Telling Her Everything

Once Upon A Memory

Your POV:
A few days passed and that was the last time I talked to Kwangmin. I tried to talk to him everyday. I sneaked on him, took a million glances at him, even followed him secretly wherever he goes. Realizing I might just disturb him, I gave up.
Today was a weekend and my family told me we needed to go somewhere, they didn't tell me where. I was too lazy to get up but they really persuaded me. We're on our way now to wherever we were headed. Maybe it was somewhere important that all of us needed to be there. Maybe a day out? Or Dad's work? Minwoo-oppa's? I don't know. As we went there the ride was really quiet, neither of us spoke up. All we heard was the radio on play.
"We're here~" my mom sang.
We all went out of the car and I saw the place.
"Why are we at the Jo residence?" I asked them, they didn't answer me.
Of all places I thought was important, here at Youngmin's house? Why do we have to go here with all of us coming? They rang the doorbell at their house and Mrs. Jo opened up. "Hello everyone!" She greeted then hugged us all. They led us to their living room and we sat on their sofa. "Why are we here?" I asked them. All of them smiled at me but didn't answer me. Are they mad at me? Did I do something? Why aren't they talking to me? I sighed. 
The twins came downstairs and greeted us afterwards. I greeted them both back.
"Is there a celebration?" I curiously asked all of them.
And again, I didn't get a reply. Why were they like this today? 
Kwangmin's POV:
After that, ~~~ didn't come around anymore. She didn't ask me about her dreams anymore. I gained enough courage first before D-Day. D-Day is the day we're telling her everything. Mom told us to gather everyone who knows about the accident so her family is coming. We told them to meet up this weekend and talk about it. They didn't hesitate and agreed over telling ~~~. I hope she'd accept what happened, although I already thought of what I would do if ever she doesn't. I tried to get myself prepared. Please let this be a good decision. 
Today is D-Day. Her parents called and said they were on their way here our house. '~~~ -ah, you'll know what's behind your weird dreams now okay? I hope you remember.' I said mentally. Her waiting is finally over. I hope she accepts. Although I was really nervous and worried things might not turn out the good way.
"Today's the day, Kwangmin," Youngmin told me.
"What if she doesn't accept?"
"She's the one who's been so curious. Once she knows everything, she just have to accept it."
"Don't worry okay?" He assured me. I nodded.
"Boys, they're here," Mom entered our room.
This is it Kwangmin. Do your best. You're finally going to tell her everything. As in everything. From the argument to the accident. Even if I don't tell her she's still remember right? So it's better if I say it personally. I hope she accepts me and her past and everything that happened. If she doesn't accept, don't throw a tantrum. It's normal. I let out one big heavy sigh before heading out.
"Good luck," Mom and Youngmin patted my back.
We went downstairs and sat on the couch too. I heard her asking if there was a celebration today. Nobody answered. I'm sure she's confused of what's happening right now. All of us were in the living room now. We were having this awkward silence around each other.
"So!" Youngmin changed the atmosphere.
"~~~ -ah, remember how you always asked about your weird dreams?" He started it.
"Of course, I think of it everyday," she nodded.
"Fighting!" Youngmin whispered to me.
"~~~ -ah," I called her. She looked up.
"The talk we had on the night of your birthday I…"
"Yeah, you were going through something so I understand," she cut me off.
"About the words I said…" I stated, she looked up, waiting for what's next.
"We're here to talk about your weird dream," said Youngmin.
She looked up with a smile on her face, "For real?"
"Maybe it's better if we leave them alone first," said Mom. 
~~~'s family, Mom, and Youngmin left the living room and kept themselves busy, leaving me and her.
"So what about my dream?" She asked. Okay Kwangmin, say it.
"~~~ -ah, don't you remember me?" I asked her, "~~~ -ah, bogoshipda."
Our eyes were meeting each other now, curiosity was in her eyes.
"If I'm not wrong, I may be the one in your dreams…" 
"What?" she said with a shocked expression. "How could that be?"
"You see… we were a couple before."
"Yes we were, you just forgot." I smiled at her.
"I forgot?"
"It was erased in your own memories."
"Why was it erased?"
"You got into an accident."
"Why did I get into an accident?"
We laughed at the same time, thinking that as I speak, she'd always ask something about it. "Let me explain all of it first, just listen to me okay?" I told her and she nodded.
"We were a couple before. It's already been a year since your accident. It was on the day of our second year together. I waited for that day, although sometimes I wish what happened on that day didn't happen anymore. It was because we had a huge argument and it didn't turn out so well. We were both hurt at that time, you were mostly, I guess. I was too stupid to let go of something so little. Instead of us celebrating our second anniversary, we were fighting. I said so many unpleasant words to you and that really made you cry a lot. You left me alone in my house that night and walked away. Up to now, I still don't know where you went that night. It was nearly late that time and I was starting to worry about you. I reflected on what I did and hoped to make things better so I texted you. 
Somehow I felt relieved knowing you were okay since you answered your phone. The talk was all good at first but all of a sudden the next thing I heard were screeching and crashing of cars. We were really scared. We didn't know what to do, or what happened to you, or where were you. Until someone called us from your phone.
"Hello? We saw that you were the last one this girl has talked to in her phone. Are you a relative of this girl?" A guy answered.
"Who are you?! What happened to her?!"
"Calm down, sir. This is Dr. Song. This girl is a patient here at Seoul Medical City. If you're her relative, please come over. She needs a guardian here right now."
We were panicking right now, "We'll be there."
We immediately drove to the hospital where you were confined. We sent texts to my family and Minwoo to come over too. We were very worried. We parked the car and ran all the way and looked for your doctor, Dr. Song. There, we saw you in the little window, lying on the bed. We all shed tears after seeing you in that state. I talked to Dr. Song and he told me everything.
"What happened?!" I asked the doctor while panicking.
"She was involved in a car accident earlier. Good thing the people who saw the incident sent her here immediately. The accident… it… It caused a lot of damage on her head. Right now, her condition is still 50/50. It's unstable, we still don't know if she'll survive or not." He answered and went back inside the ICU.
It was too much for me to handle that I dropped on my knees. All of us cried so hard, Mom, Youngmin, and Minwoo were crying too when they came over. "I'm sorry ~~~ -ah." I told everyone what happened. I thought your family was going to kick me out or spank me or something but they didn't. "What happened, happened Kwangmin. It's okay, no one wanted this," said your dad. It was already dawn, 4:30 in the morning, when Dr. Song came out of the emergency room you were in. None of us even bothered to sleep.
"How is she?" I immediately ran up to him. It took him a minute before answering and we got really scared. Scared that it might have a negative outcome.
"Her condition is stable now, she survived." Everyone felt a relief and cheered.
"A nurse would come here later, she'd tell you if it's okay to check on her."
We all shook hands with him and sat down with no more heavy feeling in our chests.
After a while a nurse came out and told us it was okay to check on you. We went inside and it pained me seeing you in that state. It pained me more thinking that you were in that state because of me. I really felt guilty. The sun came up and all of us didn't leave, we were having dark circles under our eyes. It took you hours before waking up. It was already afternoon when we heard you mumble.
"~~~ -ah, how are you feeling?" You didn't say anything.
"~~~ -ah?" We all waited for your answer.
"Why am I here?" You asked.
"You had an accident, but you're okay now." I answered.
I was happy that you were awake, although you gave me a very confused look.
"Why ~~~ -ah? What's wrong?" I asked you.
You didn't reply but instead you called your mom and said, "Umma, who is he?"
"~~~ -ah, don't you remember me?"
"It can't be… No way…"
"Sorry, I don't know you."
"~~~ -ah, bogoshipda."
I was really hurt that time. I did nothing but cry. I asked your doctor about what happened and there I knew I was erased in your memories. I don't know how or why it was me but then, it happened and there was nothing I could do. You slept again that time and Youngmin told me that the soon you woke up, you forgot everything again, even what happened when you first woke up. That explains why you don't remember me asking you. Feeling so guilty, I decided to stay away from you. I didn't want you to be in danger anymore. There, we both lived everyday, not as a couple anymore, but as strangers. I knew who you were but you didn't know who I was, not even an inch."
She listened attentively to my story the whole time and she really looked confused and shocked afterwards.
"So that's what happened?" She asked and I nodded.
I hope she accepts her past, I crossed my fingers with the thought.
"Are you telling the truth?" She asked and I nodded again, even holding up my right hand as an evidence of me swearing it was really true. Is she denying her past? I looked down.
"I'm sorry…" I heard her say.
"Shh, don't say sorry. I should be the–" she cut me off.
"I'm really sorry I forgot you." She started crying.
"It's not your fault, it's mine. I'm sorry I got you into that accident."
"A lot happened…" she stated, "Where did I go that night?" She asked.
"To be honest, until now I still don't know where you went. It depends on your memories if you'd remember."
"That scenario with me saying sorry and then next were the cars screeching? I had a dream about that," she told me.
"Dr. Song told me that your weird dreams are your lost memories. It means you'll remember." I said.
We went to the dining room where our family went. "So you know everything now?" They asked her and she nodded. "It's too many to take in but I hope my memories return so that I would know what really happened," she said.
"Since it's a weekend tomorrow, why don't we go to your hospital and talk to Dr. Song? He's the expert in this, he might help." I suggested to ~~~.
"Really? We can?" She asked cheerfully.
"Of course." I smiled at her.
"It's settled then," she told me.
"Thank you Kwangmin!" She said to me which made my heart go dugeun-dugeun.
● Sorry for the delay! So there's SOME parts of Kwangmin's story. If ~~~'s memories return, I'll be writing her side of story. Thank you so much for supporting Once Upon A Memory! ♥ And have you watched On&On MV? Kyahh, they're so freaking cuuute!
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D