Living With 12 Idols

One Girl


EXO stood there staring at Lay in confusion.

“What are you talking about?” Kris was the first one to speak.

Lay turned and walked back outside, he took your hand and brought you into the house.

You were uncertain with this. Living in a house with 12 idols? There’s no way they would accept you.

As you entered the house, every pair of eyes were on you in absolute shock. You hung your head to hide your tear stained face. You were humiliated.

Kris coughed to break the silence, “Lay can I talk to you for a minute?”

Your grip on Lay’s hand tightened, he looked down at your face with a reassuring smile. He left to go talk to Kris leaving you alone with the 10 others. You didn’t dare move or make eye contact with them.

Finally, Baekhyun approached you. He held out a glass of water to you with a warm smile. You took it with weak, shaking hands. He made sure you had a firm grip on it before letting go.

“Thanks.” You croaked, before looking back down at your feet.

“Hey,” Baekhyun said in a soft voice, lifting your chin so your eyes would meet his, “why don’t we all sit down and you can tell us what happened?”

You slightly nodded and he smiled.

You told them everything. Starting from your parent’s death, all the way to what happened today. You couldn’t help but cry when you told the story over again.

The group had no response. They couldn’t believe what had happened.

“Well, you’re welcome to stay with us as long as you need.” Suho gave you a warm smile and placed a caring hand over yours. You managed a smile but he could tell it was forced.




Kris closed the bedroom door behind him.

“What were you thinking?!” He snapped at Lay.

“What are you talking about?” Lay was trying to stay calm.

“Why would you bring her in? This could all be some sort of scheme!” Kris sneered.

Lay laughed, “A scheme?! Kris, get your head out of the clouds. Not everyone is some crazed fan.”

“We hardly even know her!” Kris didn’t like the idea of a stranger living with them.

“Well what would you do? Leave her on the streets?! It’s getting closer to winter and there’s no way she would be able to survive out there!” Lay took a step closer to Kris but he wasn’t intimidated by him. Kris was much taller than he was.

“We don’t know what the hell some of those girls are capable of!” Kris’s voice was beginning to get louder.

“You’re right, we don’t. But I’m convinced that Kyung mi isn’t one of those girls. And I’m sure that the rest of the group would agree with me. Face it Kris, not every girl in this world is dying to get their hands on us. Get off of your high horse and bring yourself back to reality.” Lay sneered and walked out of the room, bumping shoulders with Kris. He slightly jumped at the sound of the door slamming. Kris was stunned, Lay rarely lost his temper. However, he still wasn’t convinced. You might have approached them differently than other girls did, but you were up to something. 

Lay and Kris joined the rest of EXO in the living room.

“Alright, let’s cut to the chase. Where is she going to sleep?” Kris glanced over at you, but there wasn’t any kindness on his face.

“Why doesn’t she room with us?” Suho suggested.

“Are you sure? I can sleep on the couch or something…” You were warmed by Suho’s kindness but felt uncomfortable for intruding.

“No don’t be silly, we have an extra bed. Unless sleeping in a room with 3 guys makes you feel uncomfortable?” Suho’s face went from a warm smile to concerned.

“No, I’m okay with it if you all are.” You bit your bottom lip, starting to get a bit shy. You really hoped that you didn’t snore.

“I’ll show you to your room.” Chen smiled and went to go grab your luggage. You followed him upstairs.

“So who are the others that are in this room?” You asked while looking around the big room.

“It’s just me, Lay and Suho,” He looked around the room one more time before saying, “Let me help you with your stuff.” He gave you a warm smile and helped you unpack.

Once you two were finished, you went to go join the group downstairs but you found them with their shoes on by the front door.

As you opened your mouth to say something, Chen took the words out of your mouth, “What’s going on?”

“Food.” Chanyeol said without expression.

D.O. rolled his eyes, “This guy is an endless pit.”

You laughed to yourself.  The 12 of them have so much character.

“Alright let’s go.” Suho smiled at you as he opened the door. 

You walked to the market with these 12 crazy guys. You mostly stayed with Lay though, he seemed like the most levelheaded one of the group.


After you all had finished shopping for food, you finally made it to the cashier.

“Here guys, let me pay.” You offered, feeling guilty for just living in their house without any expense.

“No don’t worry about it, our manager pays for everything.” Baekhyun winked at you. You couldn’t help but blush.

“Okay well at least let me carry the bags.” You went to go grab them but someone cut you off.

“I’ll carry them.” Tao was about to pick up the bags of food when Kris took them from him.

“Tao, after what happened last time, you’re not carrying the bags.” Kris gave Tao a stern look and Tao pouted.

Kris and Suho each carried an equal share of the bags with ease.

“So, Kyung mi, how’s the math homework coming?” Kai appeared by your side as you all were on your way home.

“Don’t even get me started.” You scoffed. Math was your worst subject.

“Well, you can always ask me for help.” He gave you a warm smile.

“You’re good at math?” You said in surprise.

“I might be!” He smirked and gave you a wink before catching up with Sehun and Luhan.

What the heck is that supposed to mean? You sighed in exhaustion but continued to walk.


When you got to the house, you helped EXO put away the groceries. It didn’t take long considering there were 13 of you.

“Can I help with dinner?” You asked with a slight smile.

“I think you should get some rest. We’ll take care of dinner.” Lay flashed his dimples as he smiled at you.

“We will?” Sehun complained. Lay elbowed him in the side, “Ow!” He pouted, rubbing his ribcage.

“We will.” Lay’s dimples reappeared. He then shooed you off to go take a nap and assured you that they will wake you up when dinner was ready.



“We’ll be back soon sweety.” Your umma kissed your forehead.

“We’ll only be gone for a week. Be good.”

“Okay appa.” A tear streamed down your face as your parents closed the door behind them, leaving you alone with your aunt and uncle.

“ it up princess, it’s not the end of the world.” Your uncle spat at you. You were only 7 years old.

They immediately put you to work. Washing the windows, cleaning the floors, doing the dishes… Things a 7 year old should not be doing.

~A week later~

“Where are umma and appa?” You waited anxiously by the door, waiting for the arrival of your parents.

“They’re not coming back. Now go get dressed.” Your aunt said with absolutely no emotion.  

“Get dressed for what?”

“The funeral.” Your aunt walked away. You fell to your knees, the whole house collapsing with you and burring you underneath it.

UMMA!” You shouted as you jumped awake. You woke up in a cold sweat, shaking uncontrollably. You sat up and saw Lay’s concerned face staring down at you. You were trying to catch your breath, breathing heavily in and out.

“Are you alright?” Lay asked, sitting down next to you.

“Yeah,” you swallowed, “just a bad dream.” You wiped the cold sweat of off your forehead.

Lay got off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom. He returned with a damp, warm cloth.

“Here,” He gently wiped your face with the cloth before handing it to you to do the rest.

“Thanks.” He was looking at you with interest, searching your eyes. He snapped himself out of his daze and cleared his throat.

“Dinner’s ready.” He stood up and left the room quietly. You took a few moments to regain yourself and made your way downstairs to the dining room table.

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HA. When did I even promise you guys that update... it's been ages.


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Chapter 32: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 32: Haha soo funny!!! Update soon!!! =D
Chapter 32: Update soon author-nim!!!! It's soo fun to read!!!! keep up the great work! ^^
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh this chapter is hilarious. I laughed SO much. I LOVE YOUR STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!
mvkingzero #5
Chapter 32: I really really love your story!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Chapter 32: jesus ing chrost brigi I CANT BREATHE
also the officer booty thing, i may or may not have punched myself in the mouth to keep from squawking like a dying bird
Chapter 32: i like the stories,it amazing,
can't wait to see you updating this stories!
please update it faster!!!!!!!!
btw,good job!
Chapter 32: lol i wait for 12023892782298392 years to see u update hahahaha finallly:)) good job anyway
Chapter 31: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 31: OMO, I loved the "rope" on the floor xD