Love Struck

I Pray For Us


“JiYong!” SeungRi yelled after about 10 minutes after he left. JiYong smirked from his room, picked up the keys to the handcuffs and walked to SeungRi’s room. When he opened the door, SeungRi was still in his half-sitting position and looked at him with puppy eyes.


“Please let me go. I really, really need to go to the bathroom.” SeungRi begged. JiYong laughed a little still with a smirk on his face. The keys were in his pockets, so he didn’t show he had them on him.


“Well, I can bring you a bottle?” JiYong asked with a tease. SeungRi looked at him in disbelief.


“You are really not going to let me go huh?” He asked in wonder. JiYong shrugged. Shaking a little on his head, before he went to his bed and picked up the keys. He took the keys from his pocket and showed him.


“If you really need to go to the bathroom, then you should also be willing to fight a little for them right?” JiYong teased and threw the keys on the other side of the bed, near the edge. SeungRi would perhaps be able to get them, perhaps not. But JiYong wouldn’t let him go without teasing him more. SeungRi looked at him with an angry glare.


“Hey! You can’t just do that!” He exclaimed and tried to get a grip on JiYong, but he just took a step back, so he was out of reach. JiYong shrugged and went back to the door.


“You saw that it went very well with doing it, so I guess I managed to do so.” He teased and walked out, getting a lot of yells from the other side of the door. Something with “get back”, and his name. Pure revenge. And he knew he would get back for this so bad. SeungRi yelled at him, and tried to get the key with his foot. He twisted and turned to get it, but it was too far away. Oh, how he hated that guy right now! And he really needed the bathroom... At then he could feel that some cold metal was beneath his foot as he had stretched as much as he could to reach it. He tried to get it towards him, but the sheets kept getting in the way and this task was even harder than getting his foot on it. When it had gotten closer he could pick it up with his hand when he stretched his upper body enough to get it. He quickly unlocked the handcuffs, with a little difficulty, but he managed to do so and got it off his wrist. The other one that was fastened to the radiator he didn’t care about right now. He hurried to the bathroom and took care of his business. When JiYong heard him in the hallway, hurrying to the bathroom not even caring about locking the door, he slowly approached his own bedroom from the kitchen. He could get away after all right now, and not get caught just in this moment. Actually he would rather wait with his punishment than receive it now. So he locked his door and watched Gaho yawning in his bed, not satisfied with the sudden noise and getting woken up. JiYong lie down on the bed next to it, patting and brushing it to get it satisfied again. After all, it was his most precious item that he had ever had.


“Ji! Get out of there right now!” He heard SeungRi on the other side of his door, knocking hard on it. JiYong calmed the scared puppy down and went to the door.


“Is that an option or a demand?” He asked teasingly with a large smile on his face. SeungRi sighed deeply on the other side.


“It’s a demand! Now get out!” SeungRi exclaimed and knocked once more time with a fist.


“Then I don’t want to. You can’t demand anything from your Hyung and leader, so be a good boy and just shoo.” JiYong answered giving him a soft knock back, just to be annoying. He heard a large *bump* to the door as SeungRi tried to break it down with his shoulder. When he had bumped into the door, he turned around so he was standing with his forehead on the door, already about to give up. Wait… SeungHyun!! He had promised to help him! Now he should just call him and get the help he needed.


“Okay Hyung. Then I won’t disturb you anymore!” SeungRi answered with a jolly voice and a bright new smile. JiYong almost got scared from the sudden change. Something bad was coming up. And he so didn’t like it!


“SeungRi? SeungRi get back here!” JiYong yelled and unlocked the door, quickly looking to both sides before exiting the room. He could hear a laugh from SeungRi’s room and he didn’t like this at all. It was payback time, and he knew. SeungRi had locked his door too, so he couldn’t enter it as he just wanted. Giving himself a mental note to lock his door from now on when he went to bed. JiYong hurried to his room and tried to open the door without knocking, but the only thing that moved was the handle.


“Don’t think about doing anything to me! You WILL regret it!” JiYong assured him and tramped away with his shoulders pulled up like an angry kid. SeungRi chuckled in his room and called up SeungHyun.




SeungHyun woke up on the couch in a weird position. His head was a little down from the edge of the couch seat, and both his legs were put up on the couch back. By now he didn’t know what woke him up, but now he noticed the annoying noise of his cell phone ringing, he yawned and picked up, just to hear the sweetest voice in the world, leaving all tiredness behind and the annoyance turned to happiness.


“Hey Hyung.” DaeSung said with a sweet voice. SeungHyun smiled.


“Hey. I’m sorry for leaving you like that.” He apologized and got a sigh from DaeSung as the first respond.


“It’s okay. But… You could make it up to me again by getting here and giving me a kiss?” DaeSung suggested with a smile and sounded a little shy. SeungHyun laughed a little of his cuteness.


“I will be there soon. But I need to get some new clothes on, and a shower. Then I will be with you as fast as possible.” He answered and earned a cute sound of happiness from the other end of the line.


“Okay. I will see you then.” DaeSung said, chuckling a little and hung up. SeungHyun smiled and went to take a shower. Just when he had gotten out of the shower and was on his way to put on some clothes, his phone started ringing again. Without looking at the caller, he picked up in believe it was DaeSung again.


“Yes?” He asked with a sweet voice. SeungRi laughed in the other end.


“Someone’s happy huh?” SeungRi laughed and SeungHyun sighed by the sound of the always annoying Maknae.


“You want my help now right? I’m busy, call later.” SeungHyun answered. He rolled his eyes at the next thing SeungRi said.


“I just need to hear what you think I should do to Ji… He tight me up to my bed last night with freaking handcuffs and refused to let me out this morning.” SeungRi told him, sounding like it was the biggest catastrophe in the world.


“Hmm…  Well, one thing I know about JiYong is that you shouldn’t piss him off, and it will only make it worse for you. So shouldn’t you just end the war and be friends again?” SeungHyun suggested and frowned. SeungRi laughed at his bad suggestion.


“I can’t just let him get away with tying me to the bed! And I need something brilliant to do!” SeungRi said with a big smirk and hoped that SeungHyun could help him with this.


“Hit on him. Make him believe you have a crush on him or something. He would be confused and uncomfortable, then you can piss him off when you push him away again and act like nothing?” SeungHyun suggested, not even sure what he had had in his mind to get that weird idea. SeungRi considered the idea, tasting it and nodded agreeing to himself.


“I could do that. He would absolutely get uncomfortable. Okay, I think it’s a good idea! I can try.” SeungRi answered him with a bigger smirk. Watch out Mr. Fantastic Dragon. You will now get love struck. SeungRi laughed at his weird thoughts and nodded a little more from the idea.


“Okay, I will get going. But try it out, and you haven’t had the idea from me!” SeungHyun assured him. SeungRi agreed and they hung up. SeungHyun wasn’t sure that it was such a good idea after all.  Oh well, he wasn’t involved anyway… He exited his house and went to DaeSung and TaeYang’s apartment, to find DaeSung standing in the door with a cute smile as he opened it up to let him in. They didn’t even get to say hello, before they both gave each other a deep kiss. SeungHyun kicked the door closed behind him with a soft push with his foot.




SeungRi unlocked his door after hanging up on the call. He quickly looked around, just to be sure that there were no traps in sight. When he was sure, he walked into the living room, finding JiYong in the couch.


“Hey?” SeungRi asked like his normal self. JiYong looked up at him with a suspicious expression in his face and a raised eyebrow.


“What now?” He just asked annoyed and turned his attention to the TV again. SeungRi shrugged.


“Do you want lunch? I will make you some.” SeungRi offered. JiYong looked at him again, now even more suspicious. He shook his head.


“Not if you make it. I don’t want to be poisoned with something and you would do that for sure. I’m not that stupid and you haven’t paid me back from today. So I won’t do anything near you, including eating your food.” JiYong answered him and turned his head again, just this time to look out of the window. SeungRi sighed and moved closer to the couch before he sat down almost next to JiYong. Once more he got JiYong’s attention with the sudden close move.


“What do you think you’re doing? I’m watching TV, go away. I won’t let you chase me away.” JiYong said, still annoyed. SeungRi looked at him with a sad look. Acting of course, as well as he did that. JiYong looked at him confused.


“What?!” He asked him because of the sad face expression. SeungRi shrugged.


“I’m sorry okay. Let’s just stop this. Before it get worse right?” He softly suggested and JiYong looked suspicious at him again, not confused anymore.


“Ha… Right. What did you have in mind to do when I said that I was sorry too, and that we should for sure drop the war?” JiYong asked with a voice, telling SeungRi that he wasn’t convinced.


“I wouldn’t do anything. I’m really serious. This is not going anywhere, and it’s a bad thing for both of us. Let’s just stop it okay?” SeungRi asked sincerely. JiYong looked judging at him again. Was that tears in his eyes? His eyes widened.


“Hey, stop crying.  Fine… If you really mean that, then let’s drop it. But stop crying, it doesn’t suit you.” JiYong answered, before he got up and threw the remote control back on the couch. SeungRi nodded, and let a tear slip from his eye. JiYong frowned and sighed helplessly. Softly he put a hand on his shoulder, patted it a few times and walked away. When he was gone, SeungRi dried the fake tear away and smirked. This was going to work perfectly. Better than expected.





DaeSung was lying half on top of SeungHyun on the couch, his head on his chest and one of his hands holding his shoulder. SeungHyun had one arm placed around his back and with his hand resting on his hip. The other he had under his head supporting it, while they both watched something in the TV. They had talked a little before deciding to sit down in the couch and somehow they had ended up in this position after kissing. DaeSung had cooked a little food for SeungHyun, because he hadn’t had breakfast, and DaeSung could eat some as lunch. While lying on the couch, SeungHyun softly started caressing DaeSung on the hip where he had rested his hand.


“Do you know when YoungBae will be home?” SeungHyun softly asked. DaeSung shook his head as well as he could with the position he was in.


“No, he just said that he would see me later when he left.” DaeSung answered. He enjoyed the touch from SeungHyun and closed his eyes with a little smile on his lips.


“Why?” DaeSung asked a little after, when SeungHyun had answered him with a hum.


“I just wanted to know when I needed to let go of you.” He answered him, causing DaeSung to smile a little more. The front door opened and closed again.


“Now…” DaeSung muttered with a sigh, before he gave him a quick peck on the lips and got up from his really nice position on top of him.


“I’m back.” YoungBae informed from the kitchen that he had just went in. SeungHyun sighed a little and sat up in the couch, crossing his legs to act like his normal self, and not like a total in love teenager.


“Okay!” DaeSung answered him with a quiet sigh following, sitting up too and had his legs put up under him with crossed legs. YoungBae came into the living room, smiling and noticed SeungHyun.


“Hello Hyung. You are here a lot lately, aren’t you? Before now you never visited.” YoungBae mentioned and held a water bottle to his mouth, swallowing almost half of the content in the bottle.


“Yeah, I’m bored home, so I thought I could entertain DaeSung while you are out all the time.” SeungHyun answered, not lying at all about it. He was bored when he was alone home, and he was entertaining DaeSung. YoungBae nodded a little while removing the bottle from his mouth.


“That explains. I thought you two had a fight a few days ago, so I was rather surprised when you were here the following day. By the way, you forgot your jacket back then.” YoungBae said, taking another sip of the water.


“Oh, yes, I had forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me. And we didn’t have a fight.” SeungHyun answered him and looked quickly at DaeSung. YoungBae looked at DaeSung for a short time.


“Well, it looked like it. But I’m glad you didn’t fight.” YoungBae said with a sweet smile. DaeSung smiled back, hoping for everything in the world that YoungBae wouldn’t tell SeungHyun how he had found him by the window in the cold and in what state he had been in.


“Yeah, me too.” SeungHyun muttered. YoungBae nodded a little.


“Had a good day?” He asked friendly. Both of them nodded.


“It has been a great day.” DaeSung answered him, smiling like an angel. SeungHyun looked at him and smiled, happy that he thought so too.


“That’s good. Well, I need to go again.” YoungBae said sending both of them a smile. DaeSung nodded a little.


“Why are you always out? You get home and go out, you are actually not really here, and when you are, it’s because you have to sleep.” DaeSung asked, actually really wanting to know. Normally YoungBae was there often, and not only in the nights. But lately he was almost gone all the time.


“I just have a lot of things to do, I guess.” YoungBae answered him with a shrug. DaeSung understood and gave him a nod, showing he got it.


“You miss me?” YoungBae asked with a tease, causing DaeSung to laugh.


“Wasn’t you on your way out?” DaeSung teased back, sticking the tip of his tongue out at him. YoungBae chuckled but smiled after, not feeling the slightest hurt of getting rid of. He had already felt that he wasn’t really appreciated in the room every time he showed up. Not when SeungHyun was there after all.


“Yes, I was. I don’t know when I will get back, but I guess it will get late.” YoungBae informed, still smiling. SeungHyun started wondering if he never stopped smiling.


“Another dinner date?” He teased and smirked at him. YoungBae laughed a little.


“No, I need to see my parents. It’s my mom’s birthday, so you know the entire family thing.” YoungBae answered, thinking it was rather funny that they kept believing he was going on dates.


“Oh, well wish her a happy birthday from both of us. You should have told us. Now we can’t even give her a present.” DaeSung said accusing, but smiled anyway. YoungBae send him an apologizing smile.


“Sorry, but as you said, I haven’t been much home lately.” YoungBae excused. DaeSung didn’t look satisfied with that answer.


“We chatted this morning. You could have told me then. And you must have known this morning that you were going to the birthday.” DaeSung accused him again, but still smiling, letting YoungBae know that he was just teasing him.


“You are right. Sorry, I didn’t think about that. But you wouldn’t rush out to buy her a present anyway.” YoungBae teased back and smiled, feeling a triumph. DaeSung couldn’t find something to excuse that with.


“No… But… Well. Argh, you are just stupid now!” DaeSung said a little sulky, causing both YoungBae and SeungHyun to laugh out. It was just way too cute of a look.


“I know. You care for me anyway.” YoungBae answered and smiled sweetly.


“Double stupid.” DaeSung muttered, pretending to be offended, but couldn’t hide that smile that slowly formed on his lips. SeungHyun laughed a little because of him.


“Oh well. Then I’m stupid, but the stupid person is in a hurry. So then the two, obviously sweet persons, can get some time alone.” YoungBae teased them. SeungHyun just feared a second that he had figured it out, but it didn’t seem like it when he saw the smile.


“Then hurry. And remember to wish her a happy birthday. From both of us.” DaeSung told him, making YoungBae nod assuring.


“I will. I will congratulate her from SeungRi and JiYong too. Else they would hate me.” YoungBae chuckled. He waved and gave them a warm smile.


“See you later, if not tomorrow.” YoungBae said.


“Have a nice day with the family.” SeungHyun said as a goodbye. YoungBae nodded.


“See you.” He answered and walked out of the door. Hearing DaeSung yell an answer, but just the same as he had just said. When they were sure he was out the door, they got back to the same position as before, because it had been so nice.

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)