldn’t accuse SeungRi for looking through his stuff, if he hadn’t.


“Okay.” JiYong just answered and went to his wardrobe. He only had a towel around his waist and in his wardrobe he found some clothes. SeungRi figured that it was the reason for him to come back, and that was why the water was still on. JiYong took out the clothes and put it on the desk, before he kissed SeungRi and let his hands touch his upper body that wasn’t covered by the shirt yet. SeungRi answered the kiss and his hands roamed all over JiYong’s chest and back. A few minutes after, JiYong stopped the kiss and smiled to him.


“Don’t you want to be a sweetie and make some food?” He asked with a cute smile and puppy eyes. SeungRi laughed a little and nodded as respond. They shared another kiss and both left the room. Actually JiYong wasn’t hungry, but he just wanted SeungRi out of his room so he couldn’t go through all of his stuff while he was in the shower. They went each their own way and SeungRi went to the kitchen, starting to make some food for him. About half an hour later, JiYong entered the kitchen where SeungRi had just finished the food and had placed it on the table, sitting and drinking some water while waiting for him. He smiled when he saw him come into the kitchen.


“Hey. You look clean. I can smell your perfume from here.” SeungRi teased and JiYong smiled, making his way to him and gave him a sweet kiss.


“Is that a good thing, or bad thing? And thanks for making dinner.” He added, giving him a new kiss. SeungRi shook his head.


“No, it’s nice. And you’re welcome.” He answered him and they kissed again. JiYong smiled cute and walked around the table as he sat down across him. They ate some of the food SeungRi had made, and didn’t say a single word while they ate. SeungRi’s mobile phone received a text, and he looked at it while he chewed on some food he had just stuffed himself with. He let go of his chopsticks and took the phone beside him from the table. Nothing in his expression change, it was still like a sleepy and bored expression as he chewed on and scrolled down the message, reading the content of it.


“Who’s it from?” JiYong asked curious, the first that had been said for about 10 minutes. SeungRi shrugged like it didn’t matter and started answering the text. He finally swallowed the food and drank some water.


“It’s from a guy I met earlier this month when we held a concert. We chatted and exchanged numbers to catch up later because I had to go on stage. Because he had to go before the show ended.” SeungRi answered like it was nothing. JiYong could feel a bit of jealousy forming inside of him, but managed to keep calm for now.


“What does he want?” He asked a little annoyed, but tried to hide it as well as he could. SeungRi just shrugged again like it was nothing interesting.


“He just wants to meet me to continue our conversation.” He answered him and let go of the phone again when he had send the message. JiYong raised a brow and didn’t like the thought of that.


“So what did you answer?” He asked suspicious, really trying to control himself from the jealousy. It was a stupid thing to act like that, but something inside of him just knew it was going to be something bad.


“That I could meet him in about one hour.” SeungRi answered him and finally looked at him, seeing the annoyed expression on his face, that he really couldn’t hold back a smile for seeing.


“Do you think that’s a good idea?” JiYong asked over protective and with absolute no smile on his face. SeungRi’s smile faded and he sighed because of him.


“Ji, if you think I’m going to cheat on you, then no. Stop acting like that. I’m just going to talk with a guy, so keep your hormones down please.” He answered him, this time he was the one who sounded annoyed. JiYong rolled his eyes.


“Stop being like that! You don’t even know the guy Ri! What if he attacks you or something like that?” His words were fast enough for any person to mishear what he was saying.


“Why should he attack me?! You are just being stupid now Ji, and mind your own business!” SeungRi said almost sounding angry. JiYong got up and his chair made a loud and horrible noise to the floor as he pushed it out while getting up.


“Fine! Then if you get hurt or attacked, I won’t go looking for you! If you are so sure that nothing will happen, I trust you. But if you get into troubles, you handle it yourself. Because I need to mind my own business!” JiYong said in a voice that was almost a yell, so he stormed out of the kitchen while being more than annoyed and really pissed off. SeungRi made a noise of anger and got up himself. He wanted to throw everything that was near him around, but he managed to keep his self-control.


“Great… Have it your way then.” SeungRi said through clenched teeth and went to the hallway where he put on his jacket and shoes. He smashed the door behind him, still being angry for the small fight they had just had. JiYong should just mind his own business and not be so jealous and over protective. As he went down the street, he kicked a stone that was lying on the ground and his head was bend down so he saw nothing more than his own feet and where he stepped. A hand pushed him back, and he was just about to fall when another pair of arms caught him from behind. SeungRi let out a small scream, but only of pure surprise so it wasn’t that loud. He looked up at three guys that stood in front of him, and the person that caught him must give him four guys to compete with. All of the guys had wide smiles on their faces, laughing at him with his surprised look.


“See? I knew we would see him some time without the disguise that he uses for cover.” One of the guys said, and the person behind him let go when he could stand on his own feet. He looked back and saw there were 2 guys more behind the person who caught him from falling. That gave six persons in total. Now he was sure to either die, or get to the hospital if they were going to beat him up. And JiYong wouldn’t even go and look for him, oh great…


“What do you want?” SeungRi quickly asked and looked around on all of them, trying to see some way through all this, but he wouldn’t be able to outrun six guys that all looked fitter than he was.


“To see your face in the dirt as you did to others.” One of the guys said, clearly he had to be the leader of this psycho group. SeungRi looked confused and really afraid at the same time.


“I have never done anything to anyone! Let me go!” SeungRi tried to get his arm back that had just been taking a hold on. The leader, as SeungRi supposed that he was, took a step closer to him and looked up and down, checking him out.


“Of course you haven’t.” The man said sarcastically. SeungRi tried to rip his arm away from the tight grip that started to hurt around his wrist.


“You are Lee SeungHyun right? That guy from the famous group Big Bang?” A person behind him asked, sounding cold as ice. SeungRi shook his head with a lot of power.


“No! I’m not! You are mistaking me for someone else!” He quickly said, trying to get away from this mess with lying. Well, it was worth the try…


“Well, you look like him… A lot.” One of the guys next to the leader said. He found a paper from his pocket and looked at the paper, to SeungRi, back at the paper, and back at SeungRi.


“This is him, for sure. It’s the perfect match.” The guy spoke again and the leader nodded. He hadn’t been in doubt one second. SeungRi swallowed hard and his eyes were wide from fear.


“In there.” The leader instructed and pointed at a dark alley almost next to them. Two of the guys took a hold on him and forced him with them into the alley. Trashcans and wet walls, along with a lot of bad smell, was the only thing the alley contained. SeungRi could feel the fright spread in his whole body and he started shaking from the fear and the cold that suddenly surrounded his body as his jacket was ripped off his body, leaving him in his t-shirt. It was by now SeungRi noticed that one of the guys carried a baseball bat of steal and one of the other had a gun strapped to his belt. SeungRi started struggling like a crazy person to get away, but the grip he was held with just got tighter and one of the guys who hold onto him, placed a hard fist into his stomach, making him loose every bit of air he had in his lungs and made him collapse on the ground on his knees. He held his arms on his stomach and gasped for air, still not able to get any into his lungs.


“Now, confess that you have been the one who pushed others to the ground and stepped on them.” The leader said as he kneeled down beside him to look him straight to his face. SeungRi had clenched his teeth hard and his eyes were squeezed together in pain.


“I never did anything like that!” SeungRi managed to yell and by a single movement with a hand from the leader, he felt the baseball bat hit him on the back, making him fall to the ground and screamed of pain.


“That’s a lie.” The leader just stated and he was hit again with the bat on his upper arm, making it feel like it just broke. Luckily it didn’t but it would leave a big bruise.


“Just confess and we will leave you.” One of the others said, smiling to the others that knew what he thought. They wouldn’t just leave him, the gun was there for a purpose.


“I have nothing to confess because I haven’t done anything!” SeungRi yelled and curved together from the pain in his body. They all laughed at him like he had told the best joke in the world. Before he could say more, kicks, hits and the bat was raining down on him, beating him up to the fullest. While he was beaten up, his t-shirt and pants were destroyed, so it was removed from his body, leaving him in his boxers.


“I give you one more time to confess or I will kill you.” The leader said with a voice so cold that it could leave a white breath from ice. SeungRi already felt he was dead, only the pain kept him alive in his own world.


“I didn’t… Do… Any… Thing…” He whispered and he heard the lock from the gun being released and now he only waited for the bullet to be shot into him. At that exact moment he heard footsteps run into the alley.


“It’s the ing wrong guy!” Someone yelled and the persons in the alley looked at the person who had just arrived. They all looked at him in disbelief.


“The guy we look for is not Lee SeungHyun! His name is Choi SeungHyun!” The guy quickly said and was completely out of breath.


“Oh for sake.” The leader said annoyed and sighed heavily. SeungRi could hear steps walking out of the alley and left him alone, unable to move and almost unable to breath. What had SeungHyun done to deserve something like this? And why was he suddenly involved with it? Couldn’t they leave them alone? His facial expression was showing pain as he tried to move a little, but it felt like nothing in his body would obey him right now. With force he managed to stretch his arm far enough to get a grip on the edge of his pants by the leg. While shaking he got them to him and found a damaged phone from his pocket. He found JiYong’s name in his contacts with lots of difficulties. With three tries to call, he finally got to dial the number.


“Hey it’s JiYong?” JiYong’s voice sounded from the other end, and a lot of weird noises came from his phone because it was damaged.


“Ji… I need… You… Help… Me…” SeungRi whispered and heard a deep sigh from JiYong in the other end.


“Is it my business?” He asked almost sounding annoyed, though a little worried for the whispering voice.


“Please… Help. Me. I… Need a hos… Hospi… Hospital…” SeungRi finally said through his stutter. JiYong’s eyes widened in fear.


“Where are you? Are you okay?” JiYong asked fast and afraid of what had happened to him. SeungRi made a small noise in pain and made a heavy breath out.


“Just get me… Away. I… The alley… Near us…” SeungRi stuttered and JiYong had an idea of where he could be. Quickly he rushed to the hall and got his shoes on before he ran out of the door. It didn’t even close properly, but he didn’t notice it at all, because he was already half way down the stairs.


“Panda, keep talking to me. Don’t fall asleep and stuff like that or what people say in this situation. I will be with you in a few minutes. Don’t hang up and tell me how bad the situation is.” JiYong said with a panting breath as he was running down the street, trying to find the right alley, but it was easier said than done. He had never thought about how many of those things there was around in the city. Right now he just begged that he was on the right street and not lost.


“Bad… Real… Bad. I love… You… Ji…” SeungRi whispered and hissed through clenched teeth from the pain. JiYong looked in every alley he found on his way, running like his life depended on it. But it was not his life it depended on, but SeungRi’s. He was shocked when he heard the last thing SeungRi said, like he was saying goodbye to him.


“No! Ri, no! You are not giving up on me! I’m there in a second, don’t even consider fading away now!” JiYong yelled as he heard the phone drop to the ground, the few inches it was above it. JiYong yelled when he couldn’t hear SeungRi anymore. He ran faster now, not even aware that he could do something like that. After two more alleys he found SeungRi, almost and beaten to the edge of his life.


“No, no, no, no!” JiYong said as he fell down beside him on his knees, picking up his head to rest on his lap. He was gone, but only fainted because he could still feel his pulse in the neck. While softly brushing his hair, he called the ambulance and told them where they were, begging them to hurry. Luckily SeungRi weren’t hit that much in the face, because he had covered it most of the time. But the rest of his body looked awful. Bruises, wounds and what JiYong guessed were a few either broken or just damaged bones. After about 10 minutes he could hear the sirens nearby and as they got closer, they got louder. When they stopped just in front of the alley, the sirens were enough to cause a headache. The ambulance people helped SeungRi up on a stretcher and into the vehicle. JiYong insisted on going with him, no matter what, and he got permission at the end. He had taken SeungRi’s phone with him, even though it was damaged and his clothes that were ruined. Now he understood why he had called him and not the ambulance immediately. The numbers on the screen would be impossible to press and the only way he could call anyone was doing what he had done. JiYong told the ambulance people that he knew nothing of what had happened, but that he had called him and he had run to find him. When he was sitting in the ambulance he got some oxygen from a mask to get air into his lungs from the run, and lots of water to drink.


When they arrived at the hospital around 10 minutes later, they hurried out with the stretcher and into a room on 2nd floor to examine him and perhaps do a surgery.  JiYong was left outside the room and he sat down on a chair beside the door. In one week, he was here for the second time? How did all this happen, and why? If that guy, who SeungRi should meet, had done this to him, he swore he would find him and kill him. Why would anyone beat his sweet panda up? He had never done anyone anything! Actually he doubted if he could make himself kill a fly even if it annoyed him. Who would want to harm him this much? To the point where he could have died? The thoughts shocked him too much right now, so he couldn’t even get himself together enough to call the others.




With a start DaeSung woke up and looked confused around. He had fallen asleep while staying with SeungHyun in the bed, and he could hear small noises coming from the small machine that SeungHyun had in his hands.


“What happened?” SeungHyun asked worried, making DaeSung look at him with confused eyes. DaeSung shook his head to get rid of the sleepiness.


“I don’t know. Maybe it was just a weird feeling… Or perhaps a bad dream.” He answered him, but still out of his mind in worry for something he wasn’t even sure of what was. SeungHyun frowned in concern for the sudden change of DaeSung, who had been sleeping peacefully in about an hour or something like that, and suddenly wakes up like this. He didn’t like it.


“Hmm… Perhaps.” SeungHyun said, still being concerned for what had happened. DaeSung looked around and tried to get some control over his mind, not feeling anxious about something he knew nothing of.


“I have a bad feeling.” DaeSung suddenly just said while looking straight out in the air, not looking at anything in particular. SeungHyun put a hand on his back, it was the only thing he could touch from where he was. DaeSung turned around and looked at him with worry written all over his face, causing SeungHyun to look worried too.


“About what?” He asked concerned and DaeSung slowly shook his head in confusion about what it was that had caused the bad feeling.


“I… I don’t know. Maybe I’m just too tense lately. With everything that is going on, and you and that ghost thing, everything is just out of hand. It’s just difficult to relax.” DaeSung mumbled and held SeungHyun’s hand in his. SeungHyun caressed his hand with his thumb, and gave it a small squeeze.


“It will be okay. Everything will be okay again, I promise you. Now I just need to get better, and then things will work out fine.” SeungHyun promised, slowly pulling DaeSung closer to him and DaeSung just let him get him closer, kissing him when he was close enough to do so.


“Try to relax, and nothing bad is going to happen.” SeungHyun whispered carefully to him when they parted. DaeSung looked into his eyes and chose to trust him. What could happen anyway? All three of them were here, and the two others were at home. The only thing that could happen was that one of them had a and he highly doubted that. Softly he placed a new kiss on SeungHyun’s lips, getting himself comfortable up against SeungHyun’s shoulder, watching him play some game on the machine. He smiled a little by himself because of the enthusiasm that SeungHyun showed whenever he touched the small machine, which more or less was constantly in his hands. DaeSung didn’t mind at all, he was just happy that it had been such a good gift. He put his arm carefully across SeungHyun’s chest, holding onto his shoulder with his hand and rested his head on the other shoulder that he leaned against. It didn’t hurt the least when he did it, and SeungHyun smiled happily for having DaeSung that close to him. With a slow move with his head, he kissed the top of his hair and rested his own head on his, feeling his hair tickle his skin whenever DaeSung took in a breath or let it go again. 



A/N: I'm not sure whether I have to make this a rated M chapter, so if you think it's really violent, then please say that, so I can put it as M. Thanks for reading the story and thanks for all of your amazing comments! :D Hope you enjoy the story so far :D

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)