Answers, please?

Once Upon A Memory


Your POV:
I arrived earlier in school today despite how lazy I was when I was preparing. As I went inside the classroom, three guys greeted me, "Good morning pretty girl!" It was Kwangmin's friends; Donghyun-oppa, Hyunseong-oppa, and Jeongmin-oppa. I waved at them and greeted them back, "Good morning!" I went to my seat and dropped my bag. Me and the oppas had a little chitchat first since class wasn't starting yet.
"Oppa, you can stop calling me 'pretty girl'. I feel embarrassed when you call me that," I told them. It was flattering but I feel like I'm not that pretty enough to accept that compliment.
"But that's what we always called you, even before," Jeongmin-oppa continued, he immediately covered his mouth after a few seconds.
"What? Even before?" I asked. Not knowing what he was talking about.
The two elder guys shot a glare at Jeongmin-oppa.
"Even before… meaning…" Hyunseong-oppa stated, "It means before, when you came to save us from that fight," Donghyun-oppa continued.
"Yup, I remember," I smiled at them.
"Oh yeah, belated happy birthday ~~~!" Jeongmin-oppa said, changing the atmosphere. The elder guys greeted me after too.
"Thank you! But how did you know?" I asked them.
"Uhh, Kwangmin told us," they replied.
I stopped whatever I was doing when I heard his name.
"Speaking of Kwangmin…" I saw them all gulp after my first three words. Silly boys.
"Do you guys know something about his girlfriend?" I continued.
"No, no, no. N-no. Not at all," Donghyun-oppa smiled at me after answering immediately.
Mehh, there was something suspicious on these boys. How could they not know when they are Kwangmin's close friends? They were giving each other looks when I ask about Kwangmin, same as my parents when I also asked them about him yesterday. What is happening? What's wrong with talking about Kwangmin?
"You're so curious about Kwangmin now," someone flicked my forehead.
I looked up to see who it was and it was Youngmin.
"Yah! If you're here then is Kwangmin here already?" I asked him.
I got another flick in my forehead as a reply, "Do you like Kwangmin?"
I was stunned by the question. That was an unexpected question.
"What? Pfft! No! I just want to uhm… ask him something," I answered.
Youngmin gave me a look, not satisfied with my answer.
Our teacher came in for our first subject and we all went back to our proper places. Class was already starting but Kwangmin isn't here yet. I waited for him to arrive then. I was looking for him since this morning. Why? Because I wanna ask him about what he said before. I wanna make sure. I might ask him about my weird dream too and if he knows something about it. I just couldn't wait anymore. I really wanna know what's behind the words he said to me. Youngmin caught me spacing out and snapped his fingers in front of me.
"Are you daydreaming?"
"I'm not," I turned around to look at him.
"I think you're waiting for Kwangmin," he gave me a look.
"Yup, I am," I smiled at him.
"Nyehh~ you like my brother!" He poked me.
I pretended not to hear what he last said or else it will lead to an endless argument.
After a few minutes, I saw Kwangmin arrive, he was late, again. Somehow I felt my heavy chest loosen up a bit, I don't know why.
"Sorry sir, I woke up late," he gave an apologetic bow.
"That's it, Mr. Jo. Detention." our teacher said.
Maybe our teacher had enough of him being always late. "Follow me," our teacher went ahead, leading Kwangmin to the place of people having detention. He didn't say anything but followed. I was worried. I hope he'll be okay.
A noisy classroom came up afterwards since there was no teacher.
"Kwangmin is smart but he's always late," Youngmin told me.
"Why don't you go to school together?" I asked.
"Ew, that's gay." He gave me an "ew" face.
"What gay?" I slapped his arm for fun, "You're brothers!"
"Ouch! Why are you so concerned with Kwangmin today?" He sniffed.
"I told you already, I'll just ask him something."
"I think you're developing feelings for Kwangmin."
"Again? I don't like him."
"Liar liar, pants on fire."
"I said no!" I hit him a lot of times.
"Well, what is it that you want to ask Kwangmin?"
"And what happened between you two the other day?"
"Yah. Are you gonna answer me properly or I'll tell Kwangmin you like him?" He smirked.
"I don't!" I hit him again, "We had this emotional talk," I replied properly.
"His girlfriend, that's why I'm so curious about his girlfriend! He seemed to be having problems with his girlfriend. He even cried in front of me."
Youngmin didn't say a word.
"And the words which the voice was telling me in my weird dream?" He looked up.
"He said those words to me. They had the same voice."
And once again, he didn't say a word. He looked confused. I don't even know if he heard what I said. Is everyone going to be like this when I ask about Kwangmin or his girlfriend? Why?
"But this morning, I had a different dream," I told him.
"About what?" Finally, he said a word.
"It sounded like someone having an argument. And the next thing I heard were cars screeching. It was horrible." I told him and he didn't give me a reply again.
I slapped him playfully hoping he'd be back to his conscience.
The bell rang afterwards, signaling for recess. The teacher came back too, saying class was already dismissed.
"Argh~ I'm hungry! Let's eat!" Youngmin grabbed my arm, changing the topic.
I was hungry too and just went with him to the cafeteria.
We ordered our food and found a place to sit down. I told Youngmin I'd go to the comfort room first. As I was on my way to the comfort room, I saw Kwangmin ahead. I immediately ran up to him.
"Kwangmin!" I grabbed his arm. He saw me but just ignored me and went ahead.
"Are you mad?" I asked as I tried to catch up to him.
I went to his front and stopped him, "Wait!" He gave me a glare but still ignored me.
"I just want to ask you something okay?" I assured him.
"I don't have time," he was about to walk ahead but I stopped him.
He ran away from me and I chased him around school. We were playing tag now.
I grabbed his arm when I had the chance, "I said wait!" I suddenly flared up.
The next thing I know, I bumped hard on the ground.
Kwangmin's POV:
Embarrassing. So embarrassing. I can't believe I spilled things out to her. Why did I even… Ugh! I scratched my stupid head for so many times. It just came out. I suddenly got emotional. How can I face her again? Or maybe it's better if I just don't? After the friendship, I think, we had on her birthday, I thought we would be close friends afterwards. If only I didn't ruin it.
"Kwangmin, stop."
"Do you even know what day it is today?"
"It wasn't enough for you…"
"I'm that stupid right?!"
"~~~ -ah! ~~~ -ah, where are you?!"
"~~~ -ah, I'm so sorry."
"~~~ -ahhhh!"
I woke up crying. I'm having nightmares again. I cried remembering that scene in my head. How painful. I've always been stupid from the start. It's my own fault she lost her memories, memories of me, memories of us.
The sun was already up when I rose. How could it be so bright early in the morning? I checked my Pikachu clock and it was already 8:30 am. What?! I woke up that late?! I could see Youngmin already left me since his bed was already empty. Aish, that guy. I immediately rushed to the bathroom and prepared myself. I skipped breakfast and ran all the way to school.
"Sorry sir, I woke up late," I gave an apologetic bow to our teacher.
"That's it, Mr. Jo. Detention." I knew it, I already had too many absents.
I took a glance at the classroom and saw her looking at me.
"Follow me," I didn't say a word and just followed the teacher.
He led me to the detention zone and left me there sitting and doing nothing. It was too boring. I didn't even have company. I just thought of things I could think of.
It wasn't a while when the hyungs went to the detention zone too.
"Kwangminnie is alone," Jeongmin-hyung poked me.
"You guys had detention too?" I asked them.
"Nope, we thought you'd be lonely so we came here," Donghyun-hyung smiled at me.
"Kwangmin, what are you telling ~~~?! She keeps asking us and in the end we're always left dumbfounded!" Hyunseong-hyung came running up to me, squishing my cheeks, and looking really nervous.
"She asked us about your 'girlfriend' earlier," Donghyun-hyung said.
"She's been so curious about your girlfriend. Have you been telling stuff to her?" he continued.
"When Youngmin came, she asked if you were there too. I think she's waiting for you," Jeongmin-hyung said too.
"Well, I kinda blurted things out to her a little bit," I told them.
They didn't say anything but gave me confused looks.
"Don't worry, I guess I'll go back on being cold to her," I said.
"Don't you want her to remember you?" They asked. I thought hard.
"I don't know but I feel like even my presence will give her harm," I answered.
We heard the bell rang and our teacher told me that I'm free now. The hyungs went to the cafeteria and I headed off to the classroom first to drop my bag.
"Kwangmin!" I heard someone call me and grabbed my arm. I saw ~~~ but I just ignored her, unintentionally. I didn't know what to answer if she asks me the same questions she asked the hyungs. I went ahead but she still caught up, "Are you mad?" She spread her arms in front of me and said, "Wait!" I really didn't know how to face her. "I just want to ask you something okay?" Shoot, there is it. I knew it, she was going to ask me too. "I don't have time," I ran away from her, hoping I could escape her and her questions. I was afraid. Afraid that she would be hurt again and I'm done with that. Everyone knows I don't want to hurt her anymore. It's too painful. "I said wait!" She shouted. Cold Kwangmin, cold. I took my arm away from her hands, her grip was too tight that I made her fall to the ground. I panicked. I didn't want to let her fall. I stopped the act and held her.
"Yah! Are you okay?" I helped her stand up.
"Are you hurt? Does your knees hurt? Your back? Your feet? Aren't you tired? Why did you even chase me?! Are you crazy? More importantly, are you okay? Yah, answer me!" Instead of an answer, she laughed at me as her reply.
"What's the laughing for?" She giggled. Omonie, so cute. I could faint.
"It's your fault for running away!" She laughed and lightly punched me.
I flicked her forehead.
Your POV:
Isn't that a pleasant sight? The sight of Kwangmin smiling and laughing is really unique for me. Maybe because he doesn't smile at me that much. But whenever I see his unique smile, I feel lightheaded. I don't know why.
"Hey, about that night…" he stopped smiling. He looked at me.
"I hope that doesn't change anything between us. I hope we don't ignore each other anymore. Okay?" I continued.
"Sure," he smiled again.
"Can I ask you something?"
"What is it?"
"You said the same thing the voice in my dreams were saying. Uhm… do you know something about my weird dream?"
He was silent and it took him time to speak up.
"Why are you asking me this?"
"I want to know the meaning behind that weird dream that's always in my head. So please, if you know something, please tell me," I told him with full sincerity. "Does my family, your friends, and Youngmin know something too?" I continued.
"What makes you say that?" He asked.
"It's 'cause whenever I ask them about you and your girlfriend, they always look suspicious. Am I the only one who doesn't know about your girlfriend?" He didn't say anything, "and my parents told me to ask you."
"So please?" I put my hands together in front of him. He let out a sigh.
"I don't know if I could answer you now," he started, "I don't want you to be hurt anymore." He looked down.
What was he saying? What was he talking about?
"I'm going ahead," he told me. I felt like I disturbed him too much so I didn't run after him anymore. I looked at him as he walked away. I turned around and walked back to the cafeteria too.
"Didn't you ever think it was you?"
● Sorry for the delay. There were hints again in this chappie. Enjoyyy~ ♥
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D