Shopping with Youngmin

Once Upon A Memory

You and Youngmin went shopping together. You were so lazy to go out but were forced by Youngmin to come. On the other hand, Youngmin was enjoying. 

"~~~ -ah try this!"
"This is nice!"
"It's perfect for you."
It's like Youngmin always pulled out clothes from different stores, until he had an armful of outfits. He'll go to you and tell you try it on.
"Yah, try these all on."
"What? It's so many!"
"Please? Birthday princess?"
"No, it's my birthday today. You must do what I want."
"Accept this as my birthday gift."
"No way."
"No way."
"I'll buy you ice cream after."
You thought hard because your forceful bestfriend gave you an offer. And it's related with, of course your favorite, food.
"Hmm. Okay deal."
"Yoohoo! Thanks, let's go!" Youngmin pushed you to the fitting room and gave you the outfits.
"Yah, I'll wait for you here."
"Aish, for a guy, you really like shopping."
You tried on the clothes. After each try, Youngmin checks whether if it's fits you or not. You tried on a lot of clothes. You went out with the last outfit and complained. "Yah, I'm tired already. Let's stop this."
Youngmin was completely blank. He was looking at you with big eyes and with his jaw dropping.
"YAH, did you hear me?"
"~~ - ~ -~~~ -ah..."
Until out of the blue, he shouted...
You laughed at him, "Yah, are you gay? can we go now? I want ice cream already." you pouted.
"Eeeeeh! Cute! Alright, let's go I'll pay for this."
"What? No, I'll pay."
"NO WAY! Let's both pay."
"Aniiiiii. I'll pay."
"Sshh, if you pay I won't buy you ice cream."
He put his index finger on your mouth. You kept quiet and had no choice but to let Youngmin pay.
"Now let's go search for nice shoes!" Youngmin suggested. "Okay, good! I want to buy new Vans~" you grabbed Youngmin's hand and went out of the store. "No, silly~ we'll buy you sandals or heels!"
You let go of Youngmin's hand in shock. "WHAT?"
"We'll buy you sandals. Not Vans."
"Eh, I don't want!"
"Yah, take it as my birthday gift!"
"I already took the dress as your birthday gift!"
"Pleaseee? Take everything I buy you today as my birthday gift. Jebaaaal!"
"No way."
You started walking away from him. He catched up to you. 
"Yah, if you allow me I'll buy you Vans too." Youngmin gave you a promo. But you still didn't accept.
"Ani, I can buy Vans shoes my self."
"..And you told me we're gonna buy ice cream!" you reminded him.
"We will. After I buy you stuff." he winked at you.
"Argh, I hate you."
"No, you don't. Come onnn. Pleaseee? Jebal?" he pinched your nose.
"Ouch! Ara-arasso!"
You and Youngmin took a walk to the shoes store.
"Yah, there's nothing nice here." You looked around and wasn't pleased with the girly shoes around you.
"There is!"
You were tired and decided to sit on a chair not wanting to look around anymore. 
"what's this? Why are you 
sitting down?" Youngmin asked you.
"Just tell me if you found something nice." you told him lazily.
"Aishhh. Arasso. Wait there then."
Youngmin looked around the store and searched for sandals/heels he could get for you.
*Aigoo, this Youngmin. What time will we go home? I'm so tired.* you pouted.
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Chapter 35: =O wow! Thank you for update.
sazuka #2
Chapter 35: kwangmin you pabo ya!~
please update soon :D
Chapter 34: OTP OTP! lol love it~ please update soon. XD
CuteyDuckey21 #4
Chapter 34: So.. sweet... >o<
Chapter 34: so precious TToTT will wait for your update! c:
Chapter 34: It's good and perfect for me. I really like your story if you can't update for so long don't worry because I'll be waiting ;) thanks for writing.
Chapter 33: Update soon. This chapter was short =( i'll wait for the next one ;)
JoESeun #8
Chapter 32: I love your story!! Please update soon =D