Deal Or No Deal?

I Pray For Us

SeungRi and YoungBae had followed his fall, and when he hit the water, SeungRi broke down in tears. YoungBae quickly hugged him. SeungRi collapsed in his arms as YoungBae patted his back. He could feel tears press on too, but he refused to cry for perhaps no reason. He would be back, of course he would. The only thing he should do was swim to the brim and get up. He didn’t want to think about the stream that would almost make that impossible.


“Not now SeungRi. I’m sorry, but you can’t cry now.” YoungBae quickly said and tried to get him to stand on his own feet. He couldn’t cry now because they still had a bit of an emergency going on here. When he turned around, he saw the gun being held to SeungHyun head. It shocked him, but not as much as the two dead men on the ground. SeungHyun had really shot and killed two men? Wasn’t there another person? One was in the water, two dead, and one by SeungHyun, but where was the last? YoungBae quickly looked around but didn’t see him. He had probably just run away when they started to get ahead of them. SeungRi finally stood by himself and YoungBae let go of him, quickly drying his tears away. SeungRi’s eyes widened from a look over YoungBae’s shoulder. YoungBae looked confused and turned around to look, but just as he turned around, a knife cut him across the chest with a crooked angle and almost reached his stomach. He just looked surprised when he saw him, but then he yelled in pain from the cut where blood ran from immediately. The last guy that had been there had apparently sneaked around the vehicle and now attacked them. YoungBae held a hand towards his chest as the blood ran out of the wound. It was a deep cut, but very straight and clean. This guy must obviously prefer knives to guns.


“YoungBae!” SeungRi exclaimed as YoungBae fell back in his arms as he was about to faint. The man with the knife had a weird smile which almost made him look like a happy snake. SeungRi softly put YoungBae down on the ground and got up again.


“So who do you think wins?” SeungRi asked the man as he stood with a gun, and the man with a knife. SeungRi almost sounded mocking and the man rolled his eyes like he didn’t really care of what he said.


“Think twice.” The man said as it sounded like a suggestion. SeungRi looked a little confused, but in about two seconds from when the man said that, a knife was sticking out of his lower arm and he dropped the gun from the surprise and pain, which shot through his body. The man found a new knife from his jackets inside. SeungRi had to admit that it had been a good shot. But he wouldn’t let him go down so easy. He had to be there when JiYong came back, like JiYong had promised to be there for him, he had promised the same, so he had to be there too. So with a quick move, he picked the gun up and just in time he stepped aside from the knife the man had just sent his way. SeungRi quickly pulled the trigger almost before he had aimed at him, but it hit him in the stomach a little above the hip. He knew he just had to shoot him before the man could get another knife out of his jacket, and so he did. Just after he had shot him, he pulled the knife out of his arm and flinched in pain while doing so. When it was out, he threw it on the ground and hurried towards the man while pointing at him with the gun. The man just held the spot where he was shot and… Laughed?


“Did you really think that you could just shoot me, and that you wouldn’t die from it?” The man asked while laughing, which sounded more like a cough than a laugh. SeungRi looked confused, but didn’t really want to think more about his words.


“As you see, it went pretty well.” SeungRi answered him back and looked at him with an angry glare. The man just continued to laugh like he was coughing. The blood was dripping from SeungRi’s fingers because of the blood that ran down from his arm.


“You will die today.” The man said with the coughing laugh and almost sounded like he was telling his future, like some sort of fortuneteller. SeungRi raised the gun a little so it pointed straight to his head.


“You will too.” He said in a weird tone as he pulled the trigger, hearing the bullet go into the man’s head and he got blood on his clothes because he was close enough to him to get it on, when the blood spouted out. His pants were what the most of it ended, but a few stains ended on his shirt. YoungBae looked more shocked than ever. SeungRi had just killed a man, with cold blood. So cold that he could stand and watch him while he shot him straight into his head. SeungRi looked up and then down at YoungBae.


“They killed my Ji.” SeungRi said like it was explanation enough for his action. YoungBae kept silent, because he was still too taken aback to say anything. SeungRi looked over at the other scenario.




SeungHyun just stood still when the leader pressed the gun against his head. DaeSung looked terrified, and the leader smiled slightly.


“I think you have played with the wrong guys this time.” SeungHyun stated, and the leader laughed like he didn’t give a damn. SeungHyun didn’t move but he tried to look at him from the corner of his eyes. It didn’t go that well, because he only saw a hand and a gun.


“You shouldn’t be sure of that. Just because you have killed two of my guys and the others have kicked my third man into the water, doesn’t mean that you are the wrong guys. That just mean you are the stupidest guys.” The man said while smirking, pushing a little more to his temple with the gun, and SeungHyun moved his head slightly in the direction the gun pointed him to move it.


“How can we be the stupidest, when it’s you who are outnumbered?” SeungHyun asked, sounding like he was joking around. The leader didn’t laugh, and he didn’t find it funny.


“Because I have more men, you haven’t.” He said while sounding triumphing. SeungHyun rolled his eyes a little.


“So that makes you better? I see… We still got three of yours, and soon there will be none of you.” SeungHyun mentioned as he smirked a little. The leader raised a brow and didn’t seem entertained.


“Well, that makes this easier.” The man said and pointed at DaeSung with the gun and was just about to pull the trigger when SeungHyun hit him with all power in his stomach area. The leader fell down on the ground as he tried to breathe. SeungHyun kicked the gun away that he had just dropped, and kicked the man fully down on the ground. When he was down, SeungHyun put a foot on the man’s shoulder to keep him down. Somehow the leader found it funny, which showed because he laughed a little.


“Can’t you see it Choi SeungHyun? This was what you should confess. Kicking people down on the ground, and stepping on them. Seems familiar?” The man said like he was teasing him, mocking him and making fun of him.


“I never did anything like that.” SeungHyun just answered and quickly removed his foot. He couldn’t figure out when he had pushed a girl on the ground and stepped on her. That was out of his memory of when that had happened – if it ever had. DaeSung just stood still, unable to do anything else than just look at them. Suddenly he screamed when he saw the blood and SeungHyun felt the pain. He looked down and noticed the blood that came from left his thigh. His face made a grimace in pain and squeezed his eyes together as he held onto his thigh with both hands, like he was trying to press the pain away, but only made the blood run faster. The leader just laughed and DaeSung ran towards him. Another bullet pierced through his upper arm and instead of holding his hand to the thigh, he held it to the bloody wound in his arm.


“For sake! Stop shooting me!” SeungHyun screamed out in pain. The leader slowly got up when he figured that SeungHyun wasn’t going to stop him any time soon. DaeSung noticed the man who was getting up, and instead of helping SeungHyun, he kicked down the leader again while pointing the gun, he still held in his hand, towards him.


“Are you okay?” DaeSung asked SeungHyun with a raised voice to hear if he really was okay, or needed a supporting hand. SeungHyun made a weird noise through clenched teeth, which indicated that he was in pain.


“Yeah… Yeah! I’m okay!” SeungHyun exclaimed with his eyes squeezed together in pain, and hissed through clenched teeth. DaeSung didn’t dare to look back at SeungHyun that was just behind him. If he did, then that guy on the ground would possibly attack him, and then he would get shot.


“Dae! Use him… As a shield!” SeungHyun said as loud as he could. It sounded like he couldn’t breathe properly, which he really couldn’t. DaeSung looked confused for a second, but then understood. So he quickly pulled the man up from the ground and shielded himself with him, putting an arm around his neck so he couldn’t go, and placed the gun towards his temple, turning them around so he stood with their fronts in the direction where the shooting came from. A ringing phone broke the silence, except for SeungHyun’s painful noises.


“Pick it up.” The leader told DaeSung with a calm voice. DaeSung looked confused and the leader slowly reached to pick up the calling phone. By giving it to DaeSung, he only looked more confused, but took it from the man as he picked up.


“Release Leader, then I won’t kill him.” A male voice told him from the other end. The voice was clearly not a native Korean speaker, so DaeSung just had to figure out what he actually said. When he understood, he quickly looked at SeungHyun that had placed himself on the ground not to stand too much.


“He wants this guy to be released, then he won’t kill you.” DaeSung told SeungHyun after he had removed the phone from his ear. SeungHyun hissed and held his hand to his arm.


“Negotiate. We want a car and then he has to let us get away. Promise we won’t call the police. We just want to get away.” SeungHyun quickly said and fought to get some air while he talked. DaeSung nodded and put the phone back to his ear.


“We want a car. No police.” DaeSung said to the man in the other end, considered that if he spoke clearly, then the foreigner would understand. He heard a sigh from the other end.


“Let me think ‘bout it.” The man said just before he hung up. DaeSung removed the phone from his ear when he heard the small *bip* tones that indicated the call had ended.


“He hung up.” DaeSung told SeungHyun. The leader laughed a little, but DaeSung pushed the gun a little more towards his head so it moved a little, just telling him that he was still in a bad situation that wasn’t funny. It worked because he didn’t laugh anymore and the smile was wiped off his face. After about four minutes of silence the phone started ringing again and DaeSung picked up immediately.


“The car is on the way.” The voice told him, and DaeSung nodded. He figured that the man was watching him.


“Now let go.” The person said. DaeSung held the gun up so the man could see he had removed it from his head. After that, DaeSung pushed the leader down on the ground, away from both him and SeungHyun, also away from any weapons. With the gun raised, still showing the man he had it, and then threw it far away from all of them.


“Good boy. Car arrives soon.” The voice told him with the broken Korean, and then hung up. DaeSung nodded again, and removed the phone.


“I keep this until the car gets here.” DaeSung said to the leader that was now sitting on the ground instead of either lying down or getting up. He just nodded and DaeSung sat down beside SeungHyun to check how bad he was hit.


“Are you okay Hyung?” DaeSung softly asked. SeungHyun looked at him with a face that told him it was a rather stupid question.


“If “Okay” means alive, then yes, but if it means that I’m good, then no.” SeungHyun answered him and hissed again. They heard the sound of a car that came closer. DaeSung quickly turned his head and tried to see into the van, which it was, to see if there were any other people in there, than the driver. From what he could see, then there was none.


“Guys!” DaeSung yelled as he got up, trying to get in contact with the other two that was by the car. Both of them turned their heads and saw the black van which came closer. SeungRi had gotten YoungBae up from the ground, but the cut was still running with blood, and it was impossible to stop. They came closer to the others, but very careful. DaeSung slowly got SeungHyun up, even though it felt like it was impossible for SeungHyun to get up.


“Hold him.” DaeSung told SeungRi, and SeungRi quickly nodded as he held onto him with the other arm that wasn’t damaged. After letting go of SeungHyun, he went to the leader and helped him up.


“You are an interesting person. After all this, you still come to me and even touch me. If you were one of my men, I would be proud.” The leader said as he got up on his feet. DaeSung took back his hand and looked at him with an unreadable face.


“If that’s a job offer, I have to decline.” DaeSung answered him, causing the leader to smile. The other guys from the group looked weird at them because they stood and talked to each other like that, but they couldn’t hear what they said. DaeSung gave him back the phone, which he still had in his hand.


“Interesting. You got something.” The man said and DaeSung smiled a tiny smile. He didn’t know why he liked that kind of compliment and then it came from this guy of all people in the world.


“It’s called a God. But I want to make sure of something… I’m not interested in knowing what SeungHyun have done, and I’m certainly not interested in further acquaintance with you, if you get my point. So let’s make a deal.” DaeSung suggested. The man, who was about his size, looked him interested in the eyes.


“A deal? I like deals. And you certainly like to talk about things. I really come to like you.” The leader said with a brighter smile. How he could smile in a time like this was an unreal factor for DaeSung.


“Don’t like me, it gives me a weird feeling that you would like to come after me instead of SeungHyun. So how about we close the deal, and you stop liking me. Sounds good?” DaeSung said with a serious tone in his voice. The leader just smiled and gave him a nod. It really gave DaeSung creeps all over his body from the sudden change of the person’s behavior.


“So the deal is?” The man asked with a sly smile and DaeSung wanted to hit his face most of all. This guy was really getting on his nerves. A crazy gun-firing psychopath wasn’t really his ideal-type, so to speak. Maybe just a crazy gun-firing man was his ideal-type. Well after all, he had by now figured that SeungHyun was crazy and obviously also a good shooter, so that had to be his ideal-type.


“My part is that you leave SeungHyun and the rest of us, be. Including our families and no threats. Now, make your part.” DaeSung answered him as he crossed his arms. The leader was still smiling. Slowly he lifted his hand and clapped DaeSung on the upper arm by the shoulder.


“That seems fair on your behalf. So you tell me that I can make my own terms? Wow, you really are an unusual man. Okay, well my only term would be for SeungHyun to confess. Then I will let you be forever. I will never harm any of you, nor will I follow you anymore. You will all be let alone from my side.” The leader said as his made his conditions. DaeSung looked at the hand that was still placed on his shoulder, but tried to let it flow out of his mind.


“So if he confesses, there will never be anything more with you guys?” DaeSung asked just to make sure that this was the deal. He released his arms from each other and the man removed his hand.


“Yes, that’s the deal. We leave you, he confesses. Very harmless.” The leader said as a close to the deal. DaeSung nodded and waved the others closer to them. SeungHyun limped towards them with a good grip around SeungRi and YoungBae slowly followed.


“Hyung. If you confess, then we will be let alone. Will you please just do it?” DaeSung asked kindly. SeungHyun looked at the man who seemed very satisfied with the situation. Somehow he didn’t like the fact that DaeSung had made a deal with him, and that they seemed so calm with talking to each other.


“Is that a promise?” SeungHyun asked carefully. DaeSung looked at the man again and judged him with his eyes that scanned his face.


“Deal?” DaeSung asked him as he put out his hand. The leader nodded with a satisfied smile and put out his hand as they closed the deal with a firm handshake. SeungHyun didn’t like this, not even at all. SeungHyun rolled his eyes.


“No matter what I have done, then yes I’ve done it. Fine?” SeungHyun asked with a heavy sigh and raised a brow while looking at the man. The leader smiled even more satisfied.


“So you confess in your crime?” He asked to hear the confirming yes that he just needed.


“Yes.” SeungHyun answered. The leader gave one agreeing nod and let go of DaeSung’s hand after a squeeze. DaeSung pulled his hand back, and the man put his hand down in his pocket, finding something there, but very discrete. He waved at the car and the driver stepped out, letting the motor run. When DaeSung took a step towards the others, the leader slipped down the thing from his pocket, to DaeSung’s. None of the others noticed it at all, and DaeSung just went next to SeungHyun as he took a grip around him from the other side than SeungRi.


“Then goodbye.” The leader stated and turned around to the side where the shooter had fired from. He showed with one hand that everything was O.K. The others found their way to the car and got SeungHyun into the front passenger seat, and SeungRi and YoungBae into the back seat, with DaeSung as the driver. The man turned around to the car and pointed the way where they had to drive, which was just straight ahead. DaeSung sped up and something in him made him wave to the man when he drove past him. He hadn’t even thought about it before he had done it. It caused the leader to smile again.


“Okay, so what happened to you guys? And where’s Ji?” DaeSung quickly asked as he tried to keep his mind on the road. SeungRi was too confused to be able to cry right now.


“JiYong fell from the bridge and I got cut from the person who was standing beside the leader guy, who SeungRi shot.” YoungBae told him, just keeping it short. DaeSung raised an eyebrow and understood now. He looked in the rear-view mirror and watched that another car came and picked up the leader and the driver. Instead of driving the same way, they turned around and drove the other. DaeSung wasn’t really sure of what all this was good for, but he knew that the only thing he had to think about now was to find a hospital as quickly as possible.




JiYong felt the water surround him with great power as he hit it. Every bit of air his lungs had managed to get through his fall, was immediately blasting out of him. It felt like he was going to die. He was only going further and further down, not really sure if there existed a bottom in this river. Slowly he started to feel dizzy, fainting after a moment. He was only gone for a few seconds before he came back to consciousness, realizing that he was unable to breathe. Somehow he gained unbelievable strength to move upwards. He could feel himself choking for air, trying not to swallow too much water, which tasted so bad. After using all of his powers to reach for the surface, he finally broke it and gasped for air. Half air and half water ended up in his lungs, causing him to choke again while he coughed. He tried to keep himself up from the water with his head, by using his arms and legs, but the stream that the river was forced with, made it quite impossible. Never in his whole life had he imagined of how it would feel like to drown, but now he felt like he had an idea about it. Nothing in his life had been more focused on survival than now. He couldn’t think about anything else, than the movements he had to make not to drown. Everything in his body felt cold, and it felt like all his limbs was frozen like ice, making it hard to move bit by bit. He tried to see where he was, where the bridge was, but his eyes couldn’t see much because of it looked so foggy in his vision.


After about five minutes of struggling and hard breathing, he saw that there was a shore not too far ahead. Places like that usually had stairs that led down to the water, which meant that they led up to the ground too. With all the last powers in his body, he managed to get to the direction of it. But because of the stream he was about to flow by, when he reached out for a pole of wood that was sticking up from the water. While holding on to it, he started breathing better. Now he could hold himself up from the water, but not very well because his strength was gone. He wasn’t even sure that he would be able to come from here, and the meters that it took for him to get to the stair that would lead him to life. That sounded like a good kind of stairs, but his strength was too weak to get there. Maybe if he could just take a nap here, then it would be better. His face fell down in the water, which woke him up again. *No time to sleep!* He thought as he shook his head.


When he had had a few minutes of time to recover a bit, he turned around the pole and faced another, so he pushed himself from the pole with his feet to get extra speed towards the other pole and luckily got his hands around it. Then the next, and the next again. The stairs was just one wooden pole away, and he felt so weak that he didn’t believe that he would make it. But he got to the last pole, and tried to reach for the concrete stairs, but they were slippery and there were no banister for him to get a grip on. With the last bit of strength, he threw himself against the stairs, and got a hold on one of the steps that weren’t wet which made it possible to hold on to. He managed to get two steps up the stairs, and then he fainted. Now he knew he could survive, and the lack of strength made him pass out immediately.



A/N: I'm soooo sorry for leaving you hanging on this edge of curiosity! My internet is gone and I haven't been able to get to a computer with net until now... Actually I went to a liberary because I just HAD to update! I hope you like the chapter and I hope deeply to get some internet soon again, so I will be able to update! Please hold on and wait for it! Maybe I can't update until I get home from the BB concert in London here later in the month. I'm so excited! Okay, I will take my leave and let you comment on this new chapter! :D

P.S. If the chapter is too violent for the unmature, then please let me now so I can put a M-mark on it. :) I can't really judge it by myself because I don't think it is, but it might offend some of you. Thanks! :)

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)