Love and Warmth

Come Back Dear Ryeowook!

The doctor had just finished examining Ryeowook. Everyone was nervous when they saw the doctor walked out of the room. They immediately went up to him.


'Doctor, Whats wrong with him??' Leeteuk was the first one to ask. 'Why is he in pain?'

'Will he be alright??' Donghae added. He was worried sick. 'Is he still in pain ???'

'Tell us doctor!' Sungmin cried out. 'TELL US !'

'What's wrong with him??!'

'Can everybody please calm down...' the doctor said. 

'I understand that you're worried but please calm down and bear in mind that this is a hospital.'

'Please excuse our rudeness.' Leeteuk apologised. 'We're sorry'

The doctor smiled and said,

'It's okay, I understand.' he replied. 'Let's continue shall we...'

'Regarding Ryeowook...' he began.

'You have nothing to worry about. I have just finished examining him and everything is fine.'

'He was only feeling pain because of his injuries. That's all. He'll be alright.' he finished.


They sighed in relief. THANK GOD !


'THANK YOU DOCTOR!' they all said together bowing to him.








After the doctor excused himself they all went back to Ryeowook's room. They entered quietly so that Ryeowook wouldn't be too surprised by their sudden entrance. Then they went up to his bed.


' are you feeling?' Leeteuk asked Ryeowook. Tears in his eyes. 'We've missed you....'

'Teu...kie' Ryeowook managed to reply with a smile. He was still weak so he wasn't able to talk much. 


'We thought you were a goner.' Heechul spoke out. 'We were worried sick. We thought you'd never wake up.'

'Don't ever do something so stupid again!' he finished before turning away trying to hide his tears from being seen.

Noticing that, Ryeowook smiled.


Donghae who was standing at the end of the bed went closer to Ryeowook.


'Ryeowookie....listen......' he began.

'I know you're still weak and everything but I don't wanna waste this chance because if I do I don't know how I'll be able to live with myself. EVER. So please, just listen and bear with me for a while....okay ?'


Ryeowook gave him a slight nod. Donghae smiled and took a deep breathe. Then he looked into Ryeowook's eyes.


'Okay....Ryeowook, I don't know how to say this but I a......' he began. Stuttering a bit.

'I want to take this chance to apologise for....everything......' 

'We've hurt you. I've hurt you. We've said some things we shouldn't have and we let you down. We broke your heart. We did all that. We should have understood you more. We should have. We were stupid, terrible, heck we were jerks!' he stopped for a while trying to control his tears from coming.

'Wookie.......I just want you to know that I'm so sorry....we're all are......' he continued. His tears beginning to fall.

'When you were in a coma I thought...I thought.....that you'll never wake up again. I thought that... that you're really leaving us this time....forever....I was so scared. I was scared because I didn't want to lose you and....I haven't even apologise to you and....and.....and I'm just really sorry!' he added before breaking into a sob.

'I'm just really really sorry WOOKIE! I'M SO SO SORRY!!'


Donghae is now crying as hard as ever.


'Ryeowook....' Sungmin uttered. 'I'm sorry too.....for everything.'

'I know I've said some terrible things to you...I....I've hurt your feelings....I'm just a JERK...'

'You were always there for me but I said all that to you...I'm just a horrible hyung.....but....even so.....' he stopped. His voice shaking.

'Can you perhaps...forgive me?' he pleaded as he started crying.

'Can you ?'

'Please forgive me...'

'I'm so sorry....'



'We're sorry too Wookie.' The other members uttered one by one. 'We're really sorry.'

'For everything....really....we're just....really sorry.......' they uttered with tears in their eyes.

'We should have apologie. We should have....We were so stupid.....'

'You're really important to us Ryeowook and we have finally realized that. Without you...we're...we're..we're just nothing. NOTHING!'




In a split second, all of them started to cry. Some even breaking into a heavy sob.



'WE'RE SO SORRY !!!!!'




Ryeowook grabbed a hold of Donghae's hand and he pulled his oxygen mask up with his other hand.


'' he tried to speak. 'Please...don't...cry.......'



Everyone is now looking at him. 


'I you guys.........'

'I hav..e....already forgive' he stopped as he wore his oxygen mask again for some air. He then pulled it up again and continued,

' please....don't....cry anymore.......'

'.....don't........' he finished with a sweet smile.


Donghae helped him wore his mask again while the other members started to cry more than before at Ryeowook's words. In fact, they were crying like babies.


'Wookie!' Shindong cried out. 'Why are you so nice!'

'How can you just forgive us!'

'We were so mean to you!' 


Ryeowook smiled at him and said from under his mask, 


'I'm not......'


'.....that's all........'




The hospital room is now filled with tears of joy and happiness as they hugged and embraced each other. They even went up to Ryeowook and kissed him on his cheeks while telling him how much they love him and just expressing their gratitudes. That's right. It was just a beautiful sight filled with love and warmth. They were laughing and smilling and everything was just perfect. But above all, they were really thankful that Ryeowook has woken up and that he had forgive them and everything is okay again. They couldn't have ask for anything more. They couldn't and they wouldn't for they've already gotten everything they could ever need. Everything.






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OMG ! I can't believe I've finished this!! YAY !


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Chapter 32: I guess everyone in the comments section wanna know who framed ryeowook lol,author-nim pleasw tell usssss
Chapter 32: This is acute and caring story <3!
marivic9 #4
Chapter 32: It is so touching.....I am crying my heart out....
Chapter 32: But who framed Ryeowook near the beginning?? Didn't even feel quilty about it, tsk. Gotta say that I agree with the lower comment. They felt a bit immature and how to say this... selfish. And rude, definitely rude.
Hanzo242 #6
Chapter 32: Its really nice this story and I thoroughly enjoyed Ryeowook's inner turmoil but... The members were really insincere, or at least thats what I felt. They only apologised when told to and were really insensitive. They think narrow-mindedly and honestly, their efforts to make Ryeowook forgive them felt fake and it was like they just wanted him back as their cook and caretaker. If you say that you have done something wrong and is yelling/crying about how you shouldn't have done this or that, surely you would be more careful and keep this lesson in your heart?

Sorry for the long comment, author-nim, had to vent this out. A really good job though, its beautiful :)
Chapter 32: I think I already read this story (in different writing style) (I guess you had already edited it) and still.. I got the same feeling as this is the first time I read this. so heartbreaking and beautiful fics ♡ suju oppa, please love our ryeobaby more :') keep writing author -nim ~ :)*
IcePrinceRay #8
Chapter 32: Am I to be considered mad if I say that I laughed at even the most tear jerking moments? I guess so XD Heck...I don't know why but even laughed at the part where 'Donghae was pushing the button like...' I don't remember what were the next words but buuuh I just started laughing! Seriously, something is wrong with that pink mushy thing inside my skull XD
I loved this fic! I love all of your fics! You are just like MiniMcGiggles (an authoress I love on fics are swoon worthy~!) of asianfanfics! Good luck for your on-going and future fics!
See ya~!