The War Just Started

I Pray For Us




YoungBae had found DaeSung on the ground by the window when he had felt the wind from outside. He had quickly gotten him up, and into his bed, while trying to talk to the shocked boy. DaeSung hadn’t uttered other words, than “SeungHyun” and “Left”. YoungBae had caressed his hair for some minutes, before DaeSung fell asleep. His forehead was hot and a little sticky from sweat. YoungBae hoped he wasn’t going to get ill or something like that, because of the cold wind he had been sitting in for God knows how long. He had had a weird feeling when he stepped into the kitchen and the atmosphere had been odd too between them. What had happened? Did they have a fight that he interrupted and then SeungHyun was stormed out the door as soon as he had left the room? That wouldn’t be like SeungHyun. Not to leave like that, and leave DaeSung shocked and confused. He knew they cared a lot for each other, and even if they had a fight, he wouldn’t leave DaeSung like that.


When a small amount of time had passed, he looked at DaeSung’s night watch and concluded that he needed to get some sleep too. He took the duvet and placed it on top of DaeSung, before he left. The cold wind from outside was still lingering in the whole apartment and he could feel it to his torso. He slowly shivered before he went into his own bedroom and the warmth slowly returned to him as he fell asleep in his bed.


When SeungHyun had gotten home he had went straight to bed, but wasn’t able to close an eye the whole night. No sleep this night.





“You sleepy head! Wake up!” SeungRi yelled from the open door for the 4th time this morning. JiYong turned in his bed, looked at him with sleepy eyes and threw a plushy bear after him. SeungRi just ducked before the bear hit the wall behind him. More or less just where his head should be. Annoying, tired leader that threw well even though he had no eyes… JiYong turned around again and faced the wall, hugging his hugging-pillow.


“No… That’s not how we play this game!” SeungRi said and walked to the bed, avoiding papers and clothes around on the floor, and all the other things that had been thrown around. He tried to rip the duvet off JiYong, but sure that bastard had a good grip on it. It even managed to still cover all of his body.


“Get up!” SeungRi yelled in annoyance before he was pulled down into the bed in a firm grip, suddenly with two arms and two legs around him, so he could do absolutely nothing. Well, this wasn’t the first time that happened, and apparently he never learned not to get too close to the bed or to JiYong when he was sleepy. JiYong growled loudly and yawned as he was about to rip SeungRi apart while turning in the bed.


“Release me! You are hurting me!” SeungRi exclaimed, but remained in JiYong’s position. JiYong took down a large amount of air, before he started coughing wildly of the air. SeungRi saw his opportunity to get out of his grip and somehow managed to slip down on the floor. JiYong stopped couching and sat up with a leg on each side of SeungRi, who was leaning up the side of the bed.


“Did you think you could get away that easily?” JiYong teased with his morning husky voice. SeungRi tried to get loose of his legs that had now captured him, and now his arms were around his neck too, so there was absolutely no way he could get away. He quickly stopped moving around to get away and just sat still for a while, before JiYong put his head softly down on his head with his cheek against his hair. Anyway he was still too sleepy to get up.


“You know you have to get up right?” SeungRi asked after a few minutes in that position and it started to annoy him with the burden on his head. JiYong some spit up from the corner of his mouth. Just to tease SeungRi with it, he wasn’t actually going to drool in his hair. SeungRi flew away from his arms and legs that had held him back. JiYong had loosened up because he knew that SeungRi would act like that.


“You are so disgusting!” SeungRi yelled at him, while trying to find some spit in his hair, if he had drooled on him. JiYong laughed like crazy and got up from the bed, now happily awake. He pushed a crazy SeungRi out of the door and started to put on some clothes.


“You are not going to bed again right?” SeungRi asked from the other side of the door, after being assured that there was no drool in his hair. JiYong smiled to himself and choose not to answer, just to piss him off. SeungRi hit his fist on the door that was locked.


“I will blow a bomb in front of your door if you don’t get up!” SeungRi yelled as he kept hammering his hand to the door. JiYong chuckled quietly to himself. Now it just got interesting to hear what he would do if he didn’t “get up”. He had already dressed himself and checked his hair in the mirror so it looked great.


“Kwon JiYong! Get up now! I will throw out the food and let the wash drink your coffee if you aren’t out of this room in less than 2 minutes!” SeungRi threatened. JiYong considered that as a direct life threat, so he unlocked the door and opened it. SeungRi just reached to hold in a knock with a fist to what had just been the door, but was now just in front of JiYong’s face.


“You don’t touch my coffee if you have already made it.” JiYong said when he opened the door and looked at the hand there was inches away from his nose. SeungRi quickly removed the hand.


“I hate when you do that… Getting dressed while I think you go to bed.” SeungRi muttered and walked towards the kitchen. JiYong smirked at him and followed. He sat down on a kitchen chair while SeungRi poured him a cup of steaming hot coffee.


“Black as your soul.” SeungRi informed like it was at a shop where he delivered the coffee. JiYong looked up at him with a frown. He smirked again.


“So, you think I have a black soul?” JiYong asked and looked at him while sipping to the coffee. SeungRi just looked at him with an expression telling him all he needed to know. A very clear “YES”.


“You know… Coffee is brown.” JiYong told him, teasing him with a careless voice. Now it was SeungRi’s turn to smirk.


“Yeah, but the sauce from the kitchen closet is black. Hope you enjoy.” SeungRi teased back, and hurried out of the kitchen, locking himself in the bathroom. Just before he had said that, JiYong had blown long enough on the hot coffee and had taken a large sip. His mouth didn’t burn because of the warmth of the drink, but because that bastard had put black chili sauce in it! Both the sauce and coffee was spit out at once and JiYong hurried to the fridge to get some milk for his hurt tongue and throat.


“Get back here!” JiYong yelled furiously through the apartment. SeungRi knew his life was going to end, but it had been worth it. Well, for sure he was awake now. JiYong looked at the coffee machine and saw the tube with black chili sauce. Why did he even have that in his kitchen?! He stopped in his tracks to get revenge on SeungRi, instead he had a better idea. Way better than revenge now… Revenge later. He could act a little more furious now, then he could pay him back twice as much as this. It would be sweet… Sweet revenge was the best revenge.


“Get out from your pathetic bathroom-hide!” JiYong yelled and went to the bathroom door. He knocked a few times and SeungRi didn’t answer. He was dead. He was so dead.


“Fine… Then I will just leave you to rot out there, or find that bomb you spoke about to blow my door, then I can blow this one instead.” JiYong suggested while scratching with his nails on the door like a cat wanting to get in. SeungRi shivered by every scratch he heard. Oh how he hated that noise…


“Sorry, I can’t play hide and seek with you anymore. I have to meet with YoungBae in 10 minutes. Thanks for the wonderful coffee and you can let the trash eat the food if you want to. Now you mentioned it before… Just let the wash drink my coffee too. I don’t need it.” JiYong said before he left the door and went to the front door, picked up his jacket and put on his shoes.


“See you!” JiYong yelled and closed the door with a loud *slam*.


SeungRi slowly unlocked the door and peeked out, before he felt safe enough to go out. He sighed of relief and walked towards the kitchen. When he was about to turn around the corner to the kitchen, he was attacked by a jacket over his head, and a body forcing him to the floor. He couldn’t suppress a loud scream as he was attacked. JiYong laughed so hard when he head SeungRi scream like a girl, and released him from his grip, before he got up on his feet. SeungRi fought with JiYong’s jacket and got it off him. His eyes were terrified and his breathing was out of control.


“That’s what happens when you piss me off.” JiYong mentioned and grabbed his jacket. He gave him a sly smirk. SeungRi was still too scared to move.


“Well, now I only have 5 minutes… But it was so worth it! Wait till YoungBae hears about this!” JiYong laughed in triumph. He walked away and gave him a sweet wave together with a cute wink, before he got out of the apartment. SeungRi slowly got up on shaking legs and found himself a spot in the couch. Now he had to give him payback. Worse than this! Watch out Ji… You just started a war! SeungRi got up on his feet again, no shaking this time. He was convinced that he could find something to piss JiYong off with.




DaeSung slowly woke up the following morning, feeling a little lightheaded and confused. A small headache managed to break through. Suddenly last night flashed like a lightning through his mind. He buried his face into the pillow and shook his head wildly to get it all out – it didn’t work.


“DaeSung? Are you awake?” He could hear YoungBae on the other side of the door, and slowly sat up. Softly he tried to place his hair as it should be, even though it didn’t seem to work because of its morning wildness.


“Yes, I’m awake.” DaeSung answered and YoungBae opened the door slowly. He peeked in and saw DaeSung in the bed, still with his clothes on from last night.


“I need to go now, I have something to do with Ji, but I have left you some rice and kimchi in the kitchen. I hope it is okay?” YoungBae informed him. DaeSung nodded a little, fully aware that he asked if it was okay that he needed to go, not that he had left the food.


“Yeah, of course it’s okay. Go have fun. And thanks for leaving me the food.” DaeSung said with a small smile and touched his eye very carefully to get rid of the tiredness, without touching his skin beside the eye too much. YoungBae nodded.


“Okay. I hope you are alright. You didn’t look too good last night. Do you have fever now?” YoungBae asked. He wanted to go in and check, but he didn’t do it. DaeSung shook his head.


“No, I’m fine. Shoo… Don’t let JiYong wait, or else he will cut your head off and place it on a silver plate.” DaeSung teased, sending him a cute smile. YoungBae laughed a little and nodded.


“Yeah, he’s not good at waiting in the mornings. Okay I’ll see you later. I don’t know when I will be back.” He said and smiled a little warmly to him. DaeSung nodded understanding. YoungBae was just about to close the door, when he remembered.


“Ohm… Maybe you should speak to SeungHyun-Hyung.” YoungBae added, before he closed the door, leaving DaeSung in the dark. DaeSung the lamp on the nightstand, and starring out into the emptiness. He sighed silently with closed eyes and when he opened them again, he stepped out of bed. First of all, he needed a shower and new clothes on! Then he could decide what he needed to do.


After a decent shower and some fresh clothes, he sat down by the kitchen table. As said, YoungBae had left him rice and kimchi. He picked a little to it, but didn’t really have appetite to get it down. Well, he didn’t even try. How could he get this mess right again? It would be so weird to tell SeungHyun that he liked him back now? Right? Should it be the right thing to do? He put his forehead down on the table and stretched out his one arm, so it was lying on the table too. The other one hang loose down by his side.


“I have failed…” DaeSung muttered to himself.


“No you haven’t.” A person behind him said. He felt something touching his shoulder and flinched before turning around in full speed. SeungHyun stood right in front of him like a ghost. He wasn’t even sure if he was real or not.


“Are… Are you dead?” DaeSung asked in deep shock. What if he had killed himself? He couldn’t be guilty in person’s death! SeungHyun smiled warmly.


“No. I’m not dead.” He answered him, but the voice seemed so far away. DaeSung had bigger eyes than ever before. What was happening? How could SeungHyun stand in front of him like some kind of ghost, and not be dead? Was he still dreaming? Softly SeungHyun a too light hand over DaeSung’s cheek. It felt warm enough, not cold as he had expected a ghost to have.


“What is happening?” DaeSung asked confused. SeungHyun was still smiling warmly towards him. He leaned close to DaeSung and whispered in his ear.


“Wake up…” As he had just whispered that, SeungHyun’s ghost disappeared. DaeSung opened his eyes wider, still sitting by the table in the kitchen. He looked around in the room, completely confused, but with only one thing in his mind, and it was that something was terribly wrong.


“SeungHyun…” He whispered to himself. Not caring about the mess right now, he found his phone still lying on the living room table, and called up his Hyung.


SeungHyun woke up by something noisy and vibrating beside his head on the table next to his bed. He didn’t even look at the caller, before he answered it.


“Yes?” He asked with a husky and sleepy voice.


“SeungHyun!? Is it you!?” DaeSung almost yelled terrified into the phone. SeungHyun sat up in the bed with a start. Not worried about what had happened the night before, but the tone in DaeSung’s voice.


“Yes. Yes it’s me! What’s happening Dae?” He quickly asked, not sure what was going on. Was he in some sort of trouble?


“So you aren’t dead?” DaeSung asked, now on the verge of tears. SeungHyun jumped out of bed like he could comfort DaeSung with that, but he realized that he couldn’t even see him.


“No! No for God sake! I’m not dead! What are you talking about Dae? Are you alright? Where are you? I will be with you right away!” SeungHyun quickly asked and tried to get his night hoodie off and not let go of the phone.


“I’m home… I saw you… You were there. Or not actually there.” DaeSung whispered, still feeling terrified of the ghost that had appeared, but was so relieved that SeungHyun wasn’t dead after all.


“Give me 5 minutes. I will be there in 5 minutes!” SeungHyun promised. DaeSung nodded to himself as he sat down in the couch after hanging up on SeungHyun. When SeungHyun heard the small beeps from the phone and realized he had hung up, he hurried to dress and got to his car. Well, he forgot to change into actual pants, but his pajamas pants would do the same thing with covering his skin. He had only reached to get some slippers on, because there was no time for shoes. As he sped through the city he didn’t think about the embarrassment it would be to see DaeSung again. He just needed to see that he was okay, and let him see that he wasn’t dead. How the hell did he think he was dead? And why did he see him when he wasn’t there?


When he reached the place, he jumped out of the car and smashed the door back to close the car, before he locked it while running to the front door. He typed in the code to open the door, because he knew he couldn’t get DaeSung to open it right now, and it was unlocked after the 6 numbered code was correctly typed. He ran up the stairs and just got in the apartment, luckily for him that YoungBae hadn’t locked the door after he went out. SeungHyun looked around, before he found DaeSung in the living room, sitting with his back towards him.


“Dae? Are you alright?” SeungHyun asked as he neared him with softly and slow steps. DaeSung turned around and got up. He hurried to him, but stopped right in front of him, not sure if he dared to hug him, if he still didn’t exist. SeungHyun reached out for him and touched him on the shoulder, with the lightest touch ever. Slowly he put his hand down on his shoulder, and DaeSung fell into his embrace. SeungHyun hugged him tightly, not sure what really was going on, but as far as he could see, then DaeSung had been more than scared and he had had a little glisten on his cheeks. Something he figured as tears.


“DaeSung what happened?” He asked him very softly and his fingers ran through his hair on the back. The rest of him was hiding into his chest.


“I saw you… You weren’t there, but you talked to me. You touched me, but it wasn’t like a real touch. You weren’t there, but a part of you were.” DaeSung slowly mumbled as he hugged him tighter. SeungHyun still stood with him in his arms and brushed his hair.


“I’m here now. The real me is here.” SeungHyun told him, even though it sounded completely stupid to him with his try to comfort him, but it worked. DaeSung let go a little and looked at him with watery eyes. SeungHyun slowly dried away a tear that escaped his eye.


“You scared me…” DaeSung whispered. He knew that SeungHyun hadn’t been there, and that the “real” SeungHyun had no idea of what he was talking about, but he was here now. The “real” one.


“I’m sorry.” SeungHyun muttered, not knowing why he apologized for it. DaeSung sneaked back into his safe embrace and inhaled the scent of him. He looked down and saw SeungHyun’s cute pink pajamas pants. With that sight he couldn’t help but smile big. He had really rushed to him. Not even cared about getting decent dressed or… He saw the lack of shoes too. Now he just smiled more.


“You know what?” DaeSung asked him, like the other times, where it had been SeungHyun who had asked him that. SeungHyun shook his head and their eyes met, and DaeSung softly pulled a little out of his arms, but not so much that he couldn’t hold him still.


“No, you need to tell me.” SeungHyun answered, thinking it would be something with the weird thing he had seen. DaeSung smiled sweetly to him and put his arms around SeungHyun’s neck, so he could get closer to him.


“I like you too.” He then softly whispered. SeungHyun felt a sensation in his stomach, the urge to jump in happiness was creeping on him, but he just stood still. With his arms around DaeSung, and with his arms around his neck.


“Be with me?” SeungHyun softly asked and leaned closer. DaeSung smiled a little more.


“I would love to.” He answered and was about to break the last space between them, when the sound of the door bell rung in the whole apartment. SeungHyun got a little shocked by the sudden noise, but this time he hadn’t pushed himself away from DaeSung. DaeSung looked confused at him, and slowly got out of his grip to see who it was. SeungHyun would fry the person whoever it was. If it was YoungBae again, he would bind him in an alley until he had gotten his kiss. On the other hand, YoungBae wouldn’t ring the door bell to his own house. DaeSung let SeungRi in, and they both came to the living room. SeungHyun gazed at SeungRi, like he had just taken the world away from him. In his opinion he had. But now he knew who he needed to fry.


“Oh, hey Hyung.” SeungRi said with a jolly voice and quickly bowed with his head. SeungHyun just gave him a greeting nod. DaeSung knew that he had interrupted something that was on the way to be good, but he couldn’t blame the kid. After all, he didn’t know.


“What did you come for?” DaeSung asked friendly and placed himself on the back of the couch. SeungRi smiled playfully.


“I need to find something really bad to piss Ji off with, and I would want some help.” He answered and looked like he was a genius. DaeSung quickly looked at SeungHyun to SeungRi.


“Why would you want to piss him off? I thought you two had started to act more friendly?” SeungHyun asked in wonder. SeungRi shrugged.


“Well, I pissed him off this morning because he wouldn’t wake up, then he scared the out of me, and now I will return the favor.” SeungRi said like it was nothing, but still sounding like it was a good idea.


“I don’t think you two should start a war. It would just end in chaos.” DaeSung softly said. He didn’t want them to start killing each other because they wanted to scare the other more than the other had just done. It didn’t seem like a well-thought-of-plan.


“It’s just for fun. But I still need your help.” SeungRi answered and smiled big. SeungHyun looked at him with a frown.


“I’m not going to anticipate in your sick games.” He said and SeungRi made a noise in disappointment. It actually got a small smirk to form on SeungHyun’s lips when he sounded less satisfied with the thing. DaeSung looked at SeungHyun, smiled lightly and tried to cheer him up a little.


“What do I need to do to get you out of here?” SeungHyun asked with a sly smirk. SeungRi smiled again. Now he could actually get what he wanted.


“Help me with my plans?” SeungRi suggested, but was met with a look from his Hyung that told him “no”.


“Well, if you want me to go, then you can take my pretty offer?” SeungRi teased and SeungHyun looked at him with a surrendering look. He sighed deeply.


“Fine. I’ll help you with your sick plans, so now shoo.” SeungHyun said, causing SeungRi to jump in victory. He smiled from one ear to the other.


“Cool! I will give you a call when I need you.” SeungRi said and bowed for them. He winked and made a quick wave, before he was out of the door. SeungHyun looked after him while he disappeared. DaeSung had just waved back a little silly, but cute though.

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)