


"My friends, the night is still young." Kai casually slung an arm around Sooyeon, a little too high from the karaoke session that just ended. They had been singing karaoke for several hours, while eating, drinking and laughing. All of them were having fun, even Kamin who seemed to have gotten closer to Kai and Baekhyun after the duet. Kamin could not control the excitement and happiness bubbling inside of her. She felt carefree and for a moment there, she had the mission for finding the crystal at the back of her mind.
"It's only about....9p.m. It's still early,"Sooyeon glanced at her watch,"but wow, we sang for like five hours?!" She exclaimed.
"Well, excluding the whole hour where we only ate and drank." Kamin laughed, pointing at the empty shelf of tidbits and the nearly empty drinks machine. They laughed along with Kamin.
Baekhyun was on cloud nine as he laughed with Kamin. He was really doubting whether he was the real him. Though he still flirted, it was only with Kamin. Since the day he had set his eyes on her, he only had her in his eyes. He couldn't believe that he, Byun Baekhyun, a total flirt would become like this; lovesick.   
"Hey guys. I got an idea." Baekhyun leaned forward. The four huddled closer,"what?" They asked in unison. 
"Lets go clubbing." Baekhyun announced. His suggestion was greeted with whoops and cheers. 
"Awwww yeah." Kai smirked,"I am so gonna rock that place." 
"Clubbing sounds awesome, I haven't been there for so long already!" Sooyeon clapped her hands in glee.
"Sure, why not? I am rather high now, I think I am up for some late night partying." Kamin cheered.
"Lets go!" With that, they exited the karaoke room, a little high and very much hyped up.
"Cool place," Kai said, scanning his surroundings. The club was crowded with people gyrating to the music playing from the black speakers. Bright neon lights dazzled the foursome from all directions. The loud music that boomed from the speakers could barely drown out the endless chatter of the throng of people out on the dance floor as well as those sitting down engaging in small chat among small groups. 
Kai stepped out onto the dance floor first. He looked from left to right before he smirked. An aura of confidence burst out from him as he began moving to the music. As he slowly got used to the rhythm, he began to dance. His body naturally gyrated to the music, his dance movements sleek and elegant though powerful and impactful in its own way. He began popping to the pounding music, garnering much attention from the many girls around him. His muscles relaxed as he let his heart take over his body. His movements became more fluid and aware of the many girls around him, he smirked, winking at one or two as he began to do body waves. Sooyeon folded her arms, anger bubbling inside her. She felt herself seeing red as Kai began to advance towards another girl, dancing right in front of her. Not being able to control herself any longer, she stalked towards Kai, taking his hand, pulling him to face her. She huffed," I can dance too, you know." 
"Of course, I know. " Kai smirked,"you jealous?" 
Sooyeon rolled her eyes,"just dance with me,will you?" With that, she pulled Kai seductively by the collar, a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
"Dance with me, Kamin." Baekhyun offered his hand to Kamin who stood just right beside him.
Kamin laughed," it's my honor." She took his hand. Baekhyun could feel tiny sparks as her hand slipped into his. 
Soon, they were both gyrating to the music. Unlike Kai, they were goofing around on the dance floor. Kamin and Baekhyun were both dancing simple moves together contentedly. Kamin laughed as Baekhyun twirled her around. She laughed even harder as she twirled Baekhyun around. 
"Ohmygosh. You are hilarious,"Kamin slurred," head is dizzy." Kamin felt the world spinning around her. She stumbled a little before she regained her balance. 
"Are you dazzled by me?" Baekhyun joked.
Kamin smiled a little,"why, of course. You are simply handsome and cool." She played along though she felt a little throb at her head.
Baekhyun smiled widely,"you are a dazzling girl, too." He winked.
Kamin smiled weakly though she felt her head throb. She held her hand to her temples, staggering forward and falling into Baekhyun's arms.
Surprised, Baekhyun's eyes widened though he caught her quickly. He helped her up. "Are you really charmed by me?" 
"I..." Kamin murmured before she fell down again. Baekhyun caught her again, just in time. He looked at her with serious eyes.
"Are you okay?" He led her gently to a nearby cushioned seat to sit down. Kamin sat down, her knees wobbly.
"I think I am fine. I am just not very used to the crowd and the music and everyone moving around me. I think I am just a little giddy, that's all." Kamin held her hand to her head.
Baekhyun put a hand on her forehead. He drew his hand back in shock.
"It's scalding hot. Kamin ah, this won't do. You have to go back to your room." Baekhyun instructed.
"Ah, okay." Kamin answered weakly,"where is sooyeon?" 
Baekhyun looked around,"I don't know."
"Then, never mind. I will go up myself. I have the room key anyways." Kamin got up unsteadily only to have Baekhyun supporting her immediately. She glanced at him.
"I am not going to let you go up yourself. Don't argue with me, I am going up with you. You can't even stand properly, much less walk." Baekhyun chided before he picked her up gently from the ground, carrying her bridal style out of the night club.
Kamin leaned against his chest after much internal struggle. She had barely any strength to lift her head up. 
"Thank you, Baekhyun," Kamin whispered. She could feel Baekhyun smile slightly.
"No worries, Kamin." Baekhyun murmured back. Kamin sighed,"you know, you seem to always be the one who would 'save' me when I am sick or in the clutches of some evil witches." 
Baekhyun laughed. "The haunted house was another thing. Okay, don't talk too much. Close your eyes and take a nap. "
Kamin nodded,snuggling against Baekhyun's warm chest. He gives me such a sense of security. Thank you, Baekhyun.
"I will take care of you,Kamin ah." Kamin vaguely heard Baekhyun's voice as she drifted off to sleep.
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great story!!!
Chapter 31: Good story. A sequel would be great, I would love to see what happens next !! Good Job on the story!! ;)
yukimura #3
Chapter 31: A miracle from their wishes had helped Kamin to fight for her life..epic *sob*
Sequel,please?haha.. Good job author~nim, thanks for finishing this amazing story :-*
mynighthaven #4
Chapter 29: Just a little smt that that you might want to check out.. you said the bullet pierced through her abdomen at first.. but towards the end, you said it punctured her lungs.. there was only one shot no? :) nice drama tho~
yukimura #5
Chapter 29: Aaah..i'm crying now,seriously..T^T
Be strong Kamin..please.. >.<
Author~nim,always wait for the next update!!!
yukimura #6
Chapter 28: Noooo! >.<
Don't hate Kamin..she's actually a kind girl,just let her to explain the reason why..don't hate her baekhyunnie.. T^T
Great job author~nim!
yukimura #7
Chapter 26: What will happen next?? O_o
update soon, author~nim:-*