Getting The Girl?

I Pray For Us


JiYong got up the next morning, and couldn’t really forget the look on SeungHyun’s face. There was something wrong, and he had no idea of what it could be. Not even the slightest, other than maybe something with DaeSung. Were they already together? God that went quick… He slowly approached the kitchen and opened the fridge. With a tired expression he pulled out a can of milk, and he put on the table. On his way to find a glass, he looked down in the sink. What the…? Something white and black was lying in a sea of water. Was that fur?


“SeungRi!!!!” JiYong yelled as loud as he could. A few seconds after, SeungRi came into the kitchen in a hurry, only in his underwear. JiYong pointed with his finger into the sink.


“Why is there a panda in the sink? AND why is it furry and put in water?” He asked with a voice, which felt like it was accusing him. SeungRi came closer to the sink and looked down.


“Oh! It looks clean now!” He said with a jolly laugh and a happy smile. JiYong hit his own head and turned around to get the glass.


“Why have you washed a teddy bear?” JiYong asked wondering. SeungRi laughed a little.


“I accidently washed her with cola. And I tried to clean her up, but it didn’t work, and then I thought that I could perhaps put her in water and see if she would be clean by now, and it looks like it.” He answered him with a big smile, picking up the teddy bear.


“It’s a she? But why in the world would you put that thing down in water over a night? I think it’s ruined now! Why not just put it in the washing-machine and let it dry in the other thing?” JiYong asked, completely unable to understand him. SeungRi frowned as he looked at him.


“It’s called a tumble-drier… Stupid… And I could have done that, but I’m not sure she would like to get dizzy and spun around for hours. But she is not ruined, and she just needs to dry. I have done this before. Trust me, I’m a pro.” He answered him with a mature voice and no laughing expression at all. When he called him stupid it was only a whisper, so JiYong didn’t even hear it.


“I knew that… But if you are such a pro in washing teddy bears, then Gaho would be no problem for you. He needs a bath anyway.” JiYong answered him, getting a deep laugh back as SeungRi was about to fall on the ground in laughter.


“You are impossible, you know that right?” SeungRi . JiYong looked at him with a quick move with his head.


“Me? Impossible? Ha, I guess you have hit your head on something. Or maybe I should put you down in the sink, so you can cuddle with your panda.” He answered him and turned away to get the milk, but SeungRi was faster, and took it before he even got to reach out for it. JiYong looked at him with a giving up expression.


“You just aren’t getting smarter huh?” JiYong asked him and took the wet panda, which SeungRi had placed on the table, when he grabbed the milk.


“Okay!! Exchange!” SeungRi quickly said, while JiYong took a few steps behind, so he wouldn’t be able to reach it.


“Nahh… I’m not sure about that. I can live without the milk, but would you be able to live without your precious panda?” JiYong , faking a sad voice. SeungRi placed the milk on the table and attacked the wet bear - and JiYong. When he attacked him, a weird noise came from JiYong as he made a small scream, causing SeungRi to laugh like hell.


“You just made my clothes wet!” JiYong exclaimed and gave him the bear. But SeungRi didn’t get up from his position on top of him. He made a small shrug, and leaned down to kiss him, but he turned his head and got him off.


“I’m not going to do that again!” JiYong quickly said as he got up. SeungRi got on his legs too, and placed the wet toy on the table. He smirked and pulled him closer.


“Oh, I know you want to.” SeungRi , but JiYong pulled out of his grip.


“No, I don’t want to. And get some clothes on. You are almost …” JiYong pointed out, turned his back on him. SeungRi placed himself up against the table, with his hip resting on the corner, crossing his arms.


“Why is it that you keep refusing, even though we both know you want to?” He asked teasingly, but was actually a bit serious, he just didn’t want to show. JiYong turned to him again.


“Because I don’t want to. That’s why I keep refusing. Ri, it’s stupid, okay? We can’t do something like that. Isn’t it enough that SeungHyun and DaeSung already have something?” JiYong asked a little annoyed. SeungRi’s eyes flew open, and when JiYong saw that, he just realized what he had said.

“Oh … Are they together?!” SeungRi quickly asked and his smiled grew bigger as if he was going to laugh. JiYong hit himself on the forehead for being so stupid.


“Maybe. I’m not sure…” He answered and sighed deeply because of himself. SeungRi laughed hard, and his position was impossible to hold anymore.


“That’s like… Awesome news!” SeungRi exclaimed as he laughed even more. JiYong sighed again and put the milk back in the fridge.


“Yeah… Hurray.” He just said as he rolled his eyes. With a finger he pointed towards the hallway that leads down to their rooms.


“Now, get clothes on. I have something important to do today, so I won’t be home until late tonight, alright?” JiYong said, sounding like a question but it was only a confirmation. SeungRi nodded.


“What is it that is so important?” He asked curious. JiYong shrugged.


“Why should I tell you?” He answered, a little teasing, but actually it wasn’t really his business. SeungRi just nodded, he got the message. JiYong waved his hand towards the door, once more indicating that he should get dressed. SeungRi sighed deeply and left.


“Stupid boy…” JiYong mumbled to himself and looked at his watch. An hour until he should be there, that would give him around half an hour to get ready. After a while SeungRi came back, looking really good. JiYong had changed his shirt from the wet one to a clean and dry one while SeungRi had been away.


“I’m leaving soon.” JiYong informed SeungRi when he entered the kitchen. JiYong was sitting by the table and held onto a mug with steaming hot coffee. SeungRi noticed that he had placed his teddy bear on the radiator to dry it. That was so sweet! He had to like him after all.


“Okay. Where are you going?” SeungRi asked curious and sat down in front of him. JiYong shrugged.


“I have a few things.” He just answered him and sipped to the coffee. SeungRi noticed that there was food on the table, meant to be in front of him. Somehow it touched him. Maybe he tried to make up for what he had said and done. JiYong emptied the mug, just as he had noticed the food.


“I will get going. See you tonight.” He said and got up. Before SeungRi could even say thanks, he was out of the room. SeungRi ate some of the food, and thought about this and that.




JiYong got into the car and turned it on before he drove away. What’s wrong with that guy? Why is he suddenly so obsessed with him? He shook his head and turned right at the next traffic light. After 20 minutes he arrived at the destination and got out. He walked to the door and they slid open for him to enter. Inside it was really big, and filled with people. When he saw all the people he put on his sunglasses and covered his head with the hat from his jacket. A few turned around to look at him, but no one was interested in a person that was just coming in for nothing. He sneaked out in the passage to a lot of different rooms, and found the right room he was told to get to. Carefully he knocked a few times and a sweet voice answered him to come in.


“Hey.” He said as he entered, and by the mirror there was a cute and beautiful girl. She smiled sweetly at him.


“I thought you wouldn’t come.” YooJin said and he smiled back at her, getting closer and sat down in the chair next to her.


“Change of plans sweetie.” He answered with a shrug and looked into the mirror at himself. It was just a normal dressing room that he also used to be in, when he had to perform. Somehow he thought that he looked tired and sad for some reason, when he looked at his reflection.


“Are you doing well?” She asked him with her sweet voice and touched his hand, giving him a closer look. JiYong nodded and sent her a smile.


“Of course. Have you ever seen me do badly?” He asked with a teasing voice, making her giggle a little.


“No, you are right.” YooJin answered him and took back her hand. JiYong smiled a little at her, and there was a new soft knock heard on the door. She answered and her manager stuck his head in, telling her that they were ready for her. After giving him an answer that she would soon be out, he left them.


“Come out in a minute. I will leave first. I hope you will enjoy it.” YooJin said with a cute voice and got up, just before she went out, she let her lips touch his in a dreaming kiss for a few seconds, before she left him with a small wave and a cute smile. JiYong sat in the chair for a while, he wasn’t sure for how long, but it felt like an eternity. He hadn’t even answered the kiss, and wasn’t really sure why she had suddenly kissed him like that. With a deep sigh he got up on what felt like jelly-legs and went to the performance room. YooJin was holding a small concert and an interview on one of those many shows that he also often was a part of. His gaze was glued to her while she sang and talked. Without even noticing it, he kept brushing and touching his lips. This was just a friendly gesture from his side to attend her first TV-show and then she did that? What was he suppose to say when he was alone with her again? He wasn’t unfaithful, right? Because SeungRi and him weren’t having anything. They had only had twice and he didn’t love him like that. But then why did he feel that this was so wrong? The show ended and he didn’t even notice it before people started leaving. He snapped out of his trance and got up, trying not to expose his disguise. When he had managed to get past all of the people, he got back to her dressing room and knocked on the door. Once again she answered him, and he opened the door. She sat in the chair and smiled at him through the mirror, while she was removing the heavy make-up. He slowly approached her, and sat down on the chair he had been sitting in the last time he had been in here.


“Was it okay?” YooJin asked him with a smile, looking at him from the corner of her eye. He nodded with a thoughtful expression.


“Of course.” JiYong managed to answer, and somehow kept starring at her. She didn’t seem to mind at all. When she had put on a new layer of make-up, just something quick that wasn’t heavy as the stage make-up, she turned to him with a cute smile.


“So… How have you been lately? You seem so absent.” She asked him with a piercing look that almost scared him. He sent her a weak smile in return.


“I’m good. I just have a lot on my mind, and there’s so much going on.” JiYong answered her. She nodded a little and got up. Her dress followed her from the back, a little on the ground. She walked to her clothes and he turned around not to look at her while she changed. There was a screen for her to go behind, and she did, but he still wouldn’t look. In the mirror he could see the screen and her shadow move behind it. He didn’t really want to look, but her movements were so soft and it almost felt like her body was playing a melody.


“Do you want to have something to eat when I get past the paparazzi?” She asked him from behind the screen. His eyes were still lingering in the mirror and watched her change.


“Yeah, that sounds great.” JiYong answered with a smile and got up when she came out from behind the screen. She was really beautiful, and her dress that she was wearing now only did her body the best. It was the length of her knees, and had a pretty reddish color. She slowly approached him and touched his cheek with a finger.


“You keep starring at me.” She said with a seducing voice. JiYong smiled shyly and took her hand away from his cheek. She stepped closer, and pulled down his hat, removing his sunglasses.


“For me, you don’t have to hide.” She teased, and softly gave him a kiss, that almost just seemed like a light touch. At first he didn’t answer it, but then melted into it as she gently bit his lower lip. His arms found their way around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to him, as she put her hands on his chest. With his own hands, he held her around the waist and his fingers caressed her lower back. Their kiss deepened and their tongues played a sensual game that made JiYong feel warm all over his body. After a while she pulled out of the kiss and his arms, leaving him in the middle of the floor while she went to the door.


“Food? Remember?” YooJin said with a smile and sent him a wink before she opened the door. He snapped out of his thoughts and walked with her out of the room. When they got out of the hallway, she gave him his sunglasses back, and he put on his hat again. He walked a little away so they wouldn’t be seen together, as she was attacked by paparazzo’s and made a few statements around her upcoming album, and she smiled her sweet smile to the camera. As quickly as JiYong could, he sneaked around all the people and went outside to get the car. After waiting for about 15 minutes, she showed in the door as she was followed by a few paparazzo’s, he drove closer to her, and she waved to the camera as she quickly got in, and they drove away.


“Thanks. I thought I would be stuck with them forever.” YooJin said with a sweet giggle, giving his hand a squeeze as he was holding the gear. He turned his head and smiled at her, earning a beautiful smile back, and looked on the road again.


“You know, it will only get worse…” He teased as he sped up. She crossed her legs in the passenger seat, making it look a little weird, but she managed to do it quite smoothly.


“I know… But I guess it goes along with the job right?” She answered him, smiling at him with her white teeth showing. JiYong nodded and slowed down a bit.


“Yep… It’s pretty much half the job. Now… What do you want to eat?” He asked and gave her a quick look. She hummed thoughtfully and pointed a little ahead.


“Stop there.” She answered and he did when he got there. He put on his glasses and hat, getting out of the car right after. She unfolded her legs and he opened the door for her. As she stepped out he held her hand, and she got up on the 4 inches high heels on her stilettos. When she was up, he let go of her hand and closed the door behind her, locking it with a small *beep* from the car key in his hand.


“Where are we going?” JiYong asked with a small laugh and a smile. She laughed too and took his hand while walking a little faster.


“It’s just around the corner.” She answered and they went down a rather large alley. On their right hand there was a really nice, small restaurant. He had never seen that before, but after all, he hadn’t been in these places before. She opened the door and the bell made a small *cling* as they entered. By now she had let go of his hand, and she made a small bow to the elder woman in the restaurant. There were only a few other guests, and the smell in the room was sweet from food. It seemed pretty nice in here, and the woman hurried to them with a smile.


“Hello sweetie!” The elder woman said as she gave a small hug to YooJin. JiYong gave her a bow, and she followed them to a table at the end of the restaurant. On the table the menus were already there. JiYong sat down in front of YooJin, removing his glass and hat, and then smiling to her as he got a beautiful smile back.


“So you have a lot on your mind?” YooJin asked kindly. JiYong nodded a little as he closed the menu. She smiled at him, waiting for him to explain.


“There’s just a lot going on… You know, with the career and the other guys.” JiYong answered her, looking at her pretty face that where now smiling again.


“What’s going on with the others?” She asked interested, closing the menu too and intertwined her fingers on the table. JiYong laughed a little.


“Not that much. I’m just worried. I haven’t seen the others that much, except for SeungRi that lives with me now.” He answered her. YooJin smiled as she looked deep into his eyes.


“Of course. You are like the leader, right? Doesn’t that make it your job to take care of the others?” She asked interested as she kept looking at him. He made a little shrug, like it wasn’t a big deal.


“Nah, I’m not sure it’s my job to take care of them, but I do so anyway. On the other hand, I think we all take care of each other somehow.” JiYong answered with a small smile, still looking at her in her eyes. The lady came to them and they placed their order, quickly after she left again.


“So, you are all like… Having a bond and stuff like that?” YooJin asked, and he smiled a little down in the table, remembering the others when they used to be together, almost clinging on each other whenever they were together.


“Yeah. We do.” JiYong answered her, as he looked at her again with a happy smile. She smiled back at him as she could see how happy he seemed when they talked about the others.


“Why did you choose going on your own? Why not a group?” He asked just after he had earned her pretty smile. She shook her head with a cute laugh.


“Sweetie, I didn’t choose that. But I must admit I think I’m better suited alone. You know how girls can be in a society like this.” YooJin answered him. JiYong looked at her with a raised eyebrow.


“So it was the entertainment company which chose that for you? And what do you mean by “How girls can be in a society like this”?” He asked in a wonder. YooJin laughed at him for not getting it, even though it seemed so clear.


“Yeah, it was the company. And girls can really become es in this society. You must have noticed that? Okay, I know that those girls you hang around, what are their names… Bom, Dara, Minzy and CL right? They aren’t like that, but a lot of other girls are. So I think I will do well on my own.” She answered him, gently touching his hand, and let the fingers brush over the back of it. JiYong nodded understanding now.


“Yeah, I have met a few of them.” He answered her, touching her fingers as she withdrew her hand. She smiled because of his touch and looked up at the waitress, who was slightly younger than the lady who had served them before, came and gave them their order. They continued small-talking while they ate and after JiYong had paid the bill, they left for the car. He took her home, and when he parked the car, she turned to him.


“This has been really nice. Do you want to come inside? I can make some coffee or open a bottle of wine?” She offered and smiled to him. JiYong thought for a few seconds and smiled back.


“Yeah, that would be nice. But let’s keep to that bottle of wine, shouldn’t we?” He answered her teasingly, making a little wink. She giggled and undid the seat belt. JiYong stepped out of the car and went to her side as he opened the door, letting her get out again with a helping hand. They went to the front door and she unlocked it before they went inside.




SeungRi looked at the watch on his phone. He released a deep sigh and put the phone back on the table, still watching some sick TV-show that started over an hour ago. A few minutes after he got up and went to the bathroom, after that he went to the kitchen. None of the places he did anything. It was just like he was checking to see if things were alright. Maybe he should call him? No… He was a big boy and he could watch out for himself. And he didn’t want to sound like some over protective boyfriend – as he wasn’t. Once again he found himself on the couch, clicking through the channels. At the end he just turned off the TV, and threw the remote control on the couch. That was when he realized that it was something JiYong always did, not something he usually did. He buried his head in his hands. This was too much. He said tonight, why wasn’t he back yet? It was almost 12 in the night. He wasn’t going to come home tonight… That much he had already figured out by now.


With a heavy breath he left the couch and went to bed. He buried his head in the pillow and what felt likes hours after, he finally fell asleep.



A/N: Sorry, I know this is like... REALLY boring! But I hope you will see through it... And I hope that you like it a little bit even though...




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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)