Only one



From the introductions, the first couple was made up of 'haha' and 'Byul'. They have been together for three months already and they were indeed very much in love, evident from their intertwined hands. The second couple was a pair of Koreans,'Hara' and 'Junhyung'. They wore matching outfits and to Kamin, Hara and junhyung were two opposites, one sweet, the other cool. Perhaps opposites attract.
"Alright, the last couple now. Come on, tell us more about yourself." Kevin smiled kindly at Kamin. 
"I am Kamin. I am 19 years old and what I like about my,"Kamin cleared awkwardly,"about my boyfriend is his heart." 
"Why is that so?" Kevin pressed.
"Uhh." Kamin started.
"Come on, the crowd wants to know why too." Kevin egged.
"I..." Kamin looked towards Baekhyun who met her gaze. She shut her eyes tight before she said, announcing it to the whole crowd in front of her,"because I know that in his heart, there is only me inside it." Baekhyun secretly bit back a smile. You are absolutely right, Kamin.
Kevin placed his hand on his own heart,"I wonder whose heart am I inside. Thank you, miss Kamin. Now, your partner's turn."
"I am Baekhyun, 20 years old and..." Baekhyun glanced towards Kamin,"one thing I like about my girlfriend is her eyes because I can get lost in them forever." 
Kevin pumped his fists in the air,"what a sweet couple they are. My heart is gonna explode soon if you two keep up with that. Okay, since the last couple has introduced themselves, I shall explain the rules of the game. 'Teenage dream' is a game where couples will be playing a few games and through the games, we will be able to see how much chemistry these couples actually have and see how much love they have for each other. Isn't that exciting? Come on and cheer for these couples, audience!" 
The audience clapped and cheered politely.
"For those couples who were not chosen up on stage, don't worry. The audience has an important part to play in determining the winners for this game. The most well-liked couple who gets the loudest cheers would stand to win attractive prizes." 
Baekhyun leaned over to Kamin,"we will win that prize." 
Kamin giggled,"I hold you to that." 
"Alright, we shall get the game going. The first round is called the alphabet chat. The couples will be chatting normally but the twist is that the starting letter of the sentence has to be in alphabetical order. Everyone got it?" Kevin looked around. The three couples nodded. 
"Alright then, let's start with byul and haha." 
Byul looked at haha, smiling as if urging him to start first. Haha nodded nervously.
"I love you?" Haha spoke hesitantly. The buzzer sounded and Kevin screamed,"okay, next couple. Haha, that was a nice confession but it would be so much better if you started it with an 'A'."  The audience laughed and kamin could see kai guffawing beside sooyeon. Haha hit himself on the head though byul squeezed his shoulders to say it was alright. 
"Hara and junhyung, let's hear your conversation." Kevin nodded towards them.
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Hara beamed, ostensibly pleased with herself.
"Baby, what did you say?" Junhyung raised an eyebrow, looking a little annoyed.
"Couldn't you hear me just now?" Hara huffed as she crossed her arms over each other.
Junhyung scratched his head,"don't raise your voice at me!" 
"Excuse me, but I am your girlfriend." Hara frowned, displeased.
"Fine, sorry." Junhyung muttered.
"This is lame." Junhyung snorted before the buzzer buzzed loudly. 
"That was such a pity, they went really far, didn't they?" Kevin shook his head sadly,"but never mind. Let's see what the last couple has in store for us. Perhaps we are in for some sweet stuff. Please start off from where the last couple started." Kevin said.
"Hey." Kamin shuffled her feet awkwardly. 
"I have something to tell you." Baekhyun said, as if no one else were there.
"Just say it then." Kamin shrugged her shoulders.
"Kai talked to me something last night and it made me realize something." Baekhyun said. The audience silenced themselves as they watched intently.
"Listening." Kamin cocked her head to a side. She, herself did not know what was in store for her.
"Many thoughts were in my mind last night and I finally know how I feel about you now." 
"Of course," Baekhyun smiled a little bashfully. 
"Please tell me." Kamin begged. She really wanted to know. The audience 'ooh-ed'.
"Quiet, please." Baekhyun hushed the crowd, with a finger on his lips before he turned back to Kamin.
"Ready." Kamin breathed.
"Sure?" Baekhyun asked.
"Tell me." Kamin pleaded with her eyes. The audience looked on.
"Umm-" Before Baekhyun could continue, the buzzer sounded. 
"And time's up. Congratulations to Baekhyun and Kamin. You did well." Kevin interrupted the conversation, much to the audience's displeasure.
"Hey! Let Baekhyun oppa continue with his last sentence, dude!" Kamin heard Sooyeon shout from the crowd. 
"Yeah, let him finish." As if on cue, the crowd demanded in unison. Kevin raised both hands up in the air,"as you wish."
"Umm," Baekhyun gently took Kamin's hands,much to the delight of Sooyeon and Kai who began nudging each other excitedly,"I realize that though I was a flirt the last time, I have changed because you came into my life. I can tell you that you are the only one in my heart, now and forever." Baekhyun gazed into Kamin's eyes. Kamin felt her heart thumping hard against her chest and a pink blush crept onto her cheeks as Baekhyun's words replayed in her head. 
You are the only one in my heart, now and forever.
double update! Hope you guys like how the story is progressing~^^
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great story!!!
Chapter 31: Good story. A sequel would be great, I would love to see what happens next !! Good Job on the story!! ;)
yukimura #3
Chapter 31: A miracle from their wishes had helped Kamin to fight for her life..epic *sob*
Sequel,please?haha.. Good job author~nim, thanks for finishing this amazing story :-*
mynighthaven #4
Chapter 29: Just a little smt that that you might want to check out.. you said the bullet pierced through her abdomen at first.. but towards the end, you said it punctured her lungs.. there was only one shot no? :) nice drama tho~
yukimura #5
Chapter 29: Aaah..i'm crying now,seriously..T^T
Be strong Kamin..please.. >.<
Author~nim,always wait for the next update!!!
yukimura #6
Chapter 28: Noooo! >.<
Don't hate Kamin..she's actually a kind girl,just let her to explain the reason why..don't hate her baekhyunnie.. T^T
Great job author~nim!
yukimura #7
Chapter 26: What will happen next?? O_o
update soon, author~nim:-*