Run Away

I Pray For Us



“How?” He just asked and JiYong sent him a weak smile.


“I thought that if we used SeungHyun when he is healthy again, to trick them to come out and then somehow catch them?” JiYong answered. DaeSung looked at him with an expression that was close to fear in his eyes when JiYong told him. He shook his head a little, and tried to collect his jaw that had ended on the floor. JiYong sighed, maybe it would be a bad idea, but it could be able to succeed.


“We can’t use SeungHyun as bait! That would be wrong and what if he got hurt? Isn’t it enough that SeungRi got hurt because of them?” DaeSung asked in a wild voice because of fear for what would happen to SeungHyun if they did something like that.


“I know SeungRi got hurt because of them, but we have to get them away so SeungHyun can be safe, right? Then he doesn’t have to fear to go out of the door, or you would fear that he would get hurt. Can’t you see DaeSung? The way you act now, is exactly what I mean! You are out of your wits because you are afraid that he will get hurt, but if we get rid of them, you don’t have to be afraid anymore. Neither does SeungHyun. It’s a good idea, in a way.” JiYong answered him with a calm voice and tried to sound like he knew what he was suggesting. Actually he hadn’t thought it through, but when it came to his head it sounded like a good idea.


“What if something happens? If one of us dies? Then what JiYong?” DaeSung asked with something that sounded like accusation in his voice. JiYong sighed heavily and looked down, then up at him again.


“There’s no one of that is going to die. I’m not talking about that the five of us it going to fight them. I mean with police and all that. I’m pretty sure that they would want to catch them, just as badly as we want to.” He answered and DaeSung made a sound like he understood now.


“Good… Because I don’t want more bad things to happen in our lives, I think we have had enough.” DaeSung answered then, with a voice just above a whisper. JiYong put a hand on his hair and ruffled it. DaeSung laughed a little while trying to wave his hand away.


“Not the hair!” DaeSung exclaimed still laughing. JiYong removed his hand when he had messed his hair up enough for his taste.


“I hate you! You know my hair is a forbidden place!” DaeSung quickly said and earned a smirk from JiYong as an answer.


“But you love me never the less.” JiYong and patted him on the hair, just to be annoying – which succeeded.


“You are annoying…” DaeSung answered with a pout and JiYong pinched his cheek.


“And you are just sooooo sweet!” JiYong said with a smile that almost begged for being slapped. DaeSung quickly forced his hand away.


“First the hair, then the skin! You are the worst!” DaeSung said with a new pout and moved away from him, only causing JiYong to get up from his seat and sit next to him.


“And you are an Angel yourself?” JiYong as he poked him on the shoulder. DaeSung couldn’t hold back a small chuckle.


“Of course. That’s what people like to call me. Then it must be true right?” DaeSung answered and removed his hand from his shoulder. JiYong laughed at his answer.


“Oh yes, that’s what I hear.” He said as he put his hand back on his shoulder, just to piss him off, which didn’t really work. DaeSung just let it be there and didn’t care more about it.


“It doesn’t make it true for that reason. People call me Dragon, but that doesn’t make me breathe fire or give me a big tail.” JiYong added, making DaeSung smile by the thought.


“And it doesn’t make you fly and get wings just because people call you an Angel… We must face the truth that we are the villains. But SeungRi doesn’t like that I knock old ladies down, so I must find something else than that, maybe rob a bank instead.” JiYong muttered as he looked out into the empty air, making DaeSung laugh from his sudden change of subject.


“What are you talking about? Have you knocked old ladies down? And don’t rob a bank because that would just be stupid.” DaeSung answered him, causing him to come back down to earth.


“You are right. SeungRi didn’t believe my villain story either.” JiYong said with a smile as he held back a laugh.


“Sometimes you really talk nonsense.” DaeSung answered him as he shook his head. JiYong let the laugh out and took back his hand as he scratched his hair.


“Yeah, people often think that. But think about the idea with the true villains. Run the idea for SeungHyun and then we can figure out something that could be possible.” JiYong said while smiling. DaeSung nodded a little, still unsure about it.


“Okay, I will discuss it with him then I will call you after that. Let’s get this mess cleared up.” DaeSung said as they both got up from their seat. They had known each other long enough to know that what JiYong said had referred to stop the conversation.


“Yep, I will wait for your call then. Let’s go.” JiYong answered him as they went out of the door and headed for the elevator.


“But he won’t be able to do anything for the next two or three weeks. His foot is still wrapped up in bandages and all that. But his stomach wound is getting better.” DaeSung said with a weak smile. JiYong smiled encouraging to him and gave his back a small pat.


“We also have to think it through. Maybe for more than two or three weeks. Plus we have to get the police to accept it.” JiYong answered as the elevator doors slide open. They stepped inside and JiYong pressed the button for them to get to the ground floor.


“You are right. But he must recover before we do anything. I won’t let him stand up against them if he can’t run or fight against them.”  DaeSung said as they walked out of the elevator again. JiYong nodded to show he agreed.


“Keep me updated and let’s see what we can do about this whole mess. Drive safely.” JiYong said as they hugged each other goodbye. DaeSung smiled in the hug and slowly let go of him again.


“You too. See you later Hyung.” DaeSung said with a bright smile and waved at him as they parted to each of their car. When they both got in and JiYong drove away, DaeSung’s smile disappeared. He hated faking to be in a good mood, but this thing really got to him. After a few minutes of thoughts, he turned the car on and drove home.




YoungBae had checked to SeungHyun three times already and he was still asleep. How could anyone sleep that much? He had even checked him from fever, and just to make sure that he was still alive he had checked his pulse, even though he could see he was breathing. Luckily SeungHyun hadn’t woken up while he did that. Now for the fourth time he opened the door and looked at the sleeping man in the bed, not sure what to do with him. Maybe he shouldn’t do anything, and let him sleep to whenever he decided to wake up. He closed the door again and went to the kitchen where he found his cell phone on the table, which vibrated to indicate he had received a text message. While he read the message, DaeSung came into the kitchen and saw him.


“Oh, hello YoungBae. How’s SeungHyun?” DaeSung asked, causing YoungBae to make a fast move in surprise. He breathed out heavily from his now fast beating heart.


“Wow, you are a ninja sometimes. I didn’t even hear the front door. Oh well, SeungHyun-Hyung is still sleeping. I have checked four times now, and he just keeps sleeping. So I think we should just let him sleep. That’s for the best.” YoungBae answered him and DaeSung nodded slightly, getting worried for what made SeungHyun so tired.


“Okay, so now when he sleeps I have to talk to you about a thing that JiYong suggested.” DaeSung said as he remembered he had forgotten the newspaper back at the YG-building. He sent himself a blameful thought before he sat down on one of the chairs. YoungBae sat down in front of him, silent, so DaeSung could talk.


“JiYong suggested that we should use SeungHyun as bait to get the guys who is haunting him. He mentioned that we should contact the police about it, so they could catch them. And we would be solved from the problem.” DaeSung explained as YoungBae listened he didn’t move a feature in his face.


“You are aware that the police wouldn’t just take those guys right? SeungHyun would be taken with them to get questioned about why they would follow him and try to kill him. And why we haven’t reported what happened to Ri, and with that SeungHyun would probably be sent away from Big Bang, then we would be standing in about the same situation as now, just without SeungHyun. Involving the police in this is a bad idea. Sorry Dae, but it’s a bad idea all of it. What if SeungHyun got shot for good? Then the whole thing would be a waste and we wouldn’t be able to re-do it.”  YoungBae calmly said and looked at DaeSung who looked almost disappointed but he understood what he meant with what he said.


“You’re right. But then we shall just live in fear forever?” DaeSung asked while trying to find something that he could hold onto as a hope.


“No, we have to figure out what we will do and then we will do it.” YoungBae answered him, still sounding calm. DaeSung softly nodded and looked down to the table.


“I hope we find something quick then.” DaeSung mumbled and put his forehead down on the tabletop as he let a deep sigh escape him. YoungBae stretched his arm and touched his hair to comfort him. It somehow helped, because DaeSung smiled, by the thought of everyone touching his hair all the time, and he hated it so much. Well, he just had to live with it. Somehow he liked it too, but another part of him thought it was annoying.


“We will.” YoungBae promised as he leaned back in his chair. DaeSung lifted his head and put a hand under his cheeks, supporting it with the elbow on the table.


“I will check on SeungHyun.” DaeSung stated after about five minutes in silence. He got up and walked to his room despite all the protest that YoungBae came with from the kitchen of letting him rest. DaeSung opened the door to their room and went inside, closing it behind him. He watched SeungHyun for about a minute from the door, and then decided to go to him. Something in his head made his eyes look at the closet, remembering that he hadn’t seen the ghost in a while. He didn’t really know what the scariest part was. That there had been a ghost, or it suddenly stopped appearing. Maybe SeungHyun had actually shot it when he shot himself? Gently he sat down beside him where he used to sit when he didn’t sleep next to him. He put a hand on his chest for a few seconds before he caressed his cheek very slowly and gently, not to wake him. Somehow he wanted to wake him, and on the other hand he didn’t want to because he looked so peaceful.


“Sleep tight my love.” DaeSung whispered as he softly kissed his cheek and got up. Something took a grip around his wrist as he was about to leave. He could feel the warm hand and the skinny fingers that had locked them around his wrist in a firm grip.


“You are awake.” DaeSung stated as he turned around and smiled to SeungHyun that sent him a weak smile back.


“I woke up when you kissed me.” SeungHyun answered him with a hoarse and sleepy voice. DaeSung smiled a little more and sat down beside him again, giving him a peck on the lips. SeungHyun had released him from his grip and had put his arm back on the bed.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up.” DaeSung answered him while caressing his cheek again, causing SeungHyun to smile.


“Oh yes you would.” SeungHyun answered with a tone that . DaeSung smiled and nodded shyly to admit he wanted him to wake up.


“Are you well? I mean, you have slept for so long?” DaeSung asked him while sounding worried. SeungHyun smiled a little and pulled him down in a careful hug.


“Sometimes you sleep really much too, you know. I’m just tired. I didn’t sleep at all last night.” SeungHyun said while holding him close. DaeSung frowned in worry.


“Why didn’t you sleep?” He asked like it was almost a crime not to sleep.


“I think too much. But you were sleeping like a rock.” SeungHyun answered with a slight tease, giving him a kiss after his words.


“We should stop thinking.” DaeSung suggested and SeungHyun just smiled as he looked at him. Sometimes he couldn’t really believe that he was there. That all of this was real.


“Then sleep with me. You can’t think while you sleep.” SeungHyun said. DaeSung smiled slightly and crawled over him and lay down on his side of the bed.


“I can sleep with you now, but it is possible to think while you sleep.” DaeSung corrected him and got a kiss on his cheek when he was making himself comfortable against SeungHyun.


“Then you aren’t sleeping for real. When you sleep, the only thing that can think is your subconscious. Which is the part that creates your dreams.” SeungHyun mentioned and put his cheek against DaeSung’s hair.


“Alright Mr. Scientist. Then we say so, and you are probably right. I know nothing of stuff like that.” DaeSung answered him with a slight smile and cuddle a little up to him while putting his duvet on top of himself. SeungHyun didn’t answer because he was already sleeping again. DaeSung smiled by himself when he figured that he had went back to dreamland and closed his own eyes, but he didn’t sleep. His thoughts circled around and made it impossible for him to sleep, not even rest well as he had hoped for. But being close to SeungHyun helped him to feel better.




JiYong got home after he bought food and different stuff he wanted. While he put the stuff in the fridge and cupboards, SeungRi approached the kitchen, very slowly and every step hurt as he limped towards the room. JiYong turned around when he saw SeungRi in the door, resting against the doorframe.


“What are you doing? You can’t just start to walk around like that!” JiYong quickly said sounding scared for his health. SeungRi sent him a weak smile.


“I heard you got back, so I had to see if it was really you. The note you left was sweet.” SeungRi said and smiled the weak smile at the end. JiYong could see that it hurt him to stand there, so he went to him very fast, almost in a run. He put an arm around him and SeungRi leaned on him.


“Silly, I would see you when I was done here. Patience love. Patience. Let me get you back.” JiYong said while smiling to him. He kissed his lips before he helped him get back to the living room and down in the couch. SeungRi made grimaces in pain when he walked and when he sat down in the couch. It felt like his whole body was just one big bruise.


“What were you and DaeSung-Hyung talking about? Why did you meet?” SeungRi asked curious, now sending him a weak smile again. JiYong smiled back to him, just a little sweeter than SeungRi’s. But SeungRi didn’t look like one who actually wanted to ask that question.


“Nothing much really. We tried to find out what to do about your attackers, because DaeSung had seen something in a newspaper. Maybe it could be those boys. We are not sure.” JiYong answered him, caressing his hair gently. SeungRi looked at him with pleading eyes.


“JiYong. Please don’t run away.” He suddenly said, not really giving any attention for what he had just heard, or actually he had paid attention, but he needed to hear JiYong accept his wish.


“Why should I run away?” JiYong asked confused, not sure in what case that would be. SeungRi looked down, tearing up for some reason that JiYong really couldn’t understand.


“Just, please don’t run away. Don’t run away from me. I beg you.” SeungRi said with those pleading, watery eyes and a voice which cracked a few times from the tears. JiYong looked bewildered because of the sudden crying SeungRi.


“I… I won’t run away from you! I promise you. No matter what ever happens, I will always be with you.” JiYong answered stuttering, still confused of what suddenly made him say all that. A single tear slipped from SeungRi’s eye and JiYong dried it away.


“Then promise me you won’t cry. I get scared when people cry, especially you.” JiYong said and kissed his forehead gently. SeungRi couldn’t even smile, though he tried hard to do it.


“Why do you suddenly fear that I will leave you all of a sudden?” JiYong asked, even more confused than before. Nothing in his mind could bring those pieces together. Why would he run away from him? He loved him too much to ever leave his side.


“I didn’t say leave me. I said run away from me. It’s not the same thing. To get my point, then don’t go away from me when it’s hard. Don’t stop loving me because you are afraid. And stay with me when times are dark. If you run away from me… I will run away too. Run away from myself too.” SeungRi said with all of his emotions on the outside. Tearing up, stuttering voice, and all those things that cleared it out as begging.


“Sweetie. I won’t run away from you, and I will never leave you. Until forever I will stay by your side. I won’t run away, and so you won’t either.” JiYong stated as he kissed a few tears away from his cheeks, leading down to his lips that he kissed for a few more seconds.


“I take your word then. And I will give you mine.” SeungRi whispered when they broke apart, but only a few inches, so JiYong could give him another kiss. In JiYong’s head, all these words seemed weird. Had something happened all of a sudden? He had left him alone, when he gets back SeungRi is eager to see him and suddenly he says something like that?


“What happened?” JiYong bluntly asked him when they broke apart again, a little further away this time. SeungRi looked down and up at him again while clearing his voice.


“Nothing happened. Only my insecurity happened and I had to know that you would be with me no matter what happened. Because all of these things there are going on, I need to know you are there. Beside me, so I can lean onto you when everything is dark and cold. I love you Ji. All I ask for is that you will love me back, and not leave me when I need you.” SeungRi said with a broken voice, still with tears in his eyes and also in his throat that made his voice stutter at times.


“I give you my word that I will stay beside you. Forever. And I love you too. More than words can say. Maybe you should rest a bit, you look really worn out.” JiYong suggested, as SeungRi started to relax from his words of comfort. It was so nice to know that he loved him. Just as much as he loved him back.


“Thank you. I will remember that.” SeungRi said with a weak smile and JiYong caressed his cheek with his thumb while placing a kiss on his lips.


“You better do.” JiYong said with a tiny smile after breaking the kiss. SeungRi looked much better somehow. Getting away from the worries which had obviously torn him apart lately. Maybe it was not his body that hurt so much, but his thoughts that hurt him more. Of course his body hurt, but maybe his head was the main problem.


“Maybe I should rest a bit. Then you can go and do… Stuff that you do, without worrying about me. I will stay here, that’s for sure. Write me a song.” SeungRi said with a smile, and the last thing he suggested with an even cuter smile, trying to make him do something he knew he liked to do.


“A song it is then.” JiYong answered him and gave him a sweet kiss. SeungRi knew that he had found the right thing for him to do. Now he could also relax better, knowing he would be there any time. He hadn’t asked him to be with him all the time and not right beside him forever. But in his heart and soul, he wanted him to be with him forever, and not leave him alone if something bad happened. This didn’t mean he would make him a slave or prisoner, just his love that he would have forever.


“Rest well, and try to get some sleep. If there’s anything text me on the cell phone, I can’t hear you with my headphones on.” JiYong said with a guilty smile and laughed slightly. SeungRi softly pulled his head closer to his and gave him a kiss.


“Now go.” SeungRi just said with a tease in his voice. JiYong got the point and got up from his seat.


“Love you.” JiYong said before he went out of the room, causing SeungRi to smile. He knew JiYong was simply perfect, and he would do anything for him if he asked him to, but he was still scared to lose him in any way. Hopefully he would never have to experience that. JiYong went into his room and used about five minutes to talk to Gaho and give it a little bit of attention. Something it hadn’t received a lot of the last week or two. When it seemed to be satisfied, he started his computer and worked on music, lyrics and some mixing of the song. It wouldn’t be done yet, not at all, but he was happy to be back where he always felt he could be and what felt like his right place. This was where he lived and where he would use his time and mind when nothing else would be involved.



A/N: So here's a little chapter for you :) Boring I know, but the content is important :P Just want to congratulate our favorite artists! Big Bang for 3 awards and GD for 1 award at MAMA's! Well done guys! You deserved it so much :D 


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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)