Once Upon A Memory

Once Upon A Memory

Your POV:

"Why didn't you just listen to me?!"
"Nothing happened, okay?"
"You didn't have to wait for me!"
"But I wanted to…"
"I ask for a simple thing and you couldn't even follow!"
"What relax?! How can I relax at this state?! What would happen if I haven't even came out?!"
"Nothing! I already told you! Nothing bad happened, can't you see?"
"What if?!"
"I'm here with you in one piece. How can you still rant about this?"
"We wouldn't know! You don't know what goes through a guy's mind!"

I sighed. Fighting over this silly matter won't help. Arguing with him doesn't do anything at all, and it never will. For him, he's always right. Nothing bad really happened but here he is, shouting at me.

"Kwangie, let's stop. Okay?"
"What stop?!"
"Stop shouting and let's talk everything out, please?"
"Ugh! Don't be like that! Answer my question! WHAT IF, ~~~ -AH?! WHAT IF?!"
"I just wanted to wait for you, okay?! Is that too much to ask for?!"

There, I flared up. He was going too far. I just wanted to wait for him on a special day. I didn't know my thoughtful actions would lead to this, a useless argument. 

"Do you even know what day it is today?" I asked him with tears uncontrollaby falling from my very tired eyes. 
"It's our anniversary! I know! How can this happen on our anniversary?!"
"You're the only one here thinking that something happened, when nothing really did."
"What if that guy took you away so easily?! I wouldn't even know!"
"Stop it with the WHAT IFs! Instead of having me here, you sound like you want me taken by that stranger!"

Without knowing, I slapped him. Hard. I couldn't handle it anymore, how can he call me like that? Even if it was late, I went out and ran away, far far away. I don't even know where I was heading. I just kept on running. 

Kwangmin's POV:

From all that commotion at the company to this? This is what I get? I was already tired. I even got more frustrated about what happened. Having a big fight on our anniversary was even hard to hold in. I didn't bother following her anymore. 

Your POV:

I took a cab to the nearest bar. I knew it was wrong, but I just wanted to drink the pain away. I wanna take an hour or two to just forget about everything that's happening. I then recalled everything that happened on this day.


I can still remember how excited I was when I searched for a gift to give Kwangmin for our anniversary. I can't even imagine how we got this far. I strolled around the mall to look for his gift. I kept on thinking what to give him. Clothes? I gave him so much of that already. Shoes? He's got a lot of pair. Accessories? For what? He doesn't use so much of those. I was just wandering and walking around until something caught my eye. 

It was a cute pikachu clock! Even though Kwangmin looks so tough and manly, he can't deny his love for pikachu. I didn't even think twice and just bought the clock. 'He'd love this!' I said to myself. I took my phone out and gave him a call. 

"Hi Kwangie!"
"Hi baby, happy anniversary!" Aww, he remembered. 
"Happy anniversary too! Are you busy?"
"Not that much, why?"
"What time are you going home then?"
"Uhm.. I'm not sure but I'll try to go home early because it's a special day!" He sang.

Just then I heard some murmuring on the phone, must be his co-workers. 

"Oh, ~~~ -ah.. there was some issue in the company, I think I won't be able to go home early, I'm really sorry." My mood easily dropped down.

"I see, I'll just wait for you then!"
"No, you go home. I might be out at night. A lot of guys are lurking around that time, it's dangerous."
"No buts, okay?" I sighed.
"We have something up here, talk to you later. Bye!" He hung up.

Mehh, busy busy busy. I know he didn't want me to wait but that didn't stop me. I'd still wait for him. It's our anniversary, right? At least I should do something. Waiting for him won't hurt.

I took a long walk to the company he's working in. Why is he working and why is he in a company, you ask? This is the story. This company is his uncle's. A while back, his uncle needed someone to take charge of a position in the corporation. It was really urgent. He considered Kwangmin for the position and assured him that it's only for a short while, Kwangmin will be in charge of the position until they find a person for it. He chose Kwangmin since he was taught how companies work when he was young. I remember him telling me that his dad taught him – before he left them forever. Auntie and Kwangmin didn't disagree though and therefore Kwangmin took the job. And that's that. Ever since he was working in the company, he became really busy. We used to go out everyday, but that everyday turned into weekends, those weekends turned into once a week, and it went to the point where we barely even go out. Well, today is our second anniversary and I'm not going to let it pass just like that. We need to hang out today, yes it's a need. He can be busy for other times but I just want him to spare this day for me since it's a very special day. And who celebrates anniversaries alone, right?

I arrived there around sunset. I went in and walked towards the information desk to ask. 

"Excuse me?" I called.
"Yes, can I help y– Oh, good afternoon Ms. ~~~!" It was Ms. Anyoung, the lady at the lobby.
"Hi Ms. Anyoung! Do you know what Mr. Jo is doing right now?"
"Wait a minute, I'll check," she smiled at me. 

She went over a few papers and she looked at her computer, checking if Kwangie has an appointment, like she always does for me. I've known her for quite a while now, since whenever I visit Kwangmin she's the one I ask for his schedule. She basically holds the schedule and appointment papers of the people who work in the company. 

"He's in a meeting right now, Ms. ~~~."
"Oh I see, do you know what time he's going out?"
"The board members told me that it was going to take a long time so I don't really know, I'm sorry."
"Nah, it's okay! Does he have any other appointments after the meeting?"
"As I've checked, he's gonna have another meeting after the one he's in right now."
"Oh okay, thank you, Ms. Anyoung."
"No problem, Ms. ~~~. Should I let Mr. Jo know that you're here?"
"Oh no no, I'm gonna surprise him. Haha, so let's keep it a secret." I smiled.
We both chuckled quietly, "Okay, Ms. ~~~. Please sit first, let me know if you need anything." She smiled at me.
"Yes, thank you."

I found a cozy place to sit in the lobby while waiting. I frowned a little, knowing that he was going to take maybe a little too long than I expected. But it's okay, as long as we can be together for our anniversary, I'm happy. As I said before, waiting for him won't hurt. 

I grabbed my phone and played games in my phone while waiting. When I got bored, I used the wi-fi they have here. I did everything I could. I texted and called friends, I read whatever is readable on the Internet, I watched videos, I listened to a bit of music. But it just wasn't enough. Boredom was still striking me. It was hard. I checked the time, it was quarter to 8 in the evening. He still wasn't in sight. And there, I stood up from my seat and I walked around the lobby. The lobby was quite big though, it was like a super wide park if only you removed the tech stuff. I walked and walked around, killing time. Will this ever end?

I checked my watch from time to time. It was about 9:45 pm now. Wow, I can't believe I walked just around the lobby for an hour or so. Who knows how many circles I've walked round and round? I walked a little more when someone tapped me on the back. I turned around quickly to see who it was.

"Oh, Ms. Anyoung," I bowed. I kinda frowned too because I thought it was Kwangmin already.
"Aren't you tired, Ms. ~~~? I saw you walking around for I don't know how many times earlier."
"I'm just killing time," I assured her. "He's still nowhere in sight."
"I just checked the meeting he was in, the officers said they were gonna finish in an hour or less," she told me.
"Thank you, Ms. Anyoung," I smiled.
"You're welcome," she smiled back and went back to her desk.

Gah, tough times. Just another hour more, ~~~. I sighed. I went out to grab some fresh air. There was a bench just outside the company and I sat there. It was really chilly since it was getting late too. I stared for awhile. I looked at the streets, the sky, the cars passing by. I breathed in and out. Little by little, it was getting quiet. I saw other workers making their way home already, some couples were still enjoying themselves. I couldn't help but frown. 'Kwangmin-ah, what time are we gonna go home?' I pouted. I was freezing in my sitting place so I stood up. I stretched a little since my legs were too sore from all that walking earlier. I was busy stretching when I heard a stranger near by.

"What are you doing here all alone?" I turned my head to where I heard the voice. I saw a guy standing about a meter from me. He was looking at me and there I realized I was the one he was talking to. But still, I faced straight and pretended not to hear him.

"Are you waiting for somebody?" I could feel him walking towards me. Okay, fess up ~~~. I'm not ~~~ for nothing. I didn't answer him still.

"Uhm, I'm talking to you?" He said.
"Didn't your parents warn you about talking to strangers?" I told him. He was getting annoying.
"What parents? Pfft." He blurted out.
"Excuse me?"
"I'm already too old to follow what my parents say."
"Oh, really," I scoffed.

"So, what are you doing here?" He asked.
"So can I take you out?" He smirked. 

"What the heck?" I felt myself being pulled away as I heard the voice. I looked up and saw that it was Kwangmin.
"Kwangie!" An ear-reaching smile formed on my face.
"Didn't I tell you to head straight home?"
"Nevermind." He dragged me away from the guy and we went to the parking lot.

"I told you it's dangerous, ~~~ -ah!" He said while he held my wrist so tight as he dragged me.
"I just wanted to wait fo–"
"I told you not to! Did you just see that guy?!"
"I did say no buts, right?!" 

We stopped in front of his car. "Get in!" He said angrily. I didn't say anything anymore since it would only make it worse. Gosh, I didn't expect him to be this mad. Infact, I didn't expect that he would be mad at all. I thought he would be surprised and happy because he would see me right after work. It turned out to be the real opposite. Why did this have to happen?

The car was given to him by his uncle, by the way. His uncle signed him up for a student's license so he could drive the car. His uncle gave him the car so that he wouldn't have problems going to the company as well as going home. The whole car ride was dead silent. I didn't bother speaking up since Kwangmin was really mad this time. I didn't want to argue more. 

As the car stopped, I looked around and saw that we were in his house. He stepped out of the car without a word and slammed the door. Why was he so mad? I just... aigoo, I sighed. I went out of the car as well and slowly went inside the house. I saw him sitting on the couch, his face buried into his hands. I felt bad. He looked so tired and frustrated. I stood there just looking at him, I didn't know what to do. Then, I made a move. I went to the table to get a glass of water. I wanted to give him the glass but I just couldn't. The glass of water stayed on the table and I just stood there again when he suddenly spoke up, "Why didn't you just listen to me?!"

and then that happened.

(If you want, you could read it from the top to go over the whole argument but if you don't, then continue reading~)


I don't know how many bottles I've finished but I didn't care. It hurts. Today's been a long day. It's been a rough day actually. I just wanna forget everything. I let my head fall on the table and just let the thoughts flow. I wanna clear my mind but I just can't. What happened just won't go away. Why's filled up my head. Why did this happen? Why on our second anniversary? Why did that guy even appear? Why did Kwangmin have to go out so late? Why was Kwangmin so mad? Why did Kwangmin have to say those words? Why did we have to fight? Why why why. This day was supposed to be a happy one. I thought Kwangmin and I would be enjoying each other's company at this time. I wanted us to go out and eat at a restaurant or just any ice cream shop nearby. I wanted to see his reaction when he sees the pikachu clock I gave him. Oh wait, the pikachu clock! I grabbed my bag and checked if the clock was there. Well, it wasn't. Just wow. Today isn't really my day. I ruined my hair due to frustration. Ugh. I rubbed my head a little since it was hurting.

"Miss, it's getting late already," the guy at the counter told me. It was already around 11 when I looked at the time. "Not being rude but it's dangerous for you to be alone at this time." I smiled and replied, "thank you ahjussi."

I was struck by the ahjussi's words. He said the same thing Kwangmin said. He meant well, right? I'm sure Kwangmin did too. Maybe Kwangmin was just so worried, or tired from work. I should just go humour him or comfort him. I payed for the drinks and made my way out of the bar. "Take care, miss!" The guy from the counter bid me goodbye, "thank you so much Ahjussi!" Gah, I'm thankful for that ahjussi. I came back to my senses, finally! I checked my phone to look at the time again, 11 something. I still have less than an hour to fix our two year-anniversary. Kwangmin might still be angry but it's worth a shot. I decided to walk home since I wanted to breathe in some fresh air. I'm thankful my conscience stayed with me even though I drank. 

While walking and checking my phone, a screen suddenly popped out. It was a text. 

It says: "Where are you? Pikachu misses you." with a picture of the pikachu clock I bought for Kwangmin.

I couldn't help but smile at the text. After a few seconds, I received another one.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I was just having a bad day because of the company and I was just so worried. I just didn't expect that would happen. The guy earlier made me so angrier that I couldn't hold it in. I'm really sorry. I love you. Happy two years!"

People would actually think I'm a lunatic for smiling so much while walking. I was going to reply to his text when I received another one.

"Why aren't you answering? :(

Aww, this guy missed me so much already. Hahaha, kidding.

"I'm calling, okay?"

Somebody's impatient~ I couldn't even finish the message I was going to text him. After a few seconds, my phone rang. It was him, of course. A picture of us both flashed in my screen with a name, "Kwangie ♡". Yeah yeah, cheesy I know but that's couples for you. I answered the call.


It was odd and strange. It was quiet at first, neither of us tried to speak. Maybe because we're just warming up after a big argument. I walked, ran, crossed streets, while holding the phone near my ear. 

"Baby?" He finally spoke up. Gah, his voice is just omg.
"How are you?"
"I don't know, you tell me."
"Aww. I'm really sorry, ~~~ -ah. I was just so worried okay. The upper men in the corporation said that they were doubting me and such and it got me into a really bad mood. Then when I saw you outside with a guy I was really pissed off and when I heard what he said, I flared up and then… aish.. I just didn't want you waiting because there are dangerous guys okay? I jus–"
"Yes, yes, yes. I know. I just wanted to wait for you and then surprise you."
"You could have waited for me inside, right?"
"But Kwangie, I was there for who knows how long. I sat there, I walked around and around the lobby. I was there for hours."
"Okay, relax. I'm sorry ~~~ -ie. Where are you? I'm worried."
"I'm on my way home, don't be Kwangie, okay?"
"Happy second anniversary, ~~~ -ah. I love you so much."
"Happy two years, oppa. I love you so so so much more."
"I'm really sorry, okay? Just don't make me so worried again, okay?"
"It's all good, Kwangie. Yes, yes. Sorry, I'll make it up to you!"



~~~ was crossing the street as they talked, but those were the last words from her that night. The stoplight was on red but an uncontrolled car lost its brake and came through the moving vehicles and ~~~ was hit. The incident happened around 11 pm, November 11, 2011. 

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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D