I'm Sorry!

Once Upon A Memory


You crashed onto somebody... and the food that was in your tray spilled on that 'somebody's' uniform. You looked down..
"Mianhae..." you apologized, still looking down.
You tried to look up and saw who it was. It was Jo Kwangmin. Yeah, the guy from earlier.
He grabbed the collar of your uniform and yelled at you.
"I won't let this pass! Get me some new clothes!" So harsh.
"Yah, Kwangmin-ah!" you heard Youngmin's voice. *Youngmin to the rescue~*
"...this is too much. Get my extra clothes in my bag. No need to hurt ~~~."
"Jeongmal nan shireo! (I really hate you!)" Kwangmin yelled at you before he left.
"Let's sit down." Youngmin led you to an empty table he found.
"I'm so stupid. Arghhh~" you were so frustrated with yourself.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Youngmin, being your bestfriend, UNLUCKILY, just laughed at you.
"Why are you laughing? This is not a laughing matter, Jo Youngmin." you glared at him.
"Next time, stop daydreaming."
"I never thought your brother was that scary.."
"You never thought?..."
"Yah, kaja~ let's eat." Youngmin changed the topic. You were excited to eat until you realized,
"I don't have food anymore." you pouted.
"Let's share then! ^^" Youngmin offered you his food and you two began eating.
After a while, the bell rang. You got back to your classroom. You saw Kwangmin wearing new and clean uniform, staring at you. You looked away and hurriedly went to your seat. He then walked over your seat with heavy steps on his foot.
You stood up and bowed a lot of times, "Mianhae! Mianhae! Mianhae!"
You were really feeling guilty of what you did. Kwangmin looked at you and talked to you in a calm manner, "Next time, watch where you're going. Arasso?"
"De, I promise! I won't do it again." you bowed again.
"Tsch, you never change." Kwangmin mumbled but you clearly heard what he said.
"Why don't you try to be friends? ^^" Youngmin joined your conversation.
He took your hand and Kwangmin's hand and told you to shake each others hands. You both did. You smiled.
"See! Isn't this better? Than yelling at ~~~. Right, Kwangmin?"
"I'll go back to my sit." Kwangmin left immediately.
"~~~ -ah, sit down already~"
You both sat down as your teacher entered your room and started the lesson.
After classes, it was hometime already.
"Aigooo!" you blurted out
"Did you enjoy your first day?" Youngmin asked you.
"Not really.."
"keke, gwaenchanhayo. (it's all right) He'll (Kwangmin) forget it tomorrow."
"Tell him I'm so sorry."
"Wanna go out?"
"Sure, where to?"
"You pick."
"Hmm.. Minwoo-oppa's work! is that fine?"
"Sure, wait here."
Youngmin went somewhere and left you at the entrance. He took his motor and went back to where you were. he offered you his helmet and you ride on his back.
"Hold on tight!" Youngmin told you. You keep your hands wrapped around his waist and then you went off~ Youngmin knows where Minwoo words so he didn't ask you anymore for directions. After all, you two went there many times already. While on the way, you thought about your dream again. You talked to Youngmin.
"Who do you think is that voice in my dreams?"
Youngmin kept silent but spoke up again, "Let's talk later, I can't hear you too much."
You kept quiet and waited until you two arrived. You can't help but think of it alot. You dreamt about it a lot of times too. After a while, you arrived. Minwoo works in an ice cream shop. You love food so as you can see, this is where you wanted to go.
"We're here!"
You got off and went inside. You saw your brother.
"Oppa!~" you called out for him."
"Oh, annyeong! Didn't expect you to be here! How was your first day, ~~~ -nie?"
"It's fine."
"Jinjjayo?" Youngmin sarcastically said. You shot him a 'don't tell anything about it' glare.
"Ahaha, arasso. Wanna get something to eat?" Minwoo asked you two.
"Cookies and cream, oppa! How 'bout you Youngmin?"
"Chocolate for me!"
Minwoo scooped the ice creams and gave it to you two. You both paid for it. Since you were young, you wanted to pay for yourself when you and Youngmin goes out together. So he didn't argue with the paying. You both looked for a place to sit.
"It's so yummy!" you said while eating your ice cream.
"You never change the flavor of your ice cream ~~~ -ah."
"Really? Well, It's the best! I don't need to change it~"
"Ara, ara."
"So yeah... who do you think it is?" the dream thingy crossed your mind again.
You sighed.
"Why do you even think of that?"
"Ehhh I'm just so curious about it."
"Maybe it's from a horror movieee! Maybe it's hunting you dowwwwwn! Hohohoho!" Youngmin scared you.
"Yahhh, don't be like that!~" you chuckled at Youngmin's actions.
"Just don't think of it too much. You'll get old right away."
"~~~, I'll be off in a little while. Let's go home together!" your oppa told you.
"Ne." you replied. "You can go home by yourself, right?" you asked Youngmin.
"Of course!"
After those, you finished and Minwoo finished his shift too. You ride on your oppa's motor.
"Take care, ~~~ and Minwoo!" Youngmin waved goodbye before leaving. You and your brother went home too.
"Annyeong umma and appa!" you and your brother gave them a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh why are you with Minwoo?" your mom asked.
"Me and Youngmin dropped by his work after school."
"Oh I see. How was your first day?
"It's fine ummaaa~"
"I'll get up now." you went upstairs to your room.
You changed into house clothes and ate dinner. You lay down on your bed once you finished. You thought about what happened on your first day at school. A lot has happened. But you felt relieved now that the day passed by~
"I'm so sorry Kwangmin-shi." you said, still feeling guilty of what happened.
After a while, you dozed off.


Hello readers!~ Mianhae for the late update. School gets in the way. >:c And there~ Minwoo entered the story. What can you say about the incident that happened? Haha! Until next time~ annyeong. <3



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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D