If only

Come Back Dear Ryeowook!

They have no schedule today. Instead, they have dance practice. Well, It's not that they needed to learn any new dance routine. They have already know their dance moves for their featured song in their upcoming album. They just need to to practice the dance and make it perfect. So they went into the dance room, with their heads held up high. Ready for battle.




The members have managed to calm themselves down from all the commotions that has been happening around lately especially with Ryeowook. They decided to just focus on their upcoming album and work really hard. 

However, they never forgot about Ryeowook. He is always on their mind and somewhere deep in their thoughts. They may not show it but somehow they would go to his room late at night and just sat there for hours just to feel his presence. Some would even keep their phones close to them just in case Ryeowook decides to call them While others, would even sit at the living room starring at the door hoping that Ryeowook would somehow barge in and greeted them with a big wide smile, telling them that he has already forgiven them. That he is not angry at them anymore. That it was all...okay.




'Kyuhyun! You're getting all the dance steps wrong!' Leeteuk yelled out at Kyuhyun.

'Ugh really? I'm sorry....I'll do it again.' Kyuhyun apologized.

'Are you off in some-planet dreamland ? You can't even get you're head up straight...you dream boy' Heechul said teasing him.

Feeling insulted, Kyuhyun responded. 'Oh at least I'm not the one who has to sit down every freaking minute!' his tongue pointing out at Heechul.

'YOU! Come here you! You're really asking for it now!' Heechul yelled chasing after Kyuhyun.

'Teukie hyung! Help me! Protect me from this cranky-old person!' Kyuhyun is now hiding behind Leeteuk. Using him as a shield against Heechul.

'Aish you two stop it already! You're acting just like kids right now!' Leeteuk said to the both of them. 

'This brat started it!' Heechul yelled out. 

'What do you mean I started it?!' Kyuhyun, disbelieved at Heechul's words. 'You're old and a liar.' he continued.

'WELL YOU!' Heechul yelled trying to grab Kyuhyun from behind Leeteuk.


By then Leeteuk looks just like a meat being squash into pieces standing between Kyuhyun and Heechul. He had to hold Heechul's hand from grabbing Kyuhyun while maintaining his balance as Kyuhyun keeps on pulling and pushing him.


'AISH! STOP THIS NOW!!!' Leeteuk yelled. He was getting pissed.


The other members who are watching this 'free drama' are now laughing their heart out. They find it hilarious how Heechul keeps on jumping up and down like a kangaroo trying to grab Kyuhyun while Leeteuk is like a metal shield or something protecting their magnae waving his hands back and forth at Heechul. Then you have Kyuhyun, the way he's acting now is just like a five year old boy hiding behind his mother for protection while pointing his tongue out at the kangaroo.


'They're so stupid!' Kangin said. He is now laughing histerically.

'What the hell are they doing??' Siwon agreed. 'Family drama much ?! Its like Teukie hyung is the patient mother, while Chuli hyung is the cranky old diva sister wannabe and Kyuhyunnie is the evil baby brother HAHAHAHAHA!!!'

'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE RIGHT!!!! HAHAHA!!!' Donghae and Sungmin burst into a huge laugh at Kangin's and Siwon's remarks.



Without them realising it, they all burst into a huge laughing frenzy. They laugh and laugh and laugh until their mouth starts to hurt. Even the trio in talk is now laughing at their own silliness looking at each other.


'What the hell are we doing?' Heechul said trying to contain his laughter.

'Being ridiculous.' Kyuhyun replied. 'HAHAHAHA!!'


Seeing this, a smile forms on Leeteuk's face. It's been a while since we laugh like this. He thought. It has been difficult for them these past few weeks. Ryeowook had left them. Without a word and they are missing him like crazy. They couldn't even contact him. Asking him how is he doing and more importantly telling him how they feel. Telling him how sorry they are for...EVERYTHING. For everything.

You see, as time passed by, their guilt and regret is growing bigger each day and it's really painful. It hurts and it cuts them from within. They wanted nothing more than to apologize to Ryeowook. Nothing more. 



'If only he's here' Leeteuk mumbled. His eyes showing sadness.





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OMG ! I can't believe I've finished this!! YAY !


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Chapter 32: I guess everyone in the comments section wanna know who framed ryeowook lol,author-nim pleasw tell usssss
Chapter 32: This is acute and caring story <3!
marivic9 #4
Chapter 32: It is so touching.....I am crying my heart out....
Chapter 32: But who framed Ryeowook near the beginning?? Didn't even feel quilty about it, tsk. Gotta say that I agree with the lower comment. They felt a bit immature and how to say this... selfish. And rude, definitely rude.
Hanzo242 #6
Chapter 32: Its really nice this story and I thoroughly enjoyed Ryeowook's inner turmoil but... The members were really insincere, or at least thats what I felt. They only apologised when told to and were really insensitive. They think narrow-mindedly and honestly, their efforts to make Ryeowook forgive them felt fake and it was like they just wanted him back as their cook and caretaker. If you say that you have done something wrong and is yelling/crying about how you shouldn't have done this or that, surely you would be more careful and keep this lesson in your heart?

Sorry for the long comment, author-nim, had to vent this out. A really good job though, its beautiful :)
Chapter 32: I think I already read this story (in different writing style) (I guess you had already edited it) and still.. I got the same feeling as this is the first time I read this. so heartbreaking and beautiful fics ♡ suju oppa, please love our ryeobaby more :') keep writing author -nim ~ :)*
IcePrinceRay #8
Chapter 32: Am I to be considered mad if I say that I laughed at even the most tear jerking moments? I guess so XD Heck...I don't know why but even laughed at the part where 'Donghae was pushing the button like...' I don't remember what were the next words but buuuh I just started laughing! Seriously, something is wrong with that pink mushy thing inside my skull XD
I loved this fic! I love all of your fics! You are just like MiniMcGiggles (an authoress I love on FF.net...her fics are swoon worthy~!) of asianfanfics! Good luck for your on-going and future fics!
See ya~!