New Friends

Once Upon A Memory


 "Class, we are going to have a group project. The group should contain only two members. I'll announce your group partners." said seonsaengnim. You became excited knowing that this will be your first group project in your new school.
 "Omo." you said to yourself.
Waiting for your teacher to mention your name, you became nervous. You became curious of who'll be your partner.
 Just then...
 "~~~ and Jo Youngmin."
YEEEEY! You became more overjoyed you got partnered with Youngmin. You gave each other a high five. The teacher finished giving everyone their partners and said "The project is about a scrapbook. You will put pictures about your life and about yourself. Design it, okay?"
 "Easy!" Youngmin said. 
"Let's buy stuff later!" you suggested. 
"Let's do it at my house."
"Is it okay?"
"Of course! So that you can visit the house too!"
It was time for break and you went to the cafeteria. You were eating with Youngmin at the cafeteria when some boys went to your table.
"Pretty girl, thanks for curing us again."
It was Kwangmin and his friends. 
"You're ~~~, right?"
"I'm Donghyun."
"I'm Jeongmin."
"I'm Hyunseong."
"Bangapsumnida!" they said in chorus. 
"Bangapsumnida. ~~~ imnida."
"Mind if we sat down with you?"
You sat beside Youngmin. Kwangmin came around too.
Here's the sitting position. 
Kwangmin • Jeongmin • Hyunseong
= table =
Youngmin • ~~~ • Donghyun
 You guys talked about a lot of stuff while you were eating.
 "Why were you guys in a fight?" you asked them. 
"They were just guys who came up in our way to school." Jeongmin answered. 
"They feel like they're so strong but they're nothing when it comes to us!" Hyunseong said bravely but in a cheerful way.
"Thanks for saving us though!" You smiled and nod. 
 Although, someone wasn't really joining the conversation...
"Why is Youngmin early at school and Kwangmin isn't?" you asked the two of them.
"It's because he gets in a fight once in a while and Kwangmin's too lazy to get up in the morning." Youngmin said. 
"Yah! I woke up early today! If you didn't force us to go to the clinic, we wouldn't be late. Tsch." Kwangmin blurted out. 
"So grumpy."
"Who's grumpy?! Isn't it true?" he crossed his arms.
You stick your tongue out and just laughed at him. He got taken aback but just kept quiet. 
Just then, you noticed something today that didn't happen.
"Youngmin-ah, I didn't dream about it today." All of them heard. 
"What dream?" "What dream?" "What dream?" they asked. 
"It's a weird dream. I can't explain. It's like I hear a voice. It's asking me if I can remember. It's saying it misses me." 
 They all kept quiet and looked at each other. Youngmin looked at his hyungs too. Kwangmin was just staring blank at the table.
Breaking the silence, Youngmin spoke up, "It's because she watches too much horror movies. Keke~"
"Yahhh." you lightly hit his shoulder.
"I'll leave now." Kwangmin said and left.
"He really is cold isn't he?" you told them. 
"Now, he is. But he's not like that before."
-Updated at 2 in the morning, keke. Here's the update! Jeongmin, Donghyun, and Hyunseong went in. Stay tuned! Read, comment, subscribe! <3
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D