Kwangmin's 11

Once Upon A Memory
Kwangmin's POV:
I woke up this morning and checked my phone.
"6:00 AM, April 11"
So it's this time of the month again. Since her accident, I didn't attend school during the 11th day of the month. Why? It's because her accident happened last November 11, 2011. I guess the number 11 is bad luck for me. I felt like something bad is going to happen during 11 so I avoid going out on those days. It was a good number for me too, 11 was actually the day of our monthsary too. "Not going?" Youngmin asked me. "Oh yeah, it's 11 today," he said after knowing the reason why. "Just tell them I have a fever," I told him then he nodded and left. I went back to sleep afterwards.
After sleeping, I woke up at 1 in the afternoon. I took a bath then went downstairs. "Good morning sleepyhead," my mom greeted me. I greeted her back. I went to the dining table and ate with her. She didn't ask me anymore why I didn't go to school. She probably knew the answer.
"How are things between you and ~~~?" she asked me.
"We're... friends." I smiled at her.
"That's good right? At least you both are friends."
"Yes mom."
"Kwangmin-ah," she called me. I looked at her.
"Me and Youngmin have been talking."
"You and ~~~. Youngmin did tell you that you can be close with her, right? You know that I was never against you and her too. But what do you really want to happen?" I thought hard. I want her to remember me but I don't want to hurt her anymore. But I didn't want her to forget me too even if that's the better way. "I want us to be both happy. She'd be better off forgetting me but it'll be hard for me. I'd choose her happiness but..." I scratched my head, "Whatever happens, happens. It depends." Mom just smiled at me.
I finished eating and cleaned up. Mom sat on the couch and I washed the dishes. I prepared myself afterwards. "Mom, I'm going there now." I waved her goodbye. "Take care!"
Where am I going? I'm going to the park where me and my princess used to go. It's not that very far from our house. I always go there when it's 11. After a few steps of walking I arrived. Not much people were there today. I sat on the swing and just lightly pushed myself back and forth. I stared blankly at the blue sky. "I miss going here with you. We always played here. Sometimes we'd even go here after school. This was such a special place for us. One day, I'll take you here again." I thought to myself. I smiled reminiscing our memories here. I was daydreaming again. I wish I was with her when she was in the accident so she didn't have to go through this alone. Why was I so irresponsible? Why couldn't I take care of her properly? Such stupidity, Kwangmin. The fact that I brought her life to danger hurts so much more. I was just thinking of happy thoughts earlier and now tears were rolling down my face. Just then, the sky cried too. I had company now. I may be a boy but I have my emotional side too. And this emotional side is really emotional. I was still sitting on the swing. I stopped crying and waited for the rain to stop.
A few minutes then, it stopped. I thought of where to go next since I didn't want to go back home yet. "Grwrwrwr~" Oops, my stomach growled. I was hungry. I thought of going to the market and have something to eat first. I started walking to the market.
I arrived after a long walk. I sat down first because my legs were really tired. I also felt hot and I faced the aircon that was in the market. People's eyes were on me but I didn't care. It was so damn hot. After being satisfied, I looked around for food. I looked for something that will conquer my hunger. I was looking around then from a distance I saw something that caught my eyes. I saw manhwa that I really liked and it was the last piece. I immediately ran to get it. When I laid hands on the manhwa, I saw a girl's hand on it too.
"Excuse me, miss. I was the first one who saw this." I said to the lady, not wanting to let go of my favorite manhwa.
"Excuse me, I saw this fi-" she stopped her sentence.
I was shocked with who was in front of me right now.
 "Aigoooo. It's you?!" We said at the same time.
"It's mine!"
"It's mine!"
"I saw this first!"
"I saw this first!"
"Did not!"
"Did to!"
"Did not!"
"I did!"
We argued over it. "I thought you were sick!" Sick? Oh, maybe Youngmin did say I had a fever. "I am!" I answered her. "Well then, why are you outside?" "I want to! Now give me my manhwa!" We kept on shouting at each other, earning stares from other people in the market. A lady works in the store came to us, "Is this a love quarrel we're having?" I widen my eyes. So we looked like we were having a love quarrel? I mentally smiled. "I'm sorry but we're not a couple." ~~~ said. "Aigoo, but you two look perfect together. Why don't you court this lady, young man?" I was really mentally smiling right now, but in mind only. She said we looked perfect! Of course we are. Due to my needed "coldness", I looked at her from top to bottom, "She's not my type, ahjumma." The lady giggled. "He's only like that now but he'll like you someday." She patted ~~~'s back and went back to her work. "And that day will never come." She said. Aish, this girl.
"Give me my manhwa, pabo." I took the manhwa from her right away. Hahaha, score! "Today is your monthsary with your girlfriend, right?" She asked me. I looked at her. "Who told you that?" "I just heard it somewhere. You were always absent during 11. Why? Are you dating with your girlfriend that time?" From who did she hear these things? "None of your business." I told her. "Okay." she took the manhwa and ran away. I got tricked!
"Yah! ~~~!" I ran after her.
"Sorry! I'll make it up to you!"
Those words... She's really no different from before. She said those words to me a lot of times. I suddenly became sad. Flashbacks of us together crossed my mind again.
"Yah. Are you mad?"
"Mianhae. Here, you take it." She gave me the manhwa.
"What did you say?" I wanted to check if I heard it right..
"I said take it, I'm sorry."
"Before that.."
"Yah. Are you mad?"
"Before that..."
"Mhm, I think it was.. Sorry, I'll make it up to you?"
A tear rolled down on my face. I heard it right. She did say those words. Those were here last words... before she got into the accident.
"Hey hey hey! I'm sorry! Here, you take it!" She gave me the manhwa. "I'll go ahead. Bye! Get well soon!" She left. I was at loss of words but I managed to reach her arm.
"Wait," I spoke up, "Let's go together." She looked shock. I can't do this, my cover will be blown. "I beg your pardon?" She asked me. "Hmp, dwaesso." I let go of her arm. "Okay, I'll go now. Bye!" She left me there, dumbfounded. Well, at least I got the manhwa. I shrugged the thought and paid for it. I went outside and saw her on the way home, walking. I felt like I wanted to take her home. Luckily, there was this renting of bikes just outside the market. I ran to the bikes and looked for a bike where two people can sit. I paid the owner then went to ~~~. "Yah, walking only?" I asked her. "Yes." "I'll take you home." "Are you sure?" Aish this girl. I want to take you home, okay? "Just ride." "Sheesh." Then we both took our ride on her way home.
"Wanna go inside?" she asked me after I dropped her. She might not be comfortable so I rejected. "No." "Oh come on, please?" "What for?" I asked her. "Just come. Please? For 30 minutes?"  "20." Since she's convincing, I said okay. In fact, I really wanted to go to her house too. I parked the bike and went inside. Nothing much changed inside. "Sit there." She told me to sit on the couch first and she went to their kitchen. Is she going to cook something?
"Umma? I'm home!" I heard her call out for her auntie but there was no reply back. I looked at her to see what was happening. She checked her phone. "AISH! On a time like this?" She blurted out. What's wrong? She went near me. "Yah, my parents are not home. Want to go home now?" I see, but I just came here and she wants me to leave. Aww. "What? I just came and.." "You might be bored here with just the two of us." Come to think of it, we're alone. How can I bored here? I have you. I don't want to leave her alone since she's scared of that. "I'm fine here." I told her. "Really?" "Aren't you scared of being alone?" "N-no! Who said I'm scared?" This girl, I know you're scared. "Psh."
She went back to the kitchen. I wonder what she was going to do? Just then, I heard her. "AHHH! OUCH!" I ran as fast as I could to the kitchen. "What happened?" "The oil. It.." I knew it, she was cooking. "Aish.. Pabo." I cooked instead. So she was cooking chicken. "Wash your hands." I told her to avoid the spreading of the burn and she did so. "I'll do that." she told me, wanting to cook again. "It's almost finished. Set the table." "Don't order me ar-" This girl, still complaining. I told her, "No buts." "But it's my h-" "I said no buts. Just set the table." She murmured something, which I didn't hear. She went to the dining and set everything that needs to be prepared.
I went out of the kitchen with the cooked chicken and placed it on the table. I was getting hungrier. She took some rice and went back to the table. She started eating. She looked so cute while eating. But I noticed there was only one plate for her. This very silly girl. 
"Yah." I called her.
For a response, I raised my eyebrow on her.
"Thank you?" she said, not sure what to say.
"Why is there only one plate for you? Aren't you going to give food for your visitor?"
"Oh... Sorry, I thought you weren't gonna eat." Not gonna eat? I'm so hungry, you know.
She went to get another plate, spoon, and fork for me. We ate together on the table, yay! "It's good!" she told me. I smiled, I was happy she liked my cooking. While we were eating, I noticed her smiling at me. "What's the smile for?" I asked. "You didn't take it off." Didn't take it off? Which? I touched my face and realized I didn't take off the Pikachu bandaid she gave me. I just kept silent and ate again.
"Is it true?" she suddenly asked me, "You're having your monthsary with your girlfriend today?" What a question.
 "Why do you keep on asking that?"
"I just want to know."
"I just don't want going to school during the 11th."
"Because you always go out with your girlfriend?"
"It's not that..."
"So you're always sick during 11?"
I kept silent, "...I think so."
I can't let her know why. It might be dangerous. We just continued eating. Just then, a chicken jumped on my plate out of nowhere. "Yah." I called her. "Sorry," she was going to get the chicken again but I stopped her. "It's mine now." "No, that's mine. Pabo." she told me. "It's now on my plate so it's mine now." "That's totally unfair, Mr. Grumpy." She pouted. So cute~ "It's not my fault it landed here, right?" I sticked my fork to the chicken and pretended to put it in my mouth. "Aish." she gave up and took another piece of chicken.
"AHHH~" I held the chicken in front of her, wanting to feed her. This might be a chance. "Open your mouth~" "Weirdo." she smiled and ate the chicken. "Thank you!" Yay! I fed her! I finished eating and waited for her to finish too. Wouldn't want to leave her eating alone, right? "I'll clean the dishes." I told her. "Ah, you don't ha-" "No buts." I told her. "Hmpf, no buts this. No buts that." she murmured but I heard it. "What did you say?" "Nothing." "Good." I won. She continued eating her not yet finished food.
"Kwangmin-ssi.." she called me.
"Aren't we close when we were young?"
I was shocked 'cause of her sudden question.
"Are we?" she asked again. What should I answer?
"We've been together since we were young."
"But how come Youngmin's closer to me?" Yeah, Youngmin...
"Why do you keep on asking questions?!" I suddenly fired up.
"Oh, I'm sorry.. I'm done eating." 
She left the table and took her plate in the sink. I followed after her.
"Leave it there." I told her.
Silence filled up the whole house. She went to the living room and watched TV. I washed the dishes one by one. I shouldn't have answered like that. Why did I fire up? Aish! After I finished, I went to the living room and sat on the couch. I should answer her in a calm way. "We were together since we're young. We were close too." "Really? I just don't remember too much." I was pretty much erased in your memories, how would you know? "Even closer to you than Youngmin..." I murmured. "What?" "Nothing."
Silence, again.
"Do you want to go home?" she asked me. "You're scared of being alone." She looked shocked. "How did you know that?" Of course, I know everything about you. "You're scared of the dark too." "How di-" "Am I right?" I cut her off. "Yeah..." "So do you really want me to go home?" "No..." Pretty much it.
♫ Yennal, jageun nunni cheongmal gwiyeowotdeon sonyeo~ ♫
I heard her phone ring.
"~~~ -ahhhh."
"Yes?" she giggled while talking on the phone.
"Yah, who's that?" I asked her.
"You miss me?" she was laughing.
"Okay, tomorrow. Okay. Bye!" she put down her phone.
"Yah, who was that?" 
Tsch, Youngmin youngmin youngmin. Always Youngmin. It should be Kwangmin kwangmin kwangmin. Aww, I feel jealous again. After doing all this and that, I suddenly felt tired. My body felt heavy and I laid down on the couch. "Kwangmin, let's go out!" she told me. "Eh, I'm tired." I wanted to go out but I felt like I was exhausted. "Yah," she held my forehead and said, "You're hot." Of course, I am. "I know that already." I answered her in a sarcastic way. "Not that hot. As in hot hot." Really? She went to get a blanket and covered me up and put a towel with warm water on my head. Since when did it get so cold? "~~~ -ah, turn off the aircon. It's so cold." I was freezing. "Weirdo, it's turned off." Is this a fever? Maybe 'cause I was soaked at the rain earlier. After a few minutes, my vision went black.
"Kwangminnie!" she called me over the phone.
"Yes baby?"
"Today may not be a good time. Can we just go out next time?"
I felt sad, our plans today are cancelled.
"Why? I thought you'd just get things you need?"
"Something came up.."
"What are we gonna do now?" I pouted.
"Happy anniversary, Kwangie!"
"Happy anniversary too!"
"Bye! I have to go now."
"Aww, okay."
"Sorry, I'll make it up to you!"
I had a bad feeling about this. Before she could hang up, I shouted, "N-n-no! No, don't go!" Then I heard cars screeching and a crash. "~~~ -ah!"
The phone hanged up. What happened? Where is she? What happened?! What were those sounds?!
"~~~?! ~~~?!"
"I'm sorry, Kwangmin-ah."
"Why? What's wrong?"
She didn't say anything and left.
"~~~! ~~~ -ah!"
I woke up from my nightmare. The next thing I knew I was in my room. Weren't I in ~~~'s house? "What happened to you?" Youngmin hyung asked me. "I... don't know. How did I get home?"
"She called me to pick you up. So you really had a fever?"
"I was soaked in the rain earlier."
"I see. What happened between you two?"
I recalled what happened earlier. "Well, we ate together. I cooked for her. We met at the market today, after I went to the park."
"I see, she told me to give you this too." He gave me the manhwa.
I took the manhwa and laid down on the bed again. I smiled after recalling what happened today. Good thing I spent the day with her. 
● Long update! >___< hihi.
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D