Figured It Out

Once Upon A Memory

Kwangmin's POV:
"It's your choice, Kwangmin."
I told Mom about what ~~~ said earlier as soon as I got home. We were in her car now, driving to the hospital she was confined to after the accident. Mom suggested to ask help from ~~~'s doctor. I agreed. We might get helpful advice from her doctor rather than making decisions on this situation by ourselves.
We arrived not long ago. We asked for Dr. Song at the lobby. The lady at the lobby led us to his office and there we meet again.
"Good afternoon, Dr. Song," we greeted.
"Kwangmin, Mrs. Jo, long time no see. What brings you here? Is it something about ~~~?" He asked and told us to sit down.
"She's been asking questions lately," I said.
"Are her memories back?" He asked.
"Not yet," I stated, "but she's having dreams."
"Dreams? About her memory?"
"She said there's this voice in her dreams, asking her if she remembers and telling her that it misses her." I explained to Dr. Song.
"If I'm not wrong, that voice is yours." I nodded, I was kind of certain.
"She really wants to know what's behind her dreams, we came here to ask you for advice."
"Memory dreams, huh. Having dreams about memories is common among those patients who had memory loss, the more she dreams, the more she'll remember. The more she'll ask," he explained.
"But I think, her remembering will cause her even more danger."
"I told you before, 90% of people having memory loss had their memories back," he explained, "If her memories fully return, you can't do anything about it." I was happy and worried at the same time.
"I know what you're going through Kwangmin. If ever her memories go back, why don't you just treasure and take care of her more? At least now you know the risks and won't be making the same mistake again."
The doctor was right. Rather being a coward, I could just take good care of her even more. I should be the one being responsible now. In fact, as her boyfriend before, her safety means a lot. I won't be the stupid Kwangmin anymore. I was scared because I was worried about her. I'm happy now that she might remember me again.
"So should we tell her everything when she asks again?" Mom asked Dr. Song.
"It's your own choice," he smiled, "even if you don't answer her questions, she'd find ways to get answers on her own. This will just make her more curious."
"Although, the minute she knows everything, it all depends on her if she accepts her past. Some don't accept what happened and they would deny it," he continued.
"So… what now Kwangmin?" He asked. Both of them looked at me.
"I guess… we'll tell her," I smiled. They cheered for some reason.
I thanked Dr. Song so much. He really helped us. Now we already know what to do. His advices really helped us figure everything out. We invited him to have coffee first and we bid our goodbyes and drove home.
We saw Youngmin sitting on the couch as we arrived.
"Where have you been?" He asked.
"Dr. Song's," Mom replied. He probably knew why.
"Do you know how much ~~~ bugged me today?" He playfully punched my arm.
"Well, what did Dr. Song say?" He asked.
"He said it's our choice. Many people like her had their memories back. He also said that the more ~~~ dreams, the more she'll remember," I answered him.
"She's having new dreams. Her dreams right now sounds like your last argument. And cars screeching, according to her."
"She's remembering." He told me. I nodded.
"So what are we going to do?"
"We're telling her."
● Dun dun dun!~ Shortie for today! Thanks for all the support! ♥
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D