A Day Out

Once Upon A Memory

Your POV:
Kwangmin told me everything. Everything about my past, everything about my lost memories, everything I needed to know. Since both of our families are involved, this was already an evidence that everything was true. I know they wouldn't lie to me and I know Kwangmin isn't the lying type of person. My family explained everything further to me. I feel really bad that they had to do so much for me. They had to hide everything just for my sake. When Kwangmin told me the story, I knew I had hurt him so much. I felt guilty. I tried to think of me being in Kwangmin's position, I knew it really pained him that I forgot about him. All I knew was that he was a cold guy to me since the first day of my school, but behind those, he was my boyfriend before. I couldn't help but feel really really guilty. Why did I even go through into an accident? Where did I go that night? What did I do? Why was it Kwangmin who I forgot?
"You knew everything, didn't you?" I eyed Youngmin, planning to .
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! You know that if it was okay to tell you I'll tell you right?! I had no choice! Forgive me ~~~ -ahhh!" He cried out loud. I swear this guy is so gay.
I knocked on his head to stop his nonsense, "I know, babo. I'm just joking!"
I've been a burden to everybody all this time and I didn't even know it.
Auntie cooked for us and we ate altogether. We spent the day in the Jo residence. I'm sure everybody had a good time since all of us were smiling, even Kwangmin. We went home when it was already night time. We thanked the Jo family before leaving.
"How are you ~~~ -ah?" Appa suddenly asked me.
"Never better," I smiled at them.
"Sorry if we didn't tell you soon enough," said Umma.
"It's okay, at least now I know everything. I hope all my memories goes back. Everything might be so much easier," I said.
"Don't worry sis, everything will be back to the way it was. You just took a step forward today," Minwoo-oppa assured me.
The next day:
Today was a Saturday and I kinda woke up late. Me and Kwangmin were going to go to my doctor today, I wanted to know more about my memory loss. I can't believe it, I'm so close to remembering.
It was nearly lunch and Kwangmin wasn't coming yet. I texted Youngmin and asked him for Kwangmin's number. After I got his number, I texted Kwangmin next.
Kwangmin, good morning! What time are we going?
It wasn't long when he replied back, he replied so fast.
Good morning! Up to you ~~~ -ah. :)
Around 1 PM in the afternoon, sounds good?
Okay, I'll pick you up then. See you!
See you too!
I went downstairs to eat, only seeing Umma and Minwoo-oppa since Appa has work on Saturdays. I joined them for my brunch.
"You're early today," they both teased me. We laughed.
"I'll go to my doctor today with Kwangmin," I told them.
"Ayieee~ Kwangmin!" they teased again. What is with this crazy family of mine?
"Yah, stop that! It's not like that!" I whined.
"This is not the first time we teased you like this." Minwoo-oppa stated "It's like everything's happening all over again," he continued.
"I remember when you were so crazy in love with your Kwangmin~" Umma teased.
"You guys are so mean!" I pouted. With the words they said, I felt my cheeks heating up.
"How could that be mean?" Minwoo-oppa asked.
"We're helping you remember!" Aishh, they wouldn't stop the teasing.
"If your Appa was here, he'd join us," another one by Umma.
I finished my brunch and quickly went upstairs. I was blushing and I don't know why. They teased me so much! If this isn't the first time they teased me about Kwangmin, who knows how many more times they teased me back then? Was I really head over heels over Kwangmin that time?
I stopped thinking about their teasings and prepared myself. I took a fresh bath and only took out some jeans and baggy shirts outside my closet. It's nothing big, right? I combed my hair and wore my clothes. I glanced at my clock and it was already 1 PM. I took one last look from the mirror and grabbed my phone then went downstairs.
Kwangmin's POV:
To be honest, I was excited to go out and see Dr. Song with ~~~ today. We were going to go out, only the two of us. No Youngmin and other people. Like how we used to go out before, yayy! I was too excited that I woke up early. I grabbed my phone from under my pillow since I woke up. I was going to text her when… "No Kwangmin, you might disturb her. Put the phone down." I heard the inner me. It was right, ~~~ might be still sleeping. I didn't want to disturb her so I put my phone down first and laid on the bed again.
I still checked my phone from time to time. It was then 8:45 in the morning. I put it down again. "Should I text her already? Or maybe not? Or maybe I should? No, I'll disturb her. But what if she's awake already? Or…?" My head was so messy. I didn't know what to do but I should wait right? But then, I grabbed my phone.
"Good morning ~~~ -ah! Sorry to disturb you but—" I stopped and pressed the backspace button. "~~~ -ah, are we still—" I pressed the backspace button again. Arghh, I'm the guy so I should text first right? "What time are we goi—" I wrote and wrote messages again and again but in the end I just kept on pressing the backspace over and over. Ampff, that's it! Kwangmin, you should wait you pabo. 
I inhaled and exhaled and put the phone down and went to the bathroom to wash my face. I went downstairs and cooked my own breakfast since Mom wasn't there yet, she might be still sleeping. Then I ate and washed the dishes. I did what else I could do downstairs. I ran upstairs to my room to get my phone, only seeing the time; 10:37 AM. Should I text her already? I looked for her name in my contacts and started writing her a message. "~~~ -ah, good morn—" I pressed the backspace button for the nth time. 'We don't have to be there so early right?' I said to myself. I put the phone down then went downstairs again. I had nothing to do. I was so bored. Until I decided to clean the house. I swept here and there, mopped here and there, scrubbed here and there. 
"My son is so responsible today," I heard Mom.
"I'm so bored," I smiled at her.
"Why are you up so early today? It's Saturday."
"I'm going out with ~~~ today." She gave me a grin.
"~~~!~" she teased, "You love ~~~ so much." She pouted and patted my head.
"I love you too Mom, of course." She hit my arms.
"Ouch! What was that for?" I yelped.
"You're just saying that." She laughed.
"I'm not!" We smiled at each other then she headed to the kitchen.
After I did some cleaning, I did everything I could do. I went to the living room to watch TV to let some time pass. Until I came up with a thought..
"Should I really be the one waiting? I should be the one to text first right?"
And with that thought I went up my room and grabbed my phone again, still no message from her.
"Yah, what's with you going up and down?" Youngmin was awake now.
"I'm going to text ~~~." I answered him.
"Then why grab your phone so many times?"
"Actually I don't know if I should message her or wait for her message? I feel like I'm going to disturb her whenever I try to write a message and then—"
"Woah. Talk slowly, will you?" He cut me off, "What did ~~~ do to you?" He laughed.
"Just text her and stop whining." 
"Do you think she's awake now?"
He looked at the clock before answering, "Not yet, I think. It's a weekend. She usually wakes up late." See, I might have disturbed her if I texted her that early.
I put the phone down then went out of the room again. When I went out, there was already food on the table for our lunch. "Call Youngmin now," said Mom. I opened the door to our room again and called Youngmin to eat. He got up and we both went downstairs to eat lunch.
Since it was already around 12:30 that time, I went upstairs again and decided to text ~~~ for real now. "Good afternoon ~~~ -ah," I started my message. "What time are w—" 
"MESEJI~ MESEJI~" my phone rang so loud that I jumped and I almost dropped my phone, almost.
Kwangmin, good morning! What time are we going? She said.
I was surprised with the sudden message. The message that I have been waiting for since this morning was here now! I was jumping for joy.
Good morning! Up to you ~~~ -ah. :) I replied as calm as I can.
Around 1 PM in the afternoon, sounds good?
Okay, I'll pick you up then. See you!
See you too!
Yayy! Just when I thought we wouldn't be going out anymore, she texted. It's finally settled and finalized! 1 PM in the afternoon, okay then! I put the phone down, grabbed my towel, and went to the bathroom then showered. Our 'going out' today is just a normal one, I know, but I felt like I wanna be handsome for ~~~. Kekekeke~ I styled up my hair like this:
Then wore these clothes:
It was already 12:46 when I finished preparing. I took my phone and wallet and put them in my pockets then went downstairs. "I'll be going now, bye!" I waved them good bye. I took my motor out of the garage and rode all the way to ~~~'s house.
I checked my watch as I arrived. It was 12:58, nearly 1 PM already. I knocked on their door and her mom greeted me happily. I greeted her back as I entered.
"I could tell ~~~ is very excited to see you!" She poked my arm.
"Why?" I giggled.
"She woke up earlier than a usual weekend today!" We laughed.
"So she wakes up later than this late?" I asked. She nodded.
We sat on the couch as we talked.
"Aigoo, I remember when you were such love birds before. Time flies by so fast. Here she is, starting to remember you again." She smiled at me.
"I hope she does." I smiled at her back.
"She will! Who knows she might be more inlove with you right now than before?" She grinned at me. Auntie and my mom are really the same, especially when it comes to these stuff~
"I'm ready!" She exclaimed as she went down the stairs. She froze when she saw me there already. She was only wearing casual clothes but she's already so pretty looking that way. 
"Good mor– afternoon ~~~ -ah," I bowed. She bowed as well.
"Did I take too long?" She scratched her head, aishh so cute!
"No, I just came," I smiled at her. "Let's go?" I asked her.
"Sure!" She said cheerfully.
We headed for the door. "Enjoy your day~" Auntie waved us goodbye and we waved back too. We went to my motor and I gave her an extra helmet as she rode on my back. "Hold on tight!" I told her as I started the engine. Aww, she's holding onto my waist. I blushed under my helmet. And there we rode off to Seoul Medical City.
Your POV:
I froze there, super stunned by Kwangmin's charismatic looks. He looked so handsome! Kwangmin-shi, how could you do this to me? Kyahh. ;~~~;
Okay, enough with the fangirling. We reached the hospital soon and when I got in, oh the smell of hospitals~ I don't know why but hospitals has this kind of smell and I really like it. Weird, right?
"Is Dr. Song around?" Kwangmin asked the lady in the lobby.
"Yes, he's free right now and he's in his office." She replied.
"Come." Kwangmin nodded at me and led the way. Oh my…
"Good afternoon Dr. Song," Kwangmin greeted the man inside the room.
"Here's your doctor ~~~ -ah." Kwangmin pointed. We bowed to each other.
"After a very long time, we meet again." Said Dr. Song.
"So you're my doctor," I smiled at him as me and Kwangmin sat down.
"I told her everything Doc." Said Kwangmin.
"Was it too much to take in ~~~ -shi? Do you remember any of those happening to you?"
"I wouldn't say 'remember' really but I have dreamt some of the happenings."
"Those are called memory dreams. Dreams of your lost memories. It's normal for that to happen to people who had the same case as you."
"Well since I know everything now, will everything be coming back?"
"Eventually, it will. Although I do not know when."
"Come to think of it, where did you go that night?" He asked me.
"I don't know…"
"Nobody knows where you went that night except you. It's all up to you now." 
It's obviously my fault that I got into an accident. It's only me who knows. We talked further more about what could happen that time. I took a few checkups afterwards and Dr. Song explained more about my memory loss.
"Thank you so much Dr. Song." Me and Kwangmin bowed before leaving.
"Good thing he was there, he really helped us get through this." I told Kwangmin as we walked back to the lobby.
"He also told me what to do back then when you asked me if I knew something about your dream." He smiled. 
"~~~ -ah!" He called me. I was really really s t u n n e d.
I stood there frozen once again. Kwangmin is so… I don't know, handsome today? Kwangmin has a different feel today. It feels like his charismatic looks really bursts out, if that's the right term. I didn't even know he was this good-looking. Maybe this is the thingy Umma was talking about earlier, about me being head over heels over this attractive guy. Oops? What am I saying?!
"~~~ -ah?" The next thing I saw was his waving hand in front of me.
"Ah-ah, sorry. Let's go?" I said, returning back to my conscience.
I rode on his back and held his waist as we drove off.
"Where should we go now?" He asked.
"Wanna go out?" I asked him.
"Okay just look for somewhere you can park your motor."
"Just do it."
We found a nearby parking station and we parked his motor there. We walked around the streets after that. And then I saw an unexpected sight across the street.
"WAHHHHH!~" I shouted.
I don't know what happened but I felt someone pulling me across the road. The next thing I knew, I was already in front of the ice cream shop. What happened?
"Hahahahaha!" I heard Kwangmin laughing.
"That was so fun." He kept on laughing.
"What happened?" I asked.
"You were so focused with seeing that ice cream shop and then… and then the stoplight timer was gonna run out so I thought of pulling you across the road then… then your… your face. Hahahahahahaha!" He laughed nonstop, this silly guy.
"Sorry for pulling you."
"It's okay," I laughed as I held my hand up, about to hit him.
But instead I was shocked with what I saw.
Our eyes met each other. We both pulled away.
"Sorry." We both said at the same time. 
"Let's go in!" He changed the atmosphere and headed for the door of Baskin Robbins. I was shocked when he suddenly stopped. He opened the door for me. Oh, how sweet~ I blushed and immediately went to the counter so that he wouldn't see my now rosy cheeks. He rushed to the counter as well.
"Two cones of cookies and cream please!" He ordered. 
I gave him a confused look, "Are you that hungry already?" I chuckled.
The two cones of ice cream were given by the cashier. He took the ice creams and then gave me one. Omonie. "Pay your half already!" He told me.
"Huhh?" I was dumbfounded now.
"You don't like it when people pay for you, Ms. ~~~." He said. "Pay quickly or I'll pay for you!" He continued. I paid my half and we sat down to enjoy our ice creams.
"You sure do know a lot about me. Are you my stalker?" I giggled.
"Nope, just your boyfriend for two years." He teased.
"Yahhhh." I whined.
"Okay, sorry sorry." He said and then ate his ice cream again.
"Does your oppa have a day off?" He asked.
Yes, he was right. We were in Minwoo-oppa's working place. I didn't know it was only near the hospital I was confined to.
"He doesn't have work on weekends." I answered him.
"Oh, I see."
"So you like cookies and cream too?" I thought of a topic.
"You're the reason why I like this." He said. Awwww. *blushes*
"Before I disliked this flavor. Well… not really dislike, maybe only my least favorite flavor. But—"
"But I accidentally shoved it in your mouth." I laughed.
"H-how did you know?"
"I…" wait what? How did I know that?
"It just… flashed back? I guess." 
"You're remembering! Yayyy!" He clapped his hands like a kid. How cute!
I think I'm starting to know why I fell in love with this guy in the first place.
We finished our ice cream and walked around the streets more. We stopped around street stores we could find. We talked about everything that happened to us and memories of us before the accident that happened as we strolled around and little by little, I'm starting to remember. There were some memories of us I could remember already, like earlier. I'm happy it's all coming back to me eventually.
We headed back to the parking lot after miles of walking. I could tell we were both tired from all that foot work but we enjoyed every second of it. Since there was school tomorrow, he drove me back home. We didn't want to go home late, of course.
"Thank you for everything today Kwangmin!" I cheerfully told him as I went down.
"Thank you more~" he said. I giggled.
"Be careful on the way home." I told him.
"I will. You could go in now." He smiled at me. Ahh, that smile.
"Byeee!" I waved good bye to him as I headed for the door.
He waved back and drove off.
I entered the house and there were teasing grins, welcoming me at home.
"Sooo~ how was it?" Appa sang, adding up to Oppa and Umma's teasings.
"It was fine~" I sang back.
"~~~ and Kwangmin sitting on a tree~" They sang altogether.
"Aigoo! It's not like that!" I whined, these people are teasing me overload.
"Change to comfortable clothes. Dinner's soon." Umma said.
I went upstairs and changed my clothes. I ate dinner with my family and the dinner was pretty much filled with nothing more than teasings. I had no escape from this family of mine, but it was really a cheerful dinner. I headed off to bed afterwards.
'Today is such a productive weekend.' I said to myself. Instead of me laying around and being lazy all day on a weekend, which I normally do, I spent the day out with Kwangmin. I was thankful. Thankful because Kwangmin was there to accompany me to my doctor today and even helped me remember some memories of us as we just walked around all day. I couldn't forget how he pulled me across the street earlier, Kwangmin is such a crazy guy but he is, as in no doubt, sweet. He opened doors for me as we went inside stores awhile ago. He even let me pay my own ice cream. Such a gentleman~ Yes, a man letting me pay on my own is a gentleman for me. Hahaha! He remembers every detail about me, even my favorite ice cream flavor. So rare for a guy. I also couldn't forget how his simple smile made my heart melt. From the minute I first saw him this afternoon and along the day. His charisma, his stunning smile, his unique actions; it all made my heart go dugeun dugeun~ I never thought a very very cold guy to me would be the sweetest guy ever. I know the cold stuff was just an act for my sake but even though. I wouldn't say I don't know why I'm still like this again but I think I already know the answer. Any girl would fall in love with Kwangmin, I did before right? And I know my parents won't stop teasing me but it seems that what they're saying is true.
I may be falling for Kwangmin… for the second time. If you know what I mean.
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D