Free to Go? Oh, I Don't Think So

One Girl


     You had been hand cuffed again, with your hands behind your back. Lau grabbed you by the shoulder and stood you up roughly. You cringed but didn't protest as he held onto your arm that was sticking out in an awkward position.

“Go and check to make sure all the money is there.” He sneered at bald and ugly next to you. The man nodded and left his weapon behind with someone else before making his way to Mr. Kim.

Mr. Kim opened the brief case and let him skim over the mass amount of cash. Bald and ugly turned around nodded to Lau.

Lau let out small and bitter chuckle, “Good, everything appears to be in order...”

You dared to look up at his face for a moment and nearly jumped. He looked horrifying.

“Good. Now give us the girl.” Mr. Kim said in a calm and stern voice.

“Take it.” 

You let out a small yelp as he gripped your arm harder and shoved you into Mr. Kim’s arms.

You let out a shaky breath, not having realized that you were holding it in.

“Are you alright?” Mr. Kim whispered as he helped you stand up straight. He unlocked your wrists and nudged you behind him protectively.

“Seeing as our business here is done...we'll be going.” He slowly began to turn when Lau let out a raspy chuckle.

“What's so funny?” Mr. Kim questioned him.

“The fact that you thought I'd let you go of course~” He said in an amused voice.

“B-but...” You began before a single loud gunshot cut of your protest.


You screamed as Mr. Kim dropped to his knees clutching at the gushing wound on his chest before falling over on his side.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” You shrieked and looked at the unconscious man on the ground. 

“Stupid girl...actually thought I'd let you go huh?” Lau sneered at you before raising his gun again. You froze in horror. How could this happen.........

A set of fresh hot tears welled up in your eyes as your slowly raised your hands.

“P-please....don't...” You whimpered.

“Tough luck kid.” He snorted and loaded his gun with a heart wrenching 'click'.


The sound of the warehouse doors being slammed open made you jump.



You looked up in shock as a horde of armed police officers came bursting in through the side door.

“!” Lau cursed loudly and turned to run along with all of his men, obviously more interested in saving his own sorry rather than finishing you off.

You stood there, completely shocked as police officers went into an all-out battle against the gang of Lau's men.

However, reinforcements arrive and blocked off the men’s escape routes.

Several police officers hurried over to you and quickly examined Mr. Kim's limp body. The one radioed for paramedics while the other tried to get your attention. 

“Are you alright? Hello, can you hear me? We need to leave now, please-”

You both ducked lower when a few gunshots were fired. You watched as a couple of Lau's men went down, then Lau himself get tackled to the ground by two officers. 

You finally tore eyes away from the fight and hurried away with a uniformed man and woman. When you finally made outside you were momentarily blinded by the bright mid day sun.

When your eyes finally adjusted to the light, you found an entire squad of police cruisers and even a S.W.A.T van. There was also an ambulance standing by and-

Is that Suho?!

You squinted your eyes to get a better look at 3 figures standing on the sidewalk.

And Kris?! 

The tall figure was unmistakable.

And Oh my God its D.O...

You let out an overjoyed shriek and tore yourself away from the officers running as fast as you could into their arms.


You were engulfed in a group hug with all three of them. 

“OH MY GOD YOU GUYS!” You cried and squeezed them.

“Kyung mi! Are you all right?!”

“Are you hurt?! What happened?” 

“We heard guns shots, what was that?!”

You ignored their questions as you shifted your position to wrap your arms around a single person without looking up. You just happened to grab a hold Kris’ lean body.

“You have no idea how happy I am to see you guys again.” You managed to say into Kris’ shirt. You choked on your words, not wanting them to see you cry, even though you just went through the most traumatizing situation of your life.

Kris’ cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he awkwardly and stiffly returned the embrace, “We were worried sick. Don’t you ever leave our sight again.”

You gave a slight nod before slipping out of his arms.

“Shall we go home? The others must be dying with worry.” Suho flashed you his signature smile as he wrapped an arm tightly around your shoulder leading you away.



 ”Well, well, well… what’ve we got here?” A man who looked like he was head of the police men walked over to where Lau was being held by a few other officers.

He gave Lau a stern look before yanking his arms and slamming cuffs onto both of his wrists, “You know, we’ve been looking for you for a very long time.” He sneered into Lau’s ear.

“You have no idea how eager I was to receive that phone call. Once I heard that we had a lead on your gang, and a girl had been kidnapped and brought to Cal’s Trade Post, I had no doubt it was you.” He pushed Lau into the back seat of a police car and signaled for the other officers to do the same with the rest of the men.

You watched as the police cut off the perimeter of the building with yellow caution tape.

“ exactly did you guys end up...well here?” You asked curiously and looked to Suho for an answer.


 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Flash back


The EXO boys stood around in the living room, staring at the phone that sat on the coffee table, now disconnected.

“Well then...” Baekhyun said quietly, still unsure of what to make of what just happened.


Tao was tearing up, Chanyeol looked like he was about to cry as Lay shook him by his shoulders while still yelling and Luhan was having a spazz attack along with Chen and Xiumin.

“EVERYBODY BE QUIET!!!” Kris' voice boomed over all the others.

Everyone froze and gaped at him.

“We need to calm down.” The younger boys looked to him, a few sniffling. 

“He's right, we need to pull ourselves together!” Suho said and went to stand next to Kris.

“B-but what if...”

 “NO. No what ifs!” Kris snapped at Xiumin who just shrunk back in his seat.

 Kris pulled his own phone out and called the police, “9-1-1 state your emergency.”

“I need to report a kidnapping.” 


So as it turned out, the guys didn't actually have to say much. As soon as the two officers that had arrived at the house began asking questions about where you might be, they were already calling it in.

Apparently Cal's trade post was a popular location in the trafficking of drugs and illegal weapons. The name you had told the boys, Lau, was already well known.

“Alright, we're going to head over there now. Stay here in case she calls again.” Officer Lee instructed before turning to leave.

 “Wait! At least let someone go with you!” Chen pleaded and the others nodded.

“Fine, but we can only take...maybe 3 at most.” Kris and Suho stepped forward immediately.

 “Me too.” Lay said, his voice cracking slightly.

 “No, you're too shaken up.” D.O put a hand on his shoulder and stepped in front of him. “I'll go, alright? You stay here with the others. Please...” Lay looked at D.O sadly, but hesitantly nodded.

“Go...and bring her back safe...”

The trio nodded and hurried after the cops.

End of flash back.

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

You chuckled as you listened to the guys tell the story, “Oh gosh...I can't wait to see their reactions when we get home.” You giggled leaning against Suho and clutching onto D.O's hand. 

All four of you were squished together in the back seat of a police cruiser, but you couldn't be happier knowing you'd get to go back home with the rest of EXO.






Dun dah daahhh dadadahhh :D Yaaaaaaay Everyone's safe and happy! I hope you guys enjoyed that ^_^ Sorry for taking so long to conclude this~ I can't wait for things to go back to..."normal" :P Love you guys~~ And thanks soooo much for the comments <3 I love comments!




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HA. When did I even promise you guys that update... it's been ages.


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Chapter 32: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 32: Haha soo funny!!! Update soon!!! =D
Chapter 32: Update soon author-nim!!!! It's soo fun to read!!!! keep up the great work! ^^
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh this chapter is hilarious. I laughed SO much. I LOVE YOUR STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!
mvkingzero #5
Chapter 32: I really really love your story!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Chapter 32: jesus ing chrost brigi I CANT BREATHE
also the officer booty thing, i may or may not have punched myself in the mouth to keep from squawking like a dying bird
Chapter 32: i like the stories,it amazing,
can't wait to see you updating this stories!
please update it faster!!!!!!!!
btw,good job!
Chapter 32: lol i wait for 12023892782298392 years to see u update hahahaha finallly:)) good job anyway
Chapter 31: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 31: OMO, I loved the "rope" on the floor xD