A Stranger's "I Love You"

I Pray For Us


DaeSung woke up next to a still sleeping SeungHyun. He softly caressed his chest with a hand and smiled slightly to himself. These kinds of mornings were always nice, just being in bed and nothing was wrong. Sometimes DaeSung couldn’t sleep, and that was when he heard those small noises that SeungHyun made when he was in pain, which only caused DaeSung to be in lack of sleep completely. But nothing had been tonight, and DaeSung had slept like a rock. Softly he put his head down on SeungHyun’s good shoulder and kissed his neck with a slight touch from his lips. SeungHyun made a small noise that indicated that he was about to wake up. DaeSung smiled by his “Morning-wake-up-call”, which actually worked.


“You have slept tonight.” SeungHyun muttered tiredly, still with his eyes closed and looking asleep. DaeSung blushed slightly by the mention of sleeping.


“You noticed?” He asked nervously. Actually he thought that SeungHyun hadn’t noticed since he hadn’t said anything. Maybe he had just pushed it away to see if it went away, and maybe he didn’t know what caused the insomnia?


“Of course.” SeungHyun answered bluntly and opened his eyes, looking into DaeSung’s eyes. His eyes were still tired, and somewhat concerned for his boyfriend’s health, but DaeSung looked fresh and rested.


“I’m sorry.” DaeSung softly mumbled and got squeezed into a half hug, earning a kiss too. SeungHyun smiled slightly, still a little sleepy.


“Don’t apologize.” He answered and kissed the tip of his nose. DaeSung laughed slightly, his normal and cute self was again stepping forward. SeungHyun smiled from the clear change of DaeSung’s personality.


“I love you, you know that right?” DaeSung suddenly asked and SeungHyun smiled by his not really new confession. But it was always nice to hear those words. He remembered how hard it had been for him in the start, and it sure had improved.


“I know, and I love you too silly.” SeungHyun answered, causing DaeSung to laugh slightly at the last word. DaeSung cuddle a little closer and kissed his shoulder with a cute smile. SeungHyun smiled to himself, feeling the happiness of having him here beside him, having him lying here and loving him none the less. After all what had happened, and the fact that all of this was his fault, he still loved him like nothing had happened at all. Loving him unconditional, could be a bad thing though. Maybe he would hurt him so bad that everything would be lost. Hopefully that would never happen.


“What are you thinking about?” DaeSung softly asked, just making SeungHyun realize that DaeSung had been studying him for a while, all the time he had been lost in his deep thoughts.


“You.” He bluntly answered and DaeSung looked interested at him. Clearly wanting to know what he was thinking and SeungHyun knew that already before he looked at him. That was a stupid answer he gave him, now he just had to figure out what to say. He couldn’t really say that he was afraid of hurting him.


“Just with all that happened, and you.” SeungHyun answered DaeSung’s interested questionable expression. DaeSung nodded into his chest and tried to understand. He was sure though, that no matter what happened, he would always stand by his side, no matter what. Except if SeungHyun threw him away then it would be kind of impossible. SeungHyun softly caressed his side, which made DaeSung flinch.


“Oh you got cold hands.”DaeSung laughed and put his hand on top of SeungHyun’s to let it rest on his hip and tried to warm it. SeungHyun smiled a little after the half shock that DaeSung had caused from the flinch. He could never leave him, as long as he was with him, he would always stay strong.


“You know what?” DaeSung softly said after a while in silence between the two of them. Not any kind of awkward silence, just thoughtful silence.


“No Angel?” SeungHyun answered and let his thumb caressed the skin on DaeSung’s side, making him smile a little.


“I have been thinking… Maybe YoungBae didn’t want to move with all of us, because we are all together-ish. It must be hard on him not to have the same thing with anyone.” DaeSung said and SeungHyun thought for a second.


“I guess you are right. Then we should find him one?” He suggested, and it caused DaeSung to laugh slightly, though not with much sound.


“I don’t even know what he is into.” DaeSung answered and this time it was SeungHyun’s time to laugh.


“You have been living together for God knows how long and you are telling me that you don’t know?” SeungHyun said like a tease and DaeSung shrugged, smiling to himself from the thought that was quite true.


“Not really. We haven’t really discussed that matter.” DaeSung answered and smiled into SeungHyun’s shoulder, giving it a quick kiss when he removed his head from that position and back to his chest.


“Okay, try to slip it into a conversation and let us handle it.” SeungHyun said with a tease and DaeSung laughed, giving SeungHyun a gentle slap on the stomach.


“Why am I the one to do that?” He asked as he laughed and SeungHyun shrugged with the good shoulder that DaeSung was half lying on. Suddenly DaeSung’s phone told him that he had received a message. He sighed deeply and rolled away from SeungHyun to get his phone.


“Who is it?” SeungHyun asked with a curious voice. DaeSung smiled at him, but his expression changed quickly when he saw the message.


You have to help me now. I’m in trouble and I need you. The place I’m at is just around the corner from the supermarket. Please come alone.


DaeSung looked confused as it was JiYong who had texted him. Quickly DaeSung got out of the bed and rushed to his closet.


“What’s wrong? Dae! What’s wrong?” SeungHyun said for the 4th time, but DaeSung was so out of his mind that he didn’t really hear him. After yelling at him for the 5th time, SeungHyun tried to get out of the bed, trying to get the good leg out of the bed edge firs, but it only hurt in his shoulder and then the other leg. DaeSung rushed to him when he saw what he was about to do.


“I’m sorry Hyung. Lay down. Ji is in trouble and I got to see him. Sorry. I will soon be back!” DaeSung said as he tried to sooth him a bit, but the words were of no comfort for SeungHyun. He was already about to get up again, but DaeSung pushed him down once more.


“Stay down. I will be back very soon.” DaeSung quickly said and kissed him, almost running towards the door.


“Where are you going?!” SeungHyun yelled after him, but the door made a huge *SMACK* and he was gone. With an annoyed noise, SeungHyun once again tried to get out of the bed. He had to find YoungBae so he could go after him. Because “trouble” didn’t sound very nice in his ears.


“YOUNGBAE!” SeungHyun yelled as he was halfway out of the bed. He wasn’t properly dressed, but he didn’t care one bit right now. DaeSung shouldn’t go out alone, and indeed not when JiYong was in trouble. Because trouble right now, meant those idiots – probably. He could hear quick steps outside the door and YoungBae opened the door fully when he reached it.


“What’s wrong Hyung?” YoungBae quickly asked before he noticed that he wasn’t properly dressed, and already half out of the bed. SeungHyun hissed in pain and YoungBae rushed to him and tried to get him down. Somehow YoungBae couldn’t help but look at his body, but what caught his attention the most, was the bandage around his shoulder and the scar from the gunshot in his stomach. It had healed pretty well.


“DaeSung has just run out the door to find JiYong, who is obviously in trouble and I bet it is those guys again. They can’t be alone, and I can’t help. YoungBae, please help me by helping them.” SeungHyun said, almost begging him to do something. YoungBae’s eyes widened and he nodded.


“Of course Hyung. I will find them immediately. Please don’t get up.” YoungBae said as he hurried to the door. SeungHyun surrendered and nodded as he agreed with him that he wouldn’t leave the bed.


“See you Hyung.” YoungBae quickly said as he closed the door and got his jacket and shoes on, leaving the apartment just after.




DaeSung rushed out of the apartment, just jumping into his car and drove out of the parking lot. It didn’t take long to find the corner by the supermarket. It was a wonder for him, why JiYong had driven all the way there to shop, but right now that wasn’t the major point. He stopped on the parking space and jumped out of his car. Why didn’t he bring a weapon? DaeSung mentally slapped himself for that, because it was stupid not to have. After those thoughts, he went around the corner, but very carefully. A person stood at the spot where it could have been JiYong, but it sure wasn’t. Instead the man he least wanted to see in the world was standing there – that leader guy again.


“Didn’t I tell you to leave us alone?” DaeSung asked annoyed to see him being there. The guy turned towards him fully and smiled, somehow it was a weird smile.


“Yeah, but I had to meet you again.” The leader answered and DaeSung looked confused. Where was JiYong anyway? What had he done to him?


“Why? And where’s my friend?” DaeSung quickly asked, not liking this situation one tiny bit. The leader smirked and made a small sound, which most of all sounded like a sneeze.


“He’s not here. And he never was. I hacked into his phone through my computer and texted you. It’s very easy.” The man answered him, not answering his first question. DaeSung looked astonished, but not in a good way.


“Then why did you have to see me?” DaeSung asked, not the least amused by his stupid game, or whatever it was that he was doing. The man smiled and looked almost nervous. But DaeSung guessed it was just him who had gone a bit crazy.


“I wanted to hear if you had changed your mind about my offer?” The leader asked and DaeSung quickly shook his head.


“No way! I haven’t and I never will!” He almost exclaimed as he took a step back, all ready to flee if something should happen. The leader moved closer, but DaeSung just walked backwards whenever he took a step closer. He liked to keep the distance between them.


“Why are you doing all this? When did SeungHyun do anything to a girl, and why are you haunting me?” DaeSung asked confused, getting a little stubborn about all of this. He wanted answers, and he wanted them now.


“I’m doing this because of you, and SeungHyun never did any girl, anything. This was just my excuse.” The man almost in front of him said. DaeSung was ready to drop his jar, and completely forgot to step back when the guy stepped closer.


“WHAT?!” DaeSung suddenly yelled when he realized that all they went through. Shooting, stabbing, killings, and hurt, without any reason! DaeSung could smack him right there, hit him and perhaps turn his head around four times, just to be sure that he was dead or something.


“I’m sorry to cause all of these troubles. Please come with me and let me explain to you.” The guy said and almost with soft hands took DaeSung’s hand, but he ripped it away again with an angry movement. A single tear was running down from his one eye, a tear he didn’t even know was coming.


“Never! I will never go with you anywhere! Go away! Disappear and for the hundredths time, just leave us be!” DaeSung quickly said and actually pushed him a step away. All of this and for nothing? Didn’t he care about the people he was with? Didn’t he care about their deaths?


“I’m sorry DaeSung, just let me explain this to you?” The man asked him, but DaeSung shook his head. He took a step back, but in the wrong direction, and was now standing with his back against the cold concrete wall. Just now he realized that he wasn’t wearing a jacket. Before he could get away again, the man was in front of him, not too close, but he made it impossible for DaeSung to get away.


“I don’t need any more words from you. Just go away please.” DaeSung said in a lower voice, not wanting to yell anymore, because he could see that it didn’t make him go away. The man stepped a little closer and DaeSung felt intimidated, not wanting him any closer.


“I won’t leave you until you have heard what I want to say, or else I will just find you again. Maybe a place where you can’t escape, and that could very well be your home.” The person almost just right in front of him said, leaving DaeSung in thoughts. He should listen to him now. It would be too much of a risk to leave him and give him the opportunity to get into his home, where SeungHyun and YoungBae also were.


“Fine.” DaeSung answered, sounding a little cold towards him. He didn’t like this one tiny bit, and he didn’t like this guy, not the least.


“Let me start with who I am. My name is Lee Jin Gang.” The man said, causing DaeSung to frown. He knew that name. From somewhere, but he wasn’t sure where.


“Don’t I know you?” DaeSung softly asked careful not to sound interested. Jin Gang smiled and nodded, to DaeSung’s big fear.


“You remember my name. That’s very kind of you.” Jin Gang answered and DaeSung looked at him with confused eyes and a frown as expression.


“But from where? Did we go to school together?” DaeSung asked in wonder, and suddenly it hit him. That yes, they had been to school together, and even classmates for a while. Jin Gang smiled when he noticed the expression on DaeSung’s face changed, as he without words, understood where he knew him from.


“You are quick. I still like that about you.” Jin Gang said as he studied him, mostly his face and expressions. DaeSung looked confused at him, not sure what to think about all of this. First he was a classmate, then a person who tried to kill them and now a man who tried to what? Hit on him or something?


“Wait… All those things you did… Why? If you wanted to talk to me, then why didn’t you just do that?” DaeSung asked in pure wonder, not sure why all of this had happened when they could have settled it peacefully.

“I want to explain it to you, but not here. Come with me, just as an old classmate, and let’s have a cup of coffee?” Jin Gang suggested, seeing that DaeSung wasn’t sure if that was a good idea. He looked to his left and saw YoungBae at his car, looking inside.


“Fine.” DaeSung quickly said as he turned away from the place where YoungBae was. He couldn’t see him with him like this. It was not a good idea, but he started to worry about him, because he couldn’t drive properly and all those things with the wound on his chest. Why was he here anyway? He should be home and resting. Jin Gang led them behind the supermarket and a little down the street to a small, but rather cozy coffee shop where they entered. DaeSung sat down and Jin Gang sat down in front of him, deep inside the shop so they could look out of the window, but not be seen through it.


“Tell me. Explain all of this to me.” DaeSung demanded. The guy in front of him suddenly felt uneasy. A lady gave them their coffees, but none of them took it when it was placed in front of them. Only DaeSung said thanks, just to be polite.


“Speak.” DaeSung almost demanded and Jin Gang looked down into the table, then down into his cup and started slowly turning the spoon around in it.


“You stopped at the school to become a singer, and I thought that you would never go anywhere with it, but suddenly you where known all over Korea, and more people came to know you. I started to feel jealous. Not on you, but all the others. Your group and other people who were able to be close to you every day. I wanted that too… But those days were over, and I never saw you again. I started getting into gang stuff and ended out pretty bad with all of that, but at the end I was pretty big in my gang, so I made up a story about SeungHyun having killed a girl, and I’m sorry for that. But I had to give a good reason for killing him. But when I tried to get him down, all of your guys from that group of yours started fighting back, and killed my men. Not that I’m sad about it, you actually released me from the gang, so I’m kind of grateful for that. Though I had to take some beating for it... I just want to say that I’m terribly sorry for it all and my jealousy and selfishness was a bad thing that caused lots of trouble for you.” Jin Gang finished what he said, leaving DaeSung with at least thousand questions which were still unanswered.


“But why? You wanted to kill everyone around me, but why?” DaeSung asked almost breathless. He had figured out that the guy maybe liked him, but what he had done was a little too crazy for just a simple crush, right?


“Because I like you. I wanted to be with you. From the day you stepped into the classroom, so many years ago, I liked you. Everything about you. The smile, and bright eyes, the way you walk and talk, just everything.” Jin Gang answered. DaeSung’s eyes widened and he shook his head, trying not to hit him or something. Instead he got up from his seat and held both of his hands on the table as he supported his weight on them.


“I don’t know why you would do all this, just to get me. But one thing is for sure. The way you did it, was not a good way. It was the worst way. Go away from me now, and this is my warning. I don’t want to see you ever again, and leave me and the others alone. You promised the first time, but this time, I will promise you one thing… Fans doesn’t like when people treat their idols badly, and if your name gets out among them, and they know what you did, you don’t want to walk the streets ever again.” DaeSung looked him into the eyes as he threatened him. He had never wanted to do anything like that, but he knew one thing for sure. That some of their fans was indeed crazy enough to either beat him up or actually kill him, for what he had done. And so Jin Gang knew, which made him swallow hard from the slight fear he felt.


“DaeSung, please listen to me…” Jin Gang said slowly and tried to explain something, putting a hand on top of DaeSung’s which was on the table. DaeSung looked down at their hands, but didn’t remove his own. Instead he bent down towards him, fire in his eyes as he wanted to hit him.


“First thing, let go of me. Second thing, don’t try anything with me. I don’t like you and I don’t want to be yours. Leave me and the others alone, leave everyone alone and go away.” DaeSung said as if he could spit fire. It clearly worked because Jin Gang pulled back his hand.


“I will leave you alone and the others. But listen to these words. I love you. And remember that.” Jin Gang said as he got up too. Were those tears that DaeSung noticed in his eyes? A soft spot in his heart felt like giving him a hug, but he tried to keep the feeling of hate towards him. Maybe he just was too good of a person to be mad at someone.


“Thank you. And I will remember those words. It would be hard to forget.” He said and Jin Gang actually smiled slightly. DaeSung still felt the urge to hug him, but he kept refusing himself. He couldn’t hug him, not even giving him the slightest of touch, it would be wrong, and he wouldn’t like to touch him after all those things he had done. Jin Gang let out a hand, probably for a handshake, but DaeSung just looked at his hand and didn’t reach out for it.


“Please? For a goodbye.” Jin Gang begged and DaeSung surrendered. It was only a handshake, not like a hug or anything. DaeSung doubted himself a bit before he took the hand and was quickly pulled into those arms of the half stranger who had almost killed all of them. He had strong arms, very strong indeed. DaeSung could feel the muscles in them, tensed and he was held in a firm grip. Now he also understood why he didn’t get hurt during the fight. Obviously Jin Gang had ordered them not to hurt him, and the man on the phone had said yes to whatever he wanted. Unbelievable… This was really true.

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Chapter 35: SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Chapter 12: NO,no,no,no,no,NO! Why, why did you do that TOP?! Why?
Excuse me, i am really curious what's with the seunghyun ghost. Gotta find out. Love the story author. :-)
Chapter 6: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh, todae, better then GTop in my opinion, the one story "without you, i'm.....nothing" caused it. They are just more fit, i dunno i guess it's sweeter and more innocent.
Chapter 32: I've been reading this story for soo long. I was on the vacation meanwhile, so I had no time to read. But now just 2 more chapters which I'll read tommorow,cause it's actually late night.
All I can say is ... once again ...This story is really stunning. I was expecting maybe that some boredom would appear with the increasing number of chapters but it was/is always same good :)
Really melting from Dae/YB I don't know the name of this ''pair'' somehow I've never ship them ... till now (?) xD so ... from their actions. I was hoping that it would transform in something more (you know just for more action xD )
And this chapter with GD xD y beast as well as Seungri-amazing.
I noticed you posted something about the sequel , so I can't wait and I'm going to check it immediately :)
Chapter 35: a sequel would be great..
Chapter 35: a sequel would be greatly loved!
Chapter 35: Yes!!
A sequel please!! ^^
Chapter 35: Please do a sequel for this story!
I'd love to read how their love live after went thru all those problems...

Sequel juseyo :-)