Meets With Common Sense

I Pray For Us



After 4 days of being in the hospital, SeungRi finally got discharged from it. He had been so happy that JiYong almost hadn’t been released from his arms again from the hug he had given him. JiYong took him home and put him on the couch to rest because he weren’t completely recovered from the bruises and pain, but he had finally gotten permission to leave the hospital. When they got home JiYong cooked some food for both of them, as SeungRi chilled on the couch with the remote control switching through the channels. When JiYong was done with the food, he placed it on a tray and went to the living room. SeungRi smiled when he saw him and with the food that his stomach had craved to get some of.


“Now eat some then you will get better. And your pills are beside the glass of water.” JiYong told him as he put the tray down on the table by the couch, so SeungRi could reach it.


“Thanks! You are the sweetest thing in the world!” SeungRi exclaimed with a bright smile and swallowed the pills with the water before he took the food and started eating.


“I have a feeling that you were hungry.” JiYong teased as he took a bowl of the food he had made and started eating himself. SeungRi laughed with his mouth stuffed with food.


“Don’t even consider answering me with food in your mouth!” JiYong said in a hurry before he could answer him with his head full of food. SeungRi swallowed it and laughed a little.


“Yeah I am hungry. But I weren’t going to answer you before I was done.” He answered with a smile. JiYong nodded like he didn’t believe him.


“Of course you were.” He while rolling his eyes in sarcasm. SeungRi poked him with his foot against his thigh.


“Be nice. Or I will take back what I said before.” SeungRi said in a fake voice as he tried to sound serious. JiYong laughed slightly.


“Do that. Because we both know it’s a lie. I’m not the sweetest thing in the world. You are.” He said and smiled for himself as he looked down in the bowl to get a new spoonful of food. SeungRi blushed slightly and took a new spoonful himself.


“You are so cheesy.” SeungRi said when he was done with the spoon of food he had just swallowed. JiYong laughed from what he accused him of being.


“I’m not cheesy. I’m just wheedling you to give me a new kiss.” He protested and smirked as he placed his bowl of food back on the tray. SeungRi smiled when JiYong took his bowl of food away from him and placed it on the table. He put a knee between his legs and his hands on each side of his head, to support himself and not let his body touch his too much, because he knew the pain wasn’t gone completely yet.


“I can see that I have no choice than to give you one.” SeungRi teased as their lips met and they made it deeper till their tongues were each other with desire. They continued the kiss in a time that felt like forever, but it just weren’t enough to stop.




With 4 days passing by and SeungHyun getting a little better, day by day, DaeSung started to relax more. Nothing bad happened through the last few days and it seemed like things were getting better – or well he hoped.


“Hyung? Hyu-ung?” DaeSung called in his try to find YoungBae, with knocking on his door continuously. After a minute of two he gave up on finding him. He scratched his hair, and went to the kitchen, making himself some coffee and wondered where the hell YoungBae could be. No sign of him in the apartment, maybe he should call him, just in case. So he found his phone and gave him a call.


“I’m busy Dae, can I call you back later?” YoungBae said the second he picked up the phone. There was some background noise, from what sounded like machines in a factory.


“Oh okay. See you.” DaeSung answered and YoungBae hung up. DaeSung put his head on the tabletop as he sighed deeply. SeungHyun was still asleep, YoungBae wasn’t there. It was boring, like really boring. He straightened up and left his seat to get the coffee from the machine that was ready now. As he poured the coffee into a mug, he saw the newspaper on the table that was next to him. Being concentrated about looking at the paper, he forgot to stop pouring his coffee and it ran over the top just down on his hand that held the mug. Only in pure surprise of the hot content that ran down his fingers, made him drop the mug and it shattered on the floor, leaving the coffee all over the place. DaeSung sighed and put the pot with coffee back to the machine. He started picking up the pieces of the mug, just to feel how much the hot content had hurt his hand. Instead of picking up the shattered pieces, he just let them be on the floor and went to the sink, letting the cold water run on his hand.


“Oh God, give me a break.” He said a little annoyed. With a swift move he sat up on the table while holding his hand under the water, and picked up the newspaper. On the front page there was a huge picture of a gunfight with some masked guys in black, and the police. The headline read: “Two cops dead – The masked men got away.” DaeSung frowned and looked the side up that the rest of the story would be on. While he read the text his eyes widened and he could feel a pressure in his chest like his heart was going to explode because it was beating so fast.


“This can’t be the same guys?” DaeSung mumbled to himself as he read on. There were no identification of the men and no idea of who they could be. The police department had refused to a gang or rocker group. They weren’t sure of who they could be or what they wanted. The gunfight had started when the masked men had threatened and killed a victim that the cops had gotten a tip about from an anonymous caller. They had arrived at the scene just before the men ran away from the crime, and that had caused the fight. Both the cops were dead when back-up arrived.


“Who is the victim? Could he have any relation to SeungHyun?” DaeSung asked himself out loud. There was no information in the text that told him who the victim was or what had happened to him. The police would keep that quiet for a while, and inform the victim’s family and friends, before letting the name out in public. DaeSung was lost in thoughts, so when his phone started ringing he got shocked and almost fell down from the table. He quickly picked up and was met with a familiar voice.


“Hey Dae?” JiYong said while sounding like a question and DaeSung smiled a little, because he had thought it was YoungBae who would call him back.


“Yes leader?” DaeSung quickly answered.


“Can we meet? Just somewhere.” JiYong asked which caused DaeSung to look a little weird in his face because of the sudden want to meet.


“Yeah of course. I have something to talk to you about too, so that would be great.” DaeSung answered, smiling a little. JiYong raised an eyebrow.


“Are you on the toilet or something?” He asked him with a weird tone in his voice, and DaeSung laughed hard.


“No! I burned myself so I just have my hand under the water.” DaeSung said through his laugh. JiYong made a sound that indicated that he understood.


“How did you burn yourself? Are you okay?” JiYong asked and sounded worried. DaeSung smiled and nodded to himself.


“I spilled some coffee on my hand, it’s not anything serious. But when do you want to meet? And where?” DaeSung asked to change the subject from his stupid hand to the reason why JiYong had called him.


“Okay just take care of it. We really don’t need more hospital visits. Uhm, I don’t know where to meet, but in about an hour if that’s okay with you?” JiYong asked and looked at SeungRi who slept on the couch with a blanket covering him. The TV was on mute and the food had been taken away, also the things had been cleaned.


“We could meet at the hospital?” DaeSung and chuckled a little from his very bad joke. JiYong rolled his eyes and left the living room as he went to his own.


“Ha-Ha… You are always so funny Dae. Can you pick another place that is surrounded by wounded and hurt people?” He asked and sat down in his chair, looking around in his room like it was the most boring place in the world. Gaho didn’t even care a bit to look at him.


“Okay, then a graveyard? People there are already dead. So they are not hurt.” DaeSung answered, still joking, but this time it actually made JiYong laughed slightly.


“And the award for worst humor goes to Kang DaeSung.” JiYong said with a smile lingering on his lips. DaeSung chuckled a little from his bad jokes and the effect from it that actually made JiYong laugh.


“Then I at least get an award.” DaeSung joked and smiled for himself. JiYong shook his head at his comment.


“Pick your place silly. And without dead or hurt people. Maybe also a bit discrete because I don’t want crazy fan girls running around me.” JiYong said as he picked up an object from his desk that he wasn’t sure of what was.


“Well… I don’t know. Hmm… Maybe the YG-building? We can talk there and there are definitely no fan girls! I can promise you that.” DaeSung said with a smile and sounded happy about his solution.


“Sounds good. An hour.” JiYong answered him and hung up. DaeSung put his phone down in his pocket with some trouble because he only had one hand, was sitting down and couldn’t let the newspaper fall down and get in contact with the coffee. Wait? An hour! He quickly got down from the table and turned off the water. First he had to cleanup this mess, then change clothes, then talk to SeungHyun and drive there. Hurry!


While he was cleaning up the mess that he had made with the mug and coffee, he heard the front door open and close. He hurried as fast as he could to get the last bit of coffee soaked up and threw the pieces from the mug out in the trash can, just when YoungBae came in.


“Oh, hey.” YoungBae said and DaeSung smiled while he acted like nothing, hiding his hand a little behind his back as he leaned up against the kitchen table with his hip.


“Hey. What were you doing when I called you?” DaeSung asked curious and YoungBae smiled a little to himself.


“You are really curious about everything I do. I can leave you a message every time I do something.” YoungBae and DaeSung stuck his tongue out at him.


“That’s not an answer! And I would actually be happy that you leave a note when you go away from the apartment and not tell me in person.” DaeSung said with a new gained smile, liking the fact that he could know where he was going and what he was doing.


“You are a marshmallow.” YoungBae just said and walked out of the door again, smiling to himself. DaeSung realized that he didn’t get an answer and was just about to call him back, when he remembered that he was in a hurry. Maybe it was a good thing that he left, so he could get the last things done. While he changed his clothes, he looked at the sleeping SeungHyun. He had been asleep for so long now, that it almost worried DaeSung, but he just let him sleep and hoped that he would get better from the sleep. After securing he had the newspaper with him, he went out the door again and carefully closed it behind him. YoungBae came out from his own room and sent him a smile.


“Hyung, can you look after SeungHyun? He is sleeping now, but when he wakes up, can you tell him that I went to see JiYong?” DaeSung asked him with a cute smile.


“Yeah of course. Is he sleeping now? And what do you have to talk with JiYong about?” YoungBae asked with his arms crossed over his chest. DaeSung smiled secretly.


“Well, I guess this is my turn to reject to tell what I’m going to do. And yes he is asleep.” He answered with a tease and walked past him to the hall.


“Are you telling me where you are going at least?” YoungBae asked when he walked away from him.


“YG-building!” DaeSung answered with a raised voice from the hall, as he put on his jacket.


“Okay!” YoungBae said and went to the kitchen again. DaeSung looked at his red hand, and concluded that it maybe was a little too red not to be left unnoticed, but he couldn’t do anything to hide it because JiYong would flip if he saw it be in bandage, so he just had to hide it as well as he could.


“Bye!” DaeSung yelled as he closed the door behind him and went to his car. He was glad that he could drive his car again without fearing to get into any accident, how his brain had made that turn he wasn’t really sure of, but it was nice. After getting into the car and turned it on, he drove to the YG-building where JiYong had just arrived. They shared a hug and both were smiling.


“Hey Hyung.” DaeSung said while they were about to release each other from the hug again. JiYong patted his shoulder and put an arm around his shoulders to lead him into the building. DaeSung still had the newspaper with him, so he could show JiYong it.


“So DaeSung. How is everything?” JiYong asked friendly while walking. DaeSung shrugged a little, not completely sure of how everything was.


“Up and down? Well, at least SeungHyun is getting better, but he sleeps really much lately, so that’s a bit concerning. YoungBae is acting strange, so I’m not sure what to do about him, oh well… What about SeungRi? It’s two days since I saw him, is he still okay?” DaeSung asked with a kind smile, and they stopped in the hallway waiting for the elevator.


“Hmm… That’s weird. Maybe he is just really tired from all the medicine? And YoungBae has always acted strange… SeungRi is on top again, even though it hurts sometimes.” JiYong said and DaeSung burst out laughing so hard that his stomach started to hurt. JiYong looked confused at first, but then realized what he had just said, causing him to crack too.


“No! That was not what I meant!” JiYong quickly said while he tried to get some air into his lungs. DaeSung was still laughing like crazy.


“Come on Dae! You know I didn’t mean it like that.” JiYong said as he tried to get the wrong to right again. DaeSung stopped laughing bit by bit, but the laughter didn’t stop yet.


“I know, but that just came out SO wrong!” DaeSung chuckled. The elevator opened the doors that slid to the side and they went in it. JiYong pressed the button for 3rd floor.


“Sorry, it wasn’t my intention to make it sound like that. But it is sad… You must know? That there is no for weeks…” JiYong said, actually sounding serious, but he had a smile on his face that wasn’t able to be placed in a scale from joking to happy to sad. DaeSung got his point and made a sigh from the same thoughts.


“Oh yeah, I have experienced that feeling a few times.” DaeSung answered with a sound that showed he was understating the “few times”. JiYong smiled a little from the conversation twist. The elevator door opened again and they stepped out on the 3rd floor, walking down to one of the rooms for rest with couches and a cozy atmosphere.


“That makes four of us.” JiYong answered him with a smile and a sigh combined. DaeSung laughed a little and opened the door to the room and they went inside, as JiYong closed the door after them. DaeSung threw himself on the nearest couch, putting the newspaper on the table.


“Oh well, let’s talk about something else.” DaeSung said more like a mumble, and JiYong nodded thoughtful. He sat down in the couch beside the one DaeSung was on.


“We should do it.” JiYong said, almost sounding like a suggestion. DaeSung’s eyes widened.


“What? NO!” DaeSung exclaimed with a deep shock in his face and JiYong looked confused. Then he started laughing like hell.


“No! I didn’t mean it like that! I wanted to say “That” instead of “It”. Oh how I sound like an idiot today!” JiYong managed to say through his laugh. DaeSung calmed down again and took in a deep breath to let it go again. It had felt like a heart attack he had just had.


“In a few minutes I thought you had lost your senses.” DaeSung said almost breathless, making JiYong smile a little because of the obvious misunderstanding. But he couldn’t blame DaeSung for that reaction.


“Have I ever had a good common sense?” JiYong asked him, while leaning on the arm rest on the couch. DaeSung smiled while shaking his head, agreeing with him.


“I’m not sure about that.” He answered with a slight tease in his voice. JiYong smirked as he looked down, but lifted his head again after a moment.


“What would you have done if I was serious?” JiYong joked and DaeSung smiled.


“What would you have done if I said yes?” DaeSung joked back, making JiYong laugh from the turn.


“Well, if I meant it, then I would probably do it, but luckily I don’t want to.” JiYong answered him while smirking and DaeSung laughed a little while shaking his head to get those thoughts out of his mind. With a new different kind of smile, DaeSung moved closer to him and lay down on his stomach, holding his head with his hands that was supported from his elbows on the couch. He fixed his eyes on his face and looked into his eyes.


“What do you mean by “luckily”? Am I not hot enough or maybe not good enough for someone like you?” DaeSung asked sounding what would be like seduction, tilting his head, making a smile that almost looked like a smirk. He shifted his position from lying on his stomach to sit up, almost next to JiYong.


“Wow Dae. That’s not what I meant.” JiYong said much taken aback from the sudden change.


“Then… What did you mean?” DaeSung asked while getting closer to him. JiYong felt weird and knew nothing of what he should do with something like this. Why did he suddenly be like that? It actually scared him.


“I… I didn’t say that you weren’t hot or anything… But… But I am in love with SeungRi, so… So I don’t want you.” JiYong stuttered through his words because DaeSung kept leaning closer, so his face was only inches apart. DaeSung smiled a little more.


“Good boy.” DaeSung said with a cute smile and patted his head. JiYong looked at him with wide eyes and felt like he was pushed in a corner. DaeSung removed himself very quickly from him and sat back in the seat.


“Now I know that you can be trusted.” DaeSung stated as he smiled with a small chuckle. JiYong looked confused, but then he got his point. He sighed deeply and rolled his eyes.


“So you just did that to make sure that I wouldn’t jump anyone I was seduced by because I couldn’t be with SeungRi?” JiYong asked with a serious tone in his voice. DaeSung laughed a little.


“Yeah. I did.” He answered bluntly, causing JiYong to sigh heavily.


“You’re an idiot. And I would never cheat on SeungRi. What if I had actually jumped you?” JiYong asked with a raised eyebrow. DaeSung smiled slyly.


“Then I would top.” DaeSung answered him, laughing a little. JiYong had wide eyes and refused to think of DaeSung like that.


“Come on Ji! I’m kidding! I would never do anything like that against SeungHyun, and I found out you wouldn’t do anything like that either. But it was fun watching your face like that.” DaeSung confessed and laughed slightly at him. JiYong rolled his eyes and hit him rather hard on his shoulder.


“You really are an idiot. But I must admit that now I know why SeungHyun likes you.” JiYong answered him finally he could see something funny from it. DaeSung smiled at him from what he said.


“So you think that was something? Oh you are really naïve.” DaeSung said with a laugh. JiYong raised an eyebrow and frowned.


“I’m not sure that I want to know what you can do.” JiYong said with a smile that underlined what he meant. DaeSung just shrugged to show that he wasn’t going to tell anyway. He looked at the table and saw the newspaper that had been lying there all the time.


“Hey! I just remembered what I wanted to meet you about.” DaeSung quickly said and picked up the newspaper. JiYong looked at him with a frown to see what he was up to. DaeSung handed him the paper and pointed out the front page.


“I think that those guys who was there, was the same guys that beat up SeungRi.” DaeSung exclaimed as he looked up the page where the text was on, and let JiYong read it. When he was done he looked at DaeSung again.


“It could very well be. But we can’t just expect that. Even though, it sounds like a true description of them.” JiYong said while looking in the newspaper on the text and another picture of two black body bags.


“Yeah, you are right.” DaeSung just answered and looked at the same picture.


“But why would they wear masks here and not when they attacked SeungRi? If they are the same anyway. This is bright sunlight, but it weren’t in the middle of the night when they attacked SeungRi? Any person would be able to walk past there?” JiYong said a little confused. DaeSung made a small sigh.


“Maybe because it weren’t daylight and most people doesn’t come near places where people fight.  People would be able to hear something like that, at least in the street. There are a lot of houses with lots of apartments, but no one called the police or anything to stop what happened.” DaeSung mentioned the last thing in thoughts to himself.


“But wouldn’t most people try to stop that?” JiYong was still confused by it all. In his head these guys weren’t the same as SeungRi’s attackers. Maybe just a frail hope that they weren’t.


“Would you? Think about how much you would be involved in if you did anything. If the victim died, you would be the only witness and be questioned over and over again. If you contact the police and the men got away, you can be caught by them, and killed yourself. People don’t help others. They don’t want to be involved in anything that could hurt them.” DaeSung softly said and leaned back in the couch where he crossed his legs under him, resting his elbows on each knee.  JiYong thought about it for a minute.


“You are right. I wouldn’t when you put it that way.” He muttered while still looking at the newspaper. DaeSung made a single nod and put his head in his hands.


“So what do you think about it? Could it be an opportunity that it was them, or are we just on the wrong track?” DaeSung asked. JiYong shrugged while he was thinking.


“Maybe they are, but I’m not sure that it would be them. But I have an idea of how we could find those who actually did it.” JiYong said as he finally looked at DaeSung. His eyes were unreadable for DaeSung, so he frowned and tilted his head.


“How?” He just asked and JiYong sent him a weak smile. DaeSung looked at him with an expression that was close to fear in his eyes when JiYong told him. He shook his head a little, and tried to collect his jaw that had ended on the floor. JiYong sighed, maybe it would be a bad idea, but it could be able to succeed.



A/N: Wow... Before I started this chapter, I realized that I had only planned this story to be a one-shot. Now I have 24 chapters and lots of great readers, amazing subscribers and lovely commentors! It's just wild to think how this story turned out from the first chapter, that actually should be the only thing in this story. Wow it certainly developed. But thanks for all of your support and love my delightful readers! Hope you will like the rest of the story that will get going for a while still. :D

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)