We Meet Again

One Girl


“This is MY ramen!” Chanyeol was hugging the box like a protective mother holding her baby.

“W-what are you talking about?!” You got back on your feet and found yourself face-to-face with another EXO member. You’ve got to be kidding me.

“Chanyeol what are you do-” D.O.’s eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head when he saw the familiar girl with the bruise on her nose. “I-I’m so sorry, he goes crazy for ramen.” He said while trying to pry the box out of his hands.  “Chanyeol! Give the ramen back to her! She had it first!”

Chanyeol was holding onto it for his life. There was no way he was going to give it up.

“Don’t worry about it, he clearly wants it more than I do.” You laughed at how childish he was acting.

The rest of the group came over to find out what was going on and they all instantly recognized you.

“Omo…” Baekhyun quietly gasped.

“Why are you guys all staring at me like that?” They all look like they’ve seen a ghost.         

Suho stepped out to the front and gave you a warm smile. “I don’t believe we’ve properly been introduced. I’m Suho.” He graciously brought up his hand to meet yours but you just looked at it, “and you are?”

He can’t be serious, why would any of them care who I am? However, they were all waiting anxiously for you to answer the question. This is a weird bunch of idols.

“I-I’m Kyung mi,” You finally shook Suho’s hand and his smile grew even wider.

“I’m sorry about earlier,” D.O. shyly rubbed the back of his neck, noticing the bad bruise on your nose.

“Oh it’s alright, it was an accident. I’m sorry for being a bit rude this morning, I guess I was just nervous about the first day of school.” You flashed D.O. a smile and he replied with a smile back at you.

You looked over at Kris, who had nothing to say. His facial expression was the exact same as what it looked like earlier that day. You scoffed silently to yourself, stubborn.

“So what are you guys doing here? Don’t you have to be at a concert or fan signing or something like that?” You laughed as you looked over to Chanyeol, who was still clenching onto the ramen, giving you a slight glare.

“No, our manager is letting us lay low for a while after our summer tour.” Xuimin said while playfully trying to take the ramen from Chanyeol.

“What are you doing in the mean time?” You asked, slightly cocking your head to the side.

“We’re working on some new songs and choreography, but other than that, we’re just kind of laying back.”  Lay smiled at you, showing his dimples. 

“Oh, that’s nice. I hope you don’t mind if I go back to shopping, I kind of have to get home and make dinner.” You smiled sheepishly while gesturing towards the door.

“Go right ahead! We have to get some food in Chanyeol’s stomach before he attacks another person, so I guess we’ll see you around?” Suho gave you another warm smile.

I wouldn’t count on it. Instead of saying that out loud, you smiled back and waved as you backed out of the aisle. I guess we’re not having ramen tonight. You laughed to yourself. Aigoo, I never knew how childish they were.

“I don’t think she hates us!” D.O. said, with a wide smile on his face.

“Is that who you were talking about earlier?” Luhan asked. Sehun was standing next to him nodding his head, wondering the same thing.

“Yeah,” D.O. rubbed the back of his neck and blushed, “I accidentally hit her with the car door.”

The group erupted in laughter. Everyone except D.O. was laughing.

“YOU HIT HER WITH A DOOR?!” Sehun had to control his laughter long enough to say that but doubled over in laughter afterwards.

“Yah! Shut up! It was an accident and it was partly your fault for nearly puking on me!” D.O. spat defensively.

Sehun immediately stopped laughing and pouted.

“D.O.! You can’t talk to your maknae like that!” Luhan defended Sehun and put a comforting arm around him.

“Merong!” Sehun stuck his tongue out at D.O.

“Wow, real mature.” D.O. crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

“Can we go now?” Chanyeol still hadn’t let go off the ramen. He looked at the group with wide, innocent eyes.

“All you want is ramen?” Kris finally spoke.

“I don’t need anything else.” Chanyeol said with a goofy but cute smile playing on his face.

“What about the rest of the group?” Baekhyun asked Suho, knowing Chanyeol wouldn’t let anyone else touch his ramen.

“I’m not sure. Let’s look around.” Suho led the group out of the aisle and they began looking around at other things that interested them.


Eventually, EXO all had what they needed and were making their way towards the exit.

Tao was struggling with the groceries in his hand. He was carrying too much to show that he was manly enough to bring them all home. They were piled so high in his arms that he had to rely on the group to be his eyes.

“Tao, watch ou-” Kris warned, but it was too late. He collided with somebody, leading him to drop the groceries all over the floor.

“Oof,” Tao innocently watched the groceries tumble to the floor. “I’m so sorry.” He said as he got on his knees and began to pick up all of the food.

“No, it was my fault. I’m sorry.” You said, kneeling, also picking up the food that had been dropped. You then met eyes with the person that had collided into you.

“Is this for real? Three times in one day?!” You dropped the groceries back on the floor and stood up. “Is this some kind of joke?!” The rest on the group looked at you innocently. Tao hesitantly got back to his feet also.

“Maybe we’re just meant to be.” Kai winked at you and came over to help Tao with the grocery bags.

You scoffed and glanced over at Kris. He was still giving you that same stare.

 “And you! Quit looking at me like that, It’s scary and weird!” You pointed at Kris.

 He raised an eye brow. I’ve never had a girl speak to me like this.

“Just because you’re famous doesn’t mean you can’t act like a real person.” You rolled your eyes and knelt down on the grown to pick up the food.

Kris was absolutely speechless, not that he ever said much anyway.


Once the groceries were all back in the bags, EXO and you exited the market. You turned left, and so did they. You turned another corner, and so did they. You turned around to face them and said, “Are you following me or something?”

Lay let out a light laugh, “No, the house we’re staying at is this way. Are you sure you’re not following us?” He winked and gave you a playful smile.

“How could I be following you? I’m in front of you guys.” You defended.

“Maybe you’re psychic! You can tell what corner we’re going to turn before we actually do it!” Sehun gasped at his idea.

“Umm, I’m definitely not psychic. I really don’t care where you guys live.” You turned around and continued forward. You then felt a presence of somebody beside you.

“I think you’re pulling the ‘hard to get’ act.” Kai smirked at you.

“Why on earth would I waste my time with that?” You scoffed.

“I mean really, literally running into us 3 times in one day? I think you’re up to something.” He winked and nudged you with his elbow.

“You can think that, but it won’t make it true.” You rolled your eyes.

Kai shrugged and went back to the group. ‘Hard to get’ act. Pfft, please. You thought to yourself as you walked up the driveway to your house. You looked from left to right. No EXO to be found. You sighed in relief and pulled out the keys to the house.

“I KNEW SHE WAS FOLLOWING US!” You heard a familiar voice shout behind you. You saw Sehun pointing at you and the rest of the group slowly turned to face you as they were about to walk into the house across the street.



You’ve GOT to be kidding me!





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HA. When did I even promise you guys that update... it's been ages.


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Chapter 32: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 32: Haha soo funny!!! Update soon!!! =D
Chapter 32: Update soon author-nim!!!! It's soo fun to read!!!! keep up the great work! ^^
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh this chapter is hilarious. I laughed SO much. I LOVE YOUR STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!
mvkingzero #5
Chapter 32: I really really love your story!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Chapter 32: jesus ing chrost brigi I CANT BREATHE
also the officer booty thing, i may or may not have punched myself in the mouth to keep from squawking like a dying bird
Chapter 32: i like the stories,it amazing,
can't wait to see you updating this stories!
please update it faster!!!!!!!!
btw,good job!
Chapter 32: lol i wait for 12023892782298392 years to see u update hahahaha finallly:)) good job anyway
Chapter 31: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 31: OMO, I loved the "rope" on the floor xD