Personal Secretary


"Krystal wake up, we're here."

Krystal rubbed her eyes and finally saw the sky of Korea. Amber and Krystal step down from the airplane and the paparazzi was all over the place.

"Are we celebrities?" Krystal lowers her head and clings her hand to Amber's arms.

"We're celebrity couple."





"Director are you in a relationship now?"

"Ms. Krystal why did you leave the country?"


Journalists keeps on throwing questions, but Amber would just smile and bows.



"Stress!" Krystal shouted as they got inside the car.

"Stress!" Amber copied Krystal's action and tone.


"Good to be back?"

"Neh~ *eye smile*"

Amber melted her body loosing her weight to her seat, Krystal punch her arms after the exaggerated reaction. Amber and Krystal went straight to the building, everyone bowed to them and smiled to Krystal.

"Oh! Krystal?"

"Hello, Victoria!"

"I didn't know you're coming back with Amber."

"I didn't know too."

"Haha. Funny." Amber teased to Krystal and Krystal pointed her index finger to Amber.

"Amber you have press conference at the end of this week."

"About what?"

"Your success in Australia, you look good at the newspapers."

"Ofcourse! *wink* *wink*"

"Work! Work!" Victoria clapped her hand for every word. Amber and Krystal goes to their office after. Krystal went straight to her office and Amber followed her behind.

"Nothings change. *smiles*"

"I always clean it."


"You're welcome."

"Thank you, Amber."

"My pleasure princess."

"Let's eat? Tacos?"

"How did you knew that i love tacos?"

"I asked Suzy."

"Yii~ Bestfriends?"



Krystal clings her hand to Amber's arms while they walked out to the building and walked in the restaurant.

"Mexican food." Amber said and was drooling at the menu. Well, not literally drooling.

"I don't want the spicy smell."

"Then take a bath after.ㅋㅋㅋ~"

"Let's take a bath together. *wink*"

"I'm not ready yet Krystal."



"Whatever Amber."


"What happened between you and Minho?"

"We are okay. But i don't talk too much to him anymore."


"Because he likes you."

"It's just a crush."

"That he would kiss you infront of me?"

"I don't want to remember it anymore."

"Krystal and Minho kissing on a tree k-i-s-s-i--"

"Shut up!"


"Stop it." Krystal gave Amber the death glare and Amber moved her finger and do the  zipper in .

The waiter starts to put down the dishes as soon as he approached the table.

"Mm." Amber smelt in the smokey food.

"Meat, meat, meat."



"Mm." Amber pointed to her zipped mouth.

"Okay, you can talk now."

"Did you bought this?" Amber nibbled the pendat of Krystal's necklace, it's pendant was a  cross symbol.

"Neh~ Pretty?"

"Yep. Can you give it to me?"

"Why should i?"




"Okay i've change my mind."



"Do you want to go to the bar? Sulli missed you."

"I still don't have the energy to play with my little sister."


"Amber, can i sleep in your house for tonight? I still haven't find another apartment."

"Sure, everytime you want."

"Thanks, dorkber." Krystal picnched Amber's cheeks.

"You have many nicknames for me!" Amber acted like she was going to flip the table.


Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

Amber turned around and looked for the mysterious man, but she couldn't find it as of everyone was texting and looking at her.

"What's the problem?"

"Oh? Nothing. Just looking for something *smirks*"

After Amber and Krystal ate, they've gone to Amber's house to rest up from the plane/jetlag.

Amber's POV

"Home sweet home." I've missed being home with Krystal my house will be a sweet home again Kkkk~

"What are you thinking?" Krystal sad beside me and leaned her head to my shoulder. Today or maybe forever i want to be like this with her, she was everything i needed.


"Neh?" Krystal turned her face to me. Her pretty face just lights up whenever i looked at her, she'll be forever pretty, kekeke~

"Nothing." I sat comfortably and Krystal moved her head to my chest and rested. My heart is melting, i'll be falling in love to her over and over again. I'm addicted to you Princess Krystal.

Krystal's POV

I can hear Amber's heartbeat, even if she said Nothing what her heart beats is different i can feel her. I feel safe whenever Amber is by my side. I was sure of her from the start, are you still not sure to me Amber?

Narrator's POV

From their tiredness they just can't help themselves from falling asleep.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Whose phone is that?"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Amber, you copied my ringtone?"


Ring. Ring. Ring.

"I'll check it."

"No stay here." Krystal hugged Amber tightly, she don't want to let go of Amber.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

The ringing ended after a few minutes.

"Girl kkumcheoreom dagaon neol. Ireohke kkok jaba nohji anheul geoya.You are so beautiful to me girl.Cheot nune banhaettdeon nae, isanghyeongil geol" Amber starts to sing in a soft voice she was singing to Krystal it was like a llulaby for her. Krystal can't help herself from smiling and blushing.


"Girl you come to me like a dream. I'll hold onto you like this and never let go, you are so beautiful to me girl, you're my ideal girl and I fell in love with you at first sight." Amber starts to sing in a soft voice she was singing to Krystal it was like a llulaby for her. Krystal can't help herself from smiling and blushing.

(A/N: the song is TEEN TOP- Angel link)

"Amber stop it." Krystal pointed her index finger to Amber's chest.


"My heart is beating fast it might explode." Krystal burried her face to Amber's back being shy to her words.

"Krystal, i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you."

"I love you too, Amber" Krystal was not that outspoken to her feelings but Amber can feel Krystal's sincerity without any words but with every action.

They've slept again after a moment to talk.

"Krystal." Amber whispered.

"KRYSTAL?!" Amber bulge to her seat and there's no trail of Krystal to be found.

"Bwoh? What's this?" Amber took the that is stuck on her forehead.

Director must go to work too. Pabo~
P.S. I already head to your company because you looks so happy in LaLa land :) So don't shout my name when you woke up and overreact again!

"I already did." Amber mumbles and smiled.

Amber wash up and wore her office coat.

"Location?" (Do you missed Mr. Driver? XD)

"Liu Liu." Amber filled with a love energy replied.

Amber's driver drove to the street, the street were not that full of cars, so the car was at its speed on the smooth road.

"WATCH OUT!" Amber shouted as she saw a car that was furiously fast crossed to Amber's front car close on hitting it.

"What the ?" Amber was so surprised it was too early in the morning to have a drug racing.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

"Who the f--"

"Sir are you okay?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Just go to my company."

"This is the same number who texted me in the restaurant." Amber mumbled to herself.

Once they've arrived at the building Amber walked in through Victoria's office.

"Can you please track this number for me?" Amber showed the number through her cellphone Victoria wrote it down and looked at Amber suspectedly.

"What?" Amber looked at Victoria with a confused face.

"Who is this?"

"Just track it."

"Well, okay. I'll just line you up later."

"Thanks! *wink*"

Amber left Victoria after, Amber walked through her office thinking who's playing fire with her.

"What's the problem?" Krystal approached Amber and gave her some papers.

"Mm. Nothing. *smiles*"

"Umm. Okay." Krystal said and walked through her office but before she entered Amber called her.

"Krystal, take care of yourself when you're outside."


"Because. . . We are like celebrities now so we must be careful. Hehehe." Amber flashed a dorky smile to Krystal. Amber was worried for Krystal because of the threat she had.

"Psssh. Arraseo, arraseo." Krystal said and continued her walk.



Same routine for the company again bringing their business up high.

-Working hours over-

"Amber." Victoria on the phone line.

"Tracked it?"

"Yeah. The number was not in use."


"Neh~ I've tripled the checking."

"Ah. . .kay, thanks."

Victoria gave Amber more to think. How can such a number do not exist when in fact the number was texting her.

"Amber, let's go to Jonghyun's bar?" Krystal said and looked to Amber.

"Yeah let's go." Amber smiled and walked beside Krystal.

-at the bar-

"KRYSTAAAAAL!" Everyone shouted and spread their arms jumping through Krystal and Amber goes infront of Krystal and hugged her first.

"She's mine!"

"Yah!~ Hyung!" Sulli shouted and hits Amber's back still everybody did a group hug.


"Oh? Suzy!*smiles*"

"Teach me how to use this Liu cellphone, i'm having a headache on this."

"Sure it'll be easy if you'll know the parts." Krystal walked through Suzy who is sitting on the couch.

"Bestfriends?" Amber teased the and Krystal gave him a glare.

"JUST KIDDIIIING!" Amber shouted and everybody giggled.

Amber's peers are happy to see Krystal again. Krystal was close to everybody now Amber sat on the other couch staring at Krystal, Amber was happy that everyone likes her. She starts to reminisce how they first met, how she got scared by Krystal's glare, how Krystal makes her pissed off by her coldness, how they awkwardly smile, how she starts to like Krystal, everything was fresh to her mind.

"Amber." Minho sit beside her.

"Oh? Minho, why?" Amber snapped out of her thoughts.

"I'm sorry if i like Krystal."
"That's not we can control. I'm fine with that, anyway she likes me i mean she loves me more. *smirks*"

"Oh c'mon! If i first met her, she would be mine!" Minho teased and chinned up to Amber.

"She experienced love at first sight to me!"

"Ehem. Ehem. ." Krystal glared at Amber and Minho.

"Annya, Krystal we're just kidding around. Hahaha." Minho said in an awkward laugh and headlocked Amber.

"Hahaha. Yeah yeah." Amber awkwardly laugh too while bending Minho's hand away from her. 




Happy life again! YEY! But who's the mysterious man? To be continued. . . ^^

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Chapter 36: Nice story~~~clap clap with joy~~beautiful
Chapter 11: I can't see the photos that i presumed are the text messages. It's not loading. I think it's corrupted.
foneall #3
Chapter 36: I love your story.....
Thanks Author....
jasonds #4
Chapter 36: nice story..thank u author nim
Chapter 36: KRYBER is REAL!
ShnenMe #6
Chapter 36: Awesome story! Very well done! Huhuh almost cried at the coma situation, it was too heartbreaking and the Logo thing, never really guessed it, well i guessed JL as in Josephine Liu hahaha.. Thanks for the great read author-shii :)
Countingme #7
Chapter 36: If krystal died. I will have a heart attack haha
Thank you for makes me very very happy
krybernatics #8
Chapter 36: such a nice story...hahaha:) kryber are
funny waiting for each other to
show up...
kippei18 #9
Chapter 36: very nice story.. keep it up! i love to read more of your fanfic stories bout kryber! hehehe..
jpigtom #10
Chapter 36: Ahhhhhh..this kryber story teach me to be more sweet talker!ƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑƗƗɑ I love this story! Please make more story like this with kryber action!hahaaha