Hospitalized Partnership

I Pray For Us



DaeSung picked up his phone immediately when it started ringing. SeungHyun made a weird noise, telling him that he was in pain.


“DaeSung, I love you.” SeungHyun said before DaeSung could even utter a word. He looked confused and most of all scared.


“Hyung! What happened? Are you alright? Please tell me you are alright!” DaeSung exclaimed as his voice was frightened and he talked fast. Almost faster than SeungHyun could get to figure out what he said.


“I shot myself. The ambulance is on its way, but I just needed to tell you that I love you, if I’m not getting out of this alive. Tell the others that I love them too…” SeungHyun answered him quietly and flinched in pain. DaeSung looked around with huge eyes and almost ran to YoungBae’s door.


“Why did you shoot yourself?” He asked, almost getting a panic attack. SeungHyun sighed, but it was only a deep breath he let out to release some of the pain.


“I thought a person broke into my house, and I sprained my ankle. Somehow I got upstairs and when the person opened the door, I shot him, or well. I thought I shot him, but it was me. The ghost! That one you kept seeing. Because I shot him, it got back to myself. I’m so sorry Dae… I really love you.” SeungHyun answered him with a quick explanation. Right now he hoped for everything in the world, that he would be able to talk to him again, giving him the true and long story.


“I… But why did he even come to you? Isn’t it me that he want?” DaeSung asked more than confused and he tried to shake his head in denial of losing his friend, lover and band mate.


“He didn’t want you. He was only after me, going through you to get me. DaeSung, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for getting you into all this, and I hope you will forgive me for being so stupid. I love you so much, and I don’t want to leave you… Sorry…” SeungHyun answered him. His voice got lower and faded out by the last. DaeSung looked so scared out into the air, looking at nothing. He should be there with him, but what if the ambulance got there first?


“I love you too… Please don’t die…” DaeSung said in a whisper, realizing that this time he wouldn’t get an answer. He knocked on YoungBae’s door as hard as he could, and as fast as he managed. Quickly YoungBae opened the door.


“What’s up?” He asked and got confused by the sight of the devastated person in front of him.


“I need your car keys, and I need them now!” DaeSung quickly said and YoungBae got them without a word, he knew from the sight of him that there was something really wrong.


“What’s going on DaeSung?” He quickly asked, but DaeSung rushed to the door when he had his keys in his hands.


“SeungHyun is dying.” DaeSung reached to answer, before he went out the door, only getting his shoes on, and no jacket. The rain was still pouring and it was so cold, but he didn’t care at all. Nothing else than SeungHyun would be in his mind right now. YoungBae stormed out behind him and got into the car, in the driver’s side. DaeSung gave him the keys quickly, and they drove to SeungHyun’s house as quickly as the car could manage.




SeungHyun dropped the phone and closed his eyes. Everything had gone black while talking to DaeSung, and the pain he felt, somehow felt different and not like pain anymore. Just like if he was released from it. Even though it felt like he was drifting away, he heard voices and someone tried to get in contact with him, but he didn’t respond. He was removed from the couch and put on a stretcher that took him outside after he was covered with blankets and something else. The voices seemed more distant, but one voice he heard cut through. It was a voice of an angel. His angel. DaeSung… Something touched his cheek, but was almost away instantly after the gentle touch. SeungHyun tried to open his eyes, but his body refused to let him do that. It felt like he was gone, but he knew he wasn’t. A large smack was heard as the door closed to the ambulance and drove him away with the blue lights and sirens on.


DaeSung almost fell down on his knees when they took him away, but YoungBae held him from doing that. His heart was broken, and if he lost him, what would happen then? Everything inside of him was a pure mess, and there was nothing in that mess, that could tell him what to do. DaeSung pulled out of YoungBae’s arms and walked towards the entrance of the house,


“Call the other two, they need to know.” DaeSung instructed as he walked inside. YoungBae walked inside too, and looked around in disbelief. Even DaeSung stopped in his tracks when he saw all the things that were thrown around and the chaos that existed everywhere.


“I will call them now…” YoungBae mumbled and dialed JiYong’s number. He was met with a tired voice, from a person he had just woken up.


“Yeah?” He answered and yawned, releasing himself from SeungRi’s arms that he had been so comfortable in. SeungRi woke up too, and looked at him a little confused, until he realized he was on the phone.


“You need to get up. SeungHyun is going to the hospital, and it seems like he shot himself. The hospital closest to his home is where he is admitted. We will see you there. Tell SeungRi, he should come too.” YoungBae quickly said and JiYong froze in his spot.


“Did he shoot himself? What happened? Sorry, I know you don’t know… We will be there as fast as possible!” He answered him and they hung up.


“Who shot himself?” SeungRi looked confused, getting a scared look from JiYong.


“SeungHyun. He shot himself and is now in the hospital. We need to go there immediately.” JiYong quickly said and got up. Why would he even do that? Was he completely out of his mind?


“He WHAT?” SeungRi exclaimed and got up from the bed. They were both still fully dressed and had just fallen asleep while they had hugged each other.


“I don’t know what happened, but yes, he shot himself.” JiYong answered and got up too. They both headed towards the hall and got a jacket on, together with some shoes and left to find him in the hospital.


DaeSung and YoungBae were driving to the hospital too, and it was like they were racing against time. When they got there, they almost bumped into SeungRi and JiYong. They all looked scared and confused at each other, not giving a damn about all the persons around that looked at them. In their mind they didn’t exist right now.


“Do any of you know what happened?” SeungRi quickly asked and both JiYong and YoungBae didn’t answer.


“It’s a really long story, that I’m sure you will get later, but he didn’t try to commit suicide. He tried to safe himself, but he just shot the wrong guy, if so to speak.” DaeSung answered, sounding intense but somewhat calm. Not that he was calm, but he knew he had to keep his head straight and not panic. It also seemed that the others did that well enough for him too.


“I would like that story now, please.” JiYong said and looked at him with eyes filled with emotions that were out of control. SeungRi held his arm around him, to be a little protective.


“Not now, it’s too long. But we need to find SeungHyun, now!” DaeSung said and turned around, going straight to the counter where a middle-aged woman was sitting behind bulletproof glass.


“Excuse me, but where is Choi SeungHyun? He should have arrived with an ambulance a while ago?” DaeSung asked, trying to sound saner than he really was.


“Are you a related to him in any way?” She asked kindly. Of course she knew him, but she had to ask that question. DaeSung sighed deeply.


“I’m his boyfriend, now let me see him.” DaeSung answered her with a low voice, not wanting the whole room to hear the confession. If this got out, they would both lose everything. The woman looked at him with a surprised face and pointed in the direction of some elevators.


“He is on 3rd floor, but he is having surgery. You can wait outside until the doctors come out.” She answered him, still a little taken aback from the sudden surprise. DaeSung let go of the desk that he had been holding onto with a tight grip, and went back to the others.


“He’s having surgery, but he’s on 3rd floor. I had to tell her that we were… Oh well, let’s go.” DaeSung quickly said, blushing a little because of his sudden thoughtless words that had almost exposed both of them. YoungBae was the only one who knew, and he looked at him with wide eyes. DaeSung was the first to move, and they followed him to the elevator, stepping inside and JiYong pushed the button to the 3rd floor. YoungBae leaned a little closer to DaeSung, caressing his back with gentle brushes and dried away a tear that had escaped his eye. Of course DaeSung would be crying, that only made sense, but he hadn’t thought that it would be right now. Until now he had seemed so strong, and like he knew what he had to do.


“You told her, that you were together, didn’t you?” YoungBae softly whispered to him, causing DaeSung to nod a little, not giving him a direct answer. The elevator stopped with a small *Pling* and they got out. The 3rd floor was huge! How would they ever find anyone here? DaeSung took a quick look around and saw a sign hanging from the ceiling, telling him that the counter was right around the corner, and he hurried there, causing the others just to follow.


“Choi SeungHyun should be in surgery on this floor, do you know which room?” DaeSung quickly asked the lady behind the desk. She wasn’t put behind a glass, and she gave him a soft smile as she tapped something on her computer.


“Room 34. I don’t know how long it will take, but you can wait outside and the doctor will call on you.” She answered him with the same soft smile. It was probably just one of those masks she put on when she had to do with patients and relatives.


“Thank you.” DaeSung answered her, honestly happy to know where his love was. She didn’t answer him, and he didn’t even wait for an answer before he left her and found the room that was supposed to be where SeungHyun was in. JiYong and SeungRi sat down on two chairs outside the room, and YoungBae slipped down the wall, placing himself on the ground. DaeSung wandered back and forth, not having the patience to sit down to wait. He needed news, and he needed them now! But only good news! If not, then he didn’t want them…


“Please SeungHyun… Make it… I pray for you. I pray for us… Please make it and come back to me.” DaeSung begged into his folded hands, as he prayed to God to let SeungHyun go from death and return to the world. After a long while in silence that was only broken by DaeSung’s quiet whispers, and his footsteps that trailed back and forth on the ground. A doctor came out of the room and was smiling. DaeSung almost felt relieved when he saw the smile on his face, because that could only mean something good, right?


“I got good news and bad news.” The doctor started out, gaining their attention immediately.


“He is okay now, but it was close. Because of the loss of a great deal of blood, he is now connected to a few different things, which will regulate his blood and make sure he won’t suffer from the blood loss. His ankle is broken, but it will be okay soon, if he doesn’t use it. By now it’s being covered with plaster, so it will heal better. We will keep him here for a few days, till we are sure that he will recover well at home. And now I will have to tell you the bad news. The bullet didn’t harm major parts of his inner organs, but it got close to his spine, really close. We have done everything we could to not let it ruin anything, but we need to wait and see if he will be able to move. In case that he wouldn’t, it would only be his lower part, from the hips and down.” The doctor said and looked from the one to the other. Each of their faces was covered in fear and it felt unbearable to think of. SeungRi couldn’t help it, but he put his arms around JiYong and hid his face in his shoulder.


“When will we be able to see him?” DaeSung suddenly asked, ripping himself out of the trance of fear he had just found himself in.


“I will ask the other doctor and check with him. Until then, you may stay here and I will see you in a minute with an answer.” The doctor answered him and turned around to leave. DaeSung sat down on one of the chairs, almost like he was falling down on it.


“What will happen if he can’t move?” DaeSung asked in a whisper, not sure if he was asking himself that, or the others. YoungBae sat down beside him and put an arm safely around him.


“He will be able to move. You know that too. SeungHyun would never give up like that, and he would be too stubborn to give up.” He answered him and softly caressed his back. DaeSung just looked straight into the air and felt his head getting heavy from all the thoughts that was intruding his head.


“Yes, you are right.” DaeSung suddenly answered after a long time in silence. When the doctor came back, they got the good news that they could see him, but he had to be moved to another room as he was now in a surgery room. They agreed to that, and were lead to the new room, a floor above them. DaeSung was more than happy to see SeungHyun, breathing and alive. He sat on a chair beside him and touched his forehead with gentle fingers, slowly removing small wisps of hair from his face. DaeSung knew that he wouldn’t wake up now, but he would be by his side when he did. Without noticing the other, he leaned down and kissed him on the lips. YoungBae smiled, JiYong smiled even more, and SeungRi’s mouth hang open. So what JiYong had said was true?? DaeSung looked at SeungHyun with love written all over his face and he wouldn’t be able to let go of him now, even if 50 people tried to carry him away.


“Come back to me Hyung. I beg you… Come back.” DaeSung softly whispered to him. Letting a finger touch his cheek with a small smile.


“I love you so much…” He said again with the whisper, and making sure the others didn’t hear it. YoungBae slowly dragged the stunned SeungRi and the smirking JiYong out of the room, leaving DaeSung alone with his beloved SeungHyun.




In the middle of the night, when DaeSung was fast asleep in the chair next to SeungHyun, he woke up. Blinking a few times before realizing that he wasn’t in his bed, and that this seemed like a hospital, more than a guestroom, he moved a little and flinched from the pain in his stomach. What happened last night? He remembered that the lights went out, that he tripped and sprained his ankle, and someone was there. But he didn’t remember getting hurt in the stomach. He looked to the side and saw the sleeping DaeSung, holding his hand tightly, while he was gone in his dreams. He moved his one leg, but it felt so heavy from something that seemed like a stone around his foot. Oh yeah… The sprain…


“Are you awake?” DaeSung muttered with a tired expression, not sure if he really was, or he just imagined that. SeungHyun smiled and squeezed his hand.


“I’m awake my Angel.” SeungHyun answered him, letting go of his hand to caress his cheek. DaeSung almost jumped him in pure happiness when he realized that it wasn’t a dream, and he was really awake. SeungHyun stopped him from attacking him, and laughed a little, but it hurt too much to keep.


“Thank you! I thought I would lose you forever…” DaeSung softly said and kissed him gently on the lips. SeungHyun answered his kiss, and couldn’t help but make it a little deeper than DaeSung had planned for it to be.


“You are never going to lose me, not even if you want to get rid of me.” SeungHyun , and earned another kiss.


“I would never want to get rid of you.” DaeSung answered with a warm smile, pecking his lips in a quick kiss. The smile faded and a serious expression showed on his face.


“Please tell me what happened?” He asked almost begging him for an answer. SeungHyun sighed and tried to explain everything he could remember, but he wasn’t sure of what had happened when he got shot, or when he shot himself. DaeSung helped him a little with explaining to him what he had told him on the phone.





SeungRi kept holding on to JiYong while they stood outside and waited the following morning. They waited for YoungBae, who had promised he would come at that time, so they expected him soon. Because they had made an agreement to go and visit SeungHyun at the same time. They hadn’t needed to ask DaeSung, because they knew he would be there. JiYong placed a kiss on SeungRi’s lips, just as YoungBae turned around the corner and his mouth dropped. Neither SeungRi nor JiYong had noticed that he had appeared, because JiYong had made sure that no one would see them. SeungRi played with his fingers in his hair as they deepened the kiss. YoungBae frowned and walked closer to them, making them flinch from the sudden interruption.


“Not you too!?” He asked in disbelief, almost giving up on their gay-ish love for each other. When did the band turn into homouals? SeungRi laughed a little, trying not to show it too much. JiYong just blushed, and tried to hide it as well as SeungRi hiding his laugh.


“Well… No… But… Yes, and then no, and then yes again, and then really NO, and now yes?” JiYong slowly said causing YoungBae’s mouth to drop again.


“Did you just tell me you had twice?” He asked looking like he had gone mad. SeungRi’s eyes widened and he blushed so much that his whole face turned red.


“I didn’t say that!” JiYong quickly defended himself, but just got a look back from YoungBae, telling him that he was already aware of it by now.


“You just told me indirectly. How can it happen that all of you are suddenly all together?” YoungBae asked still in disbelief that they all turned out gay. SeungRi was still trying to hide his face, but it didn’t succeed very well.


“Well… I somehow told SeungHyun to tell DaeSung, what he felt for him, and obviously he did. And I didn’t want to be with that one, but I guess he just tricked me to be with him.” JiYong answered, making SeungRi looking at him, this time it was him who looked like a person in disbelief and totally taken aback by what he had just said. Did he just tell YoungBae that they were together? But he hadn’t even told him that!?


“Wauw… I guess you all turned the world upside down… Try to hide it a little better than kissing here. I don’t want to stand on a stage alone forever.” YoungBae answered him, not sure what he was supposed to think. If he thought the ghost thing was enough, then this just made it worse. Well it was good that they liked each other, but getting into relationships… Wasn’t that a little… Over the top?


“Sorry Hyung. We will keep it low.” JiYong quickly said and smiled friendly at him. His white teeth were showing and SeungRi could melt into that smile right here and now. YoungBae nodded a little and knocked on the door to SeungHyun’s room. All this was just too much, and he felt that he couldn’t follow the others anymore. With their thoughts and so on…


“Come in!” DaeSung said from the other side and chuckled a little from something SeungHyun just said. They all entered and SeungRi closed the door behind them.


“Are you feeling better Hyung?” YoungBae asked him and got back a smile from both DaeSung and SeungHyun.


“Yeah, a little. It still hurts, but they keep the worst pain away with morphine.” He answered him. YoungBae raised an eyebrow, not sure if he liked the idea of the morphine, but he couldn’t let his friend suffer from pain. Then it would be better with morphine. JiYong gave him a gentle hug, trying not to hurt him too much, and he quickly let go again.


“But… Why did you shoot yourself? I really want to have that story now. Please Hyung, tell us.” JiYong begged and sat down on a chair after dragging it next to his bed on the other side from DaeSung. SeungRi sat down on JiYong’s lap, getting a pair of arms around him. They both looked like two children who waited on some scare story. SeungHyun laughed a little by the sight, but it faded a little after.


“Alright. DaeSung, you should help me out with this.” SeungHyun said and started the long, miserable and painful story as the three others listened. They didn’t say much, but just let the two of them explain all this. For JiYong none of it made sense, but he bought it, just because they were his friends, and he should trust them. SeungRi was so caught up in the story, that he wasn’t able to blink more than a few times when his eyes got too dry. YoungBae just listened as he had heard half the story before. When DaeSung and SeungHyun ended the story, they were fired down with millions of questions. They tried to answer them as good as possible, and when the others seemed satisfied with the answers, they talked about a few other things, before they left SeungHyun and DaeSung alone again.




A/N: Okay, I know you will love me now xD I guess... But really! NOW I won't update anymore for a while xD I hope that the chapter is ending good enough for you not to freak out and crave for another xD I'm gonna miss you guys!! Now I will take my leave and celebrate my 19th birthday :D Have a nice day/evening depending on where you live xD Thanks for all your love an support! I love you too!! See you later my addicted readers :)

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)