Going Out

One Girl


    You dried off your hands and stretched your arms and back. It's only 2 o'clock....what do I do for the rest of the day? You looked around the kitchen expecting to find something interesting, but obviously you didn't. You were in a kitchen after all.

“Waahh~ I'm so bored!” You squealed and jumped in surprise, spinning around to find Baekhyun standing behind you stretching casually. “Oh, sorry Kyung-mi, did I startle you?” He asked innocently blinking at you. 

“N-no! I was just...uh well...” You sighed, “Yes, you did. So, what's up?” 

He grinned at you and sauntered over to the island in the middle of the kitchen and sat down on a stool. “Well, I was taking a nap...but I feel like going out now...” He rested his chin on his fist and stared at you. Say...do you want to go shopping?” He asked innocently. 

You were about to start blushing and stuttering about that not being a  good idea but he continued. “I really need some new stuff... And the guys never want to come shopping with me.” He pouted and stared off into the distance.

You gave him a funny look. “What are you talking about? You have great clothes...” 

He chuckled and shook his head. “You mean the stuff I wear on stage and when I go out as a member of EXO?” You nodded slowly, not quite understanding what he was getting at. “Well, those are clothes that the company gives us. I don't own any of them. And I've totally worn out my regular clothes...” He looked down at his washed out graphic-t. 

“All right, when should we leave?” You asked without really giving the matter a second thought. 

“Really? You'll come shopping with me?” He grinned and ran over to you excitedly. He grabbed your hands and jumped a couple of times. “Thank you sooooo much!” He grinned at you happily, “I would have hated going alone!” He then turned and sprinted up stairs. 

You stood blinking in confusion. What just happened?

“Oh! I'm going to take a quick shower, we'll leave when I'm finished getting ready!” He poked his head around the corner at the top of the stair case.

“Um, okay...I guess.” You held a thumbs up awkwardly. He grinned at you before disappearing again.


You had also decided to shower and you were now drying your hair. You walked over to your half of the closet and pulled out a thin airy white long sleeved top. You found some dark blue skinny jeans and wiggled into them. You looked yourself over in the mirror and found you were pleased with your outfit. You quickly brushed your hair out and blow dried it, adding a little curl at the ends.

Poking your head out into the hallway, you could hear Baekhyun still getting ready (He was also singing to himself.) I guess I still have some time... You walked into the bathroom in your room, and stood in front of the mirror. You misted some perfume over yourself and applied a small amount of light make-up and brown sugar coloured lipgloss. Done. 

“Kyung mi~ You done?” Baekhyun called from downstairs making you jump. 

“Yes! Coming!” You grabbed your purse and skipped downstairs. You stopped in front of Baekhyun, where he was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Your sweet sent wafted around him and he sighed. 

Why do girls smell so damn good.... He thought, but quickly shook his head. 

Clearing his throat awkwardly he offered you his hand, “Shall we go?” You grinned and grabbed his hand, using it as leverage as you jumped the last couple of steps. “Let's!” 

You started walking towards the door before abruptly stopping and spinning around to face him. “Wait!” He stumbled backwards in surprise and stared at you.

“What?! What is it?” He panicked, you pointed at his face. “What?! What's wrong with it?!” 

He gasped and you chuckled, Nothing., but won't your fans recognize you?”

He let out a dramatic groan before turning around and running back upstairs. He came back down a few minutes later. 

“Woah...” You breathed and stared at him. 

“What?” He asked tilting his head to the side. 

“You look WAY different.” He grinned and checked himself out in the mirror in the hall.

“You think so?” He wore an ash blond wig with a baseball hat on top and large sunglasses. You wouldn't have know he was wearing a disguise if you didn't know him. 

“Yeah! It's perfect!” He turned and smiled at you. 

“Then lets go!” He grabbed your hand and dragged you out the door. 




The two of you took the train out into one of the largest shopping districts in your area, arriving around 3:15pm. Baekhyun mainly lead the way, weaving through the crowds of people and outlets. 

Eventually you were dragged further and further away from Baekhyun until you were sure you'd lose him. Oh man, what if we get separated?! I can't just wander around screaming for Baekhyun! You nearly jumped out of your skin when you were pulled to the side in a small area, clear of pedestrians. You looked up and sighed in relief to find Baekhyun next to you still holding your wrist. 

“Stay close, I wouldn't want to lose you.” He said and winked at you. You whacked his arm lightly and chuckled.

“Yeah, I was worried I had lost you for a moment there.” You chuckled nervously, “Maybe you should have..like a fake name. You know, and alias!” He eyed you curiously for a moment before nodding. 

“Okay, what should it be?” You froze realizing you didn't have any names for him. 

“Umm.....” He chuckled and shook his head.

“How about you call me...Oppa?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes. 

“I know! Can I call you... Joon?” You asked happily.

“Uhh....well, yeah, sure.” He blinked at you in surprise.

“What is it? Do you not like that name?”

He shook his head and chuckled, “No, I just have no idea how you came up with that.”

You gave him a puzzled look, but before you could say anything else he already his fingers locked with yours and he was pulling you along.

Omo....we're holding hands... You felt the blush creep up your face and silently prayed that he wouldn't turn around and look at you anytime soon. 

After about ten more minutes of just wandering threw the streets, still holding hands, you finally got tired and pried your hands from his.

“Baekhyun~ we've been walking around this whole time, but you haven't bought a single t-shirt!” You whined. 

He looked at you sadly and pouted, “No one ever likes shopping with me...” You rolled your eyes and this time you took his hand and lead him into a store. 

He didn't protest or pull away and silently followed behind.

“Here.” You stopped in front of a selection of v-necks and started looking threw the sizes. He just stood behind you curiously eyeing the things you pulled out. You turned around and dropped several shirts into his arms. 

“Go and try those on.” You ordered him. He nodded quickly and scurried off. 

He's so silly... You sighed and turned around to look through some more clothing.

“Good afternoon!” You jumped slightly and stared at the woman who stood in front of you with wide eyes.

“G-good afternoon to you, too!” You stammered. She smiled at you, making smile lines form on her face.

“I saw that lovely young man you came in with earlier! You must be his girlfriend!” She said cheerfully. 

You nearly choked on your own tongue and stared at her with even wider eyes, “Oh, gosh, no! Um-” 

“Why don't I help you pick a few more things for him sweety?” She grinned and hurried off. You stood there dumbfounded. Well then. 

As the sales woman had promised, she picked out several outfits for Baekhyun and piled them up in your arms. Baekhyun eventually walked over cautiously looking you over.

“Bae-I er mean...umm uhhh-” You stammered, but seemed to forget Baekhyun's alias. “Err sweety?” He raised his eye brows at you and you gave him a REALLY awkward pleading look. 

“Yes, darling?” You slapped a hand over your face as he strolled over. The sales woman turned around and immediately started fawning over him.

“Go on, go on! Try these on!” She grabbed the pile of things you'd been holding and shoved them into Baekhyun's arms, and pushed him towards the fitting rooms. She suddenly spun around on her heels and looked you over. “You know, I have some things that would look wonderful on you!” Without even listening to see if you wanted anything, she dragged you away.

A few minutes later you came face to face with Baekhyun. He wore a white low cut shirt with what looked like black, grey and blue paint dripping down it. He had on dark skinny jeans and his own black jacket.

You looked him up and down and smiled, “Lookin' good there, Joon.” You chuckled and he stuck his tongue out at you.

“And you look fabulous yourself.” He said sarcastically before walking past you to check himself out in a mirror.

You wore a large baggy grey t-shirt that hugged you around the waist. It had lovely embroidery  from the top right shoulder, mid way down the shirt. The sleeves were loose and hung down nearly to your forearms. You had on white skinny jeans that had an array of metal clasps and chains.

You joined Baekhyun in the mirror and admired the outfit. “By the way, I meant it. You look a really good.” Baekhyun smiled at you sweetly. 

“M-me too.” You managed, feeling your face burning.

After several  other outfits and constant 'awwing' from the sales woman, Baekhyun and you left with quite a few bags.

“Phew! Now what?” You questioned looking at him. 

He looked over at you and grinned. “Food.”




EEEK hey guys :D It's Brigi_monster again! How are you guys doing? Good I hope ^^ I hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's late, so I won't be able to do the next part till later :c

Comments are loved!! Peace out~ <3


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HA. When did I even promise you guys that update... it's been ages.


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Chapter 32: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 32: Haha soo funny!!! Update soon!!! =D
Chapter 32: Update soon author-nim!!!! It's soo fun to read!!!! keep up the great work! ^^
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh this chapter is hilarious. I laughed SO much. I LOVE YOUR STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!
mvkingzero #5
Chapter 32: I really really love your story!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Chapter 32: jesus ing chrost brigi I CANT BREATHE
also the officer booty thing, i may or may not have punched myself in the mouth to keep from squawking like a dying bird
Chapter 32: i like the stories,it amazing,
can't wait to see you updating this stories!
please update it faster!!!!!!!!
btw,good job!
Chapter 32: lol i wait for 12023892782298392 years to see u update hahahaha finallly:)) good job anyway
Chapter 31: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 31: OMO, I loved the "rope" on the floor xD