Visit The (Love)Sick

I Pray For Us



SeungRi sat by the table in the kitchen, holding a warm mug of new brewed coffee in his hands. JiYong just exited the bathroom and came into the room, with hair that was still a little wet from a bath. Both of them were fully dressed. JiYong poured himself a cup and sat down in front of SeungRi at his usual seat, starring at him like he had something in his face. SeungRi looked suspicious at him, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know what that look meant.


“What do you think DaeSung will do to us? I bet he will be angry or something…” SeungRi whispered the last part, but clear enough for JiYong to hear.


“No silly. He will laugh us in the face, say something and then laugh even harder. Have you ever seen DaeSung like… Really angry and mad? And because of something like this? Never! He will only find it funny and play around with us till we get enough of him and tells the others. So I guess he will hint to it while the others are there, and make them confused. You know DaeSung’s little weird mind-tricks. Why did he even come? Oh, yeah… I know. But still!” JiYong blabbered away and looked like one who almost gave up at the end. SeungRi smiled a little because of him. He was just too funny and way too cute not to smile at.


“No, I have seen DaeSung pissed off, but angry and mad is out of the question. But he really freaks me out sometimes when he says something I have just thought about or answers my thoughts… Something like that… The guy is creepy you know!” SeungRi quickly said and made a small move with his head. JiYong nodded forcefully.


“Exactly! I just thought it was only me he did that to. So do you think he is like some sort of freaked out mind-reader or just DaeSung who is weird?” He asked while looking intense at him. SeungRi couldn’t hold back a small laugh anymore.


“I just think he is DaeSung. And he has always been a little weird. In a good way of course!” He said and added the last thing very quick. JiYong nodded a little, not sure if he thought the same about it.


“You know that things are really strange with him, right? He is a Christian, he’s gay, he sees ghosts, reads minds and acts weird sometimes because he is always happy!” JiYong exclaimed, almost out of breath because of the things he had just said. SeungRi widened his eyes, jumping on the crazy-train with JiYong, but only for a moment.


“Oh my God! He’s a gypsy!” SeungRi blaster out and cracked in laughter. JiYong sighed and rolled his eyes at him.


“Can’t you see that it doesn’t fit? If he’s a Christian, you can’t be gay, and I’m pretty sure that Christians doesn’t lie about ghost stories.” He quickly said and SeungRi looked at him with a look that said everything: *Come on!*.


“You know you are a Christian too right?” SeungRi asked straight to the bone. JiYong couldn’t hold back a laugh because of the sudden turn of things.


“That’s not my point! My point is that there’s something weird going on!” JiYong quickly answered and the smile on his face disappeared.


“Are you sure that those weird things, which are going on, aren’t just in your brain? I don’t think that SeungHyun-Hyung would shoot himself and say he tried to shoot a ghost. DaeSung had seen him a few times, and the box and YoungBae knew things too. Really Ji? Can’t you just put your skeptical brain on freeze and realize for one second that they aren’t lying?” SeungRi asked very blunt. JiYong sighed and put down the mug on the tabletop. Maybe he was right. Perhaps they did tell the truth…


“But it just seems so unreal! I don’t believe in ghosts and it’s hard to change a thing in just one moment. Because of the story, I really try to believe in what they say, but so many years of denial to other supernatural things, just doesn’t change in one word you know. I don’t think they lie, but maybe they have just turned the reality? Maybe dreamt or something like that. Seen a movie and both got affected from it? Who knows… No one say that they really did see a ghost, and SeungHyun is the only one to confirm that there was a ghost in his house that he tried to shoot. Maybe he bought DaeSung’s story, and have huge suicidal thoughts, so he took the gun and shot himself while using DaeSung story?” JiYong finally said and just got a deathly look back from SeungRi.


“Do you REALLY think that SeungHyun would shoot himself? He’s a happy guy and I must say I have very little expectations that he would commit suicide. Can’t you just accept the story, and whether you believe it or not, just accept it? IF SeungHyun really wanted to kill himself, then wouldn’t he do it properly, with shooting his brain out or something like that? How would you explain the broken ankle, if he hadn’t tripped? Ji, everything points in the direction they tell us. YoungBae found DaeSung in the kitchen at some time after he had seen the ghost. He confirmed that he was out of his wits when he had seen him, and that he had tried to calm him down. Are you really imagining that they would all put up a play? And for who? Themselves? Ji, think about it. They are not lying to us.” SeungRi closed his mouth, waiting for JiYong to answer him. His voice had been very calm, and only a few times it had gotten a little emotional. JiYong looked down in the table and scratched his hair with one finger.


“I love you…” JiYong whispered softly, still looking down in the tabletop. SeungRi was just about to say something, when he realized what JiYong had just said. His eyes widened, and swallowed hard from the sudden news. It seemed so off-track to what they were talking about, that SeungRi didn’t get it.


“What?” He asked confused. JiYong sighed and looked up at him with a glimpse of emotions in his eyes. His fingers had a small fight with each other from the sudden weird change of atmosphere that made him nervous.


“I love you.” JiYong said again, hoping that the Maknae would get his words this time. SeungRi was still looking at him in disbelief.


“Why? No I mean… Why do you say that now?” SeungRi asked, still sounding confused, but the words warmed his whole body, even though it didn’t seem to affect him on the outside.


“Because I wanted to say it, and now I had the strength to do so. I know it came in a weird time, but I wanted you to know how I feel.” JiYong answered him while looking down again, making a small shrug with his shoulders like it really was nothing, but his whole expression with his body told otherwise. SeungRi couldn’t keep a smile back.


“You are cute. And…” He said, getting up from his chair and removed his mug, so he got up on the table and sat down right in front of JiYong. He looked surprised at him, but waited to see what he would do. A soft pair of lips placed themselves against his and they kissed for a few seconds.


“And I love you too.” SeungRi said as they parted from the kiss. JiYong smiled from the answer he had just gotten. The best answer he could have hoped for, and the best answer he would ever get. They kissed again and deepened it so their tongues met, causing both of them to let out a small moan. SeungRi placed his hands on his chest, and JiYong his hands on his thighs, but a few moments after they parted.


“We can’t do this now. We promised to see SeungHyun, but let’s continue when we get home.” JiYong said with a smirk, sharing another kiss with him. SeungRi smiled at him, knowing what he said was true, and now he could look forward to come home again. JiYong got up and lifted SeungRi down from the table, pulling him into his arms while kissing him lovingly.


“So we are going now?” SeungRi asked when they broke the kiss and JiYong nodded.


“Yep, so get your jacket and shoes on, then I will be back here in a few seconds.” JiYong said as he let go of him, and walked towards his room. SeungRi looked after him and when he was gone, he started jumping up and down from pure happiness with raised arms. Screaming inside of himself and smiled like an insane. When he heard steps coming back to the kitchen, he stopped and looked like nothing had happened. JiYong smiled at him as he went across the room to him.


“So, I see that you are both lacking a jacket and shoes.” He teased and gave him a peck on the lips. He was dressed in the new shoes from the package and an old jacket from somewhere in his wardrobe, but it looked good – as always.


“Woops?” SeungRi said with a cute shrug and smiled extra cute. JiYong laughed slightly and took him with him to the hallway where he could put on his shoes and a jacket. Before they went out of the door, they shared a kiss and JiYong slapped SeungRi gently on the , making him move faster to get out. He made a small shriek when he was slapped, and JiYong laughed because of him. SeungRi brushed the spot where JiYong’s hand had been, just to act like it hurt, though JiYong didn’t buy it. They went down to the car and left for the others apartment.




In the apartment where JiYong and SeungRi were heading, DaeSung had just sat a pot of coffee on, so it would be ready when the other two arrived. YoungBae entered the kitchen and dried his hair in a towel. He had just taken a bath and was fully clothed, but he had to dry his hair quickly to set it before the guests arrived.


“Hey bro.” YoungBae said in his okay English but with the accent of Korean. DaeSung smiled brightly and made a little wave.


“Hey YoungBae. So you had a good evening and night?” He asked kindly and turned to one of the cupboards where he found 4 mugs for the coffee.


“Yeah. It was okay.” YoungBae answered, walking closer to him and helped putting the mugs on the table where it fit for the seats. DaeSung smiled more, if that was even possible.


“I’m glad. You didn’t get home that late. Was it 1 or 2? Oh well, that doesn’t matter. But it’s good that it went well. Sooo… Who did you meet?” DaeSung asked almost like he was fishing for it, sending him a sweet smile and acted like the cutest thing ever. YoungBae rolled his eyes and sighed to give up on him.


“I’m not dating. It was an old friend. Now cut it out and stop looking cute like that!” He quickly said, almost freezing to where he stood with the last thing he said. Luckily for him it seemed that DaeSung didn’t notice that he called him cute. That would just be too weird if DaeSung got some wrong thoughts of him.


“Okay, okay! I will stop asking about it… IF you tell me the name of the person you saw.” DaeSung said like he had just won the best victory in a long time. His smile was overwhelming, but YoungBae knew he would be tricked from it.


“You don’t know him. So it doesn’t matter. And he is not someone you can look up on the web. See? No reason to know his name.” YoungBae quickly answered and tried to win back the victory, but DaeSung was not going to surrender yet.


“Then there would be no problem at all with telling me the name of him, right?” DaeSung teased and walked closer to him, crossing his arms just in front of him. He was taller than YoungBae so he tried to scare him a little with the height difference. YoungBae didn’t seem the least touched, but he tried not to feel intimidated by him. Even though, he felt a little nervous about him being so close to him and looking that suspicious.


“Well… He’s a guy from my school back in the days, and he called me to say he was in town for a few days and wanted to catch up. So we did and I guess by now he is going back to Japan.” YoungBae said, making a small shrug with his shoulder. DaeSung laughed a little because of his answer.


“That didn’t give me the name.” He stated, softly pushing YoungBae on the shoulder with his fingers. YoungBae took a step back to avoid falling from the surprise of being pushed, even with the low strength he was pushed with. But with the step back, he hit the fridge and laughed a little because of the noise that it made when he move it with his body.


“Right… No it didn’t. His name is Jae-Sun. Kwon Jae-Sun.” YoungBae answered him, smiling a little when DaeSung walked closer to him with the most suspicious look possible. DaeSung placed a hand on each side of his head on the fridge. YoungBae raised a brow and tried to avoid DaeSung’s eyes that felt like they burned into his when he looked into them. Slowly DaeSung neared his face with his head as he leaned closer. His eyes were still squeezed a little together to look suspicious. YoungBae’s heart raced and his pulse were uncontrollable. If he was about to kiss him, he should back off now, because he really didn’t want that!


“Okay, I think you are telling the truth, but I still don’t trust you.” DaeSung finally stated and his eyes opened again to look normal, with no more suspicious look. YoungBae sighed in relief, happy that he had no intension of kissing him. When DaeSung was just about to back off, both SeungRi and JiYong walked into the kitchen, causing both of them to stop where they got to when they saw them. DaeSung quickly got away from YoungBae and they looked surprised. YoungBae knew he was going to die now, but perhaps they would understand them if they explained.


“Wow…” JiYong said and loosened up a little from the sudden sight of those two. DaeSung shook his head and hands in front of him.


“No! That was not what it looked like! Really!” DaeSung quickly exclaimed and SeungRi put his arms over cross, looking at them with a raised eyebrow, not sure if he really wanted to know. Just because SeungHyun needed to stay in bed, he could just fool around with YoungBae instead? That was too low.


“Then what was it?” JiYong asked, almost in the same thoughts as SeungRi. YoungBae seemed so nervous that he looked like one who was going to run off any minute soon.


“We played around, okay? I just wanted to know who he was out with last night, and so I cornered him up and forced it out of him. Don’t think bad things! There was nothing going on!” DaeSung quickly defended them. SeungRi didn’t look like one who bought that story completely.


“So you forced it out of him by making out with him?” SeungRi asked, now he was the one who looked and sounded suspicious. DaeSung’s eyes widened and he shook his head violently.


“NO! I didn’t even touch him!” He exclaimed in defense, almost on the edge of tears. JiYong sighed and chose to trust him, believe in him when he said that they weren’t doing anything. SeungRi didn’t join that opinion in trusting them.


“Really! He didn’t! He pushed me to make some fun out of his game and I hit the fridge, so he captured me so I couldn’t run off and forced me to talk. Nothing happened! And what I just said sounds awfully bad...” YoungBae sighed and gave up on this. There was no way that they could make it sound right and not get it to sound like a lie or just wrong.


“Guys… We didn’t do anything. I pushed him with my fingers! It was the only time I touched him and I was just about to let him go when you came in.” DaeSung said, still trying to defend himself and YoungBae. It was almost an impossible task to do, because it seemed that none of them would believe them.


“So no touching lips or anything else?” SeungRi asked suspicious, still with a raised eyebrow, and eyes that never left them. YoungBae’s eyes widened.


“NO!” He exclaimed with a loud voice and it made all three of them flinch. JiYong smiled a little, but not enough to make them see it clearly.


“Good, so I guess we are okay now?” JiYong asked, and looked at SeungRi, who looked like one that had given up. SeungRi just nodded and sighed heavily. YoungBae scratched a part of his head where there was no hair, still looking nervous, and with his gaze down to the floor. This was just too embarrassing, and nothing happened, but why did he even feel like this? There was no need to feel nervous or anything else, because he knew the truth of what happened.


“Yeah…” DaeSung softly muttered to JiYong. YoungBae bit his lower lip, and nodded as an answer. JiYong took it as good sign, even though it was a weird and stuffy atmosphere in the room, he took it as it was okay now.


“So, he’s back huh?” JiYong asked, trying to ease the tension and change the subject. DaeSung nodded, still too taken aback to be clear enough in his head to really answer him.


“Yeah, he’s in our… I mean my room.” DaeSung said a little after. JiYong smiled and sent him a nod before he took SeungRi by the wrist and left the two alone in the kitchen. YoungBae just sat down on the chair closest to him. DaeSung placed himself up against the table and sighed miserably.


“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean for you to get into that stupid situation.” DaeSung muttered a little while after in the silence. YoungBae shook his head in denial for him to say sorry.


“Hey, we couldn’t know they would come in. And we know what happened, and it was just for fun, so I don’t think we should make a big thing out of it. Let them believe what they want, because we know the truth, and whatever they tell SeungHyun, he will believe us.” YoungBae answered him, looking down at his hands most of the time, but at the end, he looked back up at him. DaeSung shot his eyes open.


“Oh …” He suddenly just said and left the room in a hurry. They wouldn’t tell SeungHyun, would they? No, of course not. They wouldn’t tell on them, from something that didn’t happen.




JiYong and SeungRi left the kitchen and found DaeSung’s room where SeungRi knocked on the door a few times.

“Yeah?” A voice behind the door said loudly, telling them to come in. JiYong opened the door and couldn’t hold back a smile. SeungHyun was deeply buried in some game on the small machine thing that DaeSung had given him. SeungRi smiled too, almost forgetting what had just happened.


“So, how are you?” JiYong asked and stepped closer. SeungHyun was too concentrated on the game and didn’t answer for the first two minutes.


“I’m good. Give me two seconds.” He quickly said and hit the buttons on the machine, winning something in the game. The noise from the music could tell that he won. An almost relieved facial expression formed on SeungHyun’s face as he smiled to them.


“Hey.” He said happily and put the machine down on the bed next to him. JiYong laughed a little because of the sweet expression he had. SeungRi smiled too and waved to say hi.


“So, how are you now? You know… Like a longer explanation than “I’m Good”?” JiYong asked with interest in his voice. He went to the bed and sat down beside him, where DaeSung usually sat when he was with him. SeungRi took the chair by the desk and crossed his arms.


“I’m just good… I guess? What do you want me to answer?” SeungHyun asked with a kind laugh, but only for a few seconds before the pain sat in.


“Okay, then I will accept that as an answer. So that’s what you use to kill time?” JiYong asked and pointed at the small machine on the bed.


“Yeah, that and books. It is really awesome! DaeSung gave it to me earlier, and I love it.” SeungHyun answered as he laughed. Neither JiYong nor SeungRi had seen SeungHyun be so happy for a long time, and by the circumstances to judge, he should be more down than happy.


“Cool. That’s good. Then you can entertain yourself for a while. Why are you so happy?” JiYong asked with a smile, showing his white teeth and he was happy to see SeungHyun like this, instead of what he had expected to see. SeungHyun laughed a little and smiled by himself.


“Can’t you see whose bed I’m in? Why shouldn’t I smile?” He answered him with a bright smile while he looked at him. Even his eyes were filled with happiness. JiYong laughed by the thing he said and nodded. SeungRi smiled too, thinking it was really sweet, but the things from the kitchen still haunted him, and it made his heart ache that DaeSung would go behind his back like that.


“That’s of course true! So you are together for real?” JiYong asked while still smiling, and SeungHyun nodded.


“Yeah, we are. And I love him, very much.” SeungHyun answered, smiling shyly that caused a blush in his cheeks. SeungRi’s face made a grimace like he was in pain or just disgusted, he wasn’t sure himself.


“I’m happy to hear that! And he loves you too?” JiYong was still smiling, but he wanted to know indirectly that DaeSung had told him that, and that would make it more trustworthy about the kitchen-incident.


“Yes I do.” DaeSung said from the door he was standing in, as it was still open. SeungHyun smiled bigger and DaeSung smiled back. JiYong nodded as he saw the love that was obvious seen in both of their eyes and their expression towards each other.


“Hey Dae.” SeungHyun said as DaeSung neared him. When DaeSung was close enough to him, he put a hand on the top of his head and buried his fingers in his hair. SeungHyun put an arm around his leg just a bit above the knee to hold him closer and smiled up to him, earning a kiss on his forehead.


“You look good now. I think I treat you well.” DaeSung stated and smiled to him, getting a smile back from SeungHyun. JiYong looked at them, finding it sweet as candy to see the love between them. He knew that DaeSung told the truth, because he would never do anything to hurt SeungHyun and especially not with YoungBae.


“Better than the hospital, that’s for sure.”  SeungHyun answered him and laughed slightly. DaeSung smiled and kissed him gently on the lips while blushing shyly because of the evident skinship in front of the other two. Both SeungRi and JiYong sent each other a look with a smile, knowing what would happen when they got home.


“I’m glad to hear. Now we will leave you and get some coffee. Then we can discuss work, and you.”  DaeSung teased and gave him a loving kiss again before he was released from SeungHyun that took his arm back. SeungHyun smiled and caressed his cheek from a new kiss which was more like a peck on the lips. JiYong and SeungRi got up from their seats and both gave SeungHyun careful hugs before they went to the kitchen.


“What’s wrong with them?” SeungHyun asked DaeSung who was just about to leave. Without turning around he looked up and sighed inside of him.


“An incident happened before they came in here. It was stupid, but I don’t think they believe me.” DaeSung answered him and turned around to look at him. SeungHyun looked confused and DaeSung went to him again, standing by the bed.


“What incident?” SeungHyun asked slowly, not really sure that he wanted to know, if it was something bad. DaeSung sighed for real and sat down beside him, taking his hand and put it on his cheek to feel his touch.


“I played around with YoungBae, and tried to get the details from his date or not date last night, but I got too close to him as we stood by the fridge, so the other two came in before I got to let go of him, but I only looked him in the eyes to see if he told me the truth, but the others saw it as something else. Believe me Hyung, I would never do anything like that, and you know that. Right?” DaeSung told him with a few pauses and a little shaking tone in his voice. SeungHyun caressed his cheek with a sweet smile.


“Of course Dae. I know that, and I heard you two fool around yesterday because of the same thing, so I believe you. So no bad thoughts from me, and… Now you have my permission to go out to the others and drink some coffee. But, before you leave I want a kiss.” SeungHyun said with a cute smile, making DaeSung smile too, happy that SeungHyun wouldn’t push him away from some stupid thing he did, that was actually nothing. They shared a long and deep kiss, before DaeSung decided to go and join the others in the kitchen, a little afraid of YoungBae staying alone in the kitchen with the two others. They would rip him apart if one of them said anything wrong.


“Thanks for trusting me. I love you.” DaeSung whispered to him as they ended the kiss. SeungHyun smiled back at him and caressed his cheek with a thumb just below his eye and their eyes were connected for a while before DaeSung gave him a quick kiss.


“I come back when they leave.” DaeSung assured him and when SeungHyun smiled, he took that as a yes for him to do that. He left him and went to the kitchen where the others were. All three of them were in a good and fun conversation with each other, which DaeSung hadn’t joined from the start, so he didn’t understand most of it. They all chatted for a while and had fun with teasing each other about different things. 



A/N: Hey guys :D Now a new chapter! I'm sorry that it is REALLY boring and lame, but I just felt I needed to update, and my brain was like totally empty, so I just wrote this... Hopefully I will be able to update again soon, with something better than this. :) Thanks for reading it and lots of loves for you! :D

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)