We Need An Explanation

I Pray For Us


As Jin Gang held onto DaeSung, he started struggling to get free. Jin Gang had to let him go, because of the curious eyes that were fixed upon them from different people in the coffee shop. DaeSung ripped away with force and panted a little from his struggle. Never had he thought he would have to force himself out of a hug, but that hug was too close to a person he hated.


“Go away! This time, don’t contact me, don’t use the others, and don’t… For God sake. Don’t do anything stupid.” DaeSung said like he was breathing fire. Now people had their cameras and mobile phones out to take pictures of DaeSung acting like that. When DaeSung noticed all the people with their cameras and those who filmed it, he stormed out and ran to his car. Jin Gang looked around as well, running after him, just to try to talk to him.


“For sake! Just go away!” DaeSung yelled as Jin Gang got a hand around his wrist and stopped him.


“I can’t let you leave like that. I’m sorry DaeSung! I’m sorry for all of it!” Jin Gang cried out, but DaeSung wasn’t merciful this time, he just ripped his hand away with force and turned to see YoungBae running towards them.


“What are you doing!” YoungBae yelled as he quickly stood in between them, giving Jin Gang a strong push in the other direction. DaeSung put a hand on YoungBae’s underarm, trying to calm him down, but that didn’t seem to work.


“Why are you here? You made a deal! off!” YoungBae once again yelled, causing all the people on the street to stop and look. DaeSung was the only one who noticed, so he tried to take YoungBae’s arm and get him away from killing the poor man in front of them. But YoungBae couldn’t seem to get his fury down. It made good sense, but DaeSung was a bit worried that he would actually hit him or something like that. He didn’t quite understand himself, because he shouldn’t feel sorry for this person who had almost killed the love of his life, but he felt sorry for him after his explanation. Maybe he was just too good of a person, to hate others or blame them for their mistakes.


“YoungBae! Stop it!” He yelled and YoungBae stopped harassing Jin Gang. Instead he turned around to face DaeSung and looked at him with burning eyes.


“You saw what he did! You know what he has done! And still you protect him?” YoungBae asked in anger, just walking away before DaeSung could say anything. Jin Gang was already on the ground to get away from YoungBae’s fury and hope not to get hit, or kicked as he was on the ground. DaeSung looked miserable, at first he looked down on Jin Gang, thinking about helping him up again, but he decided not to, as YoungBae would probably see it, and think all kind of weird thoughts. Instead DaeSung ran after him and tried to hold him back, but he seemed stronger than normal. It was probably the anger that made him more determined.


“I need to explain it to you!” DaeSung yelled as he for the third time tried to hold him back. YoungBae shook his head and continued walking. He was in no mood to hear some lame explanation from neither DaeSung nor that guy. Instead he shook him off and went into his car that they had reached in no time.


“See you later.” YoungBae just said as he got into the car. He was clearly not happy about this, and even towards DaeSung he seemed cold and ignorant. It hurt DaeSung to see his friend like that. Being so ignorant towards him and so angry at the same time, it wasn’t him who had done anything wrong, he had just tried to see JiYong, and then all of this happened.


“YoungBae! Where are you going? Go back home! I need to ex…” DaeSung stopped halfway as YoungBae slammed the door to the car and started the engine. A few times DaeSung hit the car door to make YoungBae open it, but without looking at him, YoungBae just drove away leaving DaeSung on the verge to tears.


“Some people need to calm down.” A voice behind him muttered and DaeSung turned around to see Jin Gang who had been standing behind him.


“And some people should learn to handle their jealousy. This is your entire fault! Please leave me alone now.” DaeSung said as he turned around again to find his own car. He was slightly shaking and his vision was a little blurry from the tears which formed in his eyes. Though, he would refuse to cry because of something so stupid like this. Okay, it wasn’t stupid, but he would refuse to cry anyway.


“You shouldn’t drive.” Jin Gang mentioned as he was following him. DaeSung could feel something inside of him that wanted to slap him so hard that he would finally go away, but as a good person he couldn’t do that.


“I will drive wherever I want.” He answered and Jin Gang just nodded, but DaeSung couldn’t see that as he was walking in front of him. They reached his car and DaeSung got in. A lot of thoughts went through his mind as he knew he was going to drive away from this guy who had planted so many questions in his mind, both now but also before.


“Fine, then goodbye. But for now.” Jin Gang said and smiled towards him. DaeSung somehow liked that he was smiling despite all of what had happened to him just now, but he refused to like it. It was not okay to like that he was smiling because of everything.


“No, forever. Goodbye.” DaeSung said as he closed the door and left Jin Gang standing beside his car as he drove away. He could see in the rear mirror that Jin Gang made a slight bow with his head towards him. DaeSung’s hate for this guy was slowly disappearing after all of this and it seemed like the explanation had made an impression on him. Not the love declaration, but the fact he did all that, just to prove it. Of course it was a very, very bad way to prove it and show it, but he somewhat found it interesting that a person could be so psycho and do all that. DaeSung sped home and found that YoungBae wasn’t home yet. Maybe it was good enough, then he could talk with SeungHyun, or perhaps he should talk with all of them instead at first. Now he suddenly doubted all of it. But he knew he had to talk with them. It couldn’t be kept a secret.




“Hi my love.” SeungHyun said with a smile as DaeSung turned up in the door to their bedroom and DaeSung slowly closed the door after him.


“Hi.” DaeSung just answered, not really sure what to say at first. Instead he moved to the bed and sat down beside SeungHyun, well-knowing that growing worried face that SeungHyun was doing. The frowning and sad eyes that he often showed when he was worried for him.


“Something wrong? Is it Ji?” SeungHyun asked him, but DaeSung just shook his head and laid himself down to get a hug from SeungHyun.


“Tell me.” SeungHyun said with a whispering voice. DaeSung inhaled and then told all of it. SeungHyun didn’t move, he didn’t say anything, but all those emotions that filled him made him go half insane. It felt like hurt to hear all of those things. DaeSung didn’t tell him how he felt, but only the things that had happened and what Jin Gang had told him as reason for his doing. He didn’t dare telling SeungHyun that he felt somewhat sorry for him. DaeSung even told him about the incident in the hospital.


“I’m just worried he will find me again.” DaeSung muttered after a while of both of them in silence. He was afraid of what SeungHyun would say to all of it. If he would say anything at all, that worried him most of all. What if he had nothing to say? But SeungHyun had lots to say, he just didn’t do it. He could explode in things he wanted to say, but he couldn’t blame all of this on DaeSung, so it would be wrong to yell at him for it. Though, he did feel sorry for DaeSung that he had to go through all this, just because of some jerk that had a slight crush on him in school. He was a psychopath and weird, stupid stalker.


“He will, I’m pretty sure of that. It’s just unbelievable. The things I’m most sad about, is that you feel so bad about it.” SeungHyun softly muttered, suddenly out into the silence that had filled the room for at least five minutes. DaeSung snuggled a little closer to SeungHyun’s chest. He shouldn’t notice that he was about to cry again. It felt so weird that he felt like crying all the time. Those tears hurt so much, but he couldn’t let them show. It felt embarrassing for him to cry like that all the time, so he didn’t. Instead he kept it all inside, which perhaps wasn’t such a good idea. He knew that very well, but after all, he couldn’t just cry all the time, just because he felt like it.


“I’m okay. Don’t worry.” DaeSung lied, but he could feel the hand that now caressed his back, was a sign from SeungHyun to let him know that he knew he was in pain. He was, but he had tried to hide it so well. Obviously it hadn’t helped anyway.


“No Angel. You are hurt, and you feel sad about it. Don’t lie to me. Lie to the world, but never me.” SeungHyun said and DaeSung nodded into his chest. He was about to cry again from the comfort, but he once again kept it inside. He was too weak to show his weakness. It was like torture.


“I love you…” DaeSung mumbled to SeungHyun’s chest and kissed a place around his ribs. SeungHyun smiled slightly and caressed his back some more. He felt sorry for him, knowing he felt like crying, but that he didn’t cry anyway. When he needed to he should, but he knew from himself that he would want his pride to be intact too, if it was him who was in need of crying. Though, he was pretty sure that this wasn’t about pride or something like that. This was about the need to prove to himself that he was strong, and SeungHyun didn’t understand it. Of course he should be strong, but he shouldn’t hurt himself with it.


“I love you too my Angel.” SeungHyun whispered back and gave him a slight hug, or a try to, with his arm that pressed him a little closer for a short time. DaeSung actually smiled by that small hug and closed his eyes. He felt so tired after all of this, and not long after, he actually fell asleep half on top of SeungHyun. But that only caused SeungHyun to smile, and fell asleep too, a short while after, just to join the peace that DaeSung felt now.




JiYong woke up with SeungRi clinging to his arm like he was having a nightmare, that wasn’t the case though. Slowly JiYong managed to get him off, even though that took at least five minutes for him to make him let go. It only caused him to smile though, because it was really sweet. When he had made him let go, he went to take a shower and dried himself before he got back to the bedroom and picked some clothes from his closet. It was just casual, nothing special. So after getting dressed, he went to the kitchen and cooked delicious breakfast for both of them, brewing coffee too. When he was done with the food, he placed it on the table and went to the bedroom, almost jumping into bed to SeungRi and kissed him all over his face.


“Morning sleepy!” He exclaimed in happiness and kissed him all over his face again. SeungRi woke up laughing from his over-excited boyfriend. He shook off the morning tiredness and smiled to JiYong.


“What’s with the creepy wake-up and happy face?” SeungRi asked and JiYong pouted, but was smiling after a second again, which only caused SeungRi to laugh again.


“I don’t know. I feel happy. Come up so you can get breakfast!” He exclaimed and SeungRi looked surprised. Did he actually cook breakfast, like right now? Hopefully he didn’t burn the rice, or did anything bad to the kimchi.


“What went wrong?” SeungRi as he slowly got up, and JiYong shrugged. He was still smiling like the world was the most wonderful place.


“I’m with a good mood, and the food is delicious!” JiYong exclaimed in his rush of happiness and joy, then he left the bedroom to check on the food that was standing on the table, and it didn’t really need observation. JiYong sat down and SeungRi came in a minute later, dressed in some clothes that had been on the top of the pile.


“Wow, it really does look delicious.” He admitted as he saw the food, and JiYong stuck out his tongue at him, just in fun.


“Of course. I’m a master chef.” JiYong said which caused SeungRi to laugh hard and smile afterwards. He just saved his morning with that joke. JiYong pouted again, but couldn’t help but smile when SeungRi laughed like that. It was just the cutest thing ever.


“You know we have to pack everything today right?” SeungRi asked him after a while of eating and not saying much. JiYong nodded with his mouth stuffed with food, causing him not to answer immediately. Maybe that was for the best.


“Of course I know. I have checked out how we can do it. And I will have to browse for furniture, could you help me? My always beloved Panda.” JiYong asked and smiled huge, causing SeungRi to smile too. The Panda-nickname was always a good thing to say, because it always made him smile.


“Well… I will think about it. Mr. Designer.” SeungRi teased and JiYong laughed slightly. JiYong got up after finishing his food and went around the table to SeungRi. He pushed his food away, which he had also finished, and sat up on his lap while giving him a deep kiss.


“We should pack.” SeungRi mumbled into the kiss and JiYong nodded, kissing him deep again. They broke the kiss and JiYong got off him.


“We just packed everything at the others yesterday… I’m tired of packing.” JiYong said like a kid who doesn’t want to clean anymore.


“Then browse on the web for furniture, then I will start packing. We need the furniture anyway.” SeungRi said as he got up and kissed JiYong with a long and passionate kiss, making JiYong moan, and that send shivers down SeungRi’s spine. He tried to control himself and think about everything else than hot with JiYong right now.


“Okay…” JiYong answered into the kiss and after a small amount of time they parted. JiYong went to his room and took his laptop with him to the living room where SeungRi already had found 4 huge boxes for transporting objects. As JiYong went into the living room, he put down the laptop on the table and put on some music.


“This is actually very cozy.” SeungRi said after a while of packing. JiYong had looked through at least 5 pages of nothing and 2 pages of something useful. After about an hour or two where SeungRi was almost done with all the small things in the living room, Like DVD’s, CD’s and other object that could fit into boxes, he got up from the floor and went to the couch where JiYong was sitting.


“What?” JiYong asked with a smile and SeungRi smirked as he lay him down on the couch, getting on top of him and kissed his neck. JiYong moaned from the sudden surprise attack and smiled to himself. He liked when SeungRi made those small attacks of getting him down to have without any warning. While kissing his collarbone and slowly lifting his shirt, the doorbell started. They both sighed heavily and SeungRi went to see who it was, while JiYong tried to fix his clothes and hair. In the door, YoungBae was standing and looked more sad than angry, which he was before.


“Hi Ri. Can I come in?” He asked and SeungRi quickly nodded as he let him in. JiYong came out and saw who it was, causing his smile to fade slightly by the expression on his best friends face.


“Something wrong Hyung?” JiYong asked and YoungBae shrugged. He got his shoes and jacket off, following the other two into the kitchen, because the living room was filled with boxes and bags.


“Tell us what happened?” JiYong said and poured him some coffee from the morning which was still warm. YoungBae held the mug between his hands and looked down in the almost black liquid. He took in a large amount of air before he sighed and let it all out again. Maybe this was a bad idea, because DaeSung hadn’t really told him what happened, so he shouldn’t make too fast conclusions right? Oh what a mess…


“I saw DaeSung with that guy who was the leader of what happened to us. They were together there as friends, but I just felt bad when I saw them talking, or something like that. But I think I was an idiot towards Dae, so now I just feel even worse. I didn’t even let him explain, but I’m afraid to go home.” YoungBae said and both JiYong and SeungRi’s mouths where hanging from the first line. JiYong was the first to gather his senses and he shook his head slightly.


“Don’t be afraid. You should talk with DaeSung, or maybe we all should. I want an explanation too.” JiYong said and softly took one of YoungBae’s hands, feeling a little weird when he did so. YoungBae nodded and they let go of each other again after JiYong gave his hand a squeeze. SeungRi nodded slightly to what JiYong had said, he wanted to know what happened too. YoungBae sighed a little and took a sip of the coffee. It burned in his mouth, but in a good and nice way. It felt like his body slowly defrosted and it was getting better.


“I will call him and ask if he will come here, so we can talk with him?” JiYong asked and both of them nodded agreeing to his intentions. So with that, JiYong called DaeSung who was fully asleep on SeungHyun, but after a few rings he picked up.


“Hello?” He answered with the sleepy voice and JiYong smiled slightly. Something inside of him told him he had either had wild with SeungHyun again, or just had slept. But he found the first thing more exciting so he bet on that.


“Dae, can you let go of your y beast and come to my apartment?” JiYong asked with a smirk, causing SeungRi to laugh by his words. DaeSung smiled slightly and kissed SeungHyun’s chest, letting go of him.


“I let go of him now. And I will be there soon.” He answered and JiYong nodded to himself, smiling from the fact that he thought he was right. DaeSung hung up and kissed SeungHyun who had woken up now. He told him he had to go and then left to their apartment.


“He will be here soon.” JiYong said when he hung up and gave SeungRi a sweet kiss, causing YoungBae to look away. He just had to endure all of this, with all of them being couple-ish. After about 20 minutes, the doorbell went off and JiYong left to open the door.


“Hey you.” He said when he saw DaeSung on the doorstep, letting him in. DaeSung took off his shoes and hang his jacket before he went into the kitchen together with JiYong. He had already seen YoungBae’s car, so he knew what all this was about. When JiYong had called him at first, he was sure it was something with moving, but when he saw YoungBae’s car, he knew otherwise. DaeSung felt this was something like a trial and he was the person who was investigated. It wasn’t really a nice feeling.


“I can imagine why I’m here, and I will tell you everything, if you just want to listen.” DaeSung said as he sat down beside YoungBae. Actually his words were more turned to YoungBae, but he didn’t look at him. He felt a little betrayed by his friend for not letting him speak when he had to explain.


“Of course we will listen.” SeungRi said and sounded like it was completely obvious. DaeSung smiled to him, happy that someone wanted to. He started explaining why he had left in the first place, which made JiYong a little paranoid from knowing someone had used his number like that, and how many who would be able to do something like that again. He explained everything as well as he could manage, and tried not to leave any important details out of the picture. YoungBae understood all of it, and knew what he had done wasn’t fair, not to DaeSung, but to the guy – Jin Gang, he wasn’t in any reason for being sorry for what he had done. Actually he was glad that he scared the life out of him.


“He followed me to the car, and I’m pretty sure he won’t let me be. He said goodbye for now, but I said it was goodbye forever. I just doubt that he will understand that.” DaeSung finished up and they all looked interested at him while he spoke.


“Wow, you got a weird stalker.” SeungRi suddenly just said and it caused all of them to laugh. The tense atmosphere was broken by the laughter and JiYong softly pushed SeungRi on the shoulder as he was laughing. YoungBae caressed DaeSung’s back and pulled him into a hug, showing that he was sorry for not listening to him. DaeSung just knew that he meant it like that. They didn’t need to use words to fit that action, it was just like that was the best apology.


“You are the best.” YoungBae softly whispered and DaeSung smiled slightly as he leaned his head on his shoulder. He was grateful that YoungBae wasn’t mad at him anymore.


“No, I’m just me.” DaeSung answered and YoungBae smiled as he slowly let go. He caressed his back a few more times and let him go completely.


“Exactly. You are you. The best.” He said and DaeSung blushed slightly. JiYong smiled at the sight and looked at SeungRi who smiled as well, both thinking how sweet it was. They chatted some more before DaeSung and YoungBae decided they should go home so SeungHyun wasn’t alone. They had to make some food as well. SeungRi and JiYong had agreed with them, and let them go home. They drove home, each in their own car.




When they got home, DaeSung said hello to SeungHyun and told him they were back, before he went to the kitchen where YoungBae was and started preparing some food together with him.


“I’m sorry for not listening to you.” YoungBae suddenly said when he felt like the pause of talk had been long enough. They had been laughing till now, when the conversation suddenly had changed to a more serious one. DaeSung smiled still though and went beside him. He hugged him from behind and YoungBae smiled by the sudden hug.


“It’s okay. I knew you would understand when you heard the explanation. Just don’t doubt me again. And I love you too much to let you and the others down.” DaeSung muttered and let go of him again after a few seconds of hugging.


“I won’t doubt you ever again. I was just surprised. And… I love you too?” YoungBae said the last bit a little awkward. They both knew nothing was to it, but he still felt weird saying it. DaeSung laughed a little because of his awkwardness and softly slapped his arm. Giving him a real hug after and made some sort of soothing noise that might as well, could have been a relaxing sigh.


“You are so sweet.” DaeSung said and pinched his cheek, just to and YoungBae made a fake offended expression with his mouth open. He took the handkerchief and rolled it to slap him with it. DaeSung made a high-pinched noise and ran around to the other side of the dinner table, laughing loudly.


“Come back here!” YoungBae said with a laugh and hunted him through the kitchen, into the living room and back to the kitchen again. They were laughing loudly and at the end DaeSung just fell on the ground laughing too much. YoungBae let himself fall down beside him and they were both heavy panting from their chasing.


“You should be a little nicer to your Hyung.” YoungBae teased and softly slapped him on the stomach with the handkerchief. DaeSung laughed from the petite slap, which was almost so weak that he couldn’t feel it.


“I’m always nice.” DaeSung answered a little impertinent. YoungBae rolled his eyes at that answer, acting like that was a lie, even though he sometimes where a little too nice to everyone. He slapped him with the handkerchief again, still with no power at all.


“So you think you are nice. I don’t.” YoungBae said and DaeSung laughed cutely. DaeSung smiled to him and gave him a hug, just to melt him, because no one could stand a hug and be “offended” at the same time. YoungBae sighed in defeat and hugged him back.


“You are such a girl.” YoungBae and DaeSung laughed out loud from that point of view. He knew it was only to tease, so he didn’t take it as any offending thing. DaeSung poked him in the stomach, still laughing.


“And you are getting fat.” He teased, causing YoungBae to look shocked, still faking it.


“I’m not getting fat, I think you are the one who’s getting choppy.” YoungBae answered with a tease as he poked him back a few times. DaeSung laughed as it tickled.


“Which reminds me of the food.” DaeSung said as he looked up at the table where the unfinished food was still not making itself. DaeSung got up and helped YoungBae up to stand.


“Oh yeah, maybe we should finish that.” YoungBae said as he laughed as well. It was so lovely to laugh again, together, not those dark looks and fears, but with joy and fun. He slowly slapped DaeSung on the calf and DaeSung looked at him with a teasing look.


“If you continue, I will have to beat you.” DaeSung said and stuck out his tongue at him. YoungBae laughed, and knew that was never ever going to happen. He could probably beat him, but he never would.


“You can’t do that. You are such a weakling.” YoungBae teased, getting a slight slap on the shoulder. He just laughed at it, and DaeSung couldn’t help but laugh too.


“The only weakling here must be you.” DaeSung defended, sounding like a five-year-old who tried to protect his dignity. YoungBae shook his head and pulled DaeSung into a hug. It caused both of them to laugh a little, but most of all smile. DaeSung knew they were good again, and he knew YoungBae was back to normal. It was the best feeling right now, and hopefully it would last.



A/N: New chapter :D I think this is the chapter I have written as the fastest in this story. XD I feel proud. It's not anything special, but it's here, right? :D Please comment and if you are new - subscribe :D Thanks for reading!

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)