Cold but Soft

Once Upon A Memory


Kwangmin's POV:
Since that day, I've never felt so happy. But at the same time... Since that day, I've never felt as heartbroken. It was the best and worst day of my entire life. A day so unforgettable. A day I wish would happen but at the same time I wish it didn't even happen at all. Yes, it's confusing. I was once hers. She was once mine. A story with a little twist of kind. My name is Kwangmin and I'll tell you my side of story. I'll tell you what happened... once upon a memory.
Let's start with chapter one...
It was just another horrible day. I had nightmares again. Scary freaking nightmares.
"Hey sleepyhead, wake up!" I heard my brother, Youngmin, who was already dressed and ready for school. I was still in bed, too lazy to get up. My life was boring. It was boring since that day. I felt like my worth wasn't even good enough to live this life anymore. My life before was so much happier than this present. Oh how I wish I could go back in time.
"Kwangmin, she'll be there today," said Youngmin. What? Did he mean ~~~? "Don't freaking lie." I gave him a glare. It wasn't right for him to joke around about that matter. "It's not a lie. I'm serious," he said with a straight face, "I'll go to school, bye." He left me. Was it true? I hurriedly rush and took a shower. I dressed up. I skipped my breakfast, as always. Hope started to run in my veins. I hope it is her.
I was already late when I arrived to school. I ran to our classroom, my teacher will be mad at me again. The class was starting when I interrupted, "Seonsaengnim, good morning!" Everyone's eyes looked at me. "Mr. Jo, late again? Do you really want to have DETENTION?" Oh-oh. "Ehehehe, jwesonghamnida. I won't do it again," I smiled at my teacher. "You always do it. Anyway, go to your seat." Oh yes! He let me pass this time! "Yes sir."
As I was going to my seat, I tried looking for her face in the classroom. I felt disappointed. I was about to sit when my teacher said something. "And Mr. Jo, please say hi to your new classmate." I hoped again. Hoping it was her. "New one?" "Ms. ~~~, please stand up." Shoot! He said her name. He really did. I looked to who was going to stand up.
And there she was, my princess. The love of my life. She was standing a few tables and chairs away from me. She was sitting with Youngmin. I was staring at her the whole time. I miss her so much. It was really her. I felt light headed when I saw her. It's like all my problems faded and had gone away. Oh, how much I wanted to run to her and hug her and give her kisses but I know I couldn't. "Kwangmin, by the time you see her again, you can't just go to her with feelings. You shouldn't show emotions and feelings to her. She might fall all over again and who knows, maybe what happened might happen again," I remember Youngmin and my family telling me that. I don't want that to happen again, of course. I shrugged my thoughts and looked away. 'I'm sorry, ~~~ -ah...'
"Jo Kwangmin, imnida."
"~~~." She spoke up. I missed hearing that voice. The voice which was the cause of my nightmares, but that's the best voice I've ever heard and I'll always love hearing that voice. We both sat down and our teacher moved on with the lesson. I looked down. I glanced at her, she was talking to Youngmin. I envy him. He gets to be with her while I don't. But I think it's better this way. I don't want to hurt her again. I thought deep, so deep that I couldn't even pay attention to the lesson anymore.
"Try being cold towards her whenever you see her. In order for her not to have feelings for you," Youngmin told me before. He was advising on what I should do when I encounter ~~~ again. "That's hard. I always had a soft side with her," I answered him. "What do you want in the future Kwangmin? For her to remember you? Or for her to forget you?" The doctor who was taking care of her asked me. Of course, I wanted her to remember me. But I don't want her to be hurt again, because of me.
For now, I'll be cold to her. I'll do anything for her to hate me. I'll do anything for my love. Just for the stop of the heartbreaks I gave to her. This might just be a temporary decision, but for her, I'll do it. For now.
The bell rang and it was recess time. I saw ~~~ and Youngmin go to the cafeteria together. This broke my heart. I know it was for her good but it still hurts. They look like the couple now, I can't even bear the thought of someone else having my girl. Or so, the girl who was once mine. I lost it, I wasn't in the mood anymore. I went to the cafeteria too. I waited in line. There were so many people that my shoulder always get bumped. I was really pissed off. An unfortunate happening came.
Someone bumped me, not only that, but the food which was on the tray of person who bumped me, was now all over my uniform. Now what?!
"AISH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" I suddenly flared up. I was okay with the bumps but this?! Ugh! What a day for me! This .
With all the anger inside me, my body moved on its own. I grabbed the collar of the person who bumped me. "I won't let this pass! Get me some new clothes!" The person looked up. I wasn't happy with what I saw. This is bad. It was her. How could I do this?! I'm so stupid!
"Yah, Kwangmin-ah!" Youngmin took her away from my hands. Now ~~~'s gonna think that I'm scary! Aish! Pabo Kwangmin! "..this is too much. Get my extra clothes in my bag. No need to hurt ~~~." Youngmin said. Ouch. I feel broken. I was supposed to be the one doing that. I really regret this freaking happening! I wanna strike myself and.. unf! I was really angry. I hate this! "Jeongmal nan shireo!" I yelled.
I walked away. Far away from them, I realized I was facing her when I did that. Shoot, why?! That was supposed to be for Youngmin! Now she'll think I hate her. It's Youngmin who I hate. I hate that he gets to be with ~~~. I hate that ~~~ remembers him and not me. I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I'm so frustrated! I was crying now. My tears were filled with sadness and anger. I went to Youngmin's bag and took the extra clothes he had then I went to the changing room. I looked at my stupid self in the mirror. I was crying. So stupid. I let it all out. This just wasn't my day. It took a while for me to calm down. What I did was remember my happy memories with ~~~. I stopped crying. I took my wallet and looked at the picture I have there. A picture I have with me and ~~~ in it. I smiled and tried to forgot the problems I had this time.
I changed my clothes and washed my face then headed back to the classroom. I went to where my friends were. After a while, she came back. I was staring at her. 'Sorry ~~~. I love you so much. I was just pissed. I'm sorry,' I thought to myself. I went to where she was. I had the courage to approach her. "Hi princess! Sorry for what I did a while ago. I didn't mean it. I was just having a bad day. I regret doing that, really. I'm really sorry. Forgive me, please? I love you." Those words were what I wanted to say but I only managed to say, "Yah."
She stood up from her seat. She faced me. I had no idea what she was about to do. But then, she bowed a lot of times saying "Mianhae, mianhae, mianhae," repeatedly. Aish this girl. I was the one at fault but she's the one saying sorry. "Next time, watch where you're going. Arasso?" I told her, assuring it was okay. "De, I promise! I won't it again," she bowed again. She's so freaking cute. I wanna pinch her cheeks. "Tsch, you never change." I smiled at the thought that she's still the same girl I loved. The girl she was before, the girl she is now, is one. "Eh?" "Nothing."
Youngmin went to us, "Why don't you try to be friends?" He took my hand and ~~~'s hand and told us to shake hands. We both did. I was happy I got to touch her hand again. She even smiled at me when she held my hand. "See, isn't this better? Than yelling at ~~~, right Kwangmin?" This Youngmin has something on his mind. I can feel it. I was so happy. I felt like I was gonna heat up and sweat so I decided to go back to my seat. "I'll go back to my seat." I left them. I sat down my seat and I can feel I was blushing. 'I hate you, Youngmin. But thank you.' I said to myself.
After some sessions, it was a day. School was done. I saw them together again when I walked out of the classroom. It hurts but I just thought that maybe it was better if it was like this. They went somewhere and they both rode on Youngmin's motor. I was jealous now, but I just put in mind when I still had ~~~ riding on my back whenever we'll go out. Those times were so long ago but they still make me smile. I got my motor and headed home.
I greeted my mom happily as soon as I opened the door. "Oh, I see my son smiling. Did something happen today?" she asked. A lot has happened but it's crazy that I'm still smiling. "Mom, I saw her today," I told her, smiling. "Aigoo, I knew it. I'm happy for you, Kwangmin," she patted my head. "Where is your brother?" I answered, "They're together." I pouted in front of my mom. Of course, I was still jealous. "Aww, they're just friends, son. Don't worry," she assured me. I'm happy I have my mom whenever I have times like this. We talked a little then ate dinner.
We were eating dinner when Youngmin came home. "Where have you been, young man?" Mom asked him.
"I just went out with ~~~."
"Where is she now?" I asked, missing her.
He joined us for dinner. "What a day, huh Kwangmin?" he teased me. "Actually, I never thought I'd see her again. I was really happy," I told them. We talked about what happened today and then I headed off to bed. "I miss you, ~~~. Good night, my princess. I love you," I kissed the picture that was in my wallet then dozed off.
● Long update! The next chapters will talk about Kwangmin's side. I want you guys to know what happened too when people will tell ~~~ about what happened. I'm watching their Hello Baby right now, hihihi! they're so cute! and the babies, unfsgsjdla! Who watches Boyfriend's Hello Baby here? Boyfriend's rankings are getting higher and higher too! So proud of them, really. <3 Well then, yeah. Read, comment, subscribe! Iloveyou readers~ <333 44 subbies! Yayyy! XOXO~ ♥
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D