His Side

Once Upon A Memory


Kwangmin's  POV:
I woke up early the next day, even earlier than Youngmin. I was excited to see ~~~ again. I took a shower and dressed up then went downstairs. I toasted a bread and made coffee for myself for breakfast. I went to the table and ate. After a few minutes, Youngmin came down. "Why so early today, Kwangie?" he asked me. "I just felt like getting up early," I answered him. "Psh, I doubt it. I think you're just excited to see her," he got it right. He sat down next to me and ate breakfast too. "Don't forget, Kwangmin. Everything we told you about her and her memory," he said. I knew that. I'll be cold. It hurts but of course, it's for her own sake too.
I finished breakfast and left, "Bye, hyung." I walked to school. While walking, I saw my hyungs on the way, Donghyun-hyung, Hyunseong-hyung, and Jeongmin-hyung. "Hey, is today something special?" they approached me. "I guess so, our Kwangmin is up early today," said Donghyun-hyung. "Well, something special as seeing her again." I smiled as I answered them. They were teasing me. "You brat, you haven't changed at all. Especially when it's about ~~~." We all laughed. We talked on our way to school. These hyungs were my companions. They helped me in everything. Even on what happened to her.
Not so far away, I saw people who were familiar. We walked closer and closer to them, they were walking on the opposite way we were heading to. We tried to avoid them but one guy bumped my shoulder. "What the heck?" I said. They guy looked up. This guy. I know him. "Long time no see, friend," he told me. His friends who were behind his back were smirking at me. "These guys, aren't they the ones you fought before?" said Jeongmin-hyung. I suppose they are. These guys tried to hit on ~~~ when we were a couple. I couldn't let that pass by so we fought with them that time.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
"Nothing much," he replied, "but where is that girlfriend of yours?" He continued.
"What do you want with her?" I was pissed off, he can't even get over my girl?!
"Everything, probably," he hissed. With that, I punched him in the face. "Get away from my girl," I glared at him. He was staring at me and then snapped his fingers. The next thing I know, his comrades attacked me and the hyungs. There were punches here and there. We can handle this kind of happening. Of course, we're not Kim Donghyun, Shim Hyunseong, Lee Jeongmin, and Jo Kwangmin for nothing. We fought them until they gave up. We beated them, we won. They came to us like thugs and now they're running away from us like cowards. What a fight. We had minor wounds but I guess we're fine. I sat on the ground, panting and catching air.
I stood up after feeling a little bit better. "Yah let's get going. We'll be late," I turned around and called the boys. I was shocked.
"Kwangmin-shi?" she called my name. Shoot, why did she have to see this?! From they way she looks, she looks frightened. "M-mwo.. W-what are you doing here?!" I stuttered. "I was on the way to school and I saw the fight," she told us. Whenever she's there, I can't focus. It's like I really wanna run up to her and hug her, but I know I'm not supposed to. 'Be cold, Kwangmin. Cold as ice.' I told myself. The hyungs stood up and approached me.
"Yah Kwangmin, isn't she the 'new girl'?" Jeongmin-hyung told me.
"Yes, I am." she answered. She observed every one of us. "You guys are injured." She grabbed my arm and told me, "Let's go to the clinic." I was shocked but at the same time I was happy. She signaled the hyungs to follow too. But something crossed my mind, 'Cold, Kwangmin! Cold!' my thoughts told me. She was dragging me on the way but I managed to stop. "Yah, no need!" I told her as I unwillingly took my arm away from her. Being the girl she was, she grabbed my arm again. "You need to! I know you're still mad at me but we need to cure your wounds! Let me just help." she told me. This girl is still as persuading as ever. 'Silly, I'm not mad anymore.' 
I got quiet and let her take us to the clinic. The hyungs followed too. I was enjoying the moment when we were walking to school. She was still holding my arm. I smiled at the thought but of course, I didn't let her see the smile. As we arrived to school, we headed straight to the clinic, only to see a "Doctor/Nurse is not in" sign. Her face looked disappointed. I thought she was gonna let it go but no, she still took us inside the clinic. She was going to be the one cleaning our wounds. 
"You don't really need to. Let go my hand, ~~~." I told her. I really didn't want her to go through so much just to cure us.
"Just take it as my sorry." she replied. Aish this girl, I've forgiven you already.
"Bu-" "No buts!" she cut me off. "Aish!" was the last thing I could say and I just kept silent.
The hyungs were quiet while she was curing and putting bandaids on their wounds and bruises. I was observing her. She's still so caring. After she cured them, they left me. Argh, this hyungs. Jeongmin-hyung even winked at me before leaving. "Neomu kamsahamnida, pretty girl!" they said and went off.
They left us two in the clinic. It was my time to get cured, yay! I'll be cured by my princess. I was rather excited with her treating my wounds. "OUCH!" I shouted in pain. She hit the spot. I had the most injuries than the hyungs. "Sorry." she apologized. "Be careful!" I told her, coldly. She didn't say anything anymore. It was quiet in the clinic. I wanted to talk to her so bad. Talk to her in a sweet way, but I know I can't. 'For you ~~~, I'll be cold.' Even though I didn't want to. What did I do to have my princess forget about me? It hurts. I was wandering around when I saw her smile. "No wonder you're late in class." she said. I didn't say anything. I was speechless, stunned by her smile. "Done!" she said.
After curing me, she got her things and was going to get out already.
"~~~ -ah." I called her.
"De?" she turned around to face me.
"Thanks," I murmured. I know I have to be cold but just one simple thank you won't hurt right?
"No problem. Does this mean you forgive me now?" she smiled at me.
"Aigoo, what attitude.. I'm going." She left. There, I became cold to her. It was hard, but if it's for the better, then I'll do it. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and grabbed my stuff. "Uhm.. Kwangmin-shi." I looked at the door and she came back. 
"What now?"
"Wanna go to class now?"
"Tsch, I'll go by myself."
"I'll wait for you."
This girl, I suppose she doesn't know where our classroom is. I chuckled, mentally, at the thought. I went out of the clinic and left her behind but I walked slowly, just incase she'd want to catch up to me. And yeah, she did. She walked by my side. "You don't know where it is, do you?" I asked her. "I-I know where it is! But.." "Liar," I scoffed at her. It was so obvious that she forgot, she's only new here. Well, for her and as what she thinks,  she's only new here. She's been in this school for so long but sadly, that part was also erased in her memories.
We walked together to the classroom, just like old times. I could tell she was memorizing the directions while on the way. After a few steps, we arrived. I wasn't surprised by my teacher saying I was late again, "Mr. Jo, LATE AGAIN! O-oh, Ms. ~~~? Are you late too?" He turned his attention to ~~~. I woke up early, didn't I? If only those jerks didn't mess with us.
"Oh, mianhae. I helpe–" I quickly covered before spilling things out.
"Ah, she woke up late today. Mianhae seonsaengnim," I made an excuse.
"Ah, I see. Please sit down now."
"De," I removed my hand and headed to my sit, she did too.
As I sat down, I glanced at her again. As always, with Youngmin. She's probably telling him what happened earlier. I turned my head in front and paid attention to the lesson. 
"Class, we are going to have a group project. The group should contain only two members. I'll announce your group partners." said our teacher. Wow, a new activity. Just then, I heard seonsaengnim mention ~~~'s name.
"~~~.." he started, "and Jo Youngmin."
I am not surprised. It's always the two of them. I saw them, she looked happy. Seonsaengnim paired me up with a guy I don't really know. The teacher finished giving everyone their partners and said, "The project is about a scrapbook. You will put pictures about your life and about yourself. Design it, okay?" "Hey Kwangmin-shi, I'd do the project myself okay?" the guy whom my teacher paired me up with, came to me. I agreed. I can also do the project on my own, too. Even though I wanted to do it with ~~~, sigh.
*dingdong* It was time for break. I saw her and ~~~ head to the cafeteria again. The hyungs called me and asked to go to the cafeteria so I went there with them. As we were walking inside the cafeteria, Donghyun-hyung seems to be looking for someone. It wasn't long before I knew who it was.
"Pretty girl, thanks for curing us again," said Donghyun-hyung, "You're ~~~, right?"
"De," she replied.
"I'm Donghyun." "I'm Jeongmin." "I'm Hyunseong."
"Bangapsumnida!" they said at the same time.
"Bangapsumnida, ~~~ imnida," she said back.
"Mind if we sat down with you?" Jeongmin-hyung asked. Aish, what are these guys thinking? "Sure," she replied.
I sat down with Jeongmin-hyung and Hyunseong-hyung. ~~~ was in between Youngmin and Donghyun-hyung. They were talking and talking about necessary stuff. I was quiet but I was paying attention. "Why were you guys in a fight?" I heard her ask. "They were just guys who came up in our way to school," Jeongmin-hyung answered. "They feel like they're so strong but they're nothing when it comes to us!" Hyunseong-hyung said, being manly infront of ~~~, as always. "Thanks for saving us though!" She smiled. She then glanced at me. I was heated up so I looked down.
"Why is Youngmin early at school and Kwangmin isn't?" she asked.
"It's because he gets in a fight once in a while and Kwangmin's too lazy to get up in the morning." said my oh-so-annoying hyung. "Yah! I woke up early today! If you didn't force us to go to the clinic, we wouldn't be late. Tsch." I blurted out. Wow. It just... gave away. I guess even my body knows I have to be cold to her. I kind of made myself used to it.
"So grumpy," she said.
"Who's grumpy?! Isn't it true?" I crossed my arms. She sticked her tongue out to me and just laughed. I just made her laugh, yay! Even I would want to laugh with what I did just now. I was taken aback but I just kept quiet. Not spilling anything, of course. "Youngmin-ah, I didn't dream about it today," she told Youngmin. All of us heard. 
 "What dream?" "What dream?" "What dream?" the hyungs asked.
"It's a weird dream. I can't explain. It's like I hear a voice. It's asking me if I can remember. It's saying it misses me," she said.
I stared blankly at the table. Is that me? In her dream? Am I that voice? Awkward silence was in our atmosphere. Breaking it, Youngmin spoke up, "It's because she watches too much horror movies!" he laughed. "Yah," she hit Youngmin's arm. I was confused of what was happening. "I'll leave now," I left them and walked away. I don't even know where I was going. I just kept taking steps forward.
"It's a weird dream. I can't explain. It's like I hear a voice. It's asking me if I can remember. It's saying it misses me," those words of her kept replaying in my head. Was it me? Is she remembering? She dreams of those things? She's just like me, except I have nightmares and she has dreams. If she remembered everything, I think she'd have nightmares rather than dreams. I was thinking, only thinking of it, not thinking where I was going. I just walked ahead. Then I heard the hyungs, "Yah, Kwangmin-ah!" "What's going on?" Donghyun-hyung asked me. "Did you hear that Kwangmin? Did you hear what she said? I think she's remembering!" Jeongmin-hyung told me. Oh, how much I wish she would remember. But I know it's just from her dreams.
I came back to my senses and the sense of my walking. I stopped walking. I slapped myself to wake me up. 'Don't think of it anymore, Kwangmin. Cold! Cold!' I heard the inner me talk to me. "Relax, Kwangmin. Let's go back to class," Hyunseong-hyung patted my back. We went on our way back. I waited for our subjects to finish. The bell rang, finally. I fixed my stuff, said goodbye to the hyungs, and went home. I just want to clear my thoughts and sleep.
As soon as I arrived home, I greeted my mom. She was watching her dramas in the living room. I was on the stairs when she called me. "Kwangmin, you won't eat?" "I'll sleep first, mom. Just call me when you need something," I told her. "Okay then." I closed the door to my room and slept.
I woke up after 2 hours of napping. I was still thinking of what she said but my mom called me. "Youngmin, Kwangmin. Come down now!" So Youngmin's home? I went down the stairs. She's here?! I was shocked. She was really sitting on our dinner table with my mom. "Annyeong, grumpy!" she greeted me. 'Cold, Kwangmin. Cold. Relax.' I kept quiet and gave her a fake bad look then sat down. Youngmin came down as well. 
"~~~ -ah, how are you?"
"I'm fine, auntie!"
Mom and her were talking about stuff. About how they were now and such. It's been a long time since she last came here. I think she was still safe when she came here for the last time, before her memories were erased. I miss all the fun that we had here. The sweet and cheesy times, I miss them. I miss her. I wish you knew, my princess. I was looking around then I saw these people looking at my face. "Mhm?" I asked them. What was happening? "Were you even listening?" they asked me. "About?" I wasn't paying attention to their conversation. I was mainly focused on my daydreaming about her awhile ago. "I was asking you if ~~~ changed," my mom said. "Oh.." I was stunned by the question. I looked at the prettiest girl I've ever met, the love of my life. I gave her a cold look. "Mom, I know right? She hasn't changed at all. ~~~ -ah, you're still the most beautiful, wonderful, stubborn, annoying, funny, cheerful girl, before and now." That was what I wanted to say but I just said, "..molla."
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D