A Different Side

One Girl



Kris laid there and stared at the ceiling as Xiumin let out a sigh, “I should go talk to Lay… He must be really upset. He never lashes out like that.”

Kris pinched the bridge of his nose and let out a groan, “No, none of this was your fault. I’ll go talk to him.”

“Are you sure? You guys haven’t exactly been… getting along lately.” Xiumin said as he laid back down on his bed and turned to face Kris.

“Yeah I know… I should fix this, though.”

“Wow, the Almighty Duizhang is going to go admit that he’s wrong?” Xiumin snickered and Kris shot him a glare before leaving the room to go after Lay.

Xiumin smiled but it soon faded when he noticed the mess in the room. “Aish… I should clean this up.” He dragged himself off of the bed and started searching for his iPod. “Ahh, here it is… Now… Where did I put the docking station?” He spun around a couple of times until his eyes caught the black and gray contraption.

He plugged the dock into the wall before putting his iPod onto it. He then searched through his music library, hoping to come across a catchy song.

“Hmm… Oh! Here’s one!” He cranked the volume and Power by B.A.P started playing loudly and echoed through the room. “Can’t clean a room without music!” He laughed to himself as he danced along with the song, picking up discarded clothing and garbage.

“We got the poowweerrr, I got the poowweerrr.” He began singing happily as he folded the blankets that Kris and Tao had lazily threw on the floor.



“How about we don’t tell Kris about that…” D.O. said as he and Lay followed Tao to the kitchen, with you still standing by the front door in shock.

Lay let out a light giggle, “Agreed.”

“How about we don’t tell Kris, what?” The three boys stiffened at the deep voice that had appeared behind them.

Oh God... D.O. thought.

“Gege! Heh heh… We were just… Uhh…” Tao nervously tried to come up with an excuse, but he knew Kris wasn’t stupid so it had to be something believable.

Before he had time to think up of something, you burst into the kitchen, “HE FRIGGIN KUNGFU KICKED MY UNCLE OUT THE DOOR! WHATTHEHECKWASTHATHOLYCRAPWHYWOULDYOUDOTHAT?!” You began to have a flip-out fit while Tao sent you the deadliest glare.

“Wow Tao, if looks could kill…” D.O. snorted.

“I’ll deal with you later Tao, right now I need to talk to Lay.” Kris attempted to grab Lay’s wrist but Lay pulled away and stood still in his spot.

“I think you’ve said enough. I have nothing left to talk to you about.” Lay glared at Kris while Kyungsoo just stood there staring at both of them with wide eyes. Tao was slowly making his way out of the kitchen and when he was sure that Kris wouldn’t notice, he bolted, taking you with him.

“How could you tell him that?! He’s going to kill me!” Tao sneered as he yanked you up the stairs.

“Ow! I’m sorry! Where are you taking me?!” You said, not being able to pull out of his grip.

“I don’t know… but I don’t want to get in Kris’ way. I don’t know what’s up with him and Lay but I’ve never seen them talk to each other like that. Kris can get pretty intimidating…”

You laughed, “Yeah… I know what you mean.”

The both of you reached the top of the stairs, “I’m off to take a shower. You do… whatever girls do and it would be in your best interest to stay away from Kris at the moment. Good luck!” Tao patted your head before making his way to the bathroom.

You giggled before looking around and placing your hands on your hips, “Now what? Oh! Maybe Baekhyun is awake!” You walked down the hall and pressed your ear to his bedroom door but all you heard was silence. You frowned and slowly opened the door, peeking your head through the small crack. You were surprised when you saw that Baekhyun and Chanyeol were fast asleep and for some reason on the same bed. “What the heck…” You shook it off and closed the door. Well… That was a little odd.

You stood there for a moment, debating on what you should do next when you heard music coming from the room next door. You furrowed your eyebrows as you walked towards the room and opened the door.

“I GOT YOOUUUUU~ I’M THE ICE KING!” You weren’t sure if you should close the door again or continue watching Xiumin and his goofy dance moves while he sang the wrong lyrics to Mirotic by TVXQ.

You couldn’t help but laugh out loud, “Uhmm… I believe the lyrics are Under My Skin not I’m The Ice King.”

Xiumin jumped in surprise but began to laugh as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, “How much of that did you see?”

“I saw enough, believe me.” You gave him a slight wink with a smile.

“Oh… sorry you had to witness that and hear my silly change of the lyrics. I was trying to make it fit my gimmick. You know… because my power is ice.” He did a goofy hand gesture to make it look like he was trying to shoot ice out of the palm of his hand.

You laughed and plopped yourself down on his bed, “Yeah, I get it.”

“Yah! I just made that bed. Would you mind getting off?” He gave your forehead a slight flick but you just buried your face deep into the covers and curled up into a ball.

“I don’t want to.” You pouted.

“Aww~ is little Kyung mi-ah sad?” He said, with slight sarcasm in his voice.

“Yes.” You mumbled into the bed.

All of a sudden, Xiumin felt his big-brother instincts overcome him when he realized that you were sincerely upset about something. He turned off the music and sat down next to you on the bed, his silly side leaving him and becoming serious, “What’s wrong?”

You sighed and rolled onto your back, “I love staying here but I don’t want to be a burden… I’m thinking about going back to my aunt and uncle’s place.”

Xiumin was silent for a moment, taking in what you had just said.

“But if you leave… I don’t think Lay would be happy. And you’re not a burden on us, you keep us happy and bring us together.” Xiumin gave you a genuine smile but you still didn’t know what you should do.

“Wait… what do you mean Lay wouldn’t be happy?” You furrowed your eyebrows at him.

Xiumin lightly giggled and gestured for you to move over. He sighed and laid down next to you, “I think Lay may have a little crush.”

Your eyes widened and you felt your face go hot, “W-what? No… He couldn’t. Could he? How would you know?”

Xiumin snickered, “Brotherly instincts. But I’ve told you too much already. If he wants to tell you himself, then that’s how you’ll find out. I don’t want to ruin it if it actually might blossom into something.”

You couldn’t help but laugh of the cheesiness of it all, “I’m sure he doesn’t, and I really don’t want things getting awkward between any of us.”

“I understand what you’re saying, but don’t turn your nose up to the thought of maybe growing a bit closer to him. Consider it for a while and then come talk to me, okay?” The two of you looked at each other and flashed smiles. There was something about Xiumin’s brotherly side that made you feel warm.


The two of you continued to lay there staring at the ceiling in comfortable silence. 



Okay so im not sure what it is but i just love the idea of xiumin being like a big brother ^^ so cute. 

Sorry for the super late update... i had such bad writers block :A: it was horrible guys... i was so frustrated. but then this idea came to me when i was listening to Mirotic haha :3 the things that inspire me can be so simple sometimes.... ANYWAY, its 12:00am out here in Canada so i should probably put this up and get to sleep. Have a good new years and i hope 2012 was a good year for you ^^




hehe.. so cute


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HA. When did I even promise you guys that update... it's been ages.


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Chapter 32: I miss this story.. Please update soon~ >.<
Chapter 32: Haha soo funny!!! Update soon!!! =D
Chapter 32: Update soon author-nim!!!! It's soo fun to read!!!! keep up the great work! ^^
Chapter 32: Oh my gosh this chapter is hilarious. I laughed SO much. I LOVE YOUR STORY! UPDATE SOON!!!
mvkingzero #5
Chapter 32: I really really love your story!!!! Keep up the great work!!!!!!
Chapter 32: jesus ing chrost brigi I CANT BREATHE
also the officer booty thing, i may or may not have punched myself in the mouth to keep from squawking like a dying bird
Chapter 32: i like the stories,it amazing,
can't wait to see you updating this stories!
please update it faster!!!!!!!!
btw,good job!
Chapter 32: lol i wait for 12023892782298392 years to see u update hahahaha finallly:)) good job anyway
Chapter 31: I noticed you haven't wrote on this one for quite some time... Did you drop it? :|
I was liking it**
Chapter 31: OMO, I loved the "rope" on the floor xD