
Once Upon A Memory


Your POV:
"Because it's your birthday today. I want my bestfriend to be pretty on her birthday, of course." Youngmin simply answered.
Oh really? I smell something fishy over Youngmin. He seems so suspicious. But oh well, I accepted his answer. I took the keys. I opened the door to my house. It was so dark. I the lights. And then...
"SURPRISE!" Everyone infront of me, shouted. I saw my family. Umma, appa, Minwoo-oppa. Mrs. Jo, too! And someone who I didn't expect was there. Guess what? Mr. Grumpy is present. I felt so happy. This was so unexpected.  Food, ice cream, cute cupcakes, a double layered cake, and gifts was on the table. The people who were so busy this morning, was now with me, celebrating my birthday.
"Sweetie, you are so beautiful," your mom commented.
"I thought you all had appointments and meetings and..."
"We just had to prepare for your birthday, of course. That was just an excuse. Happy birthday, sis!" Minwoo-oppa came towards me and hugged me.
"Thank you so much."
"Thanks to Youngmin, we got you busy outside," said appa.
I shot a glare at Youngmin, "that's why you were so suspicious." Youngmin chuckled, "Happy birthday, best friend!" he hugged me. We grouped hug with everyone. But Mr. Grumpy being cold, as usual, didn't join the hug. Everyone went to the table and set everything that was needed to be set. I went to Kwangmin and greeted him, "Hi!" Being the normal him, he gave me the annoyed look. "Tsch, happy birthday anyway," he said coldly. Aish, this guy. "You could try looking at me. I think it won't hurt." I .
Auntie came to me and jumped for joy. "~~~ -ah! Happy happy birthday! Look at how much you've grown! You're so pretty!" Now I know where Youngmin gets that jumping habit of him. I hugged her, "Thank you, auntie! You know what? Youngmin chose this dress and shoes for me." "Really? Aigoo, my son got my fashion taste! It looks pretty. But it's more pretty if you're wearing it." I was flattered, she was always like this. Complimenting me how beautiful I am. "Thank you, auntie!"
"~~~ -ah! Come here!" my parents called me.
"Blow your candles now!" Mom happily said. Everyone gathered around the table. Kwangmin and Youngmin were both on my side. Appa lighted the candles on my cake. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!" Everyone sang and clapped their hands. I took a glance at Kwangmin. He was smiling and clapping his hands. An unexpected sight.
"Happy birthday, dear ~~~! Happy birthday to you!" As they ended the song. I started wishing. I wished for happiness. I wished for more blessings. I wish people I loved won't leave. And last, I wished I could tell what my 'weird dream' was saying. That's all. I said those words in my mind then blew the candles. Everyone clapped. "Let's all give ~~~ a wish." Youngmin stated. "Let's start with ~~~'s parents." Mom and dad started their sentence. "First of all, we are very blessed to have a daughter like her. I wish ~~~ won't change. If you will change, change for the better, honey. As you grow up, don't forget about us. We'll always be here for you. We love you, sweetie. Happy birthday!" I was touched. I'll definitely do those. After umma and appa, Minwoo-oppa stated his wish for me. "Like what appa and umma said. Don't forget about me too! I hope you'd still spend time with me. Erm... that's all." I smiled. "My turn! ~~~ -ahhh. Stay pretty! I hope you enjoy your birthday. I wish you'd still visit me in our house whenever you have time. Stay as the cute, bubbly, funny, and beautiful girl you are. Happy birthday!" Auntie said. After her, Youngmin was the next one. "Hi bestfriend! I'm sorry if I took you to so much places today. I know you were so lazy to go out, but I'm happy you still went out with me. I hope you liked what I picked for you! My wish is.. I wish you'd be my best friend forever. I don't want anybody to replace me. Okay?!" Everyone laughed. "I'm always here for you. Happy birthday!" "Thank you, Youngmin!" Guess who's next? "Kwangmin, it's your turn," said Youngmin. "Happy birthday ~~~ -ah. I wish you happiness from today and onwards." Kwangmin started. I gulped. "I hope you enjoy your birthday. I'm sorry for every wrong thing I've done." What? Wrong thing? What? I'm confused right now. I looked at Kwangmin.
He mumbled something at the end, but I didn't understand what he said. "Happy birthday," he faced me. Why was he like this? It's so.. unusual. "Thanks!" I answered him cheerfully. "~~~! Slice the cake!" Youngmin passed me the cake knife. I sliced a piece and everybody cheered. I put cakes on their plates and everybody started eating. Auntie and my parents talked, like it was their reunion. Minwoo-oppa and Youngmin was talking and discussing things with each other too. I got my food and I was alone. I sat outside the porch, alone. I was looking at the stars while munching food in my mouth, alone. 'My happy birthday is happy today,' I smiled to myself. "Seems like the birthday girl is alone," I turned around and saw Kwangmin, he sat next to me. Now I'm not alone. "You are too." He just rolled his eyes and ate. There was awkward silence between us two.
"You look pretty today."
"Wow, I didn't expect you to say that." 
"Everything about you today is so unexpected, you know that?" He just smiled and kept quiet.
"Hey. What's with the sorry for what you've done?" I asked him.
He was speechless at first, but he managed to say something, "For being cold to you, I guess."
"Silly." I smiled.
Afterwards, Youngmin came to where we were. "Somebody's getting along." He chuckled and lightly punched Kwangmin's arm. "Come, ~~~ -ah! I'll show you something." Youngmin took my hand, making me stand up.
"Yah, I was with her first!" Kwangmin stood up.
"It's just a moment, Kwangmin."
"Tsch, whatever."
He went somewhere far. Far away from us. "Come, ~~~!" Youngmin grabbed me and took me inside. I wasn't happy with what I'm seeing. Auntie and my family were watching my videos when I was still a baby and a toddler. "Hey, what's this?" "See how much you've grown!" Appa exclaimed. "Appa, turn that off. It's embarrassing!" "No, I won't. We just miss the times when you were still so little." Aish, this parents of my mine. They may be like that but I love them so much. I let them watch the videos, since they were only the one watching it. Me and Youngmin sat down on the couch and watched too. After a while, Kwangmin came inside, with an unpleasant look. He moved to the living room and also watched. Umma and auntie were laughing. The scene was now playing to the moment where me and Minwoo-oppa were playing water gun in the yard, then I cried because he hit too much water in my eyes. I couldn't help but laugh. I miss being a kid. Another scene played. There we were, me, Minwoo-oppa, Youngmin, and another kid?.. We were playing in the bath tub. Youngmin and Minwoo-oppa laughed so hard. Kwangmin was smiling too. Somehow, I kind of don't remember this happening. Maybe because it was so long ago? I can't believe my parents would still record this kind of stuff. In the TV, the other kid was crying. We were both crying. "Hahaha! Look at your face, Kwangmin!"
'Kwangmin? Kwangmin? Kwangmin?!'
"That's because of you two." He sticked his tongue out.
"That's you?" I asked.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Your baby face wasn't.. that familiar. I guess."
So that was Kwangmin. I couldn't remember. I don't even know if he spent time with me like Youngmin did. "I'm used to it." He walked out.
• Check the link or just copy and paste to another tab to see the gif. I can't put it here. ;~; Happy new year, readers! Here's an update. :) <3


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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D