Because I care

Come Back Dear Ryeowook!

Since the incident with manager hyung Ryeowook took extra care of his membes. He woke up earlier than before to make breakfast for them. He would constantly find new recipes and new ways to make his cooking better. He also took the time to act all cute and be playful around his hyungs. He knows how much they love seeing him act all cute and cuddly. Other than that Ryeowook would also constantly asked s how they were feeling and try to cheer them up. He would sit next to them and talk to them and ask them questions and just having conversations with them. He would also asked them to play games with him and spending time with them. Yeah. He did a lot of things and he did all that. And he didn't mind. Not one bit because It was all for them.




'Ryeowook worries too much and I'm sick of it!' Heechul pointed out one day.

'He kept clinging on me and talk to me all day it's just so annoying!' Siwon added.

'He won't even leave me alone to play StarCraft! He is worst than my mother!' Kyuhyun also joins in the conversation.

'Seriously, he is way out of line. Who does he think he is?!' Kangin said.

Sungmin who's been listening nodded and said 'I know right. Who does he thinks he is?! Just leave me alone already! ing annoying!'

'That day he was acting all cute around me I felt like punching him or something!' Eunhyuk added.

'Leeteuk! You better do something and stop Ryeowook from being such a worried-freak. It's getting on my nerve, Ouh and look, all the members seems to agree. I'm not stating this on my own.' Heechul said to Leeteuk.

Leeteuk sighed and said. 'I understand how you guys feel. He is also starting to piss me off. How about this? When Ryeowook returns from his schedule lets all talk to him and tell him how we feel.' 


The members especially Heechul seems to be pleased with Leeteuk's answer. They all nod in agreement and said 'Yeah. Let's do that'




That night Ryeowook returned to the dorm feeling all happy and bubbled up. He wondered what the members have been doing without him around. He was worried they'd be hungry since his schedule finished late so he wasn't able to cook them dinner.


'Then when I reached the dorm I shall make them a delicious dinner!' Ryeowook thought happily.


Just when Ryeowook was about to greet the members cheerfully he was greeted into a tense situation. He could see all the gloomy and frustrated faces s were making. They were looking upset and not their usual-selves.


'It is because they're hungry?' Ryeowook wondered.


'I'm sorry everyone. You must be hungry! I'll start cooking now. What do you guys want for dinner?' Ryeowook said with a sweet smile on his face.

'There is no need for you to cook for us tonight Wookie' Leeteuk replied.

'Eh? You're not hungry? Have you eaten?' Ryeowook asked.

'Yes we have well some of us...maybe....anyway it doesn't matter sit down Ryeowook. We need to talk.' Leeteuk said.


Ryeowook could see how serious Leeteuk was so he didn't ask for anything more and did as he is told.


'What did I do this time?' Ryeowook asked. He was feeling nervous because last time something like this happened it didn't really end well for him. 

'Nothing. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just that.....' Leeteuk didn't know how to begin. ' don't how to say'

'Ouh GOD just tell him how annoying he is!' Heechul suddenly snapped. He just wanted to get the whole situation over with quickly and Leeteuk being such a slowmo isn't helping at all.

'Heechul!' Leeteuk said angrily. 

'What? We are going to say that to him in the end right? So no need to cover anything and be such cowards'. Heechul fired back giving Leeteuk an intense stare.

Leeteuk sighed and look at Ryeowook straight in the eyes.

'Wookie, the members and I have been thinking and we've talked about...well you. You're attitude towards us'.

'My attitude? What attitude?' Ryeowook asked. Confused. He didn't remember offending anyone or being mean towards anyone. 

'Your um....worrying attitude....' Leeteuk began.

'To summarize everything we think that you're a worried-freak'. Kyuhyun not wanting to hide anything spoke up.

'What do you mean?' Ryeowook asked. Surprised by the sudden comment from Kyuhyun.

'You worry about things too much and it's just annoying' Siwon added.

'You can't seem to leave us alone and you're being such a busy body its just getting on our nerves' Shindong continued.

The other members nodded in agreement.


Ryeowook could not believe that he is hearing all of this. He felt like a lighting just struck his heart. WHATTTT ?


'But I was just worried about you guys and I was tyring to make things better for everyone. I tried to ease your pain away and...'

'WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THAT EXACTLY?! HUH?' Heechul fired straight at him. No hesitation what-so-ever.



'WE NEVER ASK YOU TO DO THAT! YOU'RE JUST A BURDEN!' Siwon also, not holding back fired to Ryeowook.

'Seriously Ryeowook. Just stop acting smart and bugged into other people's life. You're just annoying.' Sungmin said sharply.

'We don't even care if you don't worry about us' Donghae stepped in. 'We can take care of ourselves. What do you take us for? babies?'







By that time Ryeowook felt like his world was crumbling down. He felt an exccesive amount of pain in his heart that even words could not describe it. It was as if his heart has been cut, torned, blended, mixed, all together. His chest hurts and he finds it hard  to breathe. 


The members he care, love and devoted his time to are doing and saying this to him. They're doing this to him. He never meant to be such a woried-freak. He never meant to make them feel burdened by his present. He never meant any of that. He just loves them and that's all he knows.


With much effort he stands up holding his chest and he look straight at the members. His eyes were intense but if you look deeper you could see that it is filled with so much pain, sadness, anger and dissapointment.


As he look straight at them. Tears starts to fall one by one. Running along his cheeks and straight down his chin. He was shaking and he could not breathe. He tried to calm himself down as he utters some words.


'First of all I would like to apologise to every single one of you for being such a worried-freak. I'm sorry that I took the time to care for all of you and to worry about your well beings. I'm sorry that I'm such an annoyance and a burden. I'm sorry that I've irritated you guys with my worries. I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I'm sorry. I will stop caring and I will stop worrying. Heck, I will stop being the Ryeowook who worries a lot. I will stop. Again, I'm sorry for everything.'


Ryeowook looked down to compose himself. He was shaking more than before and his tears couldn't stop coming and it was hard for him to breathe. After he had managed to calm himself down he looked back at the members. Looking at each and every single one of them and continued.


'Even though you hated what I did and you hated my attitude I just want you to at least know that I did all of that because I care. I care for every single one of you. You are my everything and I love you guys so much. Its because I care this much that I have become such an annoyance. Its because I care this much I am now a burden to all of you. Its because I care and you should at least know that.'


And with that, Ryeowook walked to the door and out from their dorm.











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OMG ! I can't believe I've finished this!! YAY !


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Chapter 32: I guess everyone in the comments section wanna know who framed ryeowook lol,author-nim pleasw tell usssss
Chapter 32: This is acute and caring story <3!
marivic9 #4
Chapter 32: It is so touching.....I am crying my heart out....
Chapter 32: But who framed Ryeowook near the beginning?? Didn't even feel quilty about it, tsk. Gotta say that I agree with the lower comment. They felt a bit immature and how to say this... selfish. And rude, definitely rude.
Hanzo242 #6
Chapter 32: Its really nice this story and I thoroughly enjoyed Ryeowook's inner turmoil but... The members were really insincere, or at least thats what I felt. They only apologised when told to and were really insensitive. They think narrow-mindedly and honestly, their efforts to make Ryeowook forgive them felt fake and it was like they just wanted him back as their cook and caretaker. If you say that you have done something wrong and is yelling/crying about how you shouldn't have done this or that, surely you would be more careful and keep this lesson in your heart?

Sorry for the long comment, author-nim, had to vent this out. A really good job though, its beautiful :)
Chapter 32: I think I already read this story (in different writing style) (I guess you had already edited it) and still.. I got the same feeling as this is the first time I read this. so heartbreaking and beautiful fics ♡ suju oppa, please love our ryeobaby more :') keep writing author -nim ~ :)*
IcePrinceRay #8
Chapter 32: Am I to be considered mad if I say that I laughed at even the most tear jerking moments? I guess so XD Heck...I don't know why but even laughed at the part where 'Donghae was pushing the button like...' I don't remember what were the next words but buuuh I just started laughing! Seriously, something is wrong with that pink mushy thing inside my skull XD
I loved this fic! I love all of your fics! You are just like MiniMcGiggles (an authoress I love on fics are swoon worthy~!) of asianfanfics! Good luck for your on-going and future fics!
See ya~!