Sweet As Candy

I Pray For Us



SeungHyun woke up with an intense feeling of pain in his stomach. His eyes opened wide and looked down to his body. DaeSung had pulled his shirt up and was cleaning the wound that had started to heal now.


“What are you doing?” SeungHyun asked with a hoarse voice from sleep. DaeSung smiled to him as he looked up at the now awake person.


“I’m nursing you. So try to relax, and I will be done in a moment.” He answered him and SeungHyun relaxed more, as much as he could for the sticking pain. When DaeSung had cleaned it, so it wouldn’t get an infection, he put a new, fresh, clean plaster on, to protect the wound.


“I’m sorry Dae, but I just can’t fit you in a nurse costume…” SeungHyun softly said, actually sounding really serious, but he was just kidding. DaeSung was almost screaming of laughter when he said that, and tears formed in his eyes for the continuing laugh, that SeungHyun tried to calm him from. He couldn’t laugh as well, so he needed to stop DaeSung from doing it before he laughed too much himself. Slowly DaeSung stopped laughing, but was still chuckling a little from time to time.


“I promise you that I will NEVER wear a nurse costume!  Not if I can avoid it at least.” DaeSung could finally answer, and gave SeungHyun a bad kiss on the lips because he was still laughing a little, so he couldn’t keep his lips together. When he just gave up, SeungHyun pulled him closer and kissed him on the cheek and neck.


“I’m glad that we agree on that. Okay, I need to get to the bathroom…” SeungHyun mumbled the last part, but DaeSung heard. He brushed him over the hair and softly clapped him on the chest.


“Please wait for five minutes? The plaster has to stick properly and medicine just needs to work. Five minutes?” DaeSung almost begged and SeungHyun sighed deeply.


“But that means I have to wait 15 minutes? It takes hundreds of years to get to the bathroom!” He mumbled like a kid being mistreated. DaeSung chuckled and kissed him on the tip of his nose.


“Five minutes whiny kid. Five minutes, then I will take you to the bathroom.” DaeSung assured him, giving him a sweet kiss before he got up. SeungHyun looked confused at him.


“Are you going?” He asked almost like he was going to cry, but DaeSung just smiled because of him, not giving the kid attention for his try to make him stay by crying.


“I need to get some hot water for you so I can wash you a little. Plus that hair needs care.” DaeSung laughed as he softly put down SeungHyun’s shirt to cover his stomach and put the duvet back on. SeungHyun felt that his heart burst into flames because of how sweet and caring DaeSung was to him. He would never be able to thank him enough, and maybe never be able to show him how deeply he loved him, because those big emotions couldn’t compare with any words possible.


“I’m back in two seconds, I promise.” DaeSung said with that cute smile he almost never removed from his lips. SeungHyun nodded and DaeSung hurried out to the bathroom and turned the water on so it could get warm. It was only a bit so the water slowly ran out instead of full speed. Quickly he got back to SeungHyun and did the over cute smile to him while he went to their bed and kissed him.


“So, now I can get to the bathroom?” SeungHyun asked as DaeSung picked up the crutch that was standing by the closet and went back to him.


“Yes big boy. Now you can come to the bathroom.” DaeSung teased and kissed him again, helping him get up with lots of trouble for not hurting him too much. Somehow they got to the bathroom in 8 minutes instead of 10 that it usually took. SeungHyun took care of his business and DaeSung temperate the water so SeungHyun wouldn’t get burned or freeze from it. Because SeungHyun couldn’t sit down, so he had to stand as well as could manage, while he leaned up against DaeSung, as he washed his hair over the sink. Pitiful, but after all it had to be done somehow. When DaeSung had dried his hair and dried his body from the water that had ended all over the place, except near the wound where SeungHyun had held his shirt against so the plaster wouldn’t get wet, then he got him back to the room where he got him a new shirt. Luckily YoungBae hadn’t caught them on the way to the room, because SeungHyun didn’t have a shirt on, so he would be really uncomfortable with meeting YoungBae by then. While he had helped him get clean, SeungHyun had told him what had happened to SeungRi and that YoungBae would ask him to go with him to the hospital. DaeSung had been shocked when he heard the sudden news and agreed immediately to go to the hospital, even though he should tell YoungBae and not SeungHyun that. Now he had re-dressed him in new pajamas pants and a t-shirt from his closet along with a hoodie he found in the closet too, that he had forgotten existed. When he had got him tugged in to bed again, he kissed him for a few minutes and as they parted, DaeSung smiled to him.


“I think I should go and find YoungBae so we perhaps could go to the hospital. When we get back I will tell you what happened.” DaeSung said as he got up from the bedside. SeungHyun nodded a little, hoping for the Maknae that he wasn’t in that bad a condition, even though it would be weird if he was perfectly fine.


“Funny, that was what YoungBae said… Okay, then you may go. Greet both of them from me and send my best wishes for Maknae.” SeungHyun answered him as he made a small smile, earning a fast kiss.


“Mind-reader. I will do so then. See you later Hyung.” DaeSung said and turned around to go, when he felt a hand around his wrist keeping him back from going.


“I love you Dae.” SeungHyun bluntly said as DaeSung turned around. DaeSung was smiling shyly from the sudden words that his love told him.


“You are so sweet. I love you too Hyung.” He answered him, while he blushed shyly as he looked at him. SeungHyun smiled a little and pulled him down for another kiss. When DaeSung was trying to part from him again, SeungHyun kept him close, but not into a kiss. He stared him in the eyes, what felt like forever, but was only a few hesitating moments.


“Please find something else to call me than Hyung. I feel weird when you call me that and kiss me.” SeungHyun said, sounding like a tease, but he meant it as well. DaeSung smiled and chuckled very lightly.


“Me too, I just haven’t found anything that I would want to call you.” DaeSung answered him, sounding teasing as well. SeungHyun smiled to him, glad that they had the same thought about that. It was just weird to have a relationship like theirs, being called big brother occasionally when they were together.


“Yeobo is for old people.” DaeSung suddenly said and SeungHyun laughed at his expression that almost looked kind of offended.


“Yeah, I can see your point.” He answered him and was still laughing a little. DaeSung smiled slightly but he was still a little shy about it.


“I’m not going to call you things like Oppa or Jagi. Because I’m not a girl.” DaeSung quickly said to refuse those things to call him. He didn’t even see himself as the “girl” in their relationship. In his mind he was just as manly and mature as SeungHyun. Okay the mature side he had to himself, because from time to time that side was lacking from SeungHyun.


“That’s okay. It would be weird as well. So, then we can think of something else, but later. Now go find YoungBae and see SeungRi before he leaves the hospital again.” SeungHyun , giving him a sweet kiss before he let go of him again, taking back his hand from the grip around his wrist. DaeSung gave him a quick kiss and walked towards the door.


“See you later Yeoshin-ah (Goddess).” DaeSung teased as he opened the door, he turned around and stuck the tip of his tongue out at him. SeungHyun’s mouth dropped, but he started to laugh.


“Yah! You can’t call me that!” He exclaimed as the door closed, leaving him alone while laughing a little to himself. DaeSung walked towards the kitchen when he passed the open door to the bathroom.


“What was that all about?” YoungBae asked as he stood by the sink and brushed his teeth with only his pants on. After his shower, he hadn’t gotten the shirt on before he brushed his teeth. Normal circle in his morning routine.


“Nothing interesting.” DaeSung answered him while sending him a wink. Using his own words against him was perhaps a bit bad of him to do, but he was only making fun, which he hoped YoungBae understood.


“Ah, right.” YoungBae just said through the toothpaste and the toothbrush in his mouth. He rolled his eyes like joking and spit out the content in his mouth out in the sink. After cleaning the rest of the toothpaste in his mouth out with water, he straightened up again and took his shirt from the table.


“So, I guess SeungHyun told you?” YoungBae asked as he walked towards him and out of the bathroom. With a swift move he got his shirt on and followed him to the kitchen.


“Yeah... It’s terrible. When do we leave?” DaeSung said as he sat down on a chair by the table in front of YoungBae who stood by the fridge and found something from it. DaeSung’s eyes fixed on a spot where YoungBae’s shirt didn’t fit and his skin was bared.  When DaeSung found out he starred like that, he mentally slapped himself and looked away. He had already forgotten that he had asked something, so when he answered him it made him confused.


“I’m not sure. Soon? I guess.” YoungBae answered and DaeSung made a weird move with his head when he realized what he had been answered with.


“Oh… Oh! Yeah okay! We should get something to eat, so I can get SeungHyun to eat something too before we leave. He should not be left back here in such a long time without have had anything to eat.” DaeSung said, more or less to himself than to YoungBae, who just laughed a little.


“Why do you think I’m looking through our fridge? It’s not the cold I’m looking for.” He answered him with a tease as he turned around and fixed his shirt. While looking through the fridge he found some stuff and put it on the table beside the fridge. DaeSung couldn’t hold back a laugh and he covered his face with his hand, just without touching it.


“Okay, so you don’t want me to give you a push and close the door behind you?” DaeSung asked without laughing, trying to keep it back as he was joking him while trying to sound serious about it.


“No, I don’t like cold and dark places.” YoungBae answered with a cute smile on his lips. DaeSung couldn’t keep the laugh back any longer, and burst out. YoungBae shook his head a little because of him, but the smile lingered on his lips. He liked these moments, when it was just the two of them. Everything had changed after SeungHyun kept coming and now was staying. Not that it was bad, but by now they stayed in their rooms all the time or the one of them were in the kitchen or living room alone.


“I guess the fewest would like that. So, what do you make?” DaeSung asked interested and looked at him, or his back that was turned towards him while he moved around by the stove and table. His hair was still a little wet from his shower, and wasn’t done in the Mohawk as normal. Somehow DaeSung liked that, but it also looked weird from the usual him.


“I won’t tell you yet, but it contains rice.” YoungBae and DaeSung rolled his eyes while laughing.


“Oh wow Mr. Obvious. I never would have thought of that!” DaeSung laughed as he got up and went to stand beside him. YoungBae smiled but pushed him very gently away.


“You can’t just come and look.” He said and laughed as well from DaeSung’s sneaky try to see what he was making. DaeSung put his arms around him from the back instead and hid his head to the back of his shoulder. YoungBae felt a little weird with it, but accepted it none the less because he didn’t want to push him away from him just like that.


“Now I’m not looking, but I know what you will make.” DaeSung mumbled into his shoulder, sounding very childish. YoungBae smiled a little and shook his head slowly.


“Okay Superman. With your laser view you can see what I do from your position on the chair, so Mr. Obvious will make some food now, okay?” YoungBae and DaeSung started chuckling into his shoulder. He let go of him and sat down on a chair right behind him.


“My laser view isn’t that great, so I guess I need to be closer so I can see what you do.” DaeSung made a big cute smile and looked like a sweet kid waiting for something when it’s Christmas.


“But you just said that you knew what I was going to make?” YoungBae asked him like he tried to turn the conversation, making him the smartest of them.


“Right Smarties!” DaeSung joked and made a little push to his calf with his own foot, teasing him and being cute while annoying. YoungBae looked over his shoulder when he touched him and send him a sly smile while raising an eyebrow.


“So by “Smarties”, what do you mean? Because I’m neither chocolate or in a sugar-shell.” YoungBae answered him, turning around while waiting for the water to boil with the rice and the other ingredients cooking up. DaeSung leaned back and supported his upper body with his elbows on the tabletop.


“If you see that in a different way and uses metaphors, then you could be like Smarties.” DaeSung teased and tilted his head to the one side while crossing his one leg over the other.


“And what do you mean by that?” YoungBae asked him while crossing his arms, leaning against the table beside the stove, and raised a brow. DaeSung smiled like he had a secret, making a small on his bottom lip before biting it for a second, just thinking the true facts through.


“I mean… You are sweet on the outside, but still with a hard shall that you don’t really want to break, but when you finally breaks and a person can enter the center, you are actually quiet enjoyable.” DaeSung answered and couldn’t help but laugh slightly. YoungBae rolled his eyes at him and smiled as well. While shaking his head he turned around again to stir in the pots.


“Well, I guess that’s a good thing. So while in the candy-category, what are you?” YoungBae asked, trying to get that feeling off him that DaeSung had just given him. It was nice to know that someone cared about him, thinking he was sweet and enjoyable.


“You tell me?” DaeSung teased and starred at his back, around the place where his shoulder blades were, starring at them how they moved when he moved his arms. It was actually interesting - somehow…


“Hmm… Marshmallows.” YoungBae bluntly answered. DaeSung laughed a little, but got his point.


“So, you think I’m soft and sweet?” DaeSung asked teasingly, uncrossing his legs and stopped leaning back on the table. YoungBae smirked while standing with the back against him.


“Yeah that too… But marshmallows always stick to the teeth, like you are always around.” He answered him and smirked while turning around again to concentrate on the food.


“Does that make me a good marshmallow or a bad marshmallow?” DaeSung asked with a cute pout with his lips. YoungBae looked at him with consideration.


“Good marshmallow. But you are one of those that are really soft and sticks even longer to the teeth. And so sweet that it hurts when you chew it.” He , taking the few steps towards him and pulled him into a hug, so DaeSung’s head rested on his chest with his arms around his waist.


“I know. I’m a pain in the when I get too cute. Now you just had me admitting it.” DaeSung said with a smile as YoungBae pulled out of their hug again.


“Not a pain in the . I didn’t mean hurt like that, silly. But you, underestimating yourself all the time, are hurtful. Though, I love you no matter what, as your Hyung of course.” YoungBae said with a sly smile and kissed the top of his hair very gentle, not to make any wrong thoughts of what they cleared out yesterday.


“Why are you always so kind?” DaeSung asked with a cute smile, making YoungBae see how happy he was, as he really was right now. YoungBae smiled back with a friendly expression and patted his shoulder.


“Because I got the kindness and God made you the sweet Angel.” YoungBae answered with a smile that wasn’t really describable for emotions. DaeSung blushed really much and pulled YoungBae back into his arms while hiding his face into his chest. YoungBae laughed and patted his back while DaeSung calmed down again from the fantastic words he heard.


“You should make that food…” DaeSung mumbled into his chest, smiling a little while still blushing like crazy. YoungBae held him tight, but when he suggested him to move on with the cooking, he released the grip and pulled away.


“You are right. Then you have to let me go.” YoungBae laughed a little because DaeSung didn’t release him even though he had taken back his arms. DaeSung gave him a cute squeeze and let go of him. YoungBae smiled a little in the corner of his mouth before he continued to make the food.




SeungRi opened his eyes and blinked some times to get rid of the sleepiness in his eyes. He could feel a pressure on his leg from the duvet being pressed down beside his thigh. When he managed to look down he realized what caused the feeling to his leg. JiYong was lying with his head resting on crossed arms that rested on the bed beside SeungRi. It looked like a horrible position and it would definitely hurt in his back when he had to straighten up again. SeungRi smiled to himself while thinking about how overly sweet he was, with staying beside him through all of this.


“You didn’t have to stay all night you know.” SeungRi softly said almost as a whisper when he could feel the duvet move a little from JiYong that was about to wake up. He could hear something getting mumbled from JiYong into his arm, but didn’t really catch what he said.


“No matter what you said, I know you said something against me, and that’s why I tell you to shut up and accept that you need to sleep properly.” SeungRi said with a small laugh and softly touched his hair when he straightened a little up.


“I hate when you are right… But that’s not reason enough for me to leave you when you are like this.” JiYong answered while he rubbed his eyes from the tiredness and slowly straightened more and more up from the uncomfortable position.


“Would you leave me if I was sleeping somewhere else, than here and there was nothing wrong?” SeungRi asked him with a sly smile. Instead of answering him, JiYong just leaned closer and kissed him for a few seconds.


“Oh well… Screw bad sleep and I will let you stay here then.” SeungRi , earning a new kiss that lasted a little longer than the one before. JiYong smiled when he leaned a bit back and took his hand, keeping it in his.


“So can I say “Good morning” now?“ He asked while smirking and kissed the tip of SeungRi’s nose. SeungRi laughed with something that almost sounded more of a giggle.


“Okay. But I will beat you to it. Good morning.” SeungRi teased as he gave him a peck on the lips. JiYong sighed in defeat and smiled to him with love in his eyes, just so happy to see him being so okay after what had happened.


“Good morning.” JiYong answered with a sly smile and kissed him again, making it deeper till SeungRi started . The door opened and YoungBae rolled his eyes while DaeSung clapped happily in his hands. The two others immediately broke apart and blushed a little while YoungBae closed the door.


“Have you ever heard of knocking?” JiYong asked like nothing happened and was totally calm in the situation. DaeSung’s smile widened.


“Well, we did knock, but I think your made it hard to hear. Just if you wanted to know, then it can be heard on the other side of the wall. The room is not soundproof. I hope you didn’t scare any of the sweet nurses away.” DaeSung said still smiling, just laughing a little because of the fact that they actually could hear it from the other side. With that said, the other two blushed so hard that both of their faces turned red.


“That’s so sweet!” DaeSung said with a bright smile and hurried to both of them, almost attacking SeungRi with the same carefulness that he used towards SeungHyun. SeungRi laughed a little when he managed to hug him back and was let go again short after. YoungBae greeted SeungRi with a knuckles hit. YoungBae found a chair from the other end of the room and sat down on the other side of SeungRi. DaeSung invaded the end of the bed and sat down there.


“So, now we would like a better explanation of what happened?” YoungBae said after some time of small-talking. SeungRi nodded and told them what they needed to know, but he was really unsure about the fact with SeungHyun. The thing he was most worried or afraid of, was for DaeSung to hear it. He knew that he would flip and never even think about leaving SeungHyun at any time.  When SeungRi was done talking and JiYong told what he had experienced, and after that he added something SeungRi would like to have avoided.


“For some reason they only attacked SeungRi because they had gotten the last name wrong. SeungRi has the same name as SeungHyun when he’s not using the stage name, and for that reason the assaulters attacked Ri, because they wanted SeungHyun-Hyung instead.” JiYong explained. DaeSung’s eyes flew wide open and his mouth dropped in disbelief. SeungRi closed his eyes shot and squeezed them together because he knew he would flip now.

“YoungBae, we have to get back home! He’s alone!” DaeSung exclaimed in pure fright, and got up from the bed. YoungBae took his hand and calmed him down, pulling him into his arms as he quickly got up from his seat.


“He’s okay! DaeSung, he’s okay. Calm down and give him a call.” YoungBae comforted him with his hugs and words. DaeSung calmed down and nodded into his shoulder. When YoungBae was sure that he wouldn’t run screaming out the door – he let go of him again, giving him some time to call SeungHyun. DaeSung picked up his phone to call him, and when he dialed the number, there were no answer. Now he was about to freak out even more, but YoungBae took a hold on him with his arms around his waist and forced him to stay in the room.


“Dae, maybe he is just sleeping. Call him again, and if he doesn’t pick up this time, then we will go home, okay?” YoungBae softly said to the back of his neck, trying to hold him back from a minor breakdown. JiYong held SeungRi’s hand tightly, not wanting another thing to happen to them if something really had happened.


“Okay…” DaeSung whispered and took in a deep breath as he let out again shortly after. He held his phone properly again and with shaking hands he dialed the number once more. The first bip sounded, the second, the third. DaeSung started feeling tears coming through to his eyes. The fourth. The fifth. DaeSung was shaking all over his body as he heard the seventh bip.


“Please?” DaeSung whispered so quiet that he couldn’t even hear his own voice. Then the answer machine went on and DaeSung dropped his phone on the bed just as felt like fainting, but YoungBae still held him in an iron grip. DaeSung was about to die in that minute. If they had attacked him in that second the two of them left the apartment, he would never leave him out of sight again – If he still were able to keep an eye on him. In his head he kept denying the fact that it would be possible for them to get into their apartment. There are two different locks to get access to their apartment, and both of them are number-locks. They wouldn’t be able to know both of those combinations? Impossible. SeungHyun couldn’t be hurt. Oh well, more than he was now. Somehow it made on part of DaeSung relax, even though his body was still tense and shaking. He had to get home as soon as possible to see that SeungHyun was okay.



A/N: Okay this weren't that great of a chapter xD But I guess you will just have to wait for the next chapter? Hope you like this none the less and then I hope to sooooon write something better xD Have a great day :D

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)