Deja Vu

One Girl



After the commotion you finally got to school, late of course.

“What a perfect way to start the last year of high school.” You mumbled to yourself, hoping this wasn’t a sign of how the rest of your year was going to be. You sighed as you took a seat in your first class of the day.

“Did your uncle beat you up again?” A girl snickered behind you, noticing the bruise on your face, and her friends laughed along. You kept quiet, mostly because you didn’t care at all what they thought, but also because you didn’t have a comeback. You slouched in your chair as your head began to pound. You winced in pain but then lit up when you saw your best friend walking into the room.

“Soonyi!” Your face brightened as she made her way over to the desk beside you.

“Are you ready for the last year of high school?” She said, making a face. 

“As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess.” You laughed.

“Omo, what happened to your nose?” She gasped as concern crossed her face.

“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s a long story.” You waved her off.

“Everybody take your seats. Choose wisely, this is where you will be sitting for the rest of the semester. If changes need to be made, I will personally move you.” The teacher’s voice sounded stern and harsh. Her face was even more so. Her eyes focused in on you and her glare was enough to make a chill run down your spine. “Young lady, what do you think you’re doing?!” You looked around to make sure she was speaking to you. “Sit up straight! There will be no slouching in my classroom, disrespectful girl.” She said the last part under her breath, but made sure it was loud enough so you could hear.

Yet you haven’t done anything, this teacher already had it in for you.

This is just perfect. How could this day get any worse?

You were hoping that things could only get better from here, but of course with your luck, it will probably go in the other direction.



It was finally lunch and you were relieved to have a break from classes for a short time. You began to pick up your books, and walked out of the classroom with Soonyi at your side. The halls were extremely busy with students talking about their summer and others trying to find where they were going.

“Oof!” You were winded as someone bumped into you hard enough to send you and your books flying to the ground.

Instead of hearing an apology, the boy who ran into you said bitterly, “You should watch where you’re going.” He then continued to rush off in the other direction.

Gosh, Déjà vu. You scoffed to yourself and began to pick up your books. Rotten kid.




"That girl was... Different." D.O. said while getting back into the car. 

Yeah... very different. Kris was quiet in the back of the vehicle.  

“Wait, what happened? Why do I always miss everything?!” Sehun was sitting next to Luhan. Neither of them knew what was going on.

"It's because you're always too busy puking or something..." Xiumin mumbled from his seat and a rather rude comment from the younger boy.

“I can’t decide if this is a good thing or a bad thing,” Lay finally spoke up, not seeming all too interested in Sehun's and Xuimin's death stare contest.

“Guys, what’s the big deal? It was just one girl.” Chanyeol sat there looking at the rest of the members. Most of them looked distraught and a little freaked out.  “What is wrong with you guys? You're being ridiculous!”

“That was just so… odd. I mean how many girls have we met that haven’t freaked out when they saw us since we became famous? She’s the first. Not to sound arrogant, but that’s just a rare thing to see.” Baekhyun was looking out the window, contemplating the situation.

“We’re going to run into haters on the way, we might as well get used to it now.” Suho, the leader of EXO-K, said as the vehicle pulled into the driveway of the house.

“I still don’t understand what happened.” Sehun mumbled as he got out of the car. Luhan patted him on the shoulder and giggled.


The chauffeur had the key to the house and gave it to Kris before getting out all of their luggage.

Kris unlocked the door and the 12 of them walked in, hauling their luggage along. They all observed the house, it seemed big enough to fit all of them, but it would be slightly crowded. 

“How many bedrooms are there?” Xuimin asked, hoping he wouldn’t have to share a room.

“4, I think.” Suho answered.

The group gave out a big huff.

“Aigoo! How are we going to decide who rooms with who?” Tao groaned, slightly annoyed with having to share a room with 2 others.

“We’ll figure something out…” Lay mumbled as he went to go check out the rest of the house.

Chanyeol rushed off to the kitchen. "Where's the food?!" He ripped the refrigerator door open, looking threw it frantically before heading towards the pantry.  

“Chanyeol, there’s nothing in there. The rent didn’t include food, you pabo.” Kai scoffed.

Chanyeol sulked and lowered his head. “But I’m so hungry! Hyung, take us grocery shopping!”

Suho sighed, “You’re always hungry, but we can go after we’ve settled in.”

Chanyeol smiled in victory, leaving the kitchen to explore the rest of the house.

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HA. When did I even promise you guys that update... it's been ages.


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Chapter 32: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 32: Haha soo funny!!! Update soon!!! =D
Chapter 32: Update soon author-nim!!!! It's soo fun to read!!!! keep up the great work! ^^
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh this chapter is hilarious. I laughed SO much. I LOVE YOUR STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!
mvkingzero #5
Chapter 32: I really really love your story!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Chapter 32: jesus ing chrost brigi I CANT BREATHE
also the officer booty thing, i may or may not have punched myself in the mouth to keep from squawking like a dying bird
Chapter 32: i like the stories,it amazing,
can't wait to see you updating this stories!
please update it faster!!!!!!!!
btw,good job!
Chapter 32: lol i wait for 12023892782298392 years to see u update hahahaha finallly:)) good job anyway
Chapter 31: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 31: OMO, I loved the "rope" on the floor xD