Doubts and questions



The rooms of 339 and 336 was buzzing with much discussion as night slowly crept up on them. In 339, Kamin and Sooyeon were in their black outfits. Kamin fastened her black mask, used to camouflage herself against the darkness. Sooyeon, the younger one, tied her hair up into a ponytail before doing exactly what Kamin did, putting on her mask and secure it with a tight hairpin. 
"Sooyeon, get out your crystal detector. I bet the crystal isn't in the ship deck anymore. Can you locate it?" Kamin asked, her eyes narrowed determinedly. It was the last night she could have the chance to get her hands on the crystal of dreams, the crystal that would cure her of her nightmares that has been haunting her since her parents' death. 
Sooyeon tweaked some buttons and pressed her long fingers on the touch screen of the gadget. Her eyes narrowed as the blinking purple dots on the detector slowly dwindled to only one dot left which was located at a obscure room in the cruise. It is along a long hallway which stretched from one end of the cruise to the other and there are staircases located near it.
"Here it is. This should be the location. The forth floor. At this corner. " She pointed to the dot. Kamin looked at it for a brief moment and nodded. Sitting on the bed, she instructed,"alright then. Get your boots on. Lets get this done early and we would accomplish this mission." Sooyeon glanced at the purple dot and she remembered the last golden light blinking on the globe; a scene in rise of the guardians. It was their last hope to saving the kids and themselves, just like how the crystal of dreams was.
"And find another mission to do?" Sooyeon sat down beside her. She had to tell Kamin when she still has the chance to. Kamin looked up from tying her shoelaces to stare at Sooyeon. 
"What?" Kamin said.
"Okay, Kamin. I know this isn't the best time to say this but today Kai and I went to watch rise of the guardians and this main character, Jack Frost, made me ponder about something." Sooyeon started. Kamin turned around, albeit a little impatient.
"Okay. I am listening. Make this quick, okay?" Sooyeon nodded.
"He was created for a reason and he never knew what that reason was. He questions himself why is he even here? What is the reason for his existence? Don't you think that's a bit like us?" Sooyeon asked.
"What is our identity?" Sooyeon asked Kamin who had grown silent,"is it simply stealing things?" 
"Sooyeon, I know this whole stealing thing sounds unethical but it's for a cause, remember? I desperately need that crystal and its out there." Kamin pointed to the door,"and all the things we have stolen, we simply retrieved them back. The sapphire necklace was taken back for its original owner;the diamond ring was also for its owner. The bags of jewelry were to help the children. It's for a cause, just like Robin Hood. We don't steal for fun or excitement. There is a reason. And a valid one, in fact. And it's the only way we can...survive." Kamin pointed out sadly.
"Kamin. I understand but is this ever gonna stop? Are we going to just live our lives like this? Stealing and putting our lives on the line for diamonds and rubies and crystals? Think about it. Now, we have two amazing boyfriends and I love Kai so very much." 
"I love Baekhyun too." Kamin spoke. 
"Exactly. They are wonderful people and we have fallen in love! You have fallen in love. From what I know, love is pure and innocent and lovers don't hide anything. No secrets. But we do. Baekhyun and Kai are good guys and they are ordinary. Not like us. I don't want to put our lives in danger when we have people we love who would cry for us." Sooyeon bit her lips. 
Kamin fell silent. Sooyeon is right. If this mission fails and we were to die, how would the two of them feel? How would Baekhyun feel? If the two spies who had obstructed us from stealing the crystal the other night comes again and catch us off guard, who knows what could happen?  Sooyeon is right. We can't go on like this, when we have loved ones who would hurt, mourn and cry for us. 
"You are right, Sooyeon. And stealing can't be right no matter what the reason is. I promise you we shall never steal again. After tonight, we will not steal ever again. We shall find a decent job, earn money, fall in love, enjoy dates and do everything that we have never gotten to do. Okay?" Kamin held out her pinky. 
"Really, Kamin?" Sooyeon hugged her tightly,"thank you. But for tonight, lets give our best shot as our last stage for the night. It shall be the last day we are ever going to sneak around."
Kamin nodded before she pulled away from the hug,"alright, partner. Let's do this." With that, they sneaked out of the front door. 
Whereas, Baekhyun and Kai were getting ready for their mission. Baekhyun tied his shoes with practiced hands and he stood up, ready for action. Kai, on the other hand, was still deep in thought as he absentmindedly tied his shoelaces. A sharp snap woke Kai up from his daze. 
"Kai, you seem really distracted. Did anything happen?" Baekhyun asked, concerned,"stay focused, dude. Or Mr Choi will kill us, literally." 
"And will we continue to live like this, Hyung?" Kai asked, his eyes sad. Baekhyun sighed as he sat down beside him.
"What do you mean?" 
"Sooyeon and I watched a movie today and it made me think. We have been under Mr Choi for years and is it really worth it? Is life supposed to be like this; Punishments and beatings when we can't complete his assigned missions properly and small rewards when we do accomplish what he wants us to do? We are putting our lives at risk here." 
"We have always placed our lives at risk when we do missions. It's normal and we have to simply accept what life gives us. " Baekhyun replied curtly.
"Even if it means dying when you have Kamin now?" Kai asked, staring into Baekhyun's eyes. 
 "Kamin... She..." 
"Don't tell me she is not important." Kai said. 
"She is important to me." Baekhyun said fiercely,"more than anything in my life." Baekhyun fell silent at his own words. 
"And so is Sooyeon to me. Risking our lives is now really a risk. It has never exactly occurred to me that I may lose my life anytime but after meeting her, that has changed completely." 
"Losing my life would mean not being able to see her. Losing my life would also mean inflicting hurt, pain and sadness on Kamin." Baekhyun buried his face in his hands.
"If those two thieves do show up again when we do patrol..." Kai sighed,"I just want you to know that I am going to do anything to stop them in order to protect Sooyeon." 
"Me too." Baekhyun agreed,"Kamin must be safe. She can't get any hurt." He recalled what she told him this afternoon and that made him more determined. 
"Okay. Lets do our best to protect our girls." Baekhyun said with much conviction,"no matter what it takes." 
Kai nodded grimly as he took out the gun that mr choi had given them the last time. 
"You take this."
"No, take it, Kai. You are a better shooter than me. Take it. For your girl." Baekhyun smiled slightly. Kai smiled back, nodding in thanks. 
"Oh and about Mr Choi, lets figure that one out though I know what you are thinking is the same as mine.' Baekhyun winked before he pulled down his mask. Kai did the same and the both of them silently exited the room, heading towards the hiding place of the crystal.
Baekhyun and Kai took a second look at room 339. 
  I will keep you safe. The both of them thought before they turned and walked off. 
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great story!!!
Chapter 31: Good story. A sequel would be great, I would love to see what happens next !! Good Job on the story!! ;)
yukimura #3
Chapter 31: A miracle from their wishes had helped Kamin to fight for her life..epic *sob*
Sequel,please?haha.. Good job author~nim, thanks for finishing this amazing story :-*
mynighthaven #4
Chapter 29: Just a little smt that that you might want to check out.. you said the bullet pierced through her abdomen at first.. but towards the end, you said it punctured her lungs.. there was only one shot no? :) nice drama tho~
yukimura #5
Chapter 29: Aaah..i'm crying now,seriously..T^T
Be strong Kamin..please.. >.<
Author~nim,always wait for the next update!!!
yukimura #6
Chapter 28: Noooo! >.<
Don't hate Kamin..she's actually a kind girl,just let her to explain the reason why..don't hate her baekhyunnie.. T^T
Great job author~nim!
yukimura #7
Chapter 26: What will happen next?? O_o
update soon, author~nim:-*