Miserable and Magical

Once Upon A Memory

Your POV:

1st | Jo Kwangmin
2nd | ~~~~~~~~~~~


"Aww, I knew I was going to lose," I pouted, with a hint of disappointment in myself.
"Sorry.." Kwangmin patted my back.
"What for? Silly~" I poked his shoulders.
"I feel bad."
"Don't worry, I'm okay." I assured him with a smile.
"You sure?" He cupped my cheeks again. Oh my, Kwangmin stahp pleaseee.
I nodded as a reply. I saw the concern in his round eyes.
"Come on, let's get you ice cream."
"This is why I like you." I smiled.

"What?" He asked.

Omo, ~~~ -ah. What did you just say?! Ugh, pabo! Arghhh.

"What.. what? What are you talking about?" I grinned at him like an idiot, hoping he'd avoid the topic.
He just smiled and said, "Nevermind, let's go." Phew.

Seriously, ~~~ -ah? Why did you do that? Ugh. I hate myself. It was just so sudden, it just came out of my mouth. I don't know why. Maybe seeing the results and hearing ice cream made my brain malfunction. Well I just hope that "What?" he just asked me means he didn't hear anything I said. It was just so sweet of Kwangmin to do this. My heart couldn't take the fluffiness, I guess. He'd always know what to do when I was not feeling well. I'm so thankful I have Kwangmin.

It was the start of our winter break today. Actually, we went to school just to check our scores in the exam. No classes today, yay! We made our way out of school. Kwangmin didn't have his motor with him today so we're going to ride a bus. Although I preferred walking to the ice cream shop, he insisted. "It's too cold to walk on the streets today. I don't want you to get sick." Aww~ must he always say the sweetest words? We waited for a bus in the nearest stop from our school. And we waited quietly.

"Do you still feel bad about the results?" He asked me all of a sudden.
"A bit?" I answered back. "Don't worry about me, I'm okay." I laughed.
"I'm sorry." He cupped my cheeks again. "If I knew that it was going to hurt you this bad then I shouldn't have answered those questions correctly." He pouted and did aegyo.
"You are silly!" I pinched his nose. "I said I'm fine~".

In an instant, the hands that were on my cheeks disappeared and I felt it wrapped around me now.
And then again, I was dumbfounded.

"The truth, are you fine?" He asked me.
"Not really..." I buried my face into his chest, feeling embarassed.
"But we'll buy ice cream! So I'm okay!" I smiled at him.
"Aishh, you and food," he pinched my nose. "Promise me you'll feel better?"
"Jo Kwangmin! What are you saying?" I laughed. He was taking this seriously.
"Ehhhh!" He pouted. "I feel like I'm the reason you're like that."
"I am fine, okay? Don't make it a big deal!" I squished his cheeks.

The next thing I knew, we were having a tickle fight. We were both laughing now. I didn't want us to be that serious just because I ranked second. It doesn't make sense. "You know, I thought you'd even tease me when you win!" I told him. "I was planning to, but you looked so sad so I just wanted to comfort you instead." I just giggled and laughed. I didn't want him to notice my tomato cheeks again. "I owe it all to you. So thank you so much!" I said. "I know." He winked. Hahaha! I found his wink funny since he looked like he was only blinking instead of winking. This. This is us. Happy and playful. I'd rather want us like this instead of what we were earlier. I couldn't stop laughing, I can't forget how he seemed to be taking that matter seriously. I know he was concerned, but it was really kinda funny.

Minutes then, our bus arrived. He accompanied me as I stepped on the bus. We sat together. We sat there just talking about random stuff. It was fun. I looked at the window and pointed to anything I could see. He'd give his comments about nature, environment, buildings, cars, and everything we saw outside. We did the super random stuff too. Played truth or dare, thumb wrestling, staring contest, and many more just to keep ourselves from boredom. Only a little people were riding, so we weren't much of an annoyance on board. Haha!

It wasn't the usual routine today at the ice cream shop as we arrived.

"Let's pick random flavors!" Kwangmin suggested. "Try other flavors too, not just cookies and cream ~~~ -ah!"
"We have a promo if you would like, Sir. It's a bowl filled with different ice cream flavors. It's not that expensive too," said the staff. I don't really know who the staff is since we weren't in Minwoo-oppa's workplace.
"Let's take that!" I told Kwangmin. We picked random flavors and the staff gladly scooped for us.
"~~~ -ah, look us a seat and take our ice cream bowl there, please?" He told me. I did so.

I placed us near the window again and he followed afterwards.

The ice creams looked so amazing and delicious. We ate them one by one. He was right, there are other flavors more than cookies and cream. I know that too but I can't deny, cookies and cream is really my favorite flavor. We ate them randomly. Some were too sweet, some were too much.

"AHHH~" He said as he took a spoonful and placed it in front of my mouth. I gladly ate it and we ended up feeding each other.
"I knew this would cheer you up," He smiled at me. "I know. Thank you!" I smiled at him.

"We'll head off to Dr. Song's after we eat, is it okay with you?"
"Yeah, sure."

*Ring~ Ring~* I kept silent as soon as he answered his phone.
"Excuse me, ~~~ -ah. I'll just take this." I nodded and he left.

I wandered off while he was gone. I looked at the window, endlessly. Admiring the many people in the city. There were just too much to see. I just looked out. Until something came in to me.

"What's happening?" I didn't notice Kwangmin come back.
"What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding his question.
He pointed at my face as an answer. I didn't get what he meant.
He moved closer and brushed his thumb gently against my face. I felt something wet.
"You have tears near your eyes, what happened?" His face looked really worried.
Since when did I cry? I asked myself. I didn't remember me crying.
"I.. don't know." I looked at Kwangmin.
"Does something hurt?" He asked.
"No, no.. I don't know. Haha.." I laughed awkwardly. I didn't really know what happened.

I shrugged the thought and said, "Let's go to Dr. Song's already!" I smiled at him. He looked at me with full concern in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm fine." I assured him, although I'm also not sure of what happened. I couldn't explain why I had tears in my eyes as well. It's weird. Was it when something came to me when I was looking outside the window? Ugh, I don't know..

"Don't let go, okay?" Kwangmin grabbed my hand and squeezed it lightly, assuring me that it was okay to tell him anything. I nodded. I didn't want Kwangmin to be this worried. I mean I was really fine. I just didn't know what happened. "Let's just go ask Dr. Song what happened," we said at the same time. We ended up laughing about how we thought of the same thing. "Don't make me worry!" he flicked my forehead. And in one second, we were back to normal.

We took a cab to the hospital since it was pretty far. And little Mr. Concerned doesn't want me to walk because it's too cold.

Kwangmin's POV:

I've been so worried since this morning. She was acting pretty strange. I may not look like it but I'm really close to panicking. I just can't see her get hurt again. I know I might be overreacting but a protective boyfriend is a protective boyfriend. I don't wanna go overboard but it's all about ~~~'s safety now. Oops, did I say boyfriend? Well, soon to be. Hopefully, haha~ Shh!

"Sir, all of a sudden, she was in tears earlier. Is something wrong?" I asked Dr. Song.
"Tears? All of a sudden? Why is that ~~~ -ah?" He asked her. "Did you happen to remember something?
"She was quiet and she looked like she was in deep thought, until she spoke up, "I guess so."
"Can she have a check up, Sir? Just to be sure. There might be something bothering her." I asked.

A test was made to check her up. Dr. Song said her memory might've remembered some painful happening, making her cry. She wasn't aware of what happened because her mind quickly shrugged the thought so somehow, she forgot why there were tears on her face. "Something that happened before her accident," said Dr. Song, "that's what she remembered."  That was what the tests showed. Is it our fight? I thought to myself. Now, I was the one in deep thought. "Thank you so much, Doc. We wouldn't know what to do without you," I said. "You really love her, don't you?" Dr. Song said. "Yes sir, her safety's my concern now. I don't want another happening again." "Don't worry," he patted my back, "she's safe. And I know she'll always be with her family, friends, and you." He smiled.

I felt a lot better when she went out of the check up room. "You okay now?" I asked her, assisting her.
"I am. So can you stop worrying already?" She was the one cupping my cheeks now. Knowing she's safe now, I felt relief.

It was nearly sunset, the time is near.

Your POV:


Me and Kwangmin strolled around this park after we went to the hospital. It was so pretty. Cherry blossom trees were my all time favorite. How thankful am I because Kwangie is always by my side. I don't even know how we got into a problem before my accident when we were this sweet. We walked around, hand in hand with each other. Such a precious moment, I wanted time to stop right now. We sat on the bench as we talked about certain topics again. This moment may be simple, but it was special. Even the littlest things can mean a biggest thing to a person.

"~~~ -ah," He called me, out of the blue.
"Kwangmin-ah," I called him back, copying how he said my name."
"Are you okay now? Feeling better?" He assured.
"Are you still worried? I've been okay since the start, you bonbon." I .
"But you've acted strange! Especially when we were in the ice cream shop." He pouted. Ayy, so cute~
"Doctor says I just remembered something sad and that's basically it." He sighed.
"Do you even know how cranked up you get when you're so worried?" I laughed at him.
"Of course, I care for you." Oooffff, *blushes*.

"~~~ -ah, have you forgot something today?" He asked. I gave him a confused look.
"Remember our deal?" He pinched my nose.
"Aw, yeah.. so what would you want me to do now?" I asked him.










Kwangmin stood up and said the last word. I looked to where I heard the other words and I saw a cute sight. Five boys were lining up, holding colorful charts with the words they just said. "W-what?" My heart was inevitably fluttering. This time, he kneeled down in front of me.

"Will you be my girlfriend, ~~~ -ah?" He stated, making me tomatoes again.

"I know I've been a stupid boyfriend from the start when we were dating before. I was too busy with that "stuff" that I didn't give you that much time anymore. I didn't mind the going-outs we had before. I've been such an idiot. Especially when your accident happened. I've always felt guilty. I'm so sorry, ~~~ -ah. Sorry for all my mistakes. Sorry if you had to go through all that just 'cause of me. I know 'sorry' won't fix anything, but I'll do all I can to show you I've changed. Not only by words, but by actions as well. I promise to prove everything I say from now on. I will try - no, I will do anything to gain your trust back. From now on, I'll be the sweetest boyfriend. The ideal guy you've always wanted when I wasn't the very best boyfriend for you before. You're a VIP to me, ~~~ -ah. A very important person. I don't want to lose you like that again. If I ever did, I don't know what I would do anymore. I should understand you, right? Because since from the start, that's what you've always been doing. Even if I was so hard to understand, you were still there beside me. Thank you so much, ~~~ -ah. I know that this is some kind of "dare" because of our deal, but I wouldn't force you to be my girlfriend so fast. If you need time, I should respect it. You wanted to remember more about us, right? I've figured from the start that I would make you remember. And yeah, I would also make you remember even if you don't agree to be my girlfriend. There's nothing I want more than you remembering me, remembering us. I'll always be here for you. I love you, ~~~ -ah."

I was speechless. If Kwangmin said a lot of things, then I was the total opposite. I was happy and confused at the same time. It was miserable and magical.

I cupped his cheeks, and answered, "Yes, I love you too Kwangie.
The boys who also waited for my answer, cheered and clapped their hands. "OTP! OTP!" They said.
Kwangmin kissed my forehead and hugged me tight.

It was a wonderful night.


Sorry readers for the super late upload! I did a double update today to make up for the days I was gone. Thank you for all the new subbies! Even though I didn't update much, you guys really waited for this. So thank you very much!~ How is the story so far? Is it getting boring? From what I've observed, I think Kwangmin is blooming. Don't you guys think so? Hahaha~ I srsly miss Boyfriend. I wonder when is their next comeback? :> Read, comment, and subscribe guys! Love you! XOXO~

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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D